This change makes the writer create only as many temporary
text styles as are absolutely necessary. It also consolidates
adjacent nodes with the same style.
So far this just reproduces capacity.
Later we'll be able to add features like warning
messages, dynamic loading of xml syntax definitions,
and dynamic loading of themes.
In the past, the docx reader wrote an empty header as an empty list. It
should have the same width as a row (and be filled with empty cells).
(Note that I've reordered the code here slightly to get rid of a call to
`head`. It wasn't unsafe because it tested for null, but it was a bit of
a smell.)
Tables in MS Word are set by default to have special first-row
formatting, which pandoc uses to determine whether or not they have a
header. This means that one-row tables will, by default, have only a
header -- which we imagine is not what people want. This change
ensures that a one-row table is not understood to be a header only.
Note that this means that it is impossible to produce a header-only
table from docx, even though it is legal pandoc. But we believe that
in nearly all cases, it will be an accidental (and unwelcome) result
Fix interaction of top-level divisions `part` or `chapter` with
unnumbered headers when emitting LaTeX. Headers are ensured to be
written using stared commands (like `\subsection*{}`).
Fixes: #3272
Previously setting writerStandalone = True did nothing unless
a template was provided in writerTemplate. Now a fragment
will be generated if writerTemplate is Nothing; otherwise,
the specified template will be used and standalone output
generated. [API change]
+ Removed Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Fonts
+ Moved its code to texmath; we now use (from texmath 0.9)
+ Use texmath 0.9 (currently from git).
+ Updated epub tests because texmath now handles more mathml.
The "default" option is no longer represented as `Nothing` but via a new
type constructor, making the `Maybe` wrapper superfluous.
The default behavior of using heuristics can now be enabled explicitly
by setting `--top-level-division=default`.
API change (`Text.Pandoc.Options`): The `Division` type was renamed to
`TopLevelDivision`. The `Section`, `Chapter`, and `Part` constructors
were renamed to `TopLevelSection`, `TopLevelChapter`, and
`TopLevelPart`, respectively. An additional `TopLevelDefault`
constructor was added, which is now also the new default value of the
`writerTopLevelDivision` field in `WriterOptions`.
ODT's reader always put empty captions for the parsed
tables. This commit
1) checks paragraphs that follow the table definition
2) treats specially a paragraph with a style named 'Table'
3) does some postprocessing of the paragraphs that combines
tables followed immediately by captions
The ODT writer used 'TableCaption' style name for the caption
paragraph. This commit follows the open office approach which
allows for appending captions to table but uses a built-in style
named 'Table' instead of 'TableCaption'. Any users of odt format
(both writer and reader) are therefore required to change the
style's name to 'Table', if necessary.
Pandoc uses heuristics to determine the most resonable top-level
division type when emitting LaTeX or Docbook markup. It is now possible
to overwrite this implicitly set top-level division via the
`top-level-division` command line parameter.
API change (`Text.Pandoc.Options`): the type of the
`writerTopLevelDivision` field in of the `WriterOptions` data type is
altered from `Division` to `Maybe Division`. The field's default value
is changed from `Section` to `Nothing`.
Closes: #3197
Previously a tight bullet sublist got rendered with
a blank line after, while a tight ordered sublist did
not. Now we don't get the blank line in either case.
Images which are the only element in a paragraph can still be given HTML
attributes, even if the image does not have a caption and is hence not a figure.
The following will add set the `width` attribute of the image to `50%`:
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 50%
Closes: #3222
When a piece of text has a text 'Source_Text' then
we assume that this is a piece of the document
that represents a code that needs to be inlined.
Addapted an odt writer to also reflect that change;
previously it was just writing a 'preformatted' text using
a non-distinguishable font style.
Code blocks are still not recognized by the ODT reader.
That's a separate issue.
ODT reader simply provided an empty header list
which meant that the contents of the whole table,
even if not empty, was simply ignored.
While we still do not infer headers we at least have
to provide default properties of columns.
Special blocks (i.e. blocks with unrecognized names) can be prefixed
with an `ATTR_HTML` block attribute. The attributes defined in that
meta-directive are added to the `Div` which is used to represent the
special block.
Closes: #3182
The `todo` export option allows to toggle the inclusion of TODO keywords
in the output. Setting this to `nil` causes TODO keywords to be dropped
from headlines. The default is to include the keywords.
Headlines can have optional todo-markers which can be controlled via the
`#+TODO`, `#+SEQ_TODO`, or `#+TYP_TODO` meta directive. Multiple such
directives can be given, each adding a new set of recognized todo-markers.
If no custom todo-markers are defined, the default `TODO` and `DONE`
markers are used.
Todo-markers are conceptually separate from headline text and are hence
excluded when autogenerating headline IDs.
The markers are rendered as spans and labelled with two classes: One
class is the markers name, the other signals the todo-state of the
marker (either `todo` or `done`).