Lua: support new tables

This commit is contained in:
Albert Krewinkel 2020-04-13 10:08:38 +02:00 committed by despresc
parent 2fc11f3b1e
commit f1bd06eb4a
2 changed files with 113 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -556,26 +556,27 @@ M.RawBlock = M.Block:create_constructor(
--- Creates a table element.
-- @function Table
-- @tparam {Inline,...} caption table caption
-- @tparam {AlignDefault|AlignLeft|AlignRight|AlignCenter,...} aligns alignments
-- @tparam {int,...} widths column widths
-- @tparam {Block,...} headers header row
-- @tparam {{Block,...}} rows table rows
-- @treturn Block table element
-- @tparam Attr attr attributes
-- @tparam Caption caption table caption
-- @tparam {ColSpec,...} colspecs column alignments and widths
-- @tparam TableHead head table head
-- @tparam {TableBody,..} bodies table bodies
-- @treturn TableFoot foot table foot
M.Table = M.Block:create_constructor(
function(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows)
function(attr, caption, colspecs, head, bodies, foot)
return {
c = {
{"caption", "aligns", "widths", "headers", "rows"}
{"attr", "caption", "colspecs", "head", "bodies", "foot"}

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@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Foreign.Lua (Lua, Peekable, Pushable, StackIndex)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (defineHowTo, pushViaConstructor)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.CommonState ()
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (toLegacyTable)
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ peekMetaValue idx = defineHowTo "get MetaValue" $ do
<|> (MetaList <$> Lua.peek idx)
_ -> Lua.throwException "could not get meta value"
-- | Push an block element to the top of the lua stack.
-- | Push a block element to the top of the Lua stack.
pushBlock :: Block -> Lua ()
pushBlock = \case
BlockQuote blcks -> pushViaConstructor "BlockQuote" blcks
@ -168,9 +167,8 @@ pushBlock = \case
Para blcks -> pushViaConstructor "Para" blcks
Plain blcks -> pushViaConstructor "Plain" blcks
RawBlock f cs -> pushViaConstructor "RawBlock" f cs
Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot ->
let (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
in pushViaConstructor "Table" capt aligns widths headers rows
Table attr blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot ->
pushViaConstructor "Table" attr blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
-- | Return the value at the given index as block if possible.
peekBlock :: StackIndex -> Lua Block
@ -193,13 +191,13 @@ peekBlock idx = defineHowTo "get Block value" $ do
"Para" -> Para <$> elementContent
"Plain" -> Plain <$> elementContent
"RawBlock" -> uncurry RawBlock <$> elementContent
"Table" -> (\(capt, aligns, widths, headers, body) ->
Table nullAttr
(Caption Nothing $ maybePlain capt)
(zip aligns (map strictPos widths))
(TableHead nullAttr $ toHeaderRow headers)
[TableBody nullAttr 0 [] (map toRow body)]
(TableFoot nullAttr []))
"Table" -> (\(attr, capt, colSpecs, thead, tbodies, tfoot) ->
Table (fromLuaAttr attr)
<$> elementContent
_ -> Lua.throwException ("Unknown block type: " <> tag)
@ -207,11 +205,95 @@ peekBlock idx = defineHowTo "get Block value" $ do
elementContent :: Peekable a => Lua a
elementContent = LuaUtil.rawField idx "c"
strictPos w = if w > 0 then ColWidth w else ColWidthDefault
maybePlain [] = []
maybePlain x = [Plain x]
toRow = Row nullAttr . map (\blk -> Cell nullAttr AlignDefault 1 1 blk)
toHeaderRow l = if null l then [] else [toRow l]
instance Pushable Caption where
push = pushCaption
instance Peekable Caption where
peek = peekCaption
-- | Push Caption element
pushCaption :: Caption -> Lua ()
pushCaption (Caption shortCaption longCaption) = do
LuaUtil.addField "short" (Lua.Optional shortCaption)
LuaUtil.addField "long" longCaption
-- | Peek Caption element
peekCaption :: StackIndex -> Lua Caption
peekCaption idx = do
short <- Lua.fromOptional <$> LuaUtil.rawField idx "short"
long <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "long"
return $ Caption short long
instance Peekable ColWidth where
peek idx = do
width <- Lua.fromOptional <$> Lua.peek idx
return $ case width of
Nothing -> ColWidthDefault
Just w -> ColWidth w
instance Pushable ColWidth where
push = \case
(ColWidth w) -> Lua.push w
ColWidthDefault -> Lua.pushnil
instance Pushable Row where
push (Row attr cells) = Lua.push (attr, cells)
instance Peekable Row where
peek = fmap (uncurry Row) . Lua.peek
instance Pushable TableBody where
push (TableBody attr (RowHeadColumns rowHeadColumns) head' body) = do
LuaUtil.addField "attr" attr
LuaUtil.addField "row_head_columns" rowHeadColumns
LuaUtil.addField "head" head'
LuaUtil.addField "body" body
instance Peekable TableBody where
peek idx = do
attr <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "attr"
rowHeadColumns <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "row_head_columns"
head' <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "head"
body <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "body"
return $ TableBody attr (RowHeadColumns rowHeadColumns) head' body
instance Pushable TableHead where
push (TableHead attr cells) = Lua.push (attr, cells)
instance Peekable TableHead where
peek = fmap (uncurry TableHead) . Lua.peek
instance Pushable TableFoot where
push (TableFoot attr cells) = Lua.push (attr, cells)
instance Peekable TableFoot where
peek = fmap (uncurry TableFoot) . Lua.peek
instance Pushable Cell where
push = pushCell
instance Peekable Cell where
peek = peekCell
pushCell :: Cell -> Lua ()
pushCell (Cell attr align (RowSpan rowSpan) (ColSpan colSpan) contents) = do
LuaUtil.addField "attr" attr
LuaUtil.addField "alignment" align
LuaUtil.addField "row_span" rowSpan
LuaUtil.addField "col_span" colSpan
LuaUtil.addField "contents" contents
peekCell :: StackIndex -> Lua Cell
peekCell idx = do
attr <- fromLuaAttr <$> LuaUtil.rawField idx "attr"
align <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "alignment"
rowSpan <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "row_span"
colSpan <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "col_span"
contents <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "contents"
return $ Cell attr align (RowSpan rowSpan) (ColSpan colSpan) contents
-- | Push an inline element to the top of the lua stack.
pushInline :: Inline -> Lua ()