MediaWiki reader: Implemented basic internal links.
Including word-ending links and the "pipe trick."
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 80 additions and 41 deletions
@ -110,16 +110,27 @@ htmlComment :: MWParser ()
htmlComment = () <$ htmlTag isCommentTag
inlinesInTags :: String -> MWParser Inlines
inlinesInTags tag = trimInlines . mconcat <$> try
(manyTill inline (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag)))
inlinesInTags tag = try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen tag [])
if '/' `elem` raw -- self-closing tag
then return mempty
else trimInlines . mconcat <$>
manyTill inline (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag))
blocksInTags :: String -> MWParser Blocks
blocksInTags tag = mconcat <$> try
(manyTill block (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag)))
blocksInTags tag = try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen tag [])
if '/' `elem` raw -- self-closing tag
then return mempty
else mconcat <$> manyTill block (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag))
charsInTags :: String -> MWParser [Char]
charsInTags tag = innerText . parseTags <$> try
(manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag)))
charsInTags tag = try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen tag [])
if '/' `elem` raw -- self-closing tag
then return ""
else innerText . parseTags <$>
manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag))
-- main parser
@ -146,8 +157,6 @@ block = mempty <$ skipMany1 blankline
<|> mempty <$ try (spaces *> htmlComment)
<|> preformatted
<|> blockTag
<|> pTag
<|> blockHtml
<|> template
<|> para
@ -164,16 +173,17 @@ template = B.rawBlock "mediawiki" <$> doublebrackets
blockTag :: MWParser Blocks
blockTag = do
(TagOpen t attrs, raw) <- htmlTag (\x -> isBlockTag' x && isTagOpen x)
case t of
"blockquote" -> B.blockQuote <$> blocksInTags "blockquote"
"pre" -> B.codeBlock . trimCode <$> charsInTags "pre"
"syntaxhighlight" -> syntaxhighlight attrs
"haskell" -> B.codeBlockWith ("",["haskell"],[]) . trimCode <$>
charsInTags "haskell"
"gallery" -> blocksInTags "gallery"
"p" -> return mempty
_ -> return $ B.rawBlock "html" raw
(tag, _) <- lookAhead $ htmlTag isBlockTag'
case tag of
TagOpen "blockquote" _ -> B.blockQuote <$> blocksInTags "blockquote"
TagOpen "pre" _ -> B.codeBlock . trimCode <$> charsInTags "pre"
TagOpen "syntaxhighlight" attrs -> syntaxhighlight attrs
TagOpen "haskell" _ -> B.codeBlockWith ("",["haskell"],[]) . trimCode <$>
charsInTags "haskell"
TagOpen "gallery" _ -> blocksInTags "gallery"
TagOpen "p" _ -> mempty <$ htmlTag (~== tag)
TagClose "p" -> mempty <$ htmlTag (~== tag)
_ -> B.rawBlock "html" . snd <$> htmlTag (~== tag)
trimCode :: String -> String
trimCode ('\n':xs) = stripTrailingNewlines xs
@ -189,13 +199,6 @@ syntaxhighlight attrs = try $ do
contents <- charsInTags "syntaxhighlight"
return $ B.codeBlockWith ("",classes,kvs) $ trimCode contents
-- We can just skip pTags, as contents will be treated as paragraphs
pTag :: MWParser Blocks
pTag = mempty <$ (htmlTag (\t -> t ~== TagOpen "p" [] || t ~== TagClose "p"))
blockHtml :: MWParser Blocks
blockHtml = (B.rawBlock "html" . snd <$> htmlTag isBlockTag)
hrule :: MWParser Blocks
hrule = B.horizontalRule <$ try (string "----" *> many (char '-') *> newline)
@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ anyListStart = char '*'
<|> char ';'
li :: MWParser Blocks
li = htmlTag (~== TagOpen "li" []) *>
li = lookAhead (htmlTag (~== TagOpen "li" [])) *>
(firstParaToPlain <$> blocksInTags "li") <* spaces
listItem :: Char -> MWParser Blocks
@ -317,6 +320,7 @@ inline = whitespace
<|> str
<|> strong
<|> emph
<|> internalLink
<|> externalLink
<|> inlineTag
<|> B.singleton <$> charRef
@ -336,21 +340,25 @@ variable = B.rawInline "mediawiki" <$> triplebrackets
inlineTag :: MWParser Inlines
inlineTag = do
(TagOpen t _, raw) <- htmlTag (\x -> isInlineTag x && isTagOpen x)
case t of
"nowiki" -> B.text . fromEntities <$> try
(manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose "nowiki")))
"br" -> B.linebreak <$
(optional (htmlTag (~== TagClose "br")) *> optional blankline)
"strike" -> B.strikeout <$> inlinesInTags "strike"
"del" -> B.strikeout <$> inlinesInTags "del"
"sub" -> B.subscript <$> inlinesInTags "sub"
"sup" -> B.superscript <$> inlinesInTags "sup"
"math" -> B.math <$> charsInTags "math"
"code" -> B.code <$> charsInTags "code"
"tt" -> B.code <$> charsInTags "tt"
"hask" -> B.codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) <$> charsInTags "hask"
_ -> return $ B.rawInline "html" raw
(tag, _) <- lookAhead $ htmlTag isInlineTag
case tag of
TagOpen "nowiki" _ -> try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== tag)
if '/' `elem` raw
then return mempty
else B.text . fromEntities <$>
manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose "nowiki"))
TagOpen "br" _ -> B.linebreak <$ (htmlTag (~== TagOpen "br" []) -- will get /> too
*> optional blankline)
TagOpen "strike" _ -> B.strikeout <$> inlinesInTags "strike"
TagOpen "del" _ -> B.strikeout <$> inlinesInTags "del"
TagOpen "sub" _ -> B.subscript <$> inlinesInTags "sub"
TagOpen "sup" _ -> B.superscript <$> inlinesInTags "sup"
TagOpen "math" _ -> B.math <$> charsInTags "math"
TagOpen "code" _ -> B.code <$> charsInTags "code"
TagOpen "tt" _ -> B.code <$> charsInTags "tt"
TagOpen "hask" _ -> B.codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) <$> charsInTags "hask"
_ -> B.rawInline "html" . snd <$> htmlTag (~== tag)
special :: MWParser Inlines
special = B.str <$> count 1 (notFollowedBy' (htmlTag isBlockTag') *>
@ -368,6 +376,19 @@ endline = () <$ try (newline <*
notFollowedBy' hrule <*
notFollowedBy anyListStart)
internalLink :: MWParser Inlines
internalLink = try $ do
string "[["
pagename <- unwords . words <$> many (noneOf "|]")
label <- option (B.text pagename) $ char '|' *>
( (mconcat <$> many1 (notFollowedBy (char ']') *> inline))
-- the "pipe trick"
-- [[Help:Contents|] -> "Contents"
<|> (return $ B.text $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/=':') pagename) )
string "]]"
linktrail <- B.text <$> many (char '\'' <|> letter)
return $ pagename "wikilink" (label <> linktrail)
externalLink :: MWParser Inlines
externalLink = try $ do
char '['
@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
,Para [Link [Str ""] ("","")]
,Para [Link [Str "1"] ("",""),Space,Link [Str "2"] ("","")]
,Para [Link [Str "email",Space,Str "me"] ("","")]
,Header 2 [Str "internal",Space,Str "links"]
,Para [Link [Str "Help"] ("Help","wikilink")]
,Para [Link [Str "the",Space,Str "help",Space,Str "page"] ("Help","wikilink")]
,Para [Link [Str "Helpers"] ("Help","wikilink")]
,Para [Link [Str "Help"] ("Help","wikilink"),Str "ers"]
,Para [Link [Str "Contents"] ("Help:Contents","wikilink")]
,Header 2 [Str "lists"]
[[Plain [Str "Start",Space,Str "each",Space,Str "line"]]
@ -147,6 +147,18 @@
[ email me]
== internal links ==
[[Help|the help page]]
== lists ==
* Start each line
Add table
Reference in a new issue