This is better done on the resulting HTML; use the xss-sanitize library
for this. xss-sanitize is based on pandoc's sanitization, but improves
- Removed stateSanitize from ParserState.
- Removed --sanitize-html option.
* Don't look for bibliography in ~/.pandoc. Reason: doing
this requires a read + parse of the bibliography even when
the document doesn't use citations. This is a big performance
drag on regular pandoc invocations.
* Only look for default.csl if the document contains references.
Reason: avoids the need to read and parse csl file when the
document contains no references anyway.
* Removed findFirstFile from Shared.
Previously some of the writers added spurious whitespace.
This has been removed, resolving Issue #232.
NOTE: If your application combines pandoc's output with other
text, for example in a template, you may need to add spacing.
For example, a pandoc-generated markdown file will not have
a blank line after the final block element. If you are inserting
it into another markdown file, you will need to make sure there
is a blank line between it and the next block element.
+ Header identifiers now get attached to the headers, unless
--section-divs is specified, in which case they are added to
enclosing divs. By default, the divs are not added.
+ Resolves Issue #230, #239.
+ Added --webtex command-line option, with optional parameter.
(Defaults to using google charts API.)
+ Added WebTeX HTMLMathMethod.
+ Removed MimeTeX HTMLMathMethod. (WebTeX is generic and subsumes it.)
+ Modified --mimetex option to use WebTeX.
+ Thanks to lpeterse for the idea and some of the code.
+ New writer module Text.Pandoc.Writers.EPUB
+ Stylesheet in epub.css
+ --epub-stylesheet command-line option.
+ New utility module Text.Pandoc.UUID to generate
random UUIDs for EPUBs.
+ Transformed the old Text.Pandoc.ODT module into a proper
writer module, Text.Pandoc.Writers.ODT.
+ Instead of saveOpenDocumentAsODT, we now have writeODT, which
takes a Pandoc document and produces a bytestring.
saveOpenDocumentAsODT has been removed.
+ To extract the images and insert them into the ODT, we now use
processPandocM on the Pandoc document rather than a custom XML parser.
+ Handle the case where the image is remote (or not found) by
converting the Image element into an Emph with the label.
+ Plumbing in pandoc.hs changed slightly to accomodate this, and to
allow other writers that live in the IO monad.