ConTeXt writer: support complex table structures. (#8116)
The following table feature are now supported in ConTeXt: - colspans, - rowspans, - multiple bodies, - row headers, and - multi-row table head and foot. The wrapping `placetable` environment is also given a `reference` option with the table identifier, enabling referencing of the table from within the document.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 303 additions and 116 deletions
@ -109,9 +109,10 @@ $endif$
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt ( writeConTeXt ) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (ord, isDigit)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.URI (unEscapeString)
@ -34,6 +35,9 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable as Ann
data WriterState =
WriterState { stNextRef :: Int -- number of next URL reference
, stOrderedListLevel :: Int -- level of ordered list
@ -258,81 +262,225 @@ blockToConTeXt HorizontalRule = return $ "\\thinrule" <> blankline
-- If this is ever executed, provide a default for the reference identifier.
blockToConTeXt (Header level attr lst) =
sectionHeader attr level lst NonSectionHeading
blockToConTeXt (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) = do
let (caption, aligns, widths, heads, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
opts <- gets stOptions
let tabl = if isEnabled Ext_ntb opts
then Ntb
else Xtb
captionText <- inlineListToConTeXt caption
headers <- if all null heads
then return empty
else tableRowToConTeXt tabl aligns widths heads
rows' <- mapM (tableRowToConTeXt tabl aligns widths) rows
body <- tableToConTeXt tabl headers rows'
return $ "\\startplacetable" <> brackets (
if null caption
then "location=none"
else "title=" <> braces captionText
) $$ body $$ "\\stopplacetable" <> blankline
blockToConTeXt (Table attr caption colspecs thead tbody tfoot) =
tableToConTeXt (Ann.toTable attr caption colspecs thead tbody tfoot)
tableToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl -> Doc Text -> [Doc Text] -> WM m (Doc Text)
tableToConTeXt Xtb heads rows =
return $ "\\startxtable" $$
(if isEmpty heads
then empty
else "\\startxtablehead[head]" $$ heads $$ "\\stopxtablehead") $$
(if null rows
then empty
else "\\startxtablebody[body]" $$ vcat (init rows) $$ "\\stopxtablebody" $$
"\\startxtablefoot[foot]" $$ last rows $$ "\\stopxtablefoot") $$
tableToConTeXt Ntb heads rows =
return $ "\\startTABLE" $$
(if isEmpty heads
then empty
else "\\startTABLEhead" $$ heads $$ "\\stopTABLEhead") $$
(if null rows
then empty
else "\\startTABLEbody" $$ vcat (init rows) $$ "\\stopTABLEbody" $$
"\\startTABLEfoot" $$ last rows $$ "\\stopTABLEfoot") $$
tableToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Ann.Table -> WM m (Doc Text)
tableToConTeXt (Ann.Table attr caption colspecs thead tbodies tfoot) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
let tabl = if isEnabled Ext_ntb opts
then Ntb
else Xtb
captionText <- case caption of
Caption _ [] -> return mempty
Caption _ longCapt -> blockListToConTeXt longCapt
head' <- tableHeadToConTeXt tabl thead
bodies <- mapM (tableBodyToConTeXt tabl) tbodies
foot' <- tableFootToConTeXt tabl tfoot
let body = case tabl of
Xtb -> "\\startxtable" $$
head' $$
"\\startxtablebody[body]" $$
vcat bodies $$
"\\stopxtablebody" $$
foot' $$
Ntb -> setupCols colspecs $$
"\\bTABLE" $$
head' $$
"\\bTABLEbody" $$
vcat bodies $$
"\\eTABLEbody" $$
foot' $$
let (ident, _classes, _attribs) = attr
let tblopts = filter (not . isEmpty)
[ if isEmpty captionText
then "location=none"
else "title=" <> braces captionText
, if T.null ident
then empty
else "reference=" <> braces (literal (toLabel ident))
return $ vcat
[ "\\startplacetable" <> brackets (mconcat $ intersperse "," tblopts)
, body
, "\\stopplacetable" <> blankline
tableRowToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Tabl -> [Alignment] -> [Double] -> [[Block]] -> WM m (Doc Text)
tableRowToConTeXt Xtb aligns widths cols = do
cells <- mapM (tableColToConTeXt Xtb) $ zip3 aligns widths cols
return $ "\\startxrow" $$ vcat cells $$ "\\stopxrow"
tableRowToConTeXt Ntb aligns widths cols = do
cells <- mapM (tableColToConTeXt Ntb) $ zip3 aligns widths cols
return $ vcat cells $$ "\\NC\\NR"
setupCols :: [ColSpec] -> Doc Text
setupCols = vcat . map toColSetup . zip [1::Int ..]
toColSetup (i, (align, width)) =
let opts = filter (not . isEmpty)
[ case align of
AlignLeft -> "align=right"
AlignRight -> "align=left"
AlignCenter -> "align=middle"
AlignDefault -> "align=left"
, case width of
ColWidthDefault -> empty
ColWidth w -> ("width=" <>) . braces . text $
printf "%.2f\\textwidth" w
in "\\setupTABLE[column]" <> brackets (text $ show i)
<> brackets (mconcat $ intersperse "," opts)
tableColToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Tabl -> (Alignment, Double, [Block]) -> WM m (Doc Text)
tableColToConTeXt tabl (align, width, blocks) = do
cellContents <- blockListToConTeXt blocks
let colwidth = if width == 0
then empty
else "width=" <> braces (text (printf "%.2f\\textwidth" width))
let halign = alignToConTeXt align
tableBodyToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> Ann.TableBody
-> WM m (Doc Text)
tableBodyToConTeXt tabl (Ann.TableBody _attr _rowHeadCols inthead rows) = do
intermediateHead <-
if null inthead
then return mempty
else headerRowsToConTeXt tabl Thead inthead
bodyRows <- bodyRowsToConTeXt tabl rows
return $ intermediateHead <> bodyRows
tableHeadToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> Ann.TableHead
-> WM m (Doc Text)
tableHeadToConTeXt tabl (Ann.TableHead attr rows) =
tablePartToConTeXt tabl Thead attr rows
tableFootToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> Ann.TableFoot
-> WM m (Doc Text)
tableFootToConTeXt tbl (Ann.TableFoot attr rows) =
tablePartToConTeXt tbl Tfoot attr rows
tablePartToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> TablePart
-> Attr
-> [Ann.HeaderRow]
-> WM m (Doc Text)
tablePartToConTeXt tabl tblpart _attr rows = do
let (startCmd, stopCmd) = case (tabl, tblpart) of
(Ntb, Thead) -> ("\\bTABLEhead", "\\eTABLEhead")
(Ntb, Tfoot) -> ("\\bTABLEfoot", "\\eTABLEfoot")
(Xtb, Thead) -> ("\\startxtablehead[head]", "\\stopxtablehead")
(Xtb, Tfoot) -> ("\\startxtablefoot[foot]", "\\stopxtablefoot")
_ -> ("", "") -- this would be unexpected
contents <- headerRowsToConTeXt tabl tblpart rows
return $ startCmd $$ contents $$ stopCmd
-- | The part of a table; header, footer, or body.
data TablePart = Thead | Tfoot | Tbody
deriving (Eq)
data CellType = HeaderCell | BodyCell
data TableRow = TableRow TablePart Attr Ann.RowHead Ann.RowBody
headerRowsToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> TablePart
-> [Ann.HeaderRow]
-> WM m (Doc Text)
headerRowsToConTeXt tabl tablepart = rowListToConTeXt tabl . map toTableRow
toTableRow (Ann.HeaderRow attr _rownum rowbody) =
TableRow tablepart attr [] rowbody
bodyRowsToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> [Ann.BodyRow]
-> WM m (Doc Text)
bodyRowsToConTeXt tabl = rowListToConTeXt tabl . map toTableRow
toTableRow (Ann.BodyRow attr _rownum rowhead rowbody) =
TableRow Tbody attr rowhead rowbody
rowListToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> [TableRow]
-> WM m (Doc Text)
rowListToConTeXt = \case
Ntb -> fmap vcat . mapM (tableRowToConTeXt Ntb)
Xtb -> \rows -> do
(butlast, lastrow) <-
case reverse rows of
[] -> pure ( []
, empty
r:rs -> (,) <$> (mapM (tableRowToConTeXt Xtb) (reverse rs))
<*> tableRowToConTeXt Xtb r
return $
vcat butlast $$
if isEmpty lastrow
then empty
else "\\startxrowgroup[lastrow]" $$ lastrow $$ "\\stopxrowgroup"
tableRowToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> TableRow
-> WM m (Doc Text)
tableRowToConTeXt tabl (TableRow tblpart _attr rowhead rowbody) = do
let celltype = case tblpart of
Thead -> HeaderCell
_ -> BodyCell
headcells <- mapM (tableCellToConTeXt tabl HeaderCell) rowhead
bodycells <- mapM (tableCellToConTeXt tabl celltype) rowbody
let cells = vcat headcells $$ vcat bodycells
return $ case tabl of
Xtb -> "\\startxrow" $$ cells $$ "\\stopxrow"
Ntb -> "\\bTR" $$ cells $$ "\\eTR"
tableCellToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl
-> CellType
-> Ann.Cell -> WM m (Doc Text)
tableCellToConTeXt tabl celltype (Ann.Cell colspecs _colnum cell) = do
let Cell _attr cellalign rowspan colspan blocks = cell
let (colalign, _) :| _ = colspecs
let halign = alignToConTeXt $
case (cellalign, tabl) of
(AlignDefault, Xtb) -> colalign
_ -> cellalign
let nx = case colspan of
ColSpan 1 -> empty
ColSpan n -> "nc=" <> literal (tshow n)
let ny = case rowspan of
RowSpan 1 -> empty
RowSpan n -> "nr=" <> literal (tshow n)
let widths = map snd (NonEmpty.toList colspecs)
let mbcolwidth = flip map widths $ \case
ColWidthDefault -> Nothing
ColWidth w -> Just w
let colwidth = case catMaybes mbcolwidth of
[] -> empty
ws -> ("width=" <>) . braces . text $
printf "%.2f\\textwidth" (sum ws)
let keys = hcat . intersperse "," $ filter (not . isEmpty) $
case tabl of
Xtb -> [halign, colwidth, nx, ny]
Ntb -> [halign, nx, ny] -- no need for a column width
let options = (if isEmpty keys
then empty
else brackets keys) <> space
where keys = hcat $ intersperse "," $ filter (not . isEmpty) [halign, colwidth]
tableCellToConTeXt tabl options cellContents
tableCellToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m
=> Tabl -> Doc Text -> Doc Text -> WM m (Doc Text)
tableCellToConTeXt Xtb options cellContents =
return $ "\\startxcell" <> options <> cellContents <> " \\stopxcell"
tableCellToConTeXt Ntb options cellContents =
return $ "\\NC" <> options <> cellContents
cellContents <- blockListToConTeXt blocks
return $ case tabl of
Xtb -> "\\startxcell" <> options <> cellContents <> " \\stopxcell"
Ntb -> case celltype of
BodyCell -> "\\bTD" <> options <> cellContents <> "\\eTD"
HeaderCell -> "\\bTH" <> options <> cellContents <> "\\eTH"
alignToConTeXt :: Alignment -> Doc Text
alignToConTeXt align = case align of
AlignLeft -> "align=right"
AlignRight -> "align=left"
AlignCenter -> "align=middle"
AlignDefault -> empty
alignToConTeXt = \case
AlignLeft -> "align=right"
AlignRight -> "align=left"
AlignCenter -> "align=middle"
AlignDefault -> empty
--- Lists
listItemToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> WM m (Doc Text)
listItemToConTeXt list = ("\\item" $$) . nest 2 <$> blockListToConTeXt list
@ -135,34 +135,42 @@ tests =
[TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow rows]
(TableFoot nullAttr [])
=?> unlines [ "\\startplacetable[title={Table 1}]"
, "\\startTABLE"
, "\\startTABLEhead"
, "\\NC[align=left] Right"
, "\\NC[align=right] Left"
, "\\NC[align=middle] Center"
, "\\NC Default"
, "\\NC\\NR"
, "\\stopTABLEhead"
, "\\startTABLEbody"
, "\\NC[align=left] 1.1"
, "\\NC[align=right] 1.2"
, "\\NC[align=middle] 1.3"
, "\\NC 1.4"
, "\\NC\\NR"
, "\\NC[align=left] 2.1"
, "\\NC[align=right] 2.2"
, "\\NC[align=middle] 2.3"
, "\\NC 2.4"
, "\\NC\\NR"
, "\\stopTABLEbody"
, "\\startTABLEfoot"
, "\\NC[align=left] 3.1"
, "\\NC[align=right] 3.2"
, "\\NC[align=middle] 3.3"
, "\\NC 3.4"
, "\\NC\\NR"
, "\\stopTABLEfoot"
, "\\stopTABLE"
, "\\setupTABLE[column][1][align=left]"
, "\\setupTABLE[column][2][align=right]"
, "\\setupTABLE[column][3][align=middle]"
, "\\setupTABLE[column][4][align=left]"
, "\\bTABLE"
, "\\bTABLEhead"
, "\\bTR"
, "\\bTH Right\\eTH"
, "\\bTH Left\\eTH"
, "\\bTH Center\\eTH"
, "\\bTH Default\\eTH"
, "\\eTR"
, "\\eTABLEhead"
, "\\bTABLEbody"
, "\\bTR"
, "\\bTD 1.1\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 1.2\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 1.3\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 1.4\\eTD"
, "\\eTR"
, "\\bTR"
, "\\bTD 2.1\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 2.2\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 2.3\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 2.4\\eTD"
, "\\eTR"
, "\\bTR"
, "\\bTD 3.1\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 3.2\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 3.3\\eTD"
, "\\bTD 3.4\\eTD"
, "\\eTR"
, "\\eTABLEbody"
, "\\bTABLEfoot"
, "\\eTABLEfoot"
, "\\eTABLE"
, "\\stopplacetable" ]
@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ Simple table with caption:
\startplacetable[title={Demonstration of simple table syntax.}]
\startxcell[align=left] Right \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] Left \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] Center \stopxcell
\startxcell Default \stopxcell
@ -23,14 +25,16 @@ Simple table with caption:
\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell 1 \stopxcell
@ -40,12 +44,14 @@ Simple table without caption:
\startxcell[align=left] Right \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] Left \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] Center \stopxcell
\startxcell Default \stopxcell
@ -60,14 +66,16 @@ Simple table without caption:
\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell 1 \stopxcell
@ -77,12 +85,14 @@ Simple table indented two spaces:
\startplacetable[title={Demonstration of simple table syntax.}]
\startxcell[align=left] Right \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] Left \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] Center \stopxcell
\startxcell Default \stopxcell
@ -97,14 +107,16 @@ Simple table indented two spaces:
\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell 1 \stopxcell
@ -114,12 +126,14 @@ Multiline table with caption:
\startplacetable[title={Here's the caption. It may span multiple lines.}]
\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Centered Header \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] Left Aligned \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] Right Aligned \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.35\textwidth}] Default aligned \stopxcell
@ -129,8 +143,7 @@ Multiline table with caption:
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.35\textwidth}] Example of a row that spans
multiple lines. \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Second \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
@ -138,6 +151,9 @@ multiple lines. \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.35\textwidth}] Here's another one. Note the
blank line between rows. \stopxcell
@ -147,12 +163,14 @@ Multiline table without caption:
\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Centered Header \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] Left Aligned \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] Right Aligned \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.35\textwidth}] Default aligned \stopxcell
@ -162,8 +180,7 @@ Multiline table without caption:
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.35\textwidth}] Example of a row that spans
multiple lines. \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Second \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
@ -171,6 +188,9 @@ multiple lines. \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.35\textwidth}] Here's another one. Note the
blank line between rows. \stopxcell
@ -179,6 +199,8 @@ Table without column headers:
\startxcell[align=left] 12 \stopxcell
@ -192,14 +214,16 @@ Table without column headers:
\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left] 123 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
@ -208,6 +232,8 @@ Multiline table without column headers:
\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] First \stopxcell
@ -216,8 +242,7 @@ Multiline table without column headers:
\startxcell[width={0.35\textwidth}] Example of a row that spans multiple
lines. \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Second \stopxcell
\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
@ -225,6 +250,9 @@ lines. \stopxcell
\startxcell[width={0.35\textwidth}] Here's another one. Note the blank line
between rows. \stopxcell
@ -60,9 +60,10 @@
@ -58,9 +58,10 @@
Add table
Reference in a new issue