* Removed getWarnings, withWarningsToStderr
* Added report
* Added logOutput to PandocMonad
* Make logOutput streaming in PandocIO monad
* Properly reverse getLog output
* Replaced use of trace with report DEBUG.
TWiki Reader: Put everything inside PandocMonad m.
API changes.
API changes: Text.Pandoc.Options:
* Added Verbosity.
* Added writerVerbosity.
* Added readerVerbosity.
* Removed writerVerbose.
* Removed readerTrace.
pandoc CLI: The `--trace` option sets verbosity to DEBUG;
the `--quiet` option sets it to ERROR, and the `--verbose`
option sets it to INFO. The default is WARNING.
Instead, just temporarily remove notes when generating
TOC lists in HTML and Markdown (as we already did in LaTeX).
Also export deNote from Text.Pandoc.Shared.
API change in Shared and Options.WriterOptions.
Now you will need to do
-f markdown+smart
instead of
-f markdown --smart
This change opens the way for writers, in addition to readers,
to be sensitive to +smart, but this change hasn't yet been made.
API change. Command-line option change.
Updated manual.
The type is implemented in terms of an underlying bitset
which should be more efficient.
API change: from Text.Pandoc.Extensions export Extensions,
emptyExtensions, extensionsFromList, enableExtension, disableExtension,
* Removed normalize, normalizeInlines, normalizeBlocks
from Text.Pandoc.Shared. These shouldn't now be necessary,
since normalization is handled automatically by the Builder
monoid instance.
* Remove `--normalize` command-line option.
* Don't use normalize in tests.
* A few revisions to readers so they work well without normalize.
* Text.Pandoc.Options.WriterOptions: removed writerReferenceDocx
and writerReferenceODT, replaced them with writerReferenceDoc.
This can hold either an ODT or a Docx. In this way, writerReferenceDoc
is like writerTemplate, which can hold templates of different
formats. [API change]
* Removed `--reference-docx` and `--reference-odt` options.
* Added `--reference-doc` option.
Signature of pipeProcess has changed: the return value is
now IO (ExitCode, ByteString) -- with only stdout. Stderr
is just inherited from the parent.
This means that stderr from filters will now be streamed
as the filters are run.
* Removed handleIncludes from LaTeX reader [API change].
* Now the ordinary LaTeX reader handles includes in a way
that is appropriate to the monad it is run in.
We had primed versions of all the Writer types and getWriter
functions, as we transitioned. Now that we're using the new ones
exclusively, we'll get rid of the old ones, and get rid of the primes in
the names.
Since PandocMonad is an instance of MonadError, this will allow us, in a
future commit, to change all invocations of `error` to `throwError`,
which will be preferable for the pure versions. At the moment, we're
disabling the lua custom writers (this is temporary).
This requires changing the type of the Writer in Text.Pandoc. Right now,
we run `runIOorExplode` in pandoc.hs, to make the conversion easier. We
can switch it to the safer `runIO` in the future.
Note that this required a change to Text.Pandoc.PDF as well. Since
running an external program is necessarily IO, we can be clearer about
using PandocIO.
So far this just reproduces capacity.
Later we'll be able to add features like warning
messages, dynamic loading of xml syntax definitions,
and dynamic loading of themes.
Previously setting writerStandalone = True did nothing unless
a template was provided in writerTemplate. Now a fragment
will be generated if writerTemplate is Nothing; otherwise,
the specified template will be used and standalone output
generated. [API change]
The "default" option is no longer represented as `Nothing` but via a new
type constructor, making the `Maybe` wrapper superfluous.
The default behavior of using heuristics can now be enabled explicitly
by setting `--top-level-division=default`.
API change (`Text.Pandoc.Options`): The `Division` type was renamed to
`TopLevelDivision`. The `Section`, `Chapter`, and `Part` constructors
were renamed to `TopLevelSection`, `TopLevelChapter`, and
`TopLevelPart`, respectively. An additional `TopLevelDefault`
constructor was added, which is now also the new default value of the
`writerTopLevelDivision` field in `WriterOptions`.
Pandoc uses heuristics to determine the most resonable top-level
division type when emitting LaTeX or Docbook markup. It is now possible
to overwrite this implicitly set top-level division via the
`top-level-division` command line parameter.
API change (`Text.Pandoc.Options`): the type of the
`writerTopLevelDivision` field in of the `WriterOptions` data type is
altered from `Division` to `Maybe Division`. The field's default value
is changed from `Section` to `Nothing`.
Closes: #3197
- We now first treat the argument of `--filter` as a full (absolute
or relative) path, looking for a program there. If it's found,
we run it.
- If not, and if it is a simple program name or a relative path,
we try resolving it relative to `$DATADIR/filters`.
- If this fails, then we treat it as a program name and look in
the user's PATH.
Previously if you did `--filter foo` and you had `foo` in your
path and also an executable `foo` in your working directory,
the one in the path would be used. Now the one in the working
directory is used.
In addition, when you do `--filter foo/bar.hs`, pandoc will now
find a filter `$DATADIR/filters/foo/bar.hs` -- assuming there
isn't a `foo/bar.hs` relative to the working directory.
@jkr note the slight revision of what we had before.
This was motivated by the idea that one might clone filter
repositories into the filters subdirectory; it is nice to
be able to run them as `reponame/filtername`.
Also improved default reader format detection. Previously
with a URI ending in .md or .markdown, pandoc would assume HTML input.
Now it treats these as markdown.