When `Scale=MatchLowercase` is set as a default font option, this scales `mainfont` against the old default, meaning that it resizes whatever is set as the main font to match the metrics of Latin Modern. This can result, for example, in a document set to 12pt appearing in 11pt or 13pt. Setting this option for individual families allows everything to scale against the main font, and permits the user to override the setting if desired. Note that it is not necessary to specify `Ligatures=TeX`, as this is already set by default for the appropriate families. See the `fontspec` manual: <https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec>.
Those who specify font-options in metadata may need to add `Scale=MatchLowercase`, which will now only be provided if `(roman|sans|math|mono)fontoptions` aren't given explicitly.
This fixes a bug in 2.0.4, whereby pandoc could not
read the theme files generated with `--print-highlight-style`.
It also fixes some CSS issues involving line numbers.
Highlighted code blocks are now enclosed in a div with class
Highlighting CSS no longer sets a generic color for pre
and code; we only set these for class `sourceCode`.
This will close#4133 and #4128.
* LaTeX: Load `parskip` before `hyperref`.
According to `hyperref` package's `README.pdf`, page 22, `hyperref` package
should be loaded after `parskip` package.
* Adjust tests for previous change.