Added 'beamer' as an output format.

Beamer output uses the default LaTeX template, with some
customizations via variables.

Added `writerBeamer` to `WriterOptions`.

Added `--beamer` option to `markdown2pdf`.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2011-12-29 13:24:05 -08:00
parent 012405e8c3
commit ea39a607ed
10 changed files with 123 additions and 41 deletions

View file

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ Pandoc is a [Haskell] library for converting from one markup format to
another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read
[markdown] and (subsets of) [Textile], [reStructuredText], [HTML],
and [LaTeX]; and it can write plain text, [markdown], [reStructuredText],
[HTML], [LaTeX], [ConTeXt], [RTF], [DocBook XML], [OpenDocument XML], [ODT],
[GNU Texinfo], [MediaWiki markup], [EPUB], [Textile], [groff man] pages,
[Emacs Org-Mode], [AsciiDoc], and [Slidy], [DZSlides], or [S5] HTML
slide shows.
[HTML], [LaTeX], [LaTeX beamer], [ConTeXt], [RTF], [DocBook XML],
[OpenDocument XML], [ODT], [GNU Texinfo], [MediaWiki markup], [EPUB],
[Textile], [groff man] pages, [Emacs Org-Mode], [AsciiDoc], and [Slidy],
[DZSlides], or [S5] HTML slide shows.
Pandoc's enhanced version of markdown includes syntax for footnotes,
tables, flexible ordered lists, definition lists, delimited code blocks,
@ -151,20 +151,19 @@ Options
`-t` *FORMAT*, `-w` *FORMAT*, `--to=`*FORMAT*, `--write=`*FORMAT*
: Specify output format. *FORMAT* can be `native` (native Haskell),
`json` (JSON version of native AST), `plain` (plain text),
`markdown` (markdown), `rst` (reStructuredText),
`html` (HTML), `latex` (LaTeX), `context` (ConTeXt), `man` (groff man),
`mediawiki` (MediaWiki markup), `textile` (Textile), `org` (Emacs
Org-Mode), `texinfo` (GNU Texinfo), `docbook` (DocBook XML),
`markdown` (markdown), `rst` (reStructuredText), `html` (HTML), `latex`
(LaTeX), `beamer` (LaTeX beamer), `context` (ConTeXt), `man` (groff
man), `mediawiki` (MediaWiki markup), `textile` (Textile), `org`
(Emacs Org-Mode), `texinfo` (GNU Texinfo), `docbook` (DocBook XML),
`opendocument` (OpenDocument XML), `odt` (OpenOffice text document),
`epub` (EPUB book), `asciidoc` (AsciiDoc), `slidy` (Slidy HTML and
javascript slide show), `dzslides` (HTML5 + javascript slide show),
`s5` (S5 HTML and javascript slide show), or `rtf` (rich text
format). Note that `odt` and `epub` output will not be directed to
*stdout*; an output filename must be specified using the `-o/--output`
option. If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`, `latex`, or `html`,
the output will be rendered as literate Haskell source:
see [Literate Haskell support](#literate-haskell-support),
`s5` (S5 HTML and javascript slide show), or `rtf` (rich text format).
Note that `odt` and `epub` output will not be directed to *stdout*; an
output filename must be specified using the `-o/--output` option. If
`+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`, `latex`, or `html`, the output
will be rendered as literate Haskell source: see [Literate Haskell
support](#literate-haskell-support), below.
`-s`, `--standalone`
: Produce output with an appropriate header and footer (e.g. a
@ -580,6 +579,14 @@ depending on the output format, but include:
: base URL for S5 documents (defaults to `ui/default`)
: font size (10pt, 11pt, 12pt) for LaTeX and beamer documents
: document class for LaTeX documents
: theme for beamer documents
: colortheme for beamer documents
Variables may be set at the command line using the `-V/--variable`
option. This allows users to include custom variables in their
@ -1903,12 +1910,14 @@ document with an appropriate header:
The bibliography will be inserted after this header.
Producing HTML slide shows with Pandoc
Producing slide shows with Pandoc
You can use Pandoc to produce an HTML + javascript slide presentation
that can be viewed via a web browser. There are three ways to do this,
using [S5], [DZSlides], or [Slidy].
using [S5], [DZSlides], or [Slidy]. You can also produce a PDF slide
show using [LaTeX beamer]: just pass the `--beamer` option to
Here's the markdown source for a simple slide show, `eating.txt`:
@ -1946,6 +1955,7 @@ for DZSlides.
A title page is constructed automatically from the document's title
block. Each level-one header and horizontal rule begins a new slide.
(If beamer is used, all headers begin a new slide.)
For Slidy and S5, the file produced by pandoc with the `-s/--standalone`
option embeds a link to javascripts and CSS files, which are assumed to
@ -2043,6 +2053,7 @@ Christopher Sawicki, Kelsey Hightower.
[LaTeX beamer]:
[DocBook XML]:

View file

@ -181,6 +181,8 @@ writers = [("native" , writeNative)
,("latex" , writeLaTeX)
,("latex+lhs" , \o ->
writeLaTeX o{ writerLiterateHaskell = True })
,("beamer" , \o ->
writeLaTeX o{ writerBeamer = True })
,("context" , writeConTeXt)
,("texinfo" , writeTexinfo)
,("man" , writeMan)

View file

@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
, writerCiteMethod :: CiteMethod -- ^ How to print cites
, writerBiblioFiles :: [FilePath] -- ^ Biblio files to use for citations
, writerHtml5 :: Bool -- ^ Produce HTML5
, writerBeamer :: Bool -- ^ Produce beamer LaTeX slide show
, writerChapters :: Bool -- ^ Use "chapter" for top-level sects
, writerListings :: Bool -- ^ Use listings package for code
, writerHighlight :: Bool -- ^ Highlight source code
@ -512,6 +513,7 @@ defaultWriterOptions =
, writerCiteMethod = Citeproc
, writerBiblioFiles = []
, writerHtml5 = False
, writerBeamer = False
, writerChapters = False
, writerListings = False
, writerHighlight = False

View file

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ getDefaultTemplate _ "native" = return $ Right ""
getDefaultTemplate _ "json" = return $ Right ""
getDefaultTemplate user "odt" = getDefaultTemplate user "opendocument"
getDefaultTemplate user "epub" = getDefaultTemplate user "html"
getDefaultTemplate user "beamer" = getDefaultTemplate user "latex"
getDefaultTemplate user writer = do
let format = takeWhile (/='+') writer -- strip off "+lhs" if present
let fname = "templates" </> "default" <.> format

View file

@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ data WriterState =
, stBook :: Bool -- true if document uses book or memoir class
, stCsquotes :: Bool -- true if document uses csquotes
, stHighlighting :: Bool -- true if document has highlighted code
, stFirstFrame :: Bool -- true til we've written first beamer frame
, stIncremental :: Bool -- true if beamer lists should be displayed bit by bit
-- | Convert Pandoc to LaTeX.
@ -74,23 +76,24 @@ writeLaTeX options document =
stTable = False, stStrikeout = False, stSubscript = False,
stUrl = False, stGraphics = False,
stLHS = False, stBook = writerChapters options,
stCsquotes = False, stHighlighting = False }
stCsquotes = False, stHighlighting = False,
stFirstFrame = True, stIncremental = writerIncremental options }
pandocToLaTeX :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
let template = writerTemplate options
let templateLines = lines template
let usesBookClass x = "\\documentclass" `isPrefixOf` x &&
("{memoir}" `isSuffixOf` x || "{book}" `isSuffixOf` x ||
"{report}" `isSuffixOf` x)
when (any usesBookClass (lines template)) $
when (any usesBookClass templateLines) $
modify $ \s -> s{stBook = True}
-- check for \usepackage...{csquotes}; if present, we'll use
-- \enquote{...} for smart quotes:
when ("{csquotes}" `isInfixOf` template) $
modify $ \s -> s{stCsquotes = True}
opts <- liftM stOptions get
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
then Just $ writerColumns opts
let colwidth = if writerWrapText options
then Just $ writerColumns options
else Nothing
titletext <- liftM (render colwidth) $ inlineListToLaTeX title
authorsText <- mapM (liftM (render colwidth) . inlineListToLaTeX) authors
@ -100,7 +103,10 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
else case last blocks of
Header 1 il -> (init blocks, il)
_ -> (blocks, [])
body <- blockListToLaTeX blocks'
blocks'' <- if writerBeamer options
then toSlides blocks'
else return blocks'
body <- blockListToLaTeX blocks''
biblioTitle <- liftM (render colwidth) $ inlineListToLaTeX lastHeader
let main = render colwidth body
st <- get
@ -119,7 +125,12 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
[ ("toc", if writerTableOfContents options then "yes" else "")
, ("body", main)
, ("title", titletext)
, ("date", dateText) ] ++
, ("date", dateText)
, ("documentclass", if writerBeamer options
then "beamer"
else if writerChapters options
then "book"
else "article") ] ++
[ ("author", a) | a <- authorsText ] ++
[ ("verbatim-in-note", "yes") | stVerbInNote st ] ++
[ ("fancy-enums", "yes") | stEnumerate st ] ++
@ -132,8 +143,9 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
[ ("graphics", "yes") | stGraphics st ] ++
[ ("book-class", "yes") | stBook st] ++
[ ("listings", "yes") | writerListings options || stLHS st ] ++
[ ("beamer", "yes") | writerBeamer options ] ++
[ ("highlighting-macros", styleToLaTeX
$ writerHighlightStyle opts ) | stHighlighting st ] ++
$ writerHighlightStyle options ) | stHighlighting st ] ++
return $ if writerStandalone options
then renderTemplate context template
@ -171,6 +183,42 @@ stringToLaTeX isUrl = escapeStringUsing latexEscapes
inCmd :: String -> Doc -> Doc
inCmd cmd contents = char '\\' <> text cmd <> braces contents
toSlides :: [Block] -> State WriterState [Block]
toSlides (Header n ils : bs) = do
tit <- inlineListToLaTeX ils
firstFrame <- gets stFirstFrame
modify $ \s -> s{ stFirstFrame = False }
-- note: [fragile] is required or verbatim breaks
result <- ((Header n ils :) .
(RawBlock "latex" ("\\begin{frame}[fragile]\n" ++
"\\frametitle{" ++ render Nothing tit ++ "}") :))
`fmap` toSlides bs
if firstFrame
then return result
else return $ RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}" : result
toSlides (HorizontalRule : Header n ils : bs) =
toSlides (Header n ils : bs)
toSlides (HorizontalRule : bs) = do
firstFrame <- gets stFirstFrame
modify $ \s -> s{ stFirstFrame = False }
result <- (RawBlock "latex" "\\begin{frame}[fragile]" :)
`fmap` toSlides bs
if firstFrame
then return result
else return $ RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}" : result
toSlides (b:bs) = (b:) `fmap` toSlides bs
toSlides [] = do
firstFrame <- gets stFirstFrame
if firstFrame
then return []
else return [RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}"]
isListBlock :: Block -> Bool
isListBlock (BulletList _) = True
isListBlock (OrderedList _ _) = True
isListBlock (DefinitionList _) = True
isListBlock _ = False
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to LaTeX.
blockToLaTeX :: Block -- ^ Block to convert
-> State WriterState Doc
@ -185,8 +233,17 @@ blockToLaTeX (Para lst) = do
result <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
return $ result <> blankline
blockToLaTeX (BlockQuote lst) = do
contents <- blockListToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\begin{quote}" $$ contents $$ "\\end{quote}"
beamer <- writerBeamer `fmap` gets stOptions
case lst of
[b] | beamer && isListBlock b -> do
oldIncremental <- gets stIncremental
modify $ \s -> s{ stIncremental = True }
result <- blockToLaTeX b
modify $ \s -> s{ stIncremental = oldIncremental }
return result
_ -> do
contents <- blockListToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\begin{quote}" $$ contents $$ "\\end{quote}"
blockToLaTeX (CodeBlock (_,classes,keyvalAttr) str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
case () of
@ -243,10 +300,13 @@ blockToLaTeX (CodeBlock (_,classes,keyvalAttr) str) = do
blockToLaTeX (RawBlock "latex" x) = return $ text x <> blankline
blockToLaTeX (RawBlock _ _) = return empty
blockToLaTeX (BulletList lst) = do
incremental <- gets stIncremental
let inc = if incremental then "[<+->]" else ""
items <- mapM listItemToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\begin{itemize}" $$ vcat items $$ "\\end{itemize}"
return $ text ("\\begin{itemize}" ++ inc) $$ vcat items $$ "\\end{itemize}"
blockToLaTeX (OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst) = do
st <- get
let inc = if stIncremental st then "[<+->]" else ""
let oldlevel = stOLLevel st
put $ st {stOLLevel = oldlevel + 1}
items <- mapM listItemToLaTeX lst
@ -263,11 +323,13 @@ blockToLaTeX (OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst) = do
map toLower (toRomanNumeral oldlevel) ++
"}{" ++ show (start - 1) ++ "}"
else empty
return $ "\\begin{enumerate}" <> exemplar $$ resetcounter $$
return $ text ("\\begin{enumerate}" ++ inc) <> exemplar $$ resetcounter $$
vcat items $$ "\\end{enumerate}"
blockToLaTeX (DefinitionList lst) = do
incremental <- gets stIncremental
let inc = if incremental then "[<+->]" else ""
items <- mapM defListItemToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\begin{description}" $$ vcat items $$ "\\end{description}"
return $ text ("\\begin{description}" ++ inc) $$ vcat items $$ "\\end{description}"
blockToLaTeX HorizontalRule = return $
"\\begin{center}\\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\\end{center}" $$ blankline
blockToLaTeX (Header level lst) = do

View file

@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ parsePandocArgs args = do
--trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
trim = takeWhile (/='\r') . dropWhile (=='\r')
runPandoc :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runPandoc inputsAndArgs output = do
runPandoc :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runPandoc outputFormat inputsAndArgs output = do
let texFile = addExtension output "tex"
result <- run "pandoc" $
["-s", "--no-wrap", "-r", "markdown", "-w", "latex"]
["-s", "--no-wrap", "-r", "markdown", "-w", outputFormat]
++ inputsAndArgs ++ ["-o", texFile]
return $ either Left (const $ Right texFile) result
@ -207,14 +207,15 @@ main = withTempDir "pandoc"
"--template", "--variable",
"--no-highlight", "--highlight-style",
"--csl", "--bibliography", "--data-dir", "--listings"]
"--csl", "--bibliography", "--data-dir", "--listings",
let isOpt ('-':_) = True
isOpt _ = False
let opts = filter isOpt args
-- note that a long option can come in this form: --opt=val
let isGoodopt x = x `elem` (goodopts ++ goodoptslong) ||
any (\o -> (o ++ "=") `isPrefixOf` x) goodoptslong
let markdown2pdfOpts = ["--xetex","--luatex"]
let markdown2pdfOpts = ["--xetex","--luatex", "--beamer"]
unless (all isGoodopt opts) $ do
(code, out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "pandoc" ["--help"] ""
UTF8.putStrLn "markdown2pdf [OPTIONS] [FILES]\nOptions:"
@ -231,6 +232,9 @@ main = withTempDir "pandoc"
else if "--luatex" `elem` opts
then "lualatex"
else "pdflatex"
let outputFormat = if "--beamer" `elem` opts
then "beamer"
else "latex"
let execs = ["pandoc", latexProgram, "bibtex"]
paths <- mapM findExecutable execs
let miss = map snd $ filter (isNothing . fst) $ zip paths execs
@ -249,7 +253,7 @@ main = withTempDir "pandoc"
-- no need because we'll pass all arguments to pandoc
Just (_ ,out) -> return ([], out)
-- run pandoc
pandocRes <- runPandoc (input ++ args') $ replaceDirectory output tmp
pandocRes <- runPandoc outputFormat (input ++ args') $ replaceDirectory output tmp
case pandocRes of
Left err -> exit err
Right texFile -> do

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 078a3d3afa7cd8abcceedcfc6166e4033fc90402
Subproject commit 9f199556ef1c12f37490bf84df7499f4b1b31e79

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@