+ LaTeX template: Improve template readability
Use `hidelinks` option for hyperref, which has the same effect as `pdfborder={0 0 0}`,
but its purpose is clearer. Use a simpler conditional for Polyglossia/Babel. Format
comments more consistently.
+ Update tests
+ Remove hyperref breaklinks option. According to the documentation, hyperref
sets this automatically as appropriate to the driver.
Runs tectonic on STDIN instead of a temporary .tex file, so that it
looks in the working directory for `\include` and `\input` like the rest
of the engines.
Allows overriding the output directory without messing up the args
with `--pdf-engine-opt=--outdir --pdf-engine-opt="$DIR"`.
In pandoc 2.7 we assumed that every class with chapters would
accept `\frontmatter`, `\mainmatter`, and `\backmatter`.
This is not so (e.g. report does not). So pandoc 2.7
breaks on report class by including an unsupported command.
So we replace the book-class variable in the template with
two variables, has-chapters and has-frontmatter, and set
these intelligently in the writer.
The file `init.lua` in pandoc's data directory is run as part of
pandoc's Lua initialization process. Previously, the `pandoc` module was
loaded in `init.lua`, and the structure for marshaling was set-up after.
This allowed simple patching of element marshaling, but made using
`init.lua` more difficult:
- it encouraged mixing essential initialization with user-defined
- upstream changes to init.lua had to be merged manually;
- accidentally breaking marshaling by removing required modules was
Instead, all required modules are now loaded before calling `init.lua`.
The file can be used entirely for user customization. Patching
marshaling functions, while discouraged, is still possible via the
`debug` module.
All Lua modules bundled with pandoc, i.e., `pandoc.List`,
`pandoc.mediabag`, `pandoc.utils`, and `text` are re-exported from the
`pandoc` module. They are assigned to the fields `List`, `mediabag`,
`utils`, and `text`, respectively.
Quite a few modules were missing copyright notices.
This commit adds copyright notices everywhere via haddock module
headers. The old license boilerplate comment is redundant with this and has
been removed.
Update copyright years to 2019.
Otherwise we get an error when trying to compile code
with lua or assembler code.
To change the default dialect (currenty 5.3 for lua
and x86masm for assembler), you can use `--include-in-header`
to inject something like
The `\institute` command is only standard in the Beamer class.
Use a conditional to restrict this to Beamer output rather than
output an empty command. To add this information to a LaTeX
class providing an `\institute` command, use `header-includes`.
Use the [`footnotehyper`](https://ctan.org/pkg/footnotehyper/) package if available.
This is a rewrite of `footnote` that is compatible with `hyperref` and `babel-frenchb`.
This patch also addresses the incompatibility with `xcolor` noted in #4861, but the
new package has only been available since 2016, so this template still loads `xcolor`
earlier for compatibility with older distributions. Note that the `footnote` package
is part of `collection-latexrecommended` in TeX Live, so there shouldn't be any
problem loading it unconditionally as we now do if `footnotehyper` is not available.
Ensure that `\part` and `\chapter` are only numbered if `numbersections` is set. To return to the previous behaviour, use `-V numbersections -V secnumdepth=0`.
Notes on secnumdepth:
1 = Number `\section`
0 = Number `\chapter`
-1 = Number `\part`
-2 = No numbering
Incorrect types to pandoc element constructors are automatically
converted to the correct types when possible. This was already done for
most constructors, but conversions are now also done for nested
types (like lists of lists).
Simplify the approach of #5212, ensuring that `mainfont` is used as the base font for scaling and that LuaLaTeX does not display the mono font with TeX ligatures (as it does not use the `Mapping=tex-ansi` option).
With a modified version of `\defaultfontfeatures`, fontspec will continue to report scaling against the old default font in the log, but it nonetheless displays main font at the specified size. Using this rather than setting `Scale=MatchLowercase` for each family individually means that users will not lose scaling when upgrading to the new template if they were using other font options. Scaling can be disabled for an individual family by adding the option `Scale=1` to `sansfontoptions`, `monofontoptions`, etc.
Remove the `\setromanfont` command added in #4665, as this is not documented in the fontspec manual and appears to be a deprecated alias for `\setmainfont`.
For the release notes, I should also add that one can imitate the previous appearance with `-V mainfontoptions="Scale=MatchLowercase"`.
Addresses closed issues #4675, #3896, #1327.
This renders `\subtitle` using the `etoolbox` package if `\subtitle` is not already
defined by the documentclass (as it is in beamer, KOMA, memoir classes).
Based on an example from Enrico Gregorio, <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/50186>.
Update list of LaTeX packages.
Note that `etoolbox` must be loaded outside the command definition.
Putting it inside causes an error if `\title` is placed after `\begin{document}`.
It's already loaded on LuaLaTeX/XeLaTeX in any case.
When `Scale=MatchLowercase` is set as a default font option, this scales `mainfont` against the old default, meaning that it resizes whatever is set as the main font to match the metrics of Latin Modern. This can result, for example, in a document set to 12pt appearing in 11pt or 13pt. Setting this option for individual families allows everything to scale against the main font, and permits the user to override the setting if desired. Note that it is not necessary to specify `Ligatures=TeX`, as this is already set by default for the appropriate families. See the `fontspec` manual: <https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec>.
Those who specify font-options in metadata may need to add `Scale=MatchLowercase`, which will now only be provided if `(roman|sans|math|mono)fontoptions` aren't given explicitly.
* Use Babel for LuaTeX. There are a number of bugs in Polyglossia under LuaLaTeX with common languages, e.g. <https://github.com/reutenauer/polyglossia/issues/182>.
* Load xcolor. The `xcolor` package must be loaded before the `footnote` package, which we load to fix foonotes in tables. Closes#4861.
* Load xurl if available. This breaks URLs in more locations. Only available with TeX Live 2018 and later.
* Remove obsolete fixltx2e package
* Reindent. Use two spaces to be consistent internally and with other templates.
* Use `bookmark` if available. The `bookmark` package can sometimes correct the levels of headings where `hyperref` cannot: see <https://komascript.de/release3.26>.
* Update LaTeX tests
* Add 'landmarks' id attribute to the landmarks nav.
* Replace old default CSS removing numbers from ol.toc li
with new rules that match `nav#toc ol, nav#landmarks ol`.
* We keep the `toc` class on `ol` for backwards compatibility.
Equality of Lua objects representing pandoc AST elements is tested by
unmarshalling the objects and comparing the result in Haskell. A new
function `equals` which performs this test has been added to the
`pandoc.utils` module.
Closes: #5092
The underline style is now deprecated.
Previously `--atx-headers` would enable the single-line
style; now the single-line style is always used.
This makes it possible to iterate over all field names of an AST element
by using a generic `for` loop with `pairs`:
for field_name, field_content in pairs(element) do
Raw table fields of AST elements should be considered an implementation
detail and might change in the future. Accessing element properties
should always happen through the fields listed in the Lua filter docs.
Note that the iterator currently excludes the `t`/`tag` field.