Previously it was assumed that the system would have `/bin/false`
and `/bin/sed`, and these tests were skipped otherwise.
On MacOS, these utilities are located in `/usr/bin`.
Fixed by just using `sed` and `false` -- these should always be
in the path. Removed the "skipping" behavior, replaced with a
check for Windows. On Windowns, we use `echo` and `cd`, which
should always exist.
Not yet checked on Windows.
Removed `--latexmathml`, `--gladtex`, `--mimetex`, `--jsmath`, `-m`,
`--asciimathml` options.
Removed `JsMath`, `LaTeXMathML`, and `GladTeX` constructors from
`Text.Pandoc.Options.HTMLMathMethod` [API change].
Removed unneeded data file LaTeXMathML.js and updated tests.
Bumped version to 2.2.
* Markdown writer now includes a blank line at the end
of the row in a single-row multiline table, to prevent it from being
interpreted as a simple table. Closes#4578.
* Markdown reader does a better job computing the relative width of
the last column in a multiline table, so we can round-trip tables
without constantly shrinking the last column.
Previously we used an odd mix of 3- and 4-space indentation.
Now we use 3-space indentation, except for ordered lists,
where indentation must depend on the width of the list marker.
* Use `\f[R]` rather than `\f[]` to reset. The latter
returns to the previous font, which gives unintended
results in some cases.
* Use `\f[BI]` and `\f[CB]` in headers, instead of `\f[I]` and `\f[C]`,
since the header font is automatically bold.
* Use `\f[CB]` rather than `\f[BC]` for monospace bold.
HorizontalRule corresponds to <hr> element in the default output
format, HTML. Current HTML standard defines <hr> element as
"paragraph-level thematic break". In typography it is often
represented by extra space or centered asterism ("⁂"), but since
FB2 does not support text centering, empty line (similar to extra space)
is the only solution.
Line breaks, on the other hand, don't generate <empty-line />
anymore. Previously line breaks generated <empty-line /> element
inside paragraph, which is not allowed. So, this commit addresses
issue #2424 ("FB2 produced by pandoc doesn't validate").
FB2 does not have a way to represent line breaks inside paragraphs.
They are replaced with LF character, which is not rendered by
FB2 readers, but at least preserves some information.