Improvements to test suite.
+ You can now specify glob patterns after 'cabal test'; e.g. 'cabal test latex' will only run the latex tests. + Instead of detecting highlighting support in Setup.hs, we now detect it in test-pandoc, by looking to see if 'languages' is null. + We now verify the lhs readers against the lhs-test.native, normalizing with 'normalize'. This makes more sense than verifying against HTML, which also brings in the HTML writer. + Added lhsn-test.nohl.{html,html+lhs}, so we can do the lhs tests whether or not highlighting has been installed.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 103 additions and 21 deletions
@ -38,17 +38,12 @@ main = do
-- | Run test suite.
-- | Run test suite.
runTestSuite :: Args -> Bool -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO a
runTestSuite :: Args -> Bool -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO a
runTestSuite _ _ pkg lbi = do
runTestSuite args _ pkg lbi = do
let testDir = buildDir lbi </> "test-pandoc"
let testDir = buildDir lbi </> "test-pandoc"
testDir' <- canonicalizePath testDir
testDir' <- canonicalizePath testDir
let testArgs = concatMap (\arg -> ["-t",arg]) args
if any id [buildable (buildInfo exe) | exe <- executables pkg, exeName exe == "test-pandoc"]
if any id [buildable (buildInfo exe) | exe <- executables pkg, exeName exe == "test-pandoc"]
then do
then inDirectory "tests" $ rawSystem (testDir' </> "test-pandoc") testArgs >>= exitWith
let isHighlightingKate (Dependency (PackageName "highlighting-kate") _) = True
isHighlightingKate _ = False
let highlightingSupport = any isHighlightingKate $ buildDepends pkg
let testArgs = if highlightingSupport then [] else ["-t", "!lhs"]
inDirectory "tests" $ rawSystem (testDir' </> "test-pandoc")
testArgs >>= exitWith
else do
else do
putStrLn "Build pandoc with the 'tests' flag to run tests"
putStrLn "Build pandoc with the 'tests' flag to run tests"
exitWith $ ExitFailure 3
exitWith $ ExitFailure 3
@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
Extra-Tmp-Files: man/man1/pandoc.1, man/man1/markdown2pdf.1
Extra-Tmp-Files: man/man1/pandoc.1, man/man1/markdown2pdf.1
@ -291,9 +293,12 @@ Executable markdown2pdf
Executable test-pandoc
Executable test-pandoc
Hs-Source-Dirs: tests, src
Hs-Source-Dirs: tests, src
Main-Is: test-pandoc.hs
Main-Is: test-pandoc.hs
if flag(highlighting)
cpp-options: -D_HIGHLIGHTING
if !flag(tests)
if !flag(tests)
Buildable: False
Buildable: False
Ghc-Options: -Wall
Ghc-Options: -Wall
Extensions: CPP
Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, Diff, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, HUnit
Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, Diff, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, HUnit
Other-Modules: Text.Pandoc.Shared
Other-Modules: Text.Pandoc.Shared, Text.Pandoc.Highlighting, Text.Pandoc.Writers.Native
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
[ Header 1 [Str "lhs",Space,Str "test"]
[ Header 1 [Str "lhs",Space,Str "test"]
, Para [Code "unsplit",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "takes",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "pair",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "values",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "combines",Space,Str "them",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "return",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "single",Space,Str "value:"]
, Para [Code "unsplit",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "takes",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "pair",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "values",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "combines",Space,Str "them",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "return",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "single",Space,Str "value",Str ":"]
, CodeBlock ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) "unsplit :: (Arrow a) => (b -> c -> d) -> a (b, c) d\nunsplit = arr . uncurry \n -- arr (\\op (x,y) -> x `op` y) "
, CodeBlock ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) "unsplit :: (Arrow a) => (b -> c -> d) -> a (b, c) d\nunsplit = arr . uncurry \n -- arr (\\op (x,y) -> x `op` y) "
, Para [Code "(***)",Space,Str "combines",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "arrows",Space,Str "into",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "new",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "by",Space,Str "running",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "arrows",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "pair",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "values",Space,Str "(one",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "first",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "pair",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "second",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "pair)",Str "."]
, Para [Code "(***)",Space,Str "combines",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "arrows",Space,Str "into",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "new",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "by",Space,Str "running",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "arrows",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "pair",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "values",Space,Str "(one",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "first",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "pair",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "arrow",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "second",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "pair)",Str "."]
, CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "f *** g = first f >>> second g"
, CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "f *** g = first f >>> second g"
, Para [Str "Block",Space,Str "quote:"]
, Para [Str "Block",Space,Str "quote",Str ":"]
, BlockQuote
, BlockQuote
[ Para [Str "foo",Space,Str "bar"] ]
[ Para [Str "foo",Space,Str "bar"] ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
<h1 id="lhs-test"
>lhs test</h1
> is an arrow that takes a pair of values and combines them to return a single value:</p
><pre class="sourceCode haskell"
>unsplit :: (Arrow a) => (b -> c -> d) -> a (b, c) d
unsplit = arr . uncurry
-- arr (\op (x,y) -> x `op` y)
> combines two arrows into a new arrow by running the two arrows on a pair of values (one arrow on the first item of the pair and one arrow on the second item of the pair).</p
>f *** g = first f >>> second g
>Block quote:</p
>foo bar</p
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
<h1 id="lhs-test"
>lhs test</h1
> is an arrow that takes a pair of values and combines them to return a single value:</p
><pre class="sourceCode literate haskell"
>> unsplit :: (Arrow a) => (b -> c -> d) -> a (b, c) d
> unsplit = arr . uncurry
> -- arr (\op (x,y) -> x `op` y)
> combines two arrows into a new arrow by running the two arrows on a pair of values (one arrow on the first item of the pair and one arrow on the second item of the pair).</p
>f *** g = first f >>> second g
>Block quote:</p
>foo bar</p
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
import System.Directory
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Exit
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( substitute )
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( substitute, normalize, defaultWriterOptions )
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Native ( writeNative )
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( languages )
import Prelude hiding ( readFile )
import Prelude hiding ( readFile )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (toString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (toString)
@ -105,13 +107,15 @@ lhsWriterTests format
, t "lhs to lhs" (format ++ "+lhs")
, t "lhs to lhs" (format ++ "+lhs")
t n f = test n ["--columns=78", "-r", "native", "-s", "-w", f]
t n f = test n ["--columns=78", "-r", "native", "-s", "-w", f] "lhs-test.native" ("lhs-test" <.> ext f)
"lhs-test.native" ("lhs-test" <.> f)
ext f = if null languages && format == "html"
then "nohl" <.> f
else f
lhsReaderTest :: String -> Test
lhsReaderTest :: String -> Test
lhsReaderTest format =
lhsReaderTest format =
test "lhs" ["-r", format, "-w", "html+lhs"] ("lhs-test" <.> format) "lhs-test.fragment.html+lhs"
testWithNormalize normalizer "lhs" ["-r", format, "-w", "native"] ("lhs-test" <.> format) "lhs-test.native"
where normalizer = writeNative defaultWriterOptions . normalize . read
latexCitationTests :: String -> Test
latexCitationTests :: String -> Test
latexCitationTests n
latexCitationTests n
@ -124,8 +128,8 @@ latexCitationTests n
o = ["--bibliography", "biblio.bib", "--csl", "chicago-author-date.csl", "--no-citeproc", "--" ++ n]
o = ["--bibliography", "biblio.bib", "--csl", "chicago-author-date.csl", "--no-citeproc", "--" ++ n]
f = n ++ "-citations.latex"
f = n ++ "-citations.latex"
normalize = substitute "\160" " " . substitute "\8211" "-"
normalizer = substitute "\160" " " . substitute "\8211" "-"
t = testWithNormalize normalize
t = testWithNormalize normalizer
writerTests :: String -> [Test]
writerTests :: String -> [Test]
writerTests format
writerTests format
@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ testWithNormalize :: (String -> String) -- ^ Normalize function for output
-> String -- ^ Input filepath
-> String -- ^ Input filepath
-> FilePath -- ^ Norm (for test results) filepath
-> FilePath -- ^ Norm (for test results) filepath
-> Test
-> Test
testWithNormalize normalize testname opts inp norm = testCase testname $ do
testWithNormalize normalizer testname opts inp norm = testCase testname $ do
(outputPath, hOut) <- openTempFile "" "pandoc-test"
(outputPath, hOut) <- openTempFile "" "pandoc-test"
let inpPath = inp
let inpPath = inp
let normPath = norm
let normPath = norm
@ -175,8 +179,8 @@ testWithNormalize normalize testname opts inp norm = testCase testname $ do
result <- if ec == ExitSuccess
result <- if ec == ExitSuccess
then do
then do
-- filter \r so the tests will work on Windows machines
-- filter \r so the tests will work on Windows machines
outputContents <- readFile' outputPath >>= return . filter (/='\r') . normalize
outputContents <- readFile' outputPath >>= return . filter (/='\r') . normalizer
normContents <- readFile' normPath >>= return . filter (/='\r')
normContents <- readFile' normPath >>= return . filter (/='\r') . normalizer
if outputContents == normContents
if outputContents == normContents
then return TestPassed
then return TestPassed
else return $ TestFailed $ getDiff (lines outputContents) (lines normContents)
else return $ TestFailed $ getDiff (lines outputContents) (lines normContents)
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