- With epub extensions, check for epub:type in addition to type.
- Fix problem with noteref parsing which caused block-level
content to be eaten with the noteref.
- Rename pAnyTag to pAny.
- Refactor note resolution.
Move up the pattern match to be reachable, closes#5517.
Previously `file:/` URLs were handled wrongly and pandoc attempted
to make HTTP requests, which failed.
add `onlySimpleTableCells` to `Text.Pandoc.Shared`
[API change]
This fixes an inconsistency in the HTML reader, which did not treat tables with `<p>` inside cells as simple.
Previously if labels had integer names, it could produce a conflict
with auto-labeled reference links. Now we test for a conflict and find
the next available integer.
Note that this involves adding a new state variable `stPrevRefs` to
keep track of refs used in other document parts when using
This makes use of tasty-lua, a package to write tests in Lua
and integrate the results into Tasty output. Test output becomes
more informative: individual tests and test groups become visible
in test output. Failures are reported with helpful error messages.
"Best Practice: When footnotes are grouped at the end of an article,
wrap them in a `<fn-group>` and use an `<xref>` element in the text, as
usual, to tie each footnote in the list to a particular location in the
Planning info is now always placed before the subtree contents.
Previously, the planning info was placed after the content if the
header's subtree was converted to a list, which happens with headers of
level 3 and higher per default.
Fixes: #5494
Emacs always uses two spaces when indenting the content of src blocks,
e.g., when exiting a `C-c '` edit-buffer. Pandoc used to indent contents
by the space-equivalent of one tab, but now always uses two spaces, too.
Closes: #5440
The `system` Lua module provides utility functions to interact with the
operating- and file system. E.g.
pandoc.system.with_temporary_directory('tikz', function (dir)
-- write and compile a TikZ file with pdflatex
iOS chooses to render a number of Unicode entities,
including '↩', as big colorful emoji. This can be
defeated by appending Unicode
So we now append this character when escaping
strings, for both '↩' and '↔'.
If other characters prove problematic, they can
simply be added to needsVariationSelector.
1) Don't append `.html`
2) Add `wikilink` title
This mirrors behavior of other wiki readers. Generally the
`.html` extension is not wanted. It may be important for
output to HTML in certain circumstances, but it can always
be added using a filter that matches on links with title
Note that if you have a workflow that uses pandoc to convert
vimwiki to readable HTML pages, you may need to add such a
filter to reproduce current behavior.
Here is a filter that does the job:
function Link(el)
if el.title == 'wikilink' then
el.target = el.target .. ".html"
return el
Save this as `fixlinks.lua` and use with `--lua-filter fixlinks.lua`.
The previous built-in reference doc had only title and content
layouts. Add in a section-header slide and a two-content slide, so
users can more easily modify it to build their own templates.
Golden files needed to be regenerated. Checked on MS PowerPoint 2013.
Improve the workaround for #1658, adapting a solution by @u-fischer in
<https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/131> that works whether or not
the `indent` variable is enabled.
Remove `subparagraph` variable in LaTeX template. The default is now
to use run-in style for level 4 and 5 headings (`\paragraph` and `\subparagraph`).
To get the previous default behavior (where these were formatted as blocks,
like `\subsubsection`), set the `block-headings` variable.
An example is given in the manual of reformatting the appearance of headings
more thoroughly using KOMA-Script.
The HTML writer adds the `data-` prefix for HTML5
for nonstandard attributes. But the attributes are
represented in the AST without the `data-` prefix,
so we should strip this when reading HTML.
* LaTeX template: Group graphics-related code
The default figure placement was added in <f3ab4bc2b9>; there does not appear to have been a reason for placing it at the end of the preamble.
* Update tests
This fixes a bug wherein footnotes appeared in the wrong
order, and with duplicate numbers, when in table captions
and cells.
We now use regular `\footnote` commands, even in the table
caption and the minipages containing cells. Apparently
longtable knows how to handle this.