Word uses, by default, footnotes with id -1 and 0 for separators. If a
user modifies reference.docx, they will end up with a settings.xml file
that references these footnotes, but no such footnotes in the
document. This will produce a corruption error. Here we add these to the
document and settings.xml file, so future modifications won't break the file.
Since blockquote derives from BodyText, we just want to specify by
default that it won't indent, regardless of what BodyText does. Note
that this will not produce any visible difference in the default
Currently, pandoc has hard-coded the following in order to make tight lists in
text "\\itemsep1pt\\parskip0pt\\parsep0pt"
Which is fine, but does not allow customizations. For example, the `memoir`
class already has a `\tightlist` declaration for this purpose:
I'm proposing to use a similar solution:
@@ In Writers/LaTeX.hs:
-then text "\\itemsep1pt\\parskip0pt\\parsep0pt"
+then text "\\tightlist"
@@ In templates/default.latex:
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt}}
This allows us to customize the tightness to our needs.
Backward Compatibility
If a person is using a custom LaTeX template (not based upon the `memoir`
class), the `\tightlist` declaration must be added.
Previously we just expected 'title', 'subtitle', 'author', 'date'.
Now we still support those, but also support the format recommended
for epub metadata in the pandoc README:
- type: main
text: My Book
- type: subtitle
text: An investigation of metadata
- role: author
text: John Smith
- role: editor
text: Sarah Jones
- scheme: DOI
text: doi:10.234234.234/33
publisher: My Press
rights: (c) 2007 John Smith, CC BY-NC
These can be set to get `\listoftables` and `\listoffigures`.
At this point we won't add a command line argument, because
this only affects one writer. But the variables can be set
at the command line with
-Vlof -Vlot
or in YAML metadata.
The use of `nodeValue` on `Attr` objects causes a deprecation warning in
Firefox since version 7. This patch causes calls to `value` instead of
`nodeValue` for all `Attr` objects.
This closes#362.