diff --git a/README b/README
index 9062f615e..b50d988f8 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ Variables for slides
 :   reveal.js transition: `cube`, `page`, `concave`, `zoom`, `linear`, `fade`, or `none`
-:   enables vertical centering of slides in reveal.js
+:   enables vertical centering of slides in reveal.js if set to `true`
 :   bounds for smallest/largest possible content scale in reveal.js (default: 1.5)
@@ -1105,14 +1105,14 @@ Variables for slides
 :   enables display of the page number of the current slide in reveal.js
-`colortheme`, `fonttheme`, `innertheme`, `outertheme`
-:   themes for LaTeX [`beamer`] documents
-:   show controls in reveal.js slide shows
+:   disables controls in reveal.js slide shows if set to `false`
-:   show progress bar in reveal.js slide shows
+:   disables progress bar in reveal.js slide shows if set to `false`
+`colortheme`, `fonttheme`, `innertheme`, `outertheme`
+:   themes for LaTeX [`beamer`] documents
 Variables for LaTeX
@@ -1157,14 +1157,29 @@ Variables for LaTeX
     available through [`fontspec`], such as the OpenType features
+:   allows font encoding to be specified through `fontenc` package (with `pdflatex`);
+    default is `T1` (see guide to [LaTeX font encodings])
 `linkcolor`, `toccolor`, `urlcolor`, `citecolor`
 :   color for internal links, links in table of contents, external links,
     and citation links in LaTeX documents, using options available through
     [`color`] package, e.g. `red`, `green`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `blue`, `black`
+:   enables `hidelinks` option for [`hyperref`], disabling link color
 :   causes links to be printed as footnotes in LaTeX documents
+:   uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
+    otherwise removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs)
+:   disables default behavior of LaTeX template that redefines (sub)paragraphs
+    as sections, changing the appearance of nested headings in some classes
 :   include table of contents in LaTeX documents
@@ -1192,6 +1207,7 @@ Variables for LaTeX
 [`memoir`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/memoir
 [LaTeX Font Catalogue]: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/
 [`mathpazo`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/mathpazo
+[LaTeX font encodings]: https://ctan.org/pkg/encguide
 Variables for man pages