Subdivide Text.Pandoc.Class into small modules (#6106)

* Extract CommonState into submodule

* Extract PandocMonad into submodule

* PandocMonad: ensure all functions have Haddock documentation
This commit is contained in:
Albert Krewinkel 2020-03-15 04:49:36 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 11b5f1e40b
commit ec49643d64
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
4 changed files with 825 additions and 695 deletions

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@ -569,6 +569,8 @@ library

View file

@ -74,356 +74,57 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad(..)
, Translations
) where
import Prelude
import System.Random (StdGen, next, mkStdGen)
import qualified System.Random as IO (newStdGen)
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Unique (hashUnique)
import qualified Data.Unique as IO (newUnique)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (uriPathToPath)
import Text.Parsec (ParsecT, getPosition, sourceLine, sourceName)
import qualified Data.Time as IO (getCurrentTime)
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType, getMimeType, extensionFromMimeType)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
, posixSecondsToUTCTime
, POSIXTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone, ZonedTime, utcToZonedTime, utc)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.ByteString.Base64 (decodeLenient)
import Network.URI ( escapeURIString, nonStrictRelativeTo,
unEscapeString, parseURIReference, isAllowedInURI,
parseURI, URI(..) )
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toChunks)
import Data.Default
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( posixSecondsToUTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone, utc)
import Data.Unique (hashUnique)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Network.HTTP.Client
(httpLbs, responseBody, responseHeaders,
Request(port, host, requestHeaders), parseRequest, newManager)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (addProxy)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header ( hContentType )
import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toChunks)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as IO (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Network.URI ( unEscapeString )
import Prelude
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getDirectoryContents,
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory, normalise)
import System.FilePath.Glob (match, compile)
import System.IO (stderr)
import System.IO.Error
import System.Random (StdGen, next, mkStdGen)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.CommonState (CommonState (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag, lookupMedia, mediaDirectory)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM, walk)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.MediaBag as MB
import Text.Pandoc.Translations (Translations)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified System.Environment as IO (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath.Glob (match, compile)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getDirectoryContents,
import System.FilePath
((</>), (<.>), takeDirectory, takeExtension, dropExtension,
isRelative, normalise, splitDirectories)
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as IO (glob)
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
import qualified System.Directory as IO (getModificationTime)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Default
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO (stderr)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang(..), parseBCP47, renderLang)
import Text.Pandoc.Translations (Term(..), Translations, lookupTerm,
import qualified Debug.Trace
import Text.Pandoc.Data (dataFiles)
import qualified Paths_pandoc as Paths
-- | The PandocMonad typeclass contains all the potentially
-- IO-related functions used in pandoc's readers and writers.
-- Instances of this typeclass may implement these functions
-- in IO (as in 'PandocIO') or using an internal state that
-- represents a file system, time, and so on (as in 'PandocPure').
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadError PandocError m)
=> PandocMonad m where
-- | Lookup an environment variable.
lookupEnv :: T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
-- | Get the current (UTC) time.
getCurrentTime :: m UTCTime
-- | Get the locale's time zone.
getCurrentTimeZone :: m TimeZone
-- | Return a new generator for random numbers.
newStdGen :: m StdGen
-- | Return a new unique integer.
newUniqueHash :: m Int
-- | Retrieve contents and mime type from a URL, raising
-- an error on failure.
openURL :: T.Text -> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
-- | Read the lazy ByteString contents from a file path,
-- raising an error on failure.
readFileLazy :: FilePath -> m BL.ByteString
-- | Read the strict ByteString contents from a file path,
-- raising an error on failure.
readFileStrict :: FilePath -> m B.ByteString
-- | Return a list of paths that match a glob, relative to
-- the working directory. See 'System.FilePath.Glob' for
-- the glob syntax.
glob :: String -> m [FilePath]
-- | Returns True if file exists.
fileExists :: FilePath -> m Bool
-- | Returns the path of data file.
getDataFileName :: FilePath -> m FilePath
-- | Return the modification time of a file.
getModificationTime :: FilePath -> m UTCTime
-- | Get the value of the 'CommonState' used by all instances
-- of 'PandocMonad'.
getCommonState :: m CommonState
-- | Set the value of the 'CommonState' used by all instances
-- of 'PandocMonad'.
-- | Get the value of a specific field of 'CommonState'.
putCommonState :: CommonState -> m ()
-- | Get the value of a specific field of 'CommonState'.
getsCommonState :: (CommonState -> a) -> m a
getsCommonState f = f <$> getCommonState
-- | Modify the 'CommonState'.
modifyCommonState :: (CommonState -> CommonState) -> m ()
modifyCommonState f = getCommonState >>= putCommonState . f
-- Output a log message.
logOutput :: LogMessage -> m ()
-- Output a debug message to sterr, using 'Debug.Trace.trace',
-- if tracing is enabled. Note: this writes to stderr even in
-- pure instances.
trace :: T.Text -> m ()
trace msg = do
tracing <- getsCommonState stTrace
when tracing $ Debug.Trace.trace ("[trace] " ++ T.unpack msg) (return ())
-- * Functions defined for all PandocMonad instances
-- | Set the verbosity level.
setVerbosity :: PandocMonad m => Verbosity -> m ()
setVerbosity verbosity =
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stVerbosity = verbosity }
-- | Get the verbosity level.
getVerbosity :: PandocMonad m => m Verbosity
getVerbosity = getsCommonState stVerbosity
-- Get the accomulated log messages (in temporal order).
getLog :: PandocMonad m => m [LogMessage]
getLog = reverse <$> getsCommonState stLog
-- | Log a message using 'logOutput'. Note that 'logOutput' is
-- called only if the verbosity level exceeds the level of the
-- message, but the message is added to the list of log messages
-- that will be retrieved by 'getLog' regardless of its verbosity level.
report :: PandocMonad m => LogMessage -> m ()
report msg = do
verbosity <- getsCommonState stVerbosity
let level = messageVerbosity msg
when (level <= verbosity) $ logOutput msg
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stLog = msg : stLog st }
-- | Determine whether tracing is enabled. This affects
-- the behavior of 'trace'. If tracing is not enabled,
-- 'trace' does nothing.
setTrace :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> m ()
setTrace useTracing = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stTrace = useTracing}
-- | Set request header to use in HTTP requests.
setRequestHeader :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text -- ^ Header name
-> T.Text -- ^ Value
-> m ()
setRequestHeader name val = modifyCommonState $ \st ->
st{ stRequestHeaders =
(name, val) : filter (\(n,_) -> n /= name) (stRequestHeaders st) }
-- | Initialize the media bag.
setMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => MediaBag -> m ()
setMediaBag mb = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = mb}
-- Retrieve the media bag.
getMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => m MediaBag
getMediaBag = getsCommonState stMediaBag
-- Insert an item into the media bag.
insertMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Maybe MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
insertMedia fp mime bs = do
mb <- getMediaBag
let mb' = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs mb
setMediaBag mb'
-- Retrieve the input filenames.
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m [FilePath]
getInputFiles = getsCommonState stInputFiles
-- Set the input filenames.
setInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
setInputFiles fs = do
let sourceURL = case fs of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> case parseURI x of
Just u
| uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
Just $ show u{ uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
_ -> Nothing
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stInputFiles = fs
, stSourceURL = T.pack <$> sourceURL }
-- Retrieve the output filename.
getOutputFile :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe FilePath)
getOutputFile = getsCommonState stOutputFile
-- Set the output filename.
setOutputFile :: PandocMonad m => Maybe FilePath -> m ()
setOutputFile mbf = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stOutputFile = mbf }
-- Retrieve the resource path searched by 'fetchItem'.
getResourcePath :: PandocMonad m => m [FilePath]
getResourcePath = getsCommonState stResourcePath
-- Set the resource path searched by 'fetchItem'.
setResourcePath :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
setResourcePath ps = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stResourcePath = ps}
-- Get the POSIX time.
getPOSIXTime :: PandocMonad m => m POSIXTime
getPOSIXTime = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime
-- Get the zoned time.
getZonedTime :: PandocMonad m => m ZonedTime
getZonedTime = do
t <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
return $ utcToZonedTime tz t
-- | Read file, checking in any number of directories.
readFileFromDirs :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> FilePath -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readFileFromDirs [] _ = return Nothing
readFileFromDirs (d:ds) f = catchError
((Just . T.pack . UTF8.toStringLazy) <$> readFileLazy (d </> f))
(\_ -> readFileFromDirs ds f)
-- | 'CommonState' represents state that is used by all
-- instances of 'PandocMonad'. Normally users should not
-- need to interact with it directly; instead, auxiliary
-- functions like 'setVerbosity' and 'withMediaBag' should be used.
data CommonState = CommonState { stLog :: [LogMessage]
-- ^ A list of log messages in reverse order
, stUserDataDir :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Directory to search for data files
, stSourceURL :: Maybe T.Text
-- ^ Absolute URL + dir of 1st source file
, stRequestHeaders :: [(T.Text, T.Text)]
-- ^ Headers to add for HTTP requests
, stMediaBag :: MediaBag
-- ^ Media parsed from binary containers
, stTranslations :: Maybe
(Lang, Maybe Translations)
-- ^ Translations for localization
, stInputFiles :: [FilePath]
-- ^ List of input files from command line
, stOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Output file from command line
, stResourcePath :: [FilePath]
-- ^ Path to search for resources like
-- included images
, stVerbosity :: Verbosity
-- ^ Verbosity level
, stTrace :: Bool
-- ^ Controls whether tracing messages are
-- issued.
instance Default CommonState where
def = CommonState { stLog = []
, stUserDataDir = Nothing
, stSourceURL = Nothing
, stRequestHeaders = []
, stMediaBag = mempty
, stTranslations = Nothing
, stInputFiles = []
, stOutputFile = Nothing
, stResourcePath = ["."]
, stVerbosity = WARNING
, stTrace = False
-- | Convert BCP47 string to a Lang, issuing warning
-- if there are problems.
toLang :: PandocMonad m => Maybe T.Text -> m (Maybe Lang)
toLang Nothing = return Nothing
toLang (Just s) =
case parseBCP47 s of
Left _ -> do
report $ InvalidLang s
return Nothing
Right l -> return (Just l)
-- | Select the language to use with 'translateTerm'.
-- Note that this does not read a translation file;
-- that is only done the first time 'translateTerm' is
-- used.
setTranslations :: PandocMonad m => Lang -> m ()
setTranslations lang =
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stTranslations = Just (lang, Nothing) }
-- | Load term map.
getTranslations :: PandocMonad m => m Translations
getTranslations = do
mbtrans <- getsCommonState stTranslations
case mbtrans of
Nothing -> return mempty -- no language defined
Just (_, Just t) -> return t
Just (lang, Nothing) -> do -- read from file
let translationFile = "translations/" <> renderLang lang <> ".yaml"
let fallbackFile = "translations/" <> langLanguage lang <> ".yaml"
let getTrans fp = do
bs <- readDataFile fp
case readTranslations (UTF8.toText bs) of
Left e -> do
report $ CouldNotLoadTranslations (renderLang lang)
(T.pack fp <> ": " <> e)
-- make sure we don't try again...
modifyCommonState $ \st ->
st{ stTranslations = Nothing }
return mempty
Right t -> do
modifyCommonState $ \st ->
st{ stTranslations = Just (lang, Just t) }
return t
catchError (getTrans $ T.unpack translationFile)
(\_ ->
catchError (getTrans $ T.unpack fallbackFile)
(\e -> do
report $ CouldNotLoadTranslations (renderLang lang)
$ case e of
PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError _ ->
"data file " <> fallbackFile <> " not found"
_ -> ""
-- make sure we don't try again...
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stTranslations = Nothing }
return mempty))
-- | Get a translation from the current term map.
-- Issue a warning if the term is not defined.
translateTerm :: PandocMonad m => Term -> m T.Text
translateTerm term = do
translations <- getTranslations
case lookupTerm term translations of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> do
report $ NoTranslation $ T.pack $ show term
return ""
import qualified Data.Time as IO (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as IO (getCurrentTimeZone)
import qualified Data.Unique as IO (newUnique)
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Directory as IO (getModificationTime)
import qualified System.Environment as IO (lookupEnv)
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as IO (glob)
import qualified System.Random as IO (newStdGen)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-- | Evaluate a 'PandocIO' operation.
runIO :: PandocIO a -> IO (Either PandocError a)
@ -519,314 +220,6 @@ alertIndent (l:ls) = do
where go l' = do UTF8.hPutStr stderr " "
UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $ T.unpack l'
-- | Specialized version of parseURIReference that disallows
-- single-letter schemes. Reason: these are usually windows absolute
-- paths.
parseURIReference' :: T.Text -> Maybe URI
parseURIReference' s = do
u <- parseURIReference (T.unpack s)
case uriScheme u of
[_] -> Nothing
_ -> Just u
-- | Set the user data directory in common state.
setUserDataDir :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe FilePath
-> m ()
setUserDataDir mbfp = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stUserDataDir = mbfp }
-- | Get the user data directory from common state.
getUserDataDir :: PandocMonad m
=> m (Maybe FilePath)
getUserDataDir = getsCommonState stUserDataDir
-- | Fetch an image or other item from the local filesystem or the net.
-- Returns raw content and maybe mime type.
fetchItem :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
fetchItem s = do
mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia (T.unpack s) mediabag of
Just (mime, bs) -> return (BL.toStrict bs, Just mime)
Nothing -> downloadOrRead s
downloadOrRead :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
downloadOrRead s = do
sourceURL <- getsCommonState stSourceURL
case (sourceURL >>= parseURIReference' .
ensureEscaped, ensureEscaped s) of
(Just u, s') -> -- try fetching from relative path at source
case parseURIReference' s' of
Just u' -> openURL $ T.pack $ show $ u' `nonStrictRelativeTo` u
Nothing -> openURL s' -- will throw error
(Nothing, s'@(T.unpack -> ('/':'/':c:_))) | c /= '?' -> -- protocol-relative URI
-- we exclude //? because of //?UNC/ on Windows
case parseURIReference' s' of
Just u' -> openURL $ T.pack $ show $ u' `nonStrictRelativeTo` httpcolon
Nothing -> openURL s' -- will throw error
(Nothing, s') ->
case parseURI (T.unpack s') of -- requires absolute URI
Just u' | uriScheme u' == "file:" ->
readLocalFile $ uriPathToPath (T.pack $ uriPath u')
-- We don't want to treat C:/ as a scheme:
Just u' | length (uriScheme u') > 2 -> openURL (T.pack $ show u')
_ -> readLocalFile fp -- get from local file system
where readLocalFile f = do
resourcePath <- getResourcePath
cont <- if isRelative f
then withPaths resourcePath readFileStrict f
else readFileStrict f
return (cont, mime)
httpcolon = URI{ uriScheme = "http:",
uriAuthority = Nothing,
uriPath = "",
uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
dropFragmentAndQuery = T.takeWhile (\c -> c /= '?' && c /= '#')
fp = unEscapeString $ T.unpack $ dropFragmentAndQuery s
mime = getMimeType $ case takeExtension fp of
".gz" -> dropExtension fp
".svgz" -> dropExtension fp ++ ".svg"
x -> x
ensureEscaped = T.pack . escapeURIString isAllowedInURI . T.unpack . convertSlash
convertSlash '\\' = '/'
convertSlash x = x
-- Retrieve default reference.docx.
getDefaultReferenceDocx :: PandocMonad m => m Archive
getDefaultReferenceDocx = do
let paths = ["[Content_Types].xml",
let toLazy = BL.fromChunks . (:[])
let pathToEntry path = do
epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> getCurrentTime
contents <- toLazy <$> readDataFile ("docx/" ++ path)
return $ toEntry path epochtime contents
datadir <- getUserDataDir
mbArchive <- case datadir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just d -> do
exists <- fileExists (d </> "reference.docx")
if exists
then return (Just (d </> "reference.docx"))
else return Nothing
case mbArchive of
Just arch -> toArchive <$> readFileLazy arch
Nothing -> foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive <$>
mapM pathToEntry paths
-- Retrieve default reference.odt.
getDefaultReferenceODT :: PandocMonad m => m Archive
getDefaultReferenceODT = do
let paths = ["mimetype",
let pathToEntry path = do epochtime <- floor `fmap` getPOSIXTime
contents <- (BL.fromChunks . (:[])) `fmap`
readDataFile ("odt/" ++ path)
return $ toEntry path epochtime contents
datadir <- getUserDataDir
mbArchive <- case datadir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just d -> do
exists <- fileExists (d </> "reference.odt")
if exists
then return (Just (d </> "reference.odt"))
else return Nothing
case mbArchive of
Just arch -> toArchive <$> readFileLazy arch
Nothing -> foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive <$>
mapM pathToEntry paths
getDefaultReferencePptx :: PandocMonad m => m Archive
getDefaultReferencePptx = do
-- We're going to narrow this down substantially once we get it
-- working.
let paths = [ "[Content_Types].xml"
, "_rels/.rels"
, "docProps/app.xml"
, "docProps/core.xml"
, "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels"
, "ppt/presProps.xml"
, "ppt/presentation.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout2.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout3.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout4.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout5.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout6.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout7.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout8.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout9.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout10.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout11.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout10.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout11.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout5.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout6.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout7.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout8.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout9.xml"
, "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide1.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide2.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide2.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide3.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide3.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide4.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide4.xml"
, "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
, "ppt/theme/theme1.xml"
, "ppt/viewProps.xml"
-- These relate to notes slides.
, "ppt/notesMasters/notesMaster1.xml"
, "ppt/notesMasters/_rels/notesMaster1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide1.xml"
, "ppt/notesSlides/_rels/notesSlide1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide2.xml"
, "ppt/notesSlides/_rels/notesSlide2.xml.rels"
, "ppt/theme/theme2.xml"
let toLazy = BL.fromChunks . (:[])
let pathToEntry path = do
epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> getCurrentTime
contents <- toLazy <$> readDataFile ("pptx/" ++ path)
return $ toEntry path epochtime contents
datadir <- getUserDataDir
mbArchive <- case datadir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just d -> do
exists <- fileExists (d </> "reference.pptx")
if exists
then return (Just (d </> "reference.pptx"))
else return Nothing
case mbArchive of
Just arch -> toArchive <$> readFileLazy arch
Nothing -> foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive <$>
mapM pathToEntry paths
-- | Read file from user data directory or,
-- if not found there, from Cabal data directory.
readDataFile :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m B.ByteString
readDataFile fname = do
datadir <- getUserDataDir
case datadir of
Nothing -> readDefaultDataFile fname
Just userDir -> do
exists <- fileExists (userDir </> fname)
if exists
then readFileStrict (userDir </> fname)
else readDefaultDataFile fname
-- | Read file from from Cabal data directory.
readDefaultDataFile :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m B.ByteString
readDefaultDataFile "reference.docx" =
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getDefaultReferenceDocx
readDefaultDataFile "reference.pptx" =
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getDefaultReferencePptx
readDefaultDataFile "reference.odt" =
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getDefaultReferenceODT
readDefaultDataFile fname =
case lookup (makeCanonical fname) dataFiles of
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError $ T.pack fname
Just contents -> return contents
getDataFileName fname' >>= checkExistence >>= readFileStrict
where fname' = if fname == "MANUAL.txt" then fname else "data" </> fname
checkExistence :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m FilePath
checkExistence fn = do
exists <- fileExists fn
if exists
then return fn
else throwError $ PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError $ T.pack fn
makeCanonical :: FilePath -> FilePath
makeCanonical = Posix.joinPath . transformPathParts . splitDirectories
where transformPathParts = reverse . foldl go []
go as "." = as
go (_:as) ".." = as
go as x = x : as
withPaths :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> (FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> m a
withPaths [] _ fp = throwError $ PandocResourceNotFound $ T.pack fp
withPaths (p:ps) action fp =
catchError (action (p </> fp))
(\_ -> withPaths ps action fp)
-- | Fetch local or remote resource (like an image) and provide data suitable
-- for adding it to the MediaBag.
fetchMediaResource :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text -> m (FilePath, Maybe MimeType, BL.ByteString)
fetchMediaResource src = do
(bs, mt) <- downloadOrRead src
let ext = fromMaybe (T.pack $ takeExtension $ T.unpack src)
(mt >>= extensionFromMimeType)
let bs' = BL.fromChunks [bs]
let basename = showDigest $ sha1 bs'
let fname = basename <.> T.unpack ext
return (fname, mt, bs')
-- | Traverse tree, filling media bag for any images that
-- aren't already in the media bag.
fillMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => Pandoc -> m Pandoc
fillMediaBag d = walkM handleImage d
where handleImage :: PandocMonad m => Inline -> m Inline
handleImage (Image attr lab (src, tit)) = catchError
(do mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia (T.unpack src) mediabag of
Just (_, _) -> return $ Image attr lab (src, tit)
Nothing -> do
(fname, mt, bs) <- fetchMediaResource src
insertMedia fname mt bs
return $ Image attr lab (T.pack fname, tit))
(\e ->
case e of
PandocResourceNotFound _ -> do
report $ CouldNotFetchResource src
"replacing image with description"
-- emit alt text
return $ Span ("",["image"],[]) lab
PandocHttpError u er -> do
report $ CouldNotFetchResource u
(T.pack $ show er ++ "\rReplacing image with description.")
-- emit alt text
return $ Span ("",["image"],[]) lab
_ -> throwError e)
handleImage x = return x
-- | Extract media from the mediabag into a directory.
extractMedia :: FilePath -> Pandoc -> PandocIO Pandoc
extractMedia dir d = do
@ -1015,54 +408,3 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocPure where
putCommonState x = PandocPure $ lift $ put x
logOutput _msg = return ()
-- This requires UndecidableInstances. We could avoid that
-- by repeating the definitions below for every monad transformer
-- we use: ReaderT, WriterT, StateT, RWST. But this seems to
-- be harmless.
instance (MonadTrans t, PandocMonad m, Functor (t m),
MonadError PandocError (t m), Monad (t m),
Applicative (t m)) => PandocMonad (t m) where
lookupEnv = lift . lookupEnv
getCurrentTime = lift getCurrentTime
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
glob = lift . glob
fileExists = lift . fileExists
getDataFileName = lift . getDataFileName
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
putCommonState = lift . putCommonState
logOutput = lift . logOutput
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} PandocMonad m => PandocMonad (ParsecT s st m) where
lookupEnv = lift . lookupEnv
getCurrentTime = lift getCurrentTime
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
glob = lift . glob
fileExists = lift . fileExists
getDataFileName = lift . getDataFileName
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
putCommonState = lift . putCommonState
trace msg = do
tracing <- getsCommonState stTrace
when tracing $ do
pos <- getPosition
("[trace] Parsed " ++ T.unpack msg ++ " at line " ++
show (sourceLine pos) ++
if sourceName pos == "chunk"
then " of chunk"
else "")
(return ())
logOutput = lift . logOutput

View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Class.CommonState
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jesse Rosenthal, John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Jesse Rosenthal <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Common state shared by all pandoc-specific operations, including
those in readers, writers, and Lua filters.
module Text.Pandoc.Class.CommonState
( CommonState(..)
, defaultCommonState
import Data.Default (Default (def))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage, Verbosity (WARNING))
import Text.Pandoc.Translations (Translations)
-- | 'CommonState' represents state that is used by all
-- instances of 'PandocMonad'. Normally users should not
-- need to interact with it directly; instead, auxiliary
-- functions like 'setVerbosity' and 'withMediaBag' should be used.
data CommonState = CommonState
{ stLog :: [LogMessage]
-- ^ A list of log messages in reverse order
, stUserDataDir :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Directory to search for data files
, stSourceURL :: Maybe Text
-- ^ Absolute URL + dir of 1st source file
, stRequestHeaders :: [(Text, Text)]
-- ^ Headers to add for HTTP requests
, stMediaBag :: MediaBag
-- ^ Media parsed from binary containers
, stTranslations :: Maybe (Lang, Maybe Translations)
-- ^ Translations for localization
, stInputFiles :: [FilePath]
-- ^ List of input files from command line
, stOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Output file from command line
, stResourcePath :: [FilePath]
-- ^ Path to search for resources like
-- included images
, stVerbosity :: Verbosity
-- ^ Verbosity level
, stTrace :: Bool
-- ^ Controls whether tracing messages are
-- issued.
-- | The default @'CommonState'@. All fields are initialized as the
-- monoid identity of their resprective type, except for:
-- * @'stResourcePath'@, which is set to @["."]@,
-- * @'stTrace'@, which is set to @'False'@, and
-- * @'stVerbosity'@, which is set to @WARNING@.
defaultCommonState :: CommonState
defaultCommonState = CommonState
{ stLog = []
, stUserDataDir = Nothing
, stSourceURL = Nothing
, stRequestHeaders = []
, stMediaBag = mempty
, stTranslations = Nothing
, stInputFiles = []
, stOutputFile = Nothing
, stResourcePath = ["."]
, stVerbosity = WARNING
, stTrace = False
instance Default CommonState where
def = defaultCommonState

View file

@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2016-20 Jesse Rosenthal, John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Jesse Rosenthal <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
This module defines a type class, 'PandocMonad', for pandoc readers
and writers.
module Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad
( PandocMonad(..)
, getPOSIXTime
, getZonedTime
, readFileFromDirs
, report
, setTrace
, setRequestHeader
, getLog
, setVerbosity
, getVerbosity
, getMediaBag
, setMediaBag
, insertMedia
, setUserDataDir
, getUserDataDir
, fetchItem
, fetchMediaResource
, getInputFiles
, setInputFiles
, getOutputFile
, setOutputFile
, setResourcePath
, getResourcePath
, readDefaultDataFile
, readDataFile
, fillMediaBag
, toLang
, setTranslations
, translateTerm
, makeCanonical
) where
import Prelude
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (catchError, throwError),
MonadTrans, lift, when)
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone, ZonedTime, utcToZonedTime)
import Network.URI ( escapeURIString, nonStrictRelativeTo,
unEscapeString, parseURIReference, isAllowedInURI,
parseURI, URI(..) )
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>), takeExtension, dropExtension,
isRelative, splitDirectories)
import System.Random (StdGen)
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang(..), parseBCP47, renderLang)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.CommonState (CommonState (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType, getMimeType, extensionFromMimeType)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag, lookupMedia)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (uriPathToPath)
import Text.Pandoc.Translations (Term(..), Translations, lookupTerm,
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
import Text.Parsec (ParsecT, getPosition, sourceLine, sourceName)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Debug.Trace
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
import qualified Text.Pandoc.MediaBag as MB
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Data (dataFiles)
-- | The PandocMonad typeclass contains all the potentially
-- IO-related functions used in pandoc's readers and writers.
-- Instances of this typeclass may implement these functions
-- in IO (as in 'PandocIO') or using an internal state that
-- represents a file system, time, and so on (as in 'PandocPure').
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadError PandocError m)
=> PandocMonad m where
-- | Lookup an environment variable.
lookupEnv :: T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
-- | Get the current (UTC) time.
getCurrentTime :: m UTCTime
-- | Get the locale's time zone.
getCurrentTimeZone :: m TimeZone
-- | Return a new generator for random numbers.
newStdGen :: m StdGen
-- | Return a new unique integer.
newUniqueHash :: m Int
-- | Retrieve contents and mime type from a URL, raising
-- an error on failure.
openURL :: T.Text -> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
-- | Read the lazy ByteString contents from a file path,
-- raising an error on failure.
readFileLazy :: FilePath -> m BL.ByteString
-- | Read the strict ByteString contents from a file path,
-- raising an error on failure.
readFileStrict :: FilePath -> m B.ByteString
-- | Return a list of paths that match a glob, relative to
-- the working directory. See 'System.FilePath.Glob' for
-- the glob syntax.
glob :: String -> m [FilePath]
-- | Returns True if file exists.
fileExists :: FilePath -> m Bool
-- | Returns the path of data file.
getDataFileName :: FilePath -> m FilePath
-- | Return the modification time of a file.
getModificationTime :: FilePath -> m UTCTime
-- | Get the value of the 'CommonState' used by all instances
-- of 'PandocMonad'.
getCommonState :: m CommonState
-- | Set the value of the 'CommonState' used by all instances
-- of 'PandocMonad'.
-- | Get the value of a specific field of 'CommonState'.
putCommonState :: CommonState -> m ()
-- | Get the value of a specific field of 'CommonState'.
getsCommonState :: (CommonState -> a) -> m a
getsCommonState f = f <$> getCommonState
-- | Modify the 'CommonState'.
modifyCommonState :: (CommonState -> CommonState) -> m ()
modifyCommonState f = getCommonState >>= putCommonState . f
-- | Output a log message.
logOutput :: LogMessage -> m ()
-- | Output a debug message to sterr, using 'Debug.Trace.trace',
-- if tracing is enabled. Note: this writes to stderr even in
-- pure instances.
trace :: T.Text -> m ()
trace msg = do
tracing <- getsCommonState stTrace
when tracing $ Debug.Trace.trace ("[trace] " ++ T.unpack msg) (return ())
-- * Functions defined for all PandocMonad instances
-- | Set the verbosity level.
setVerbosity :: PandocMonad m => Verbosity -> m ()
setVerbosity verbosity =
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stVerbosity = verbosity }
-- | Get the verbosity level.
getVerbosity :: PandocMonad m => m Verbosity
getVerbosity = getsCommonState stVerbosity
-- | Get the accomulated log messages (in temporal order).
getLog :: PandocMonad m => m [LogMessage]
getLog = reverse <$> getsCommonState stLog
-- | Log a message using 'logOutput'. Note that 'logOutput' is
-- called only if the verbosity level exceeds the level of the
-- message, but the message is added to the list of log messages
-- that will be retrieved by 'getLog' regardless of its verbosity level.
report :: PandocMonad m => LogMessage -> m ()
report msg = do
verbosity <- getsCommonState stVerbosity
let level = messageVerbosity msg
when (level <= verbosity) $ logOutput msg
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stLog = msg : stLog st }
-- | Determine whether tracing is enabled. This affects
-- the behavior of 'trace'. If tracing is not enabled,
-- 'trace' does nothing.
setTrace :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> m ()
setTrace useTracing = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stTrace = useTracing}
-- | Set request header to use in HTTP requests.
setRequestHeader :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text -- ^ Header name
-> T.Text -- ^ Value
-> m ()
setRequestHeader name val = modifyCommonState $ \st ->
st{ stRequestHeaders =
(name, val) : filter (\(n,_) -> n /= name) (stRequestHeaders st) }
-- | Initialize the media bag.
setMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => MediaBag -> m ()
setMediaBag mb = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = mb}
-- | Retrieve the media bag.
getMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => m MediaBag
getMediaBag = getsCommonState stMediaBag
-- | Insert an item into the media bag.
insertMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Maybe MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
insertMedia fp mime bs = do
mb <- getMediaBag
let mb' = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs mb
setMediaBag mb'
-- | Retrieve the input filenames.
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m [FilePath]
getInputFiles = getsCommonState stInputFiles
-- | Set the input filenames.
setInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
setInputFiles fs = do
let sourceURL = case fs of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> case parseURI x of
Just u
| uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
Just $ show u{ uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
_ -> Nothing
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stInputFiles = fs
, stSourceURL = T.pack <$> sourceURL }
-- | Retrieve the output filename.
getOutputFile :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe FilePath)
getOutputFile = getsCommonState stOutputFile
-- | Set the output filename.
setOutputFile :: PandocMonad m => Maybe FilePath -> m ()
setOutputFile mbf = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stOutputFile = mbf }
-- | Retrieve the resource path searched by 'fetchItem'.
getResourcePath :: PandocMonad m => m [FilePath]
getResourcePath = getsCommonState stResourcePath
-- | Set the resource path searched by 'fetchItem'.
setResourcePath :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
setResourcePath ps = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stResourcePath = ps}
-- | Get the POSIX time.
getPOSIXTime :: PandocMonad m => m POSIXTime
getPOSIXTime = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime
-- | Get the zoned time.
getZonedTime :: PandocMonad m => m ZonedTime
getZonedTime = do
t <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
return $ utcToZonedTime tz t
-- | Read file, checking in any number of directories.
readFileFromDirs :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> FilePath -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readFileFromDirs [] _ = return Nothing
readFileFromDirs (d:ds) f = catchError
(Just . T.pack . UTF8.toStringLazy <$> readFileLazy (d </> f))
(\_ -> readFileFromDirs ds f)
-- | Convert BCP47 string to a Lang, issuing warning
-- if there are problems.
toLang :: PandocMonad m => Maybe T.Text -> m (Maybe Lang)
toLang Nothing = return Nothing
toLang (Just s) =
case parseBCP47 s of
Left _ -> do
report $ InvalidLang s
return Nothing
Right l -> return (Just l)
-- | Select the language to use with 'translateTerm'.
-- Note that this does not read a translation file;
-- that is only done the first time 'translateTerm' is
-- used.
setTranslations :: PandocMonad m => Lang -> m ()
setTranslations lang =
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stTranslations = Just (lang, Nothing) }
-- | Load term map.
getTranslations :: PandocMonad m => m Translations
getTranslations = do
mbtrans <- getsCommonState stTranslations
case mbtrans of
Nothing -> return mempty -- no language defined
Just (_, Just t) -> return t
Just (lang, Nothing) -> do -- read from file
let translationFile = "translations/" <> renderLang lang <> ".yaml"
let fallbackFile = "translations/" <> langLanguage lang <> ".yaml"
let getTrans fp = do
bs <- readDataFile fp
case readTranslations (UTF8.toText bs) of
Left e -> do
report $ CouldNotLoadTranslations (renderLang lang)
(T.pack fp <> ": " <> e)
-- make sure we don't try again...
modifyCommonState $ \st ->
st{ stTranslations = Nothing }
return mempty
Right t -> do
modifyCommonState $ \st ->
st{ stTranslations = Just (lang, Just t) }
return t
catchError (getTrans $ T.unpack translationFile)
(\_ ->
catchError (getTrans $ T.unpack fallbackFile)
(\e -> do
report $ CouldNotLoadTranslations (renderLang lang)
$ case e of
PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError _ ->
"data file " <> fallbackFile <> " not found"
_ -> ""
-- make sure we don't try again...
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stTranslations = Nothing }
return mempty))
-- | Get a translation from the current term map.
-- Issue a warning if the term is not defined.
translateTerm :: PandocMonad m => Term -> m T.Text
translateTerm term = do
translations <- getTranslations
case lookupTerm term translations of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> do
report $ NoTranslation $ T.pack $ show term
return ""
-- | Specialized version of parseURIReference that disallows
-- single-letter schemes. Reason: these are usually windows absolute
-- paths.
parseURIReference' :: T.Text -> Maybe URI
parseURIReference' s = do
u <- parseURIReference (T.unpack s)
case uriScheme u of
[_] -> Nothing
_ -> Just u
-- | Set the user data directory in common state.
setUserDataDir :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe FilePath
-> m ()
setUserDataDir mbfp = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stUserDataDir = mbfp }
-- | Get the user data directory from common state.
getUserDataDir :: PandocMonad m
=> m (Maybe FilePath)
getUserDataDir = getsCommonState stUserDataDir
-- | Fetch an image or other item from the local filesystem or the net.
-- Returns raw content and maybe mime type.
fetchItem :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
fetchItem s = do
mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia (T.unpack s) mediabag of
Just (mime, bs) -> return (BL.toStrict bs, Just mime)
Nothing -> downloadOrRead s
-- | Returns the content and, if available, the MIME type of a resource.
-- If the given resource location is a valid URI, then download the
-- resource from that URI. Otherwise, treat the resource identifier as a
-- local file name.
-- Note that resources are treated relative to the URL of the first
-- input source, if any.
downloadOrRead :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
downloadOrRead s = do
sourceURL <- getsCommonState stSourceURL
case (sourceURL >>= parseURIReference' .
ensureEscaped, ensureEscaped s) of
(Just u, s') -> -- try fetching from relative path at source
case parseURIReference' s' of
Just u' -> openURL $ T.pack $ show $ u' `nonStrictRelativeTo` u
Nothing -> openURL s' -- will throw error
(Nothing, s'@(T.unpack -> ('/':'/':c:_))) | c /= '?' -> -- protocol-relative URI
-- we exclude //? because of //?UNC/ on Windows
case parseURIReference' s' of
Just u' -> openURL $ T.pack $ show $ u' `nonStrictRelativeTo` httpcolon
Nothing -> openURL s' -- will throw error
(Nothing, s') ->
case parseURI (T.unpack s') of -- requires absolute URI
Just u' | uriScheme u' == "file:" ->
readLocalFile $ uriPathToPath (T.pack $ uriPath u')
-- We don't want to treat C:/ as a scheme:
Just u' | length (uriScheme u') > 2 -> openURL (T.pack $ show u')
_ -> readLocalFile fp -- get from local file system
where readLocalFile f = do
resourcePath <- getResourcePath
cont <- if isRelative f
then withPaths resourcePath readFileStrict f
else readFileStrict f
return (cont, mime)
httpcolon = URI{ uriScheme = "http:",
uriAuthority = Nothing,
uriPath = "",
uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
dropFragmentAndQuery = T.takeWhile (\c -> c /= '?' && c /= '#')
fp = unEscapeString $ T.unpack $ dropFragmentAndQuery s
mime = getMimeType $ case takeExtension fp of
".gz" -> dropExtension fp
".svgz" -> dropExtension fp ++ ".svg"
x -> x
ensureEscaped = T.pack . escapeURIString isAllowedInURI . T.unpack . convertSlash
convertSlash '\\' = '/'
convertSlash x = x
-- | Retrieve default reference.docx.
getDefaultReferenceDocx :: PandocMonad m => m Archive
getDefaultReferenceDocx = do
let paths = ["[Content_Types].xml",
let toLazy = BL.fromChunks . (:[])
let pathToEntry path = do
epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> getCurrentTime
contents <- toLazy <$> readDataFile ("docx/" ++ path)
return $ toEntry path epochtime contents
datadir <- getUserDataDir
mbArchive <- case datadir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just d -> do
exists <- fileExists (d </> "reference.docx")
if exists
then return (Just (d </> "reference.docx"))
else return Nothing
case mbArchive of
Just arch -> toArchive <$> readFileLazy arch
Nothing -> foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive <$>
mapM pathToEntry paths
-- | Retrieve default reference.odt.
getDefaultReferenceODT :: PandocMonad m => m Archive
getDefaultReferenceODT = do
let paths = ["mimetype",
let pathToEntry path = do epochtime <- floor `fmap` getPOSIXTime
contents <- (BL.fromChunks . (:[])) `fmap`
readDataFile ("odt/" ++ path)
return $ toEntry path epochtime contents
datadir <- getUserDataDir
mbArchive <- case datadir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just d -> do
exists <- fileExists (d </> "reference.odt")
if exists
then return (Just (d </> "reference.odt"))
else return Nothing
case mbArchive of
Just arch -> toArchive <$> readFileLazy arch
Nothing -> foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive <$>
mapM pathToEntry paths
-- | Retrieve default reference.pptx.
getDefaultReferencePptx :: PandocMonad m => m Archive
getDefaultReferencePptx = do
-- We're going to narrow this down substantially once we get it
-- working.
let paths = [ "[Content_Types].xml"
, "_rels/.rels"
, "docProps/app.xml"
, "docProps/core.xml"
, "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels"
, "ppt/presProps.xml"
, "ppt/presentation.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout2.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout3.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout4.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout5.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout6.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout7.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout8.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout9.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout10.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout11.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout10.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout11.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout5.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout6.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout7.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout8.xml"
, "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout9.xml"
, "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide1.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide2.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide2.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide3.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide3.xml"
, "ppt/slides/_rels/slide4.xml.rels"
, "ppt/slides/slide4.xml"
, "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
, "ppt/theme/theme1.xml"
, "ppt/viewProps.xml"
-- These relate to notes slides.
, "ppt/notesMasters/notesMaster1.xml"
, "ppt/notesMasters/_rels/notesMaster1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide1.xml"
, "ppt/notesSlides/_rels/notesSlide1.xml.rels"
, "ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide2.xml"
, "ppt/notesSlides/_rels/notesSlide2.xml.rels"
, "ppt/theme/theme2.xml"
let toLazy = BL.fromChunks . (:[])
let pathToEntry path = do
epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> getCurrentTime
contents <- toLazy <$> readDataFile ("pptx/" ++ path)
return $ toEntry path epochtime contents
datadir <- getUserDataDir
mbArchive <- case datadir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just d -> do
exists <- fileExists (d </> "reference.pptx")
if exists
then return (Just (d </> "reference.pptx"))
else return Nothing
case mbArchive of
Just arch -> toArchive <$> readFileLazy arch
Nothing -> foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive <$>
mapM pathToEntry paths
-- | Read file from user data directory or,
-- if not found there, from Cabal data directory.
readDataFile :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m B.ByteString
readDataFile fname = do
datadir <- getUserDataDir
case datadir of
Nothing -> readDefaultDataFile fname
Just userDir -> do
exists <- fileExists (userDir </> fname)
if exists
then readFileStrict (userDir </> fname)
else readDefaultDataFile fname
-- | Read file from from Cabal data directory.
readDefaultDataFile :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m B.ByteString
readDefaultDataFile "reference.docx" =
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getDefaultReferenceDocx
readDefaultDataFile "reference.pptx" =
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getDefaultReferencePptx
readDefaultDataFile "reference.odt" =
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getDefaultReferenceODT
readDefaultDataFile fname =
case lookup (makeCanonical fname) dataFiles of
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError $ T.pack fname
Just contents -> return contents
getDataFileName fname' >>= checkExistence >>= readFileStrict
where fname' = if fname == "MANUAL.txt" then fname else "data" </> fname
-- | Returns the input filename unchanged if the file exits, and throws
-- a `PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError` if it doesn't.
checkExistence :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m FilePath
checkExistence fn = do
exists <- fileExists fn
if exists
then return fn
else throwError $ PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError $ T.pack fn
-- | Canonicalizes a file path by removing redundant @.@ and @..@.
makeCanonical :: FilePath -> FilePath
makeCanonical = Posix.joinPath . transformPathParts . splitDirectories
where transformPathParts = reverse . foldl go []
go as "." = as
go (_:as) ".." = as
go as x = x : as
-- | Trys to run an action on a file: for each directory given, a
-- filepath is created from the given filename, and the action is run on
-- that filepath. Returns the result of the first successful execution
-- of the action, or throws a @PandocResourceNotFound@ exception if the
-- action errors for all filepaths.
withPaths :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> (FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> m a
withPaths [] _ fp = throwError $ PandocResourceNotFound $ T.pack fp
withPaths (p:ps) action fp =
catchError (action (p </> fp))
(\_ -> withPaths ps action fp)
-- | Fetch local or remote resource (like an image) and provide data suitable
-- for adding it to the MediaBag.
fetchMediaResource :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text -> m (FilePath, Maybe MimeType, BL.ByteString)
fetchMediaResource src = do
(bs, mt) <- downloadOrRead src
let ext = fromMaybe (T.pack $ takeExtension $ T.unpack src)
(mt >>= extensionFromMimeType)
let bs' = BL.fromChunks [bs]
let basename = showDigest $ sha1 bs'
let fname = basename <.> T.unpack ext
return (fname, mt, bs')
-- | Traverse tree, filling media bag for any images that
-- aren't already in the media bag.
fillMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => Pandoc -> m Pandoc
fillMediaBag d = walkM handleImage d
where handleImage :: PandocMonad m => Inline -> m Inline
handleImage (Image attr lab (src, tit)) = catchError
(do mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia (T.unpack src) mediabag of
Just (_, _) -> return $ Image attr lab (src, tit)
Nothing -> do
(fname, mt, bs) <- fetchMediaResource src
insertMedia fname mt bs
return $ Image attr lab (T.pack fname, tit))
(\e ->
case e of
PandocResourceNotFound _ -> do
report $ CouldNotFetchResource src
"replacing image with description"
-- emit alt text
return $ Span ("",["image"],[]) lab
PandocHttpError u er -> do
report $ CouldNotFetchResource u
(T.pack $ show er ++ "\rReplacing image with description.")
-- emit alt text
return $ Span ("",["image"],[]) lab
_ -> throwError e)
handleImage x = return x
-- This requires UndecidableInstances. We could avoid that
-- by repeating the definitions below for every monad transformer
-- we use: ReaderT, WriterT, StateT, RWST. But this seems to
-- be harmless.
instance (MonadTrans t, PandocMonad m, Functor (t m),
MonadError PandocError (t m), Monad (t m),
Applicative (t m)) => PandocMonad (t m) where
lookupEnv = lift . lookupEnv
getCurrentTime = lift getCurrentTime
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
glob = lift . glob
fileExists = lift . fileExists
getDataFileName = lift . getDataFileName
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
putCommonState = lift . putCommonState
logOutput = lift . logOutput
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} PandocMonad m => PandocMonad (ParsecT s st m) where
lookupEnv = lift . lookupEnv
getCurrentTime = lift getCurrentTime
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
glob = lift . glob
fileExists = lift . fileExists
getDataFileName = lift . getDataFileName
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
putCommonState = lift . putCommonState
trace msg = do
tracing <- getsCommonState stTrace
when tracing $ do
pos <- getPosition
("[trace] Parsed " ++ T.unpack msg ++ " at line " ++
show (sourceLine pos) ++
if sourceName pos == "chunk"
then " of chunk"
else "")
(return ())
logOutput = lift . logOutput