Muse writer: fix hlint errors (#3764)

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Krotov 2017-06-26 16:07:45 +03:00 committed by John MacFarlane
parent b2fe009d8f
commit fa515e46f3
2 changed files with 15 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ pandocToMuse (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
body <- blockListToMuse blocks
notes <- liftM (reverse . stNotes) get >>= notesToMuse
let main = render colwidth $ body $+$ notes
let context = defField "body" main
$ metadata
let context = defField "body" main metadata
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> return main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context
@ -129,14 +128,14 @@ blockToMuse (Para inlines) = do
blockToMuse (LineBlock lns) = do
let splitStanza [] = []
splitStanza xs = case break (== mempty) xs of
(l, []) -> l : []
(l, []) -> [l]
(l, _:r) -> l : splitStanza r
let joinWithLinefeeds = nowrap . mconcat . intersperse cr
let joinWithBlankLines = mconcat . intersperse blankline
let prettyfyStanza ls = joinWithLinefeeds <$> mapM inlineListToMuse ls
contents <- joinWithBlankLines <$> mapM prettyfyStanza (splitStanza lns)
return $ blankline $$ "<verse>" $$ contents $$ "</verse>" <> blankline
blockToMuse (CodeBlock (_,_,_) str) = do
blockToMuse (CodeBlock (_,_,_) str) =
return $ "<example>" $$ text str $$ "</example>" $$ blankline
blockToMuse (RawBlock (Format format) str) =
return $ blankline $$ "<literal style=\"" <> text format <> "\">" $$
@ -154,11 +153,10 @@ blockToMuse (OrderedList (start, style, _) items) = do
let maxMarkerLength = maximum $ map length markers
let markers' = map (\m -> let s = maxMarkerLength - length m
in m ++ replicate s ' ') markers
contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToMuse item num) $
zip markers' items
contents <- zipWithM orderedListItemToMuse markers' items
-- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
topLevel <- gets stTopLevel
return $ cr $$ ((if topLevel then nest 1 else id) $ vcat contents) $$ blankline
return $ cr $$ (if topLevel then nest 1 else id) (vcat contents) $$ blankline
where orderedListItemToMuse :: PandocMonad m
=> String -- ^ marker for list item
-> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ blockToMuse (BulletList items) = do
contents <- mapM bulletListItemToMuse items
-- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
topLevel <- gets stTopLevel
return $ cr $$ ((if topLevel then nest 1 else id) $ vcat contents) $$ blankline
return $ cr $$ (if topLevel then nest 1 else id) (vcat contents) $$ blankline
where bulletListItemToMuse :: PandocMonad m
=> [Block]
-> StateT WriterState m Doc
@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ blockToMuse (BulletList items) = do
return $ hang 2 "- " contents
blockToMuse (DefinitionList items) = do
contents <- mapM definitionListItemToMuse items
return $ cr $$ (nest 1 $ vcat $ contents) $$ blankline
return $ cr $$ nest 1 (vcat contents) $$ blankline
where definitionListItemToMuse :: PandocMonad m
=> ([Inline], [[Block]])
-> StateT WriterState m Doc
@ -218,8 +216,8 @@ blockToMuse (Table caption _ _ headers rows) = do
-- FIXME: Muse doesn't allow blocks with height more than 1.
let hpipeBlocks sep blocks = hcat $ intersperse sep' blocks
where h = maximum (1 : map height blocks)
sep' = lblock (length sep) $ vcat (map text $ replicate h sep)
let makeRow sep = (" " <>) . (hpipeBlocks sep . zipWith lblock widthsInChars)
sep' = lblock (length sep) $ vcat (replicate h (text sep))
let makeRow sep = (" " <>) . hpipeBlocks sep . zipWith lblock widthsInChars
let head' = makeRow " || " headers'
let rowSeparator = if noHeaders then " | " else " | "
rows'' <- mapM (\row -> do cols <- mapM blockListToMuse row
@ -236,9 +234,7 @@ blockToMuse Null = return empty
notesToMuse :: PandocMonad m
=> Notes
-> StateT WriterState m Doc
notesToMuse notes =
mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToMuse num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>=
return . vsep
notesToMuse notes = liftM vsep (zipWithM noteToMuse [1 ..] notes)
-- | Return Muse representation of a note.
noteToMuse :: PandocMonad m
@ -268,7 +264,7 @@ conditionalEscapeString s
inlineListToMuse :: PandocMonad m
=> [Inline]
-> StateT WriterState m Doc
inlineListToMuse lst = mapM inlineToMuse lst >>= return . hcat
inlineListToMuse lst = liftM hcat (mapM inlineToMuse lst)
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to Muse.
inlineToMuse :: PandocMonad m
@ -316,7 +312,7 @@ inlineToMuse Space = return space
inlineToMuse SoftBreak = do
wrapText <- gets $ writerWrapText . stOptions
return $ if wrapText == WrapPreserve then cr else space
inlineToMuse (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToMuse (Link _ txt (src, _)) =
case txt of
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src ->
return $ "[[" <> text (escapeLink x) <> "]]"
@ -340,7 +336,7 @@ inlineToMuse (Note contents) = do
-- add to notes in state
notes <- gets stNotes
modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes }
let ref = show $ (length notes) + 1
let ref = show $ length notes + 1
return $ "[" <> text ref <> "]"
inlineToMuse (Span (_,name:_,_) inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse inlines

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@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
, "Second paragraph."
, "line block" =: lineBlock ([text "Foo", text "bar", text "baz"])
, "line block" =: lineBlock [text "Foo", text "bar", text "baz"]
=?> unlines [ "<verse>"
, "Foo"
, "bar"
, "baz"
, "</verse>"
, "code block" =: codeBlock ("int main(void) {\n\treturn 0;\n}")
, "code block" =: codeBlock "int main(void) {\n\treturn 0;\n}"
=?> unlines [ "<example>"
, "int main(void) {"
, "\treturn 0;"