Babel defines "shorthands" for some languages, and these can
produce unexpected results. For example, in Spanish, `1.22`
gets rendered as `122`, and `et~al.` as `etal`.
One would think that babel's `shorthands=off` option (which
we were using) would disable these, but it doesn't. So we
remove `shorthands=off` and add some code that redefines
the shorthands macro. Eventually this will be fixed in babel,
I hope, and we can revert to something simpler.
Closes#6817, closes#6887.
Improve the workaround for #1658, adapting a solution by @u-fischer in
<> that works whether or not
the `indent` variable is enabled.
Remove `subparagraph` variable in LaTeX template. The default is now
to use run-in style for level 4 and 5 headings (`\paragraph` and `\subparagraph`).
To get the previous default behavior (where these were formatted as blocks,
like `\subsubsection`), set the `block-headings` variable.
An example is given in the manual of reformatting the appearance of headings
more thoroughly using KOMA-Script.
* LaTeX template: Group graphics-related code
The default figure placement was added in <f3ab4bc2b9>; there does not appear to have been a reason for placing it at the end of the preamble.
* Update tests
+ LaTeX template: Improve template readability
Use `hidelinks` option for hyperref, which has the same effect as `pdfborder={0 0 0}`,
but its purpose is clearer. Use a simpler conditional for Polyglossia/Babel. Format
comments more consistently.
+ Update tests
+ Remove hyperref breaklinks option. According to the documentation, hyperref
sets this automatically as appropriate to the driver.
Ensure that `\part` and `\chapter` are only numbered if `numbersections` is set. To return to the previous behaviour, use `-V numbersections -V secnumdepth=0`.
Notes on secnumdepth:
1 = Number `\section`
0 = Number `\chapter`
-1 = Number `\part`
-2 = No numbering
Simplify the approach of #5212, ensuring that `mainfont` is used as the base font for scaling and that LuaLaTeX does not display the mono font with TeX ligatures (as it does not use the `Mapping=tex-ansi` option).
With a modified version of `\defaultfontfeatures`, fontspec will continue to report scaling against the old default font in the log, but it nonetheless displays main font at the specified size. Using this rather than setting `Scale=MatchLowercase` for each family individually means that users will not lose scaling when upgrading to the new template if they were using other font options. Scaling can be disabled for an individual family by adding the option `Scale=1` to `sansfontoptions`, `monofontoptions`, etc.
Remove the `\setromanfont` command added in #4665, as this is not documented in the fontspec manual and appears to be a deprecated alias for `\setmainfont`.
For the release notes, I should also add that one can imitate the previous appearance with `-V mainfontoptions="Scale=MatchLowercase"`.
When `Scale=MatchLowercase` is set as a default font option, this scales `mainfont` against the old default, meaning that it resizes whatever is set as the main font to match the metrics of Latin Modern. This can result, for example, in a document set to 12pt appearing in 11pt or 13pt. Setting this option for individual families allows everything to scale against the main font, and permits the user to override the setting if desired. Note that it is not necessary to specify `Ligatures=TeX`, as this is already set by default for the appropriate families. See the `fontspec` manual: <>.
Those who specify font-options in metadata may need to add `Scale=MatchLowercase`, which will now only be provided if `(roman|sans|math|mono)fontoptions` aren't given explicitly.
* Provide `bidi` package's option using `\PassOptionsToPackage`. This avoid clash when `polyglossia` loads it first and then it is loaded again for XeLaTeX when `latex-dir-rtl` defined.
* Adjust test suite for LaTeX template change.
* LaTeX: Load `parskip` before `hyperref`.
According to `hyperref` package's `README.pdf`, page 22, `hyperref` package
should be loaded after `parskip` package.
* Adjust tests for previous change.