Users of s5 and slideous will have to download the needed
files, as has been documented for some time in the README.
slidy files will be sought on the web, as before.
Going forward we'll use pandoc-citeproc, as an external filter.
The `--bibliography`, `--csl`, and `--citation-abbreviation` fields
have been removed. Instead one must include `bibliography`, `csl`,
or `csl-abbrevs` fields in the document's YAML metadata. The filter
can then be used as follows:
pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc
The `Text.Pandoc.Biblio` module has been removed. Henceforth,
`Text.CSL.Pandoc` from pandoc-citations can be used by library users.
The Markdown and LaTeX readers now longer format bibliographies and
citations. That must be done using `processCites` or `processCites'`
from Text.CSL.Pandoc.
All bibliography-related fields have been removed from `ReaderOptions`
and `WriterOptions`: `writerBiblioFiles`, `readerReferences`,
API change.
Now the `title`, `section`, `header`, and `footer` can all be set
individually in metadata. The `description` variable has been
Quotes have been added so that spaces are allowed in the title.
If you have a title that begins
COMMAND(1) footer here | header here
pandoc will parse it as before into a title, section, header, and
footer. But you can also specify these elements explicitly.
* Depend on pandoc 1.12.
* Added yaml dependency.
* `Text.Pandoc.XML`: Removed `stripTags`. (API change.)
* `Text.Pandoc.Shared`: Added `metaToJSON`.
This will be used in writers to create a JSON object for use
in the templates from the pandoc metadata.
* Revised readers and writers to use the new Meta type.
* `Text.Pandoc.Options`: Added `Ext_yaml_title_block`.
* Markdown reader: Added support for YAML metadata block.
Note that it must come at the beginning of the document.
* `Text.Pandoc.Parsing.ParserState`: Replace `stateTitle`,
`stateAuthors`, `stateDate` with `stateMeta`.
* RST reader: Improved metadata.
Treat initial field list as metadata when standalone specified.
Previously ALL fields "title", "author", "date" in field lists
were treated as metadata, even if not at the beginning.
Use `subtitle` metadata field for subtitle.
* `Text.Pandoc.Templates`: Export `renderTemplate'` that takes a string
instead of a compiled template..
* OPML template: Use 'for' loop for authors.
* Org template: '#+TITLE:' is inserted before the title.
Previously the writer did this.
pandoc -t data/sample.lua
will load the script sample.lua and use it as a custom writer.
data/sample.lua is provided as an example.
Added `--print-custom-lua-writer` option to print the sample
Support unordered and ordered lists with "fragment" elements.
Modified by JGM to remove the --reveal_js-url command-line option.
Instead use -V reveal_js-url=... as with slidy and the other slide
formats. Also cleaned up the list code in the HTML writer.
The template redefines `\includegraphics` to give special treatment
for too-wide images. But this causes problems for literal uses
of `\includegraphics`. This change allows authors to use
`\Oldincludegraphics`, as in the latex template.
* The TOC is included in `<spine>`, but `linear` is set
to `no` unless the `--toc` option is specified.
* Include `<guide>` element in OPF.
* This should allow the TOC to be useable in Kindles when
converted with kindlegen.
* Results validate with epubcheck 3.0 for both epub and epub3
* Closes#773.
FootnoteReference -> FootnoteRef.
Hyperlink -> Link.
Why? Because the old names got changed by Word when the
reference.docx was edited. I don't understand why, but this
fixes things.
* RTF writer: Export writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages instead of
* Text.Pandoc: Use writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages for RTF.
* Moved code for embedding images in RTF out of pandoc.hs.
The previous default was to use `<q>` tags in HTML5.
But `<q>` tags are also valid HTML4, and they are not very
robust in HTML5. Some user agents don't support them,
and some CSS resets prevent pandoc's quotes CSS from working
properly (e.g. bootstrap). It seems a better default just
to insert quote characters, but the option is provided for
those who have gotten used to using `<q>` tags.