Following styles are set as custom:
* Author
* Abstract
* Compact
* Image Caption
* Table Caption
* Definition Term
* Definition
* First Paragraph
Following styles are renamed to correspond with Word Normal.dotm
* Block Quote -> Block Text
* Link -> Hyperlink
* Footnote Ref -> Footnote Reference
Following styles added:
* Caption
Following styles' inheritance changed:
* Image Caption <- Caption
* Table Caption <- Caption
Word uses, by default, footnotes with id -1 and 0 for separators. If a
user modifies reference.docx, they will end up with a settings.xml file
that references these footnotes, but no such footnotes in the
document. This will produce a corruption error. Here we add these to the
document and settings.xml file, so future modifications won't break the file.
Since blockquote derives from BodyText, we just want to specify by
default that it won't indent, regardless of what BodyText does. Note
that this will not produce any visible difference in the default
Otherwise Word ignores the style, even when specified in the pPr element.
I believe this should help with issue #901. You should now get
'FootnoteText' as the style of the footnote. You'll have to adjust
the style yourself; it's currently just the same as Normal.
FootnoteReference -> FootnoteRef.
Hyperlink -> Link.
Why? Because the old names got changed by Word when the
reference.docx was edited. I don't understand why, but this
fixes things.
This seems to help LibreOffice convert the file, even though
it was valid docx before.
Note that the references in notes must be in
word/_rels/footnotes.xml.rel. We handle this now by simply
making that file contain all the references in
word/_rels/document.xml.rel. Something better could be done
eventually, but this works.