Note that although smart punctuation is part of the textile
spec, it's not always wanted when converting from textile
to, say, Markdown. So it seems better to make this an option.
- Added comment stating that the page is autogenerated by
pandoc, giving version.
- Added `adjusting` and `hyphenate` variables.
- Documented new variables.
@cinaeco as the pandoc-citeproc man page describes, the current
behavior if no style is specified is to look in
`~/.csl/chicago-author-date.csl`, and if nothing is found there,
to use a default version of chicago-author-date.csl.
You may want to open a separate issue on jgm/pandoc-citeproc
suggesting the use of `default.csl` rather than
`chicago-author-date.csl`. I agree that this would make sense.
+ Removed `--man1`, `--man5` options (breaking change).
+ Removed `Text.Pandoc.ManPages` module (breaking API change).
+ Version bump to 1.15 because of the breaking changes, even
though they involve features that have only been in pandoc
for a day.
+ Makefile target for `man/man1/pandoc.1`. This uses pandoc to
create the man page from README using a custom template and filters.
+ Added `man/` directory with template and filters needed to build
man page.
+ We no longer have two man pages: pandoc.1 and pandoc_markdown.5.
Now there is just pandoc.1, which has all the content from README.
This change was needed because of the extensive cross-references
between parts of the README.
+ Removed old `data/pandoc.1.template` and
This change adds `--man1` and `--man5` options to pandoc, so
pandoc can generate its own man pages.
It removes the old overly complex method of building a separate
executable (but not installing it) just to create the man pages.
The man pages are no longer automatically created in the build
The man/ directory has been removed. The man page templates
have been moved to data/.
New unexported module: Text.Pandoc.ManPages.
Text.Pandoc.Data now exports readmeFile, and `readDataFile`
knows how to find README.
Added `stateHeaderKeys` to `ParserState`; this is a `KeyTable`
like `stateKeys`, but it only gets consulted if we don't find
a match in `stateKeys`, and if `Ext_implicit_header_references`
is enabled.