From fd5994cc5ebe478eea133c0fd7c3705330c0e1ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe Hermaszewski <>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 12:36:44 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Haddock Writer: Support Haddock tables

See this PR on Haddock for details on the table format:
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs |   2 +-
 test/tables.haddock                | 140 ++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
index 925160602..687c76b17 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ blockToHaddock opts (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) = do
   tbl <- gridTable opts blockListToHaddock
               (all null headers) (map (const AlignDefault) aligns)
                 widths headers rows
-  return $ prefixed "> " (tbl $$ blankline $$ caption'') $$ blankline
+  return $ (tbl $$ blankline $$ caption'') $$ blankline
 blockToHaddock opts (BulletList items) = do
   contents <- mapM (bulletListItemToHaddock opts) items
   return $ (if isTightList items then vcat else vsep) contents <> blankline
diff --git a/test/tables.haddock b/test/tables.haddock
index dcfc0f7ad..fcc26d27e 100644
--- a/test/tables.haddock
+++ b/test/tables.haddock
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
 Simple table with caption:
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | Right | Left | Center | Default |
-> +=======+======+========+=========+
-> | 12    | 12   | 12     | 12      |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | 123   | 123  | 123    | 123     |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | 1     | 1    | 1      | 1       |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> Demonstration of simple table syntax.
+| Right | Left | Center | Default |
+| 12    | 12   | 12     | 12      |
+| 123   | 123  | 123    | 123     |
+| 1     | 1    | 1      | 1       |
+Demonstration of simple table syntax.
 Simple table without caption:
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | Right | Left | Center | Default |
-> +=======+======+========+=========+
-> | 12    | 12   | 12     | 12      |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | 123   | 123  | 123    | 123     |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | 1     | 1    | 1      | 1       |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
+| Right | Left | Center | Default |
+| 12    | 12   | 12     | 12      |
+| 123   | 123  | 123    | 123     |
+| 1     | 1    | 1      | 1       |
 Simple table indented two spaces:
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | Right | Left | Center | Default |
-> +=======+======+========+=========+
-> | 12    | 12   | 12     | 12      |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | 123   | 123  | 123    | 123     |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> | 1     | 1    | 1      | 1       |
-> +-------+------+--------+---------+
-> Demonstration of simple table syntax.
+| Right | Left | Center | Default |
+| 12    | 12   | 12     | 12      |
+| 123   | 123  | 123    | 123     |
+| 1     | 1    | 1      | 1       |
+Demonstration of simple table syntax.
 Multiline table with caption:
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> | Centered | Left    | Right     | Default aligned          |
-> | Header   | Aligned | Aligned   |                          |
-> +==========+=========+===========+==========================+
-> | First    | row     | 12.0      | Example of a row that    |
-> |          |         |           | spans multiple lines.    |
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> | Second   | row     | 5.0       | Here’s another one. Note |
-> |          |         |           | the blank line between   |
-> |          |         |           | rows.                    |
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> Here’s the caption. It may span multiple lines.
+| Centered | Left    | Right     | Default aligned          |
+| Header   | Aligned | Aligned   |                          |
+| First    | row     | 12.0      | Example of a row that    |
+|          |         |           | spans multiple lines.    |
+| Second   | row     | 5.0       | Here’s another one. Note |
+|          |         |           | the blank line between   |
+|          |         |           | rows.                    |
+Here’s the caption. It may span multiple lines.
 Multiline table without caption:
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> | Centered | Left    | Right     | Default aligned          |
-> | Header   | Aligned | Aligned   |                          |
-> +==========+=========+===========+==========================+
-> | First    | row     | 12.0      | Example of a row that    |
-> |          |         |           | spans multiple lines.    |
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> | Second   | row     | 5.0       | Here’s another one. Note |
-> |          |         |           | the blank line between   |
-> |          |         |           | rows.                    |
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
+| Centered | Left    | Right     | Default aligned          |
+| Header   | Aligned | Aligned   |                          |
+| First    | row     | 12.0      | Example of a row that    |
+|          |         |           | spans multiple lines.    |
+| Second   | row     | 5.0       | Here’s another one. Note |
+|          |         |           | the blank line between   |
+|          |         |           | rows.                    |
 Table without column headers:
-> +-----+-----+-----+-----+
-> | 12  | 12  | 12  | 12  |
-> +-----+-----+-----+-----+
-> | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
-> +-----+-----+-----+-----+
-> | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
-> +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+| 12  | 12  | 12  | 12  |
+| 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
+| 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
 Multiline table without column headers:
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> | First    | row     | 12.0      | Example of a row that    |
-> |          |         |           | spans multiple lines.    |
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
-> | Second   | row     | 5.0       | Here’s another one. Note |
-> |          |         |           | the blank line between   |
-> |          |         |           | rows.                    |
-> +----------+---------+-----------+--------------------------+
+| First    | row     | 12.0      | Example of a row that    |
+|          |         |           | spans multiple lines.    |
+| Second   | row     | 5.0       | Here’s another one. Note |
+|          |         |           | the blank line between   |
+|          |         |           | rows.                    |