diff --git a/man/pandoc.1 b/man/pandoc.1
index 50335cc3c..5d4a7b3c0 100644
--- a/man/pandoc.1
+++ b/man/pandoc.1
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.10.1
+.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.11
-.TH "Pandoc User\[aq]s Guide" "" "July 23, 2020" "pandoc 2.10.1" ""
+.TH "Pandoc User\[cq]s Guide" "" "July 23, 2020" "pandoc 2.11" ""
 pandoc - general markup converter
-\f[C]pandoc\f[R] [\f[I]options\f[R]] [\f[I]input-file\f[R]]...
+\f[C]pandoc\f[R] [\f[I]options\f[R]] [\f[I]input-file\f[R]]\&...
 Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ For the full lists of input and output formats, see the \f[C]--from\f[R]
 and \f[C]--to\f[R] options below.
 Pandoc can also produce PDF output: see creating a PDF, below.
-Pandoc\[aq]s enhanced version of Markdown includes syntax for tables,
+Pandoc\[cq]s enhanced version of Markdown includes syntax for tables,
 definition lists, metadata blocks, footnotes, citations, math, and much
-See below under Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown.
+See below under Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown.
 Pandoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which
 parse text in a given format and produce a native representation of the
@@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ Thus, adding an input or output format requires only adding a reader or
 Users can also run custom pandoc filters to modify the intermediate AST.
-Because pandoc\[aq]s intermediate representation of a document is less
+Because pandoc\[cq]s intermediate representation of a document is less
 expressive than many of the formats it converts between, one should not
 expect perfect conversions between every format and every other.
 Pandoc attempts to preserve the structural elements of a document, but
 not formatting details such as margin size.
 And some document elements, such as complex tables, may not fit into
-pandoc\[aq]s simple document model.
-While conversions from pandoc\[aq]s Markdown to all formats aspire to be
-perfect, conversions from formats more expressive than pandoc\[aq]s
+pandoc\[cq]s simple document model.
+While conversions from pandoc\[cq]s Markdown to all formats aspire to be
+perfect, conversions from formats more expressive than pandoc\[cq]s
 Markdown can be expected to be lossy.
 .SS Using pandoc
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ pandoc -o output.html input.txt
 By default, pandoc produces a document fragment.
-To produce a standalone document (e.g.
-a valid HTML file including \f[C]<head>\f[R] and \f[C]<body>\f[R]), use
-the \f[C]-s\f[R] or \f[C]--standalone\f[R] flag:
+To produce a standalone document (e.g.\ a valid HTML file including
+\f[C]<head>\f[R] and \f[C]<body>\f[R]), use the \f[C]-s\f[R] or
+\f[C]--standalone\f[R] flag:
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ pandoc -o hello.tex hello.txt
 will convert \f[C]hello.txt\f[R] from Markdown to LaTeX.
 If no output file is specified (so that output goes to
-\f[I]stdout\f[R]), or if the output file\[aq]s extension is unknown, the
+\f[I]stdout\f[R]), or if the output file\[cq]s extension is unknown, the
 output format will default to HTML.
 If no input file is specified (so that input comes from
-\f[I]stdin\f[R]), or if the input files\[aq] extensions are unknown, the
+\f[I]stdin\f[R]), or if the input files\[cq] extensions are unknown, the
 input format will be assumed to be Markdown.
 .SS Character encoding
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ set), \f[C]setspace\f[R] (with \f[C]linestretch\f[R]), and
 \f[C]babel\f[R] (with \f[C]lang\f[R]).
 The use of \f[C]xelatex\f[R] or \f[C]lualatex\f[R] as the PDF engine
 requires \f[C]fontspec\f[R].
+\f[C]lualatex\f[R] uses \f[C]selnolig\f[R].
 \f[C]xelatex\f[R] uses \f[C]polyglossia\f[R] (with \f[C]lang\f[R]),
 \f[C]xecjk\f[R], and \f[C]bidi\f[R] (with the \f[C]dir\f[R] variable
@@ -227,12 +228,18 @@ Specify input format.
 \f[I]FORMAT\f[R] can be:
 .IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]bibtex\f[R] (BibTeX bibliography)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]biblatex\f[R] (BibLaTeX bibliography)
+.IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]commonmark\f[R] (CommonMark Markdown)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]commonmark_x\f[R] (CommonMark Markdown with extensions)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]creole\f[R] (Creole 1.0)
 .IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]csljson\f[R] (CSL JSON bibliography)
+.IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]csv\f[R] (CSV table)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]docbook\f[R] (DocBook)
@@ -263,7 +270,7 @@ if you need extensions not supported in \f[C]gfm\f[R].
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]latex\f[R] (LaTeX)
 .IP \[bu] 2
-\f[C]markdown\f[R] (Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown)
+\f[C]markdown\f[R] (Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]markdown_mmd\f[R] (MultiMarkdown)
 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -319,6 +326,8 @@ Specify output format.
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]context\f[R] (ConTeXt)
 .IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]csljson\f[R] (CSL JSON bibliography)
+.IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]docbook\f[R] or \f[C]docbook4\f[R] (DocBook 4)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]docbook5\f[R] (DocBook 5)
@@ -339,8 +348,8 @@ if you need extensions not supported in \f[C]gfm\f[R].
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]haddock\f[R] (Haddock markup)
 .IP \[bu] 2
-\f[C]html\f[R] or \f[C]html5\f[R] (HTML, i.e.
-HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup)
+\f[C]html\f[R] or \f[C]html5\f[R] (HTML, i.e.\ HTML5/XHTML polyglot
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]html4\f[R] (XHTML 1.0 Transitional)
 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -364,7 +373,7 @@ HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]man\f[R] (roff man)
 .IP \[bu] 2
-\f[C]markdown\f[R] (Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown)
+\f[C]markdown\f[R] (Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown)
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]markdown_mmd\f[R] (MultiMarkdown)
 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -454,7 +463,7 @@ at the output of \f[C]pandoc --version\f[R].
 A \f[C]reference.odt\f[R], \f[C]reference.docx\f[R], \f[C]epub.css\f[R],
 \f[C]templates\f[R], \f[C]slidy\f[R], \f[C]slideous\f[R], or
 \f[C]s5\f[R] directory placed in this directory will override
-pandoc\[aq]s normal defaults.
+pandoc\[cq]s normal defaults.
 \f[B]\f[CB]-d\f[B]\f[R] \f[I]FILE\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]--defaults=\f[B]\f[R]\f[I]FILE\f[R]
 Specify a set of default option settings.
@@ -507,7 +516,7 @@ List supported output formats, one per line.
 List supported extensions for \f[I]FORMAT\f[R], one per line, preceded
 by a \f[C]+\f[R] or \f[C]-\f[R] indicating whether it is enabled by
 default in \f[I]FORMAT\f[R].
-If \f[I]FORMAT\f[R] is not specified, defaults for pandoc\[aq]s Markdown
+If \f[I]FORMAT\f[R] is not specified, defaults for pandoc\[cq]s Markdown
 are given.
@@ -552,7 +561,7 @@ This option is useful for converting word processing documents where
 users have used empty paragraphs to create inter-paragraph space.
-Specify classes to use for indented code blocks--for example,
+Specify classes to use for indented code blocks\[en]for example,
 \f[C]perl,numberLines\f[R] or \f[C]haskell\f[R].
 Multiple classes may be separated by spaces or commas.
@@ -574,7 +583,7 @@ Reading binary files (docx, odt, epub) implies \f[C]--file-scope\f[R].
 Specify an executable to be used as a filter transforming the pandoc AST
 after the input is parsed and before the output is written.
 The executable should read JSON from stdin and write JSON to stdout.
-The JSON must be formatted like pandoc\[aq]s own JSON input and output.
+The JSON must be formatted like pandoc\[cq]s own JSON input and output.
 The name of the output format will be passed to the filter as the first
@@ -620,7 +629,7 @@ command line.
 \f[B]\f[CB]-L\f[B]\f[R] \f[I]SCRIPT\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]--lua-filter=\f[B]\f[R]\f[I]SCRIPT\f[R]
 Transform the document in a similar fashion as JSON filters (see
-\f[C]--filter\f[R]), but use pandoc\[aq]s build-in Lua filtering system.
+\f[C]--filter\f[R]), but use pandoc\[cq]s build-in Lua filtering system.
 The given Lua script is expected to return a list of Lua filters which
 will be applied in order.
 Each Lua filter must contain element-transforming functions indexed by
@@ -630,7 +639,7 @@ applied.
 The \f[C]pandoc\f[R] Lua module provides helper functions for element
-It is always loaded into the script\[aq]s Lua environment.
+It is always loaded into the script\[cq]s Lua environment.
 The following is an example Lua script for macro-expansion:
@@ -694,7 +703,7 @@ Specify the number of spaces per tab (default is 4).
 Specifies what to do with insertions, deletions, and comments produced
-by the MS Word \[dq]Track Changes\[dq] feature.
+by the MS Word \[lq]Track Changes\[rq] feature.
 \f[C]accept\f[R] (the default), inserts all insertions, and ignores all
 \f[C]reject\f[R] inserts all deletions and ignores insertions.
@@ -737,8 +746,8 @@ sentence-ending space in formats like LaTeX.
 .SS General writer options
 \f[B]\f[CB]-s\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]--standalone\f[B]\f[R]
-Produce output with an appropriate header and footer (e.g.
-a standalone HTML, LaTeX, TEI, or RTF file, not a fragment).
+Produce output with an appropriate header and footer (e.g.\ a standalone
+HTML, LaTeX, TEI, or RTF file, not a fragment).
 This option is set automatically for \f[C]pdf\f[R], \f[C]epub\f[R],
 \f[C]epub3\f[R], \f[C]fb2\f[R], \f[C]docx\f[R], and \f[C]odt\f[R]
@@ -898,8 +907,7 @@ Implies \f[C]--standalone\f[R].
 \f[B]\f[CB]-B\f[B]\f[R] \f[I]FILE\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]--include-before-body=\f[B]\f[R]\f[I]FILE\f[R]|\f[I]URL\f[R]
 Include contents of \f[I]FILE\f[R], verbatim, at the beginning of the
-document body (e.g.
-after the \f[C]<body>\f[R] tag in HTML, or the
+document body (e.g.\ after the \f[C]<body>\f[R] tag in HTML, or the
 \f[C]\[rs]begin{document}\f[R] command in LaTeX).
 This can be used to include navigation bars or banners in HTML
@@ -937,7 +945,7 @@ together with \f[C]--extract-media\f[R].
 Set the request header \f[I]NAME\f[R] to the value \f[I]VAL\f[R] when
 making HTTP requests (for example, when a URL is given on the command
 line, or when resources used in a document must be downloaded).
-If you\[aq]re behind a proxy, you also need to set the environment
+If you\[cq]re behind a proxy, you also need to set the environment
 variable \f[C]http_proxy\f[R] to \f[C]http://...\f[R].
@@ -951,7 +959,7 @@ Produce a standalone HTML file with no external dependencies, using
 \f[C]data:\f[R] URIs to incorporate the contents of linked scripts,
 stylesheets, images, and videos.
 Implies \f[C]--standalone\f[R].
-The resulting file should be \[dq]self-contained,\[dq] in the sense that
+The resulting file should be \[lq]self-contained,\[rq] in the sense that
 it needs no external files and no net access to be displayed properly by
 a browser.
 This option works only with HTML output formats, including
@@ -967,9 +975,9 @@ left alone; the documents they link to will not be incorporated in the
 Limitation: resources that are loaded dynamically through JavaScript
 cannot be incorporated; as a result, \f[C]--self-contained\f[R] does not
-work with \f[C]--mathjax\f[R], and some advanced features (e.g.
-zoom or speaker notes) may not work in an offline
-\[dq]self-contained\[dq] \f[C]reveal.js\f[R] slide show.
+work with \f[C]--mathjax\f[R], and some advanced features (e.g.\ zoom or
+speaker notes) may not work in an offline \[lq]self-contained\[rq]
+\f[C]reveal.js\f[R] slide show.
 Use \f[C]<q>\f[R] tags for quotes in HTML.
@@ -1026,16 +1034,16 @@ By default, sections are not numbered.
 Sections with class \f[C]unnumbered\f[R] will never be numbered, even if
 \f[C]--number-sections\f[R] is specified.
 Offset for section headings in HTML output (ignored in other output
 The first number is added to the section number for top-level headings,
 the second for second-level headings, and so on.
 So, for example, if you want the first top-level heading in your
-document to be numbered \[dq]6\[dq], specify
+document to be numbered \[lq]6\[rq], specify
 If your document starts with a level-2 heading which you want to be
-numbered \[dq]1.5\[dq], specify \f[C]--number-offset=1,4\f[R].
+numbered \[lq]1.5\[rq], specify \f[C]--number-offset=1,4\f[R].
 Offsets are 0 by default.
 Implies \f[C]--number-sections\f[R].
@@ -1334,7 +1342,7 @@ body { font-family: \[dq]DejaVuSans\[dq]; }
 Specify the heading level at which to split the EPUB into separate
-\[dq]chapter\[dq] files.
+\[lq]chapter\[rq] files.
 The default is to split into chapters at level-1 headings.
 This option only affects the internal composition of the EPUB, not the
 way chapters and sections are displayed to users.
@@ -1386,47 +1394,64 @@ introduction to PDF generation from HTML/CSS.)
 Use the given string as a command-line argument to the
 For example, to use a persistent directory \f[C]foo\f[R] for
-\f[C]latexmk\f[R]\[aq]s auxiliary files, use
+\f[C]latexmk\f[R]\[cq]s auxiliary files, use
 Note that no check for duplicate options is done.
 .SS Citation rendering
+\f[B]\f[CB]-C\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]--citeproc\f[B]\f[R]
+Process the citations in the file, replacing them with rendered
+citations and adding a bibliography.
+Citation processing will not take place unless bibliographic data is
+supplied, either through an external file specified using the
+\f[C]--bibliography\f[R] option or the \f[C]bibliography\f[R] field in
+metadata, or via a \f[C]references\f[R] section in metadata containing a
+list of citations in CSL YAML format with Markdown formatting.
+The style is controlled by a CSL stylesheet specified using the
+\f[C]--csl\f[R] option or the \f[C]csl\f[R] field in metadata.
+(If no stylesheet is specified, the \f[C]chicago-author-date\f[R] style
+will be used by default.) The citation processing transformation may be
+applied before or after filters or Lua filters (see \f[C]--filter\f[R],
+\f[C]--lua-filter\f[R]): these transformations are applied in the order
+they appear on the command line.
+For more information, see the section on Citations.
-Set the \f[C]bibliography\f[R] field in the document\[aq]s metadata to
-\f[I]FILE\f[R], overriding any value set in the metadata, and process
-citations using \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R].
-(This is equivalent to
-\f[C]--metadata bibliography=FILE --filter pandoc-citeproc\f[R].) If
-\f[C]--natbib\f[R] or \f[C]--biblatex\f[R] is also supplied,
-\f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] is not used, making this equivalent to
-\f[C]--metadata bibliography=FILE\f[R].
+Set the \f[C]bibliography\f[R] field in the document\[cq]s metadata to
+\f[I]FILE\f[R], overriding any value set in the metadata.
 If you supply this argument multiple times, each \f[I]FILE\f[R] will be
 added to bibliography.
-Set the \f[C]csl\f[R] field in the document\[aq]s metadata to
+Set the \f[C]csl\f[R] field in the document\[cq]s metadata to
 \f[I]FILE\f[R], overriding any value set in the metadata.
-(This is equivalent to \f[C]--metadata csl=FILE\f[R].) This option is
-only relevant with \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R].
+(This is equivalent to \f[C]--metadata csl=FILE\f[R].) If \f[I]FILE\f[R]
+is a URL, it will be fetched via HTTP.
+If \f[I]FILE\f[R] is not found relative to the working directory, it
+will be sought in the resource path and finally in the \f[C]csl\f[R]
+subdirectory of the pandoc user data directory.
-Set the \f[C]citation-abbreviations\f[R] field in the document\[aq]s
+Set the \f[C]citation-abbreviations\f[R] field in the document\[cq]s
 metadata to \f[I]FILE\f[R], overriding any value set in the metadata.
 (This is equivalent to
-\f[C]--metadata citation-abbreviations=FILE\f[R].) This option is only
-relevant with \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R].
+\f[C]--metadata citation-abbreviations=FILE\f[R].) If \f[I]FILE\f[R] is
+a URL, it will be fetched via HTTP.
+If \f[I]FILE\f[R] is not found relative to the working directory, it
+will be sought in the resource path and finally in the \f[C]csl\f[R]
+subdirectory of the pandoc user data directory.
 Use \f[C]natbib\f[R] for citations in LaTeX output.
-This option is not for use with the \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] filter or
-with PDF output.
+This option is not for use with the \f[C]--citeproc\f[R] option or with
+PDF output.
 It is intended for use in producing a LaTeX file that can be processed
 with \f[C]bibtex\f[R].
 Use \f[C]biblatex\f[R] for citations in LaTeX output.
-This option is not for use with the \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] filter or
-with PDF output.
+This option is not for use with the \f[C]--citeproc\f[R] option or with
+PDF output.
 It is intended for use in producing a LaTeX file that can be processed
 with \f[C]bibtex\f[R] or \f[C]biber\f[R].
 .SS Math rendering in HTML
@@ -1467,7 +1492,7 @@ For SVG images you can for example use
 If no URL is specified, the CodeCogs URL generating PNGs will be used
 Note: the \f[C]--webtex\f[R] option will affect Markdown output as well
-as HTML, which is useful if you\[aq]re targeting a version of Markdown
+as HTML, which is useful if you\[cq]re targeting a version of Markdown
 without native math support.
@@ -1578,6 +1603,11 @@ T}@T{
@@ -1707,11 +1737,23 @@ include-after-body: []
 include-in-header: []
 resource-path: [\[dq].\[dq]]
-# filters will be assumed to be Lua filters if they have
+# turn on built-in citation processing.  Note that if you need
+# control over when the citeproc processing is done relative
+# to other filters, you should instead use \[ga]citeproc\[ga] in the
+# list of \[ga]filters\[ga] (see below).
+citeproc: true
+csl: ieee
+- foobar.bib
+- barbaz.json
+# Filters will be assumed to be Lua filters if they have
 # the .lua extension, and json filters otherwise.  But
-# the filter type can also be specified explicitly, as shown:
+# the filter type can also be specified explicitly, as shown.
+# Filters are run in the order specified.
+# To include the built-in citeproc filter, use either \[ga]citeproc\[ga]
+# or \[ga]{type: citeproc}\[ga].
-- pandoc-citeproc
 - wordcount.lua
 - type: json
   path: foo.lua
@@ -1882,10 +1924,10 @@ arbitrary information at any point in the file.
 They may be set at the command line using the \f[C]-V/--variable\f[R]
 If a variable is not set, pandoc will look for the key in the
-document\[aq]s metadata, which can be set using either YAML metadata
+document\[cq]s metadata, which can be set using either YAML metadata
 blocks or with the \f[C]-M/--metadata\f[R] option.
 In addition, some variables are given default values by pandoc.
-See Variables below for a list of variables used in pandoc\[aq]s default
+See Variables below for a list of variables used in pandoc\[cq]s default
 If you use custom templates, you may need to revise them as pandoc
@@ -1902,8 +1944,8 @@ be treated as a comment and omitted from the output.
 .SS Delimiters
 To mark variables and control structures in the template, either
-\f[C]$\f[R]...\f[C]$\f[R] or \f[C]${\f[R]...\f[C]}\f[R] may be used as
+\f[C]$\f[R]\&...\f[C]$\f[R] or \f[C]${\f[R]\&...\f[C]}\f[R] may be used
+as delimiters.
 The styles may also be mixed in the same template, but the opening and
 closing delimiter must match in each case.
 The opening delimiter may be followed by one or more spaces or tabs,
@@ -2136,7 +2178,7 @@ an explicit \f[C]for\f[R] loop) cannot contain interpolated variables or
 other template directives.
 .SS Nesting
-To ensure that content is \[dq]nested,\[dq] that is, subsequent lines
+To ensure that content is \[lq]nested,\[rq] that is, subsequent lines
 indented, use the \f[C]\[ha]\f[R] directive:
@@ -2178,7 +2220,7 @@ will produce
 If a variable occurs by itself on a line, preceded by whitespace and not
 followed by further text or directives on the same line, and the
-variable\[aq]s value contains multiple lines, it will be nested
+variable\[cq]s value contains multiple lines, it will be nested
 .SS Breakable spaces
@@ -2410,13 +2452,52 @@ For bidirectional documents, native pandoc \f[C]span\f[R]s and
 \f[C]div\f[R]s with the \f[C]dir\f[R] attribute (value \f[C]rtl\f[R] or
 \f[C]ltr\f[R]) can be used to override the base direction in some output
-This may not always be necessary if the final renderer (e.g.
-the browser, when generating HTML) supports the Unicode Bidirectional
+This may not always be necessary if the final renderer (e.g.\ the
+browser, when generating HTML) supports the Unicode Bidirectional
 When using LaTeX for bidirectional documents, only the \f[C]xelatex\f[R]
 engine is fully supported (use \f[C]--pdf-engine=xelatex\f[R]).
+.SS Variables for HTML
+Enables inclusion of most of the CSS in the \f[C]styles.html\f[R]
+partial (have a look with
+\f[C]pandoc --print-default-data-file=templates/styles.html\f[R]).
+Unless you use \f[C]--css\f[R], this variable is set to \f[C]true\f[R]
+by default.
+You can disable it with e.g.\ \f[C]pandoc -M document-css=false\f[R].
+sets the CSS \f[C]font-family\f[R] property on the \f[C]html\f[R]
+sets the base CSS \f[C]font-size\f[R], which you\[cq]d usually set to
+e.g.\ \f[C]20px\f[R], but it also accepts \f[C]pt\f[R] (12pt = 16px in
+most browsers).
+sets the CSS \f[C]color\f[R] property on the \f[C]html\f[R] element.
+sets the CSS \f[C]color\f[R] property on all links.
+sets the CSS \f[C]font-family\f[R] property on \f[C]code\f[R] elements.
+sets the CSS \f[C]line-height\f[R] property on the \f[C]html\f[R]
+element, which is preferred to be unitless.
+sets the CSS \f[C]background-color\f[R] property on the \f[C]html\f[R]
+\f[B]\f[CB]margin-left\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]margin-right\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]margin-top\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]margin-bottom\f[B]\f[R]
+sets the corresponding CSS \f[C]padding\f[R] properties on the
+\f[C]body\f[R] element.
 .SS Variables for HTML math
@@ -2424,7 +2505,7 @@ when using KaTeX, you can render display math equations flush left using
 YAML metadata or with \f[C]-M classoption=fleqn\f[R].
 .SS Variables for HTML slides
-These affect HTML output when producing slide shows with pandoc.
+These affect HTML output when [producing slide shows with pandoc].
 All reveal.js configuration options are available as variables.
 To turn off boolean flags that default to true in reveal.js, use
@@ -2475,7 +2556,7 @@ navigation symbols; other valid values are \f[C]frame\f[R],
 \f[C]vertical\f[R], and \f[C]horizontal\f[R])
-enables \[dq]title pages\[dq] for new sections (default is true)
+enables \[lq]title pages\[rq] for new sections (default is true)
 \f[B]\f[CB]theme\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]colortheme\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]fonttheme\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]innertheme\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]outertheme\f[B]\f[R]
 beamer themes
@@ -2527,8 +2608,8 @@ header-includes: |
-option for document class, e.g.
-\f[C]oneside\f[R]; repeat for multiple options:
+option for document class, e.g.\ \f[C]oneside\f[R]; repeat for multiple
@@ -2549,8 +2630,8 @@ document class: usually one of the standard classes, \f[C]article\f[R],
 default to smaller margins; or \f[C]memoir\f[R]
-option for \f[C]geometry\f[R] package, e.g.
-\f[C]margin=1in\f[R]; repeat for multiple options:
+option for \f[C]geometry\f[R] package, e.g.\ \f[C]margin=1in\f[R];
+repeat for multiple options:
@@ -2566,8 +2647,8 @@ geometry:
-option for \f[C]hyperref\f[R] package, e.g.
-\f[C]linktoc=all\f[R]; repeat for multiple options:
+option for \f[C]hyperref\f[R] package, e.g.\ \f[C]linktoc=all\f[R];
+repeat for multiple options:
@@ -2587,8 +2668,8 @@ uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
 otherwise removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs)
-adjusts line spacing using the \f[C]setspace\f[R] package, e.g.
-\f[C]1.25\f[R], \f[C]1.5\f[R]
+adjusts line spacing using the \f[C]setspace\f[R] package,
+e.g.\ \f[C]1.25\f[R], \f[C]1.5\f[R]
 \f[B]\f[CB]margin-left\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]margin-right\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]margin-top\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]margin-bottom\f[B]\f[R]
 sets margins if \f[C]geometry\f[R] is not used (otherwise
@@ -2600,8 +2681,7 @@ control \f[C]\[rs]pagestyle{}\f[R]: the default article class supports
 numbers), and \f[C]headings\f[R] (section titles in running heads)
-paper size, e.g.
-\f[C]letter\f[R], \f[C]a4\f[R]
+paper size, e.g.\ \f[C]letter\f[R], \f[C]a4\f[R]
 numbering depth for sections (with \f[C]--number-sections\f[R] option or
@@ -2726,35 +2806,32 @@ list of options for natbib
 Pandoc uses these variables when creating a PDF with ConTeXt.
-font size for body text (e.g.
-\f[C]10pt\f[R], \f[C]12pt\f[R])
+font size for body text (e.g.\ \f[C]10pt\f[R], \f[C]12pt\f[R])
 \f[B]\f[CB]headertext\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]footertext\f[B]\f[R]
 text to be placed in running header or footer (see ConTeXt Headers and
 Footers); repeat up to four times for different placement
-controls indentation of paragraphs, e.g.
-\f[C]yes,small,next\f[R] (see ConTeXt Indentation); repeat for multiple
+controls indentation of paragraphs, e.g.\ \f[C]yes,small,next\f[R] (see
+ConTeXt Indentation); repeat for multiple options
-adjusts line spacing, e.g.
-\f[C]4ex\f[R] (using \f[C]setupinterlinespace\f[R]); repeat for multiple
+adjusts line spacing, e.g.\ \f[C]4ex\f[R] (using
+\f[C]setupinterlinespace\f[R]); repeat for multiple options
 options for page margins and text arrangement (see ConTeXt Layout);
 repeat for multiple options
 \f[B]\f[CB]linkcolor\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]contrastcolor\f[B]\f[R]
-color for links outside and inside a page, e.g.
-\f[C]red\f[R], \f[C]blue\f[R] (see ConTeXt Color)
+color for links outside and inside a page, e.g.\ \f[C]red\f[R],
+\f[C]blue\f[R] (see ConTeXt Color)
-typeface style for links, e.g.
-\f[C]normal\f[R], \f[C]bold\f[R], \f[C]slanted\f[R],
-\f[C]boldslanted\f[R], \f[C]type\f[R], \f[C]cap\f[R], \f[C]small\f[R]
+typeface style for links, e.g.\ \f[C]normal\f[R], \f[C]bold\f[R],
+\f[C]slanted\f[R], \f[C]boldslanted\f[R], \f[C]type\f[R], \f[C]cap\f[R],
 \f[B]\f[CB]lof\f[B]\f[R], \f[B]\f[CB]lot\f[B]\f[R]
 include list of figures, list of tables
@@ -2772,19 +2849,16 @@ page number style and location (using \f[C]setuppagenumbering\f[R]);
 repeat for multiple options
-paper size, e.g.
-\f[C]letter\f[R], \f[C]A4\f[R], \f[C]landscape\f[R] (see ConTeXt Paper
-Setup); repeat for multiple options
+paper size, e.g.\ \f[C]letter\f[R], \f[C]A4\f[R], \f[C]landscape\f[R]
+(see ConTeXt Paper Setup); repeat for multiple options
 adds to the preamble the setup necessary to generate PDF/A of the type
-specified, e.g.
-\f[C]1a:2005\f[R], \f[C]2a\f[R].
-If no type is specified (i.e.
-the value is set to True, by e.g.
-\f[C]--metadata=pdfa\f[R] or \f[C]pdfa: true\f[R] in a YAML metadata
-block), \f[C]1b:2005\f[R] will be used as default, for reasons of
-backwards compatibility.
+specified, e.g.\ \f[C]1a:2005\f[R], \f[C]2a\f[R].
+If no type is specified (i.e.\ the value is set to True, by
+e.g.\ \f[C]--metadata=pdfa\f[R] or \f[C]pdfa: true\f[R] in a YAML
+metadata block), \f[C]1b:2005\f[R] will be used as default, for reasons
+of backwards compatibility.
 Using \f[C]--variable=pdfa\f[R] without specified value is not
 To successfully generate PDF/A the required ICC color profiles have to
@@ -2796,8 +2870,7 @@ See also ConTeXt PDFA for more details.
 when used in conjunction with \f[C]pdfa\f[R], specifies the ICC profile
-to use in the PDF, e.g.
+to use in the PDF, e.g.\ \f[C]default.cmyk\f[R].
 If left unspecified, \f[C]sRGB.icc\f[R] is used as default.
 May be repeated to include multiple profiles.
 Note that the profiles have to be available on the system.
@@ -2805,17 +2878,17 @@ They can be obtained from ConTeXt ICC Profiles.
 when used in conjunction with \f[C]pdfa\f[R], specifies the output
-intent for the colors, e.g.
-\f[C]ISO coated v2 300\[rs]letterpercent\[rs]space (ECI)\f[R] If left
-unspecified, \f[C]sRGB IEC61966-2.1\f[R] is used as default.
+intent for the colors,
+e.g.\ \f[C]ISO coated v2 300\[rs]letterpercent\[rs]space (ECI)\f[R] If
+left unspecified, \f[C]sRGB IEC61966-2.1\f[R] is used as default.
 include table of contents (can also be set using
-spacing between paragraphs, e.g.
-\f[C]none\f[R], \f[C]small\f[R] (using \f[C]setupwhitespace\f[R])
+spacing between paragraphs, e.g.\ \f[C]none\f[R], \f[C]small\f[R] (using
 include all source documents as file attachments in the PDF file
@@ -2853,20 +2926,16 @@ section number in man pages
 .SS Variables for ms
-font family (e.g.
-\f[C]T\f[R] or \f[C]P\f[R])
+font family (e.g.\ \f[C]T\f[R] or \f[C]P\f[R])
-paragraph indent (e.g.
+paragraph indent (e.g.\ \f[C]2m\f[R])
-line height (e.g.
+line height (e.g.\ \f[C]12p\f[R])
-point size (e.g.
+point size (e.g.\ \f[C]10p\f[R])
 .SS Variables set automatically
 Pandoc sets these variables automatically in response to options or
@@ -2882,10 +2951,9 @@ in all HTML based formats (dzslides, epub, html, html4, html5, revealjs,
 s5, slideous, slidy).
 The recognized formats for \f[C]date\f[R] are: \f[C]mm/dd/yyyy\f[R],
 \f[C]mm/dd/yy\f[R], \f[C]yyyy-mm-dd\f[R] (ISO 8601),
-\f[C]dd MM yyyy\f[R] (e.g.
-either \f[C]02 Apr 2018\f[R] or \f[C]02 April 2018\f[R]),
-\f[C]MM dd, yyyy\f[R] (e.g.
-\f[C]Apr. 02, 2018\f[R] or
+\f[C]dd MM yyyy\f[R] (e.g.\ either \f[C]02 Apr 2018\f[R] or
+\f[C]02 April 2018\f[R]), \f[C]MM dd, yyyy\f[R]
+(e.g.\ \f[C]Apr. 02, 2018\f[R] or
 \f[C]April 02, 2018),\f[R]yyyy[mm[dd]]]\f[C](e.g.\f[R]20180402,
 \f[C]201804\f[R] or \f[C]2018\f[R]).
@@ -2902,7 +2970,7 @@ contents specified by \f[C]-A/--include-after-body\f[R] (may have
 multiple values)
-JSON representation of all of the document\[aq]s metadata.
+JSON representation of all of the document\[cq]s metadata.
 Field values are transformed to the selected output format.
@@ -2930,8 +2998,7 @@ $endif$
 Similarly, \f[C]outputfile\f[R] can be \f[C]-\f[R] if output goes to the
-If you need absolute paths, use e.g.
+If you need absolute paths, use e.g.\ \f[C]$curdir$/$sourcefile$\f[R].
@@ -2952,12 +3019,12 @@ An extension can be enabled by adding \f[C]+EXTENSION\f[R] to the format
 name and disabled by adding \f[C]-EXTENSION\f[R].
 For example, \f[C]--from markdown_strict+footnotes\f[R] is strict
 Markdown with footnotes enabled, while
-\f[C]--from markdown-footnotes-pipe_tables\f[R] is pandoc\[aq]s Markdown
+\f[C]--from markdown-footnotes-pipe_tables\f[R] is pandoc\[cq]s Markdown
 without footnotes or pipe tables.
 The markdown reader and writer make by far the most use of extensions.
 Extensions only used by them are therefore covered in the section
-Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown below (See Markdown variants for
+Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown below (See Markdown variants for
 \f[C]commonmark\f[R] and \f[C]gfm\f[R].) In the following, extensions
 that also work for other formats are covered.
@@ -2970,7 +3037,7 @@ Markdown cells in Jupyter notebooks (as do command-line options like
 Interpret straight quotes as curly quotes, \f[C]---\f[R] as em-dashes,
 \f[C]--\f[R] as en-dashes, and \f[C]...\f[R] as ellipses.
 Nonbreaking spaces are inserted after certain abbreviations, such as
 This extension can be enabled/disabled for the following formats:
@@ -3120,7 +3187,7 @@ letters are omitted.
 .SS Extension: \f[C]gfm_auto_identifiers\f[R]
 Changes the algorithm used by \f[C]auto_identifiers\f[R] to conform to
-GitHub\[aq]s method.
+GitHub\[cq]s method.
 Spaces are converted to dashes (\f[C]-\f[R]), uppercase characters to
 lowercase characters, and punctuation characters other than \f[C]-\f[R]
 and \f[C]_\f[R] are removed.
@@ -3130,7 +3197,7 @@ Emojis are replaced by their names.
 The extensions \f[C]tex_math_dollars\f[R],
 \f[C]tex_math_single_backslash\f[R], and
 \f[C]tex_math_double_backslash\f[R] are described in the section about
-Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown.
+Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown.
 However, they can also be used with HTML input.
 This is handy for reading web pages formatted using MathJax, for
@@ -3138,10 +3205,10 @@ example.
 The following extensions are described in more detail in their
-respective sections of Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown:
+respective sections of Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown:
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]raw_html\f[R] allows HTML elements which are not representable in
-pandoc\[aq]s AST to be parsed as raw HTML.
+pandoc\[cq]s AST to be parsed as raw HTML.
 By default, this is disabled for HTML input.
 .IP \[bu] 2
 \f[C]raw_tex\f[R] allows raw LaTeX, TeX, and ConTeXt to be included in a
@@ -3164,7 +3231,7 @@ with mime type \f[C]text/html\f[R] in output cells.
 Since the \f[C]ipynb\f[R] reader attempts to preserve the richest
 possible outputs when several options are given, you will get best
 results if you disable \f[C]raw_html\f[R] and \f[C]raw_tex\f[R] when
-converting to formats like \f[C]docx\f[R] which don\[aq]t allow raw
+converting to formats like \f[C]docx\f[R] which don\[cq]t allow raw
 \f[C]html\f[R] or \f[C]tex\f[R].
 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -3198,23 +3265,22 @@ the formats above, pandoc will treat the document as literate Haskell
 This means that
 .IP \[bu] 2
-In Markdown input, \[dq]bird track\[dq] sections will be parsed as
+In Markdown input, \[lq]bird track\[rq] sections will be parsed as
 Haskell code rather than block quotations.
 Text between \f[C]\[rs]begin{code}\f[R] and \f[C]\[rs]end{code}\f[R]
 will also be treated as Haskell code.
-For ATX-style headings the character \[aq]=\[aq] will be used instead of
+For ATX-style headings the character `=' will be used instead of `#'.
 .IP \[bu] 2
 In Markdown output, code blocks with classes \f[C]haskell\f[R] and
 \f[C]literate\f[R] will be rendered using bird tracks, and block
 quotations will be indented one space, so they will not be treated as
 Haskell code.
 In addition, headings will be rendered setext-style (with underlines)
-rather than ATX-style (with \[aq]#\[aq] characters).
-(This is because ghc treats \[aq]#\[aq] characters in column 1 as
-introducing line numbers.)
+rather than ATX-style (with `#' characters).
+(This is because ghc treats `#' characters in column 1 as introducing
+line numbers.)
 .IP \[bu] 2
-In restructured text input, \[dq]bird track\[dq] sections will be parsed
+In restructured text input, \[lq]bird track\[rq] sections will be parsed
 as Haskell code.
 .IP \[bu] 2
 In restructured text output, code blocks with class \f[C]haskell\f[R]
@@ -3250,9 +3316,8 @@ writes HTML with the Haskell code in bird tracks, so it can be copied
 and pasted as literate Haskell source.
 Note that GHC expects the bird tracks in the first column, so indented
-literate code blocks (e.g.
-inside an itemized environment) will not be picked up by the Haskell
+literate code blocks (e.g.\ inside an itemized environment) will not be
+picked up by the Haskell compiler.
 .SS Other extensions
 .SS Extension: \f[C]empty_paragraphs\f[R]
@@ -3275,7 +3340,7 @@ This extension can be enabled/disabled for the following formats:
 output formats
 \f[C]odt\f[R], \f[C]opendocument\f[R]
-.SS Extension: \f[C]styles\f[R] {#ext-styles}
+.SS Extension: \f[C]styles\f[R]
 When converting from docx, read all docx styles as divs (for paragraph
 styles) and spans (for character styles) regardless of whether pandoc
@@ -3298,7 +3363,7 @@ Use this only when you are targetting \f[C]ipynb\f[R] or a
 markdown-based output format.
 .SS Extension: \f[C]citations\f[R]
-Some aspects of Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown citation syntax are also accepted
+Some aspects of Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown citation syntax are also accepted
 in \f[C]org\f[R] input.
 .SS Extension: \f[C]ntb\f[R]
@@ -3306,10 +3371,10 @@ In the \f[C]context\f[R] output format this enables the use of Natural
 Tables (TABLE) instead of the default Extreme Tables (xtables).
 Natural tables allow more fine-grained global customization but come at
 a performance penalty compared to extreme tables.
 Pandoc understands an extended and slightly revised version of John
-Gruber\[aq]s Markdown syntax.
+Gruber\[cq]s Markdown syntax.
 This document explains the syntax, noting differences from standard
 Except where noted, these differences can be suppressed by using the
@@ -3326,15 +3391,15 @@ easy to read:
 A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain
-text, without looking like it\[aq]s been marked up with tags or
+text, without looking like it\[cq]s been marked up with tags or
 formatting instructions.
--- John Gruber
+\[en] John Gruber
-This principle has guided pandoc\[aq]s decisions in finding syntax for
+This principle has guided pandoc\[cq]s decisions in finding syntax for
 tables, footnotes, and other extensions.
-There is, however, one respect in which pandoc\[aq]s aims are different
+There is, however, one respect in which pandoc\[cq]s aims are different
 from the original aims of Markdown.
 Whereas Markdown was originally designed with HTML generation in mind,
 pandoc is designed for multiple output formats.
@@ -3359,7 +3424,7 @@ a hard line break, since trailing spaces in the cells are ignored.
 There are two kinds of headings: Setext and ATX.
 .SS Setext-style headings
-A setext-style heading is a line of text \[dq]underlined\[dq] with a row
+A setext-style heading is a line of text \[lq]underlined\[rq] with a row
 of \f[C]=\f[R] signs (for a level-one heading) or \f[C]-\f[R] signs (for
 a level-two heading):
@@ -3450,7 +3515,7 @@ My other heading   {#foo}
 (This syntax is compatible with PHP Markdown Extra.)
 Note that although this syntax allows assignment of classes and
-key/value attributes, writers generally don\[aq]t use all of this
+key/value attributes, writers generally don\[cq]t use all of this
 Identifiers, classes, and key/value attributes are used in HTML and
 HTML-based formats such as EPUB and slidy.
@@ -3565,7 +3630,7 @@ indented more than three spaces.)
-A \[dq]lazy\[dq] form, which requires the \f[C]>\f[R] character only on
+A \[lq]lazy\[rq] form, which requires the \f[C]>\f[R] character only on
 the first line of each block, is also allowed:
@@ -3800,8 +3865,8 @@ Here is a simple example:
-This will produce a \[dq]compact\[dq] list.
-If you want a \[dq]loose\[dq] list, in which each item is formatted as a
+This will produce a \[lq]compact\[rq] list.
+If you want a \[lq]loose\[rq] list, in which each item is formatted as a
 paragraph, put spaces between the items:
@@ -3829,7 +3894,7 @@ List items look best if subsequent lines are flush with the first line
-But Markdown also allows a \[dq]lazy\[dq] format:
+But Markdown also allows a \[lq]lazy\[rq] format:
@@ -3892,7 +3957,7 @@ character after the list marker of the containing list item.
 As noted above, Markdown allows you to write list items
-\[dq]lazily,\[dq] instead of indenting continuation lines.
+\[lq]lazily,\[rq] instead of indenting continuation lines.
 However, if there are multiple paragraphs or other blocks in a list
 item, the first line of each must be indented.
@@ -3946,8 +4011,8 @@ They must be separated from the text that follows by at least one space,
 and, if the list marker is a capital letter with a period, by at least
 two spaces.
-The \f[C]fancy_lists\f[R] extension also allows \[aq]\f[C]#\f[R]\[aq] to
-be used as an ordered list marker in place of a numeral:
+The \f[C]fancy_lists\f[R] extension also allows `\f[C]#\f[R]' to be used
+as an ordered list marker in place of a numeral:
@@ -4040,7 +4105,7 @@ one or more block elements (paragraph, code block, list, etc.), each
 indented four spaces or one tab stop.
 The body of the definition (including the first line, aside from the
 colon or tilde) should be indented four spaces.
-However, as with other Markdown lists, you can \[dq]lazily\[dq] omit
+However, as with other Markdown lists, you can \[lq]lazily\[rq] omit
 indentation except at the beginning of a paragraph or other block
@@ -4074,7 +4139,7 @@ Term 2
 Note that space between items in a definition list is required.
-(A variant that loosens this requirement, but disallows \[dq]lazy\[dq]
+(A variant that loosens this requirement, but disallows \[lq]lazy\[rq]
 hard wrapping, can be activated with \f[C]compact_definition_lists\f[R]:
 see Non-pandoc extensions, below.)
 .SS Numbered example lists
@@ -4082,8 +4147,8 @@ see Non-pandoc extensions, below.)
 The special list marker \f[C]\[at]\f[R] can be used for sequentially
 numbered examples.
-The first list item with a \f[C]\[at]\f[R] marker will be numbered
-\[aq]1\[aq], the next \[aq]2\[aq], and so on, throughout the document.
+The first list item with a \f[C]\[at]\f[R] marker will be numbered `1',
+the next `2', and so on, throughout the document.
 The numbered examples need not occur in a single list; each new list
 using \f[C]\[at]\f[R] will take up where the last stopped.
 So, for example:
@@ -4119,39 +4184,6 @@ That is, example lists always behave as if the \f[C]four_space_rule\f[R]
 extension is set.
 This is because example labels tend to be long, and indenting content to
 the first non-space character after the label would be awkward.
-.SS Compact and loose lists
-Pandoc behaves differently from \f[C]Markdown.pl\f[R] on some \[dq]edge
-cases\[dq] involving lists.
-Consider this source:
-+   First
-+   Second:
-    -   Fee
-    -   Fie
-    -   Foe
-+   Third
-Pandoc transforms this into a \[dq]compact list\[dq] (with no
-\f[C]<p>\f[R] tags around \[dq]First\[dq], \[dq]Second\[dq], or
-\[dq]Third\[dq]), while Markdown puts \f[C]<p>\f[R] tags around
-\[dq]Second\[dq] and \[dq]Third\[dq] (but not \[dq]First\[dq]), because
-of the blank space around \[dq]Third\[dq].
-Pandoc follows a simple rule: if the text is followed by a blank line,
-it is treated as a paragraph.
-Since \[dq]Second\[dq] is followed by a list, and not a blank line, it
-isn\[aq]t treated as a paragraph.
-The fact that the list is followed by a blank line is irrelevant.
-(Note: Pandoc works this way even when the \f[C]markdown_strict\f[R]
-format is specified.
-This behavior is consistent with the official Markdown syntax
-description, even though it is different from that of
 .SS Ending a list
 What if you want to put an indented code block after a list?
@@ -4169,8 +4201,8 @@ Trouble! Here pandoc (like other Markdown implementations) will treat
 \f[C]{ my code block }\f[R] as the second paragraph of item two, and not
 as a code block.
-To \[dq]cut off\[dq] the list after item two, you can insert some
-non-indented content, like an HTML comment, which won\[aq]t produce
+To \[lq]cut off\[rq] the list after item two, you can insert some
+non-indented content, like an HTML comment, which won\[cq]t produce
 visible output in any format:
@@ -4366,7 +4398,7 @@ can be omitted for a headerless table.
 The cells of grid tables may contain arbitrary block elements (multiple
 paragraphs, code blocks, lists, etc.).
 Cells that span multiple columns or rows are not supported.
-Grid tables can be created easily using Emacs\[aq] table-mode
+Grid tables can be created easily using Emacs\[cq] table-mode
 (\f[C]M-x table-insert\f[R]).
 Alignments can be specified as with pipe tables, by putting colons at
@@ -4450,7 +4482,7 @@ lines are wider than column width, then cell contents will not be
 wrapped, and the cells will be sized to their contents.
 Note: pandoc also recognizes pipe tables of the following form, as can
-be produced by Emacs\[aq] orgtbl-mode:
+be produced by Emacs\[cq] orgtbl-mode:
@@ -4463,7 +4495,7 @@ be produced by Emacs\[aq] orgtbl-mode:
 The difference is that \f[C]+\f[R] is used instead of \f[C]|\f[R].
 Other orgtbl features are not supported.
-In particular, to get non-default column alignment, you\[aq]ll need to
+In particular, to get non-default column alignment, you\[cq]ll need to
 add colons as above.
 .SS Metadata blocks
 .SS Extension: \f[C]pandoc_title_block\f[R]
@@ -4541,13 +4573,13 @@ All three metadata fields may contain standard inline formatting
 Title blocks will always be parsed, but they will affect the output only
 when the \f[C]--standalone\f[R] (\f[C]-s\f[R]) option is chosen.
-In HTML output, titles will appear twice: once in the document head --
-this is the title that will appear at the top of the window in a browser
--- and once at the beginning of the document body.
+In HTML output, titles will appear twice: once in the document head
+\[en] this is the title that will appear at the top of the window in a
+browser \[en] and once at the beginning of the document body.
 The title in the document head can have an optional prefix attached
 (\f[C]--title-prefix\f[R] or \f[C]-T\f[R] option).
 The title in the body appears as an H1 element with class
-\[dq]title\[dq], so it can be suppressed or reformatted with CSS.
+\[lq]title\[rq], so it can be suppressed or reformatted with CSS.
 If a title prefix is specified with \f[C]-T\f[R] and no title block
 appears in the document, the title prefix will be used by itself as the
 HTML title.
@@ -4576,7 +4608,7 @@ will yield a man page with the title \f[C]PANDOC\f[R] and section 1.
-will also have \[dq]Pandoc User Manuals\[dq] in the footer.
+will also have \[lq]Pandoc User Manuals\[rq] in the footer.
@@ -4584,7 +4616,7 @@ will also have \[dq]Pandoc User Manuals\[dq] in the footer.
-will also have \[dq]Version 4.0\[dq] in the header.
+will also have \[lq]Version 4.0\[rq] in the header.
 .SS Extension: \f[C]yaml_metadata_block\f[R]
 A YAML metadata block is a valid YAML object, delimited by a line of
@@ -4700,7 +4732,7 @@ $endfor$
-Raw content to include in the document\[aq]s header may be specified
+Raw content to include in the document\[cq]s header may be specified
 using \f[C]header-includes\f[R]; however, it is important to mark up
 this content as raw code for a particular output format, using the
 \f[C]raw_attribute\f[R] extension), or it will be interpreted as
@@ -4747,7 +4779,7 @@ instead of
-This rule is easier to remember than standard Markdown\[aq]s rule, which
+This rule is easier to remember than standard Markdown\[cq]s rule, which
 allows only the following characters to be backslash-escaped:
@@ -4763,16 +4795,15 @@ A backslash-escaped space is parsed as a nonbreaking space.
 In TeX output, it will appear as \f[C]\[ti]\f[R].
 In HTML and XML output, it will appear as a literal unicode nonbreaking
 space character (note that it will thus actually look
-\[dq]invisible\[dq] in the generated HTML source; you can still use the
+\[lq]invisible\[rq] in the generated HTML source; you can still use the
 \f[C]--ascii\f[R] command-line option to make it appear as an explicit
-A backslash-escaped newline (i.e.
-a backslash occurring at the end of a line) is parsed as a hard line
+A backslash-escaped newline (i.e.\ a backslash occurring at the end of a
+line) is parsed as a hard line break.
 It will appear in TeX output as \f[C]\[rs]\[rs]\f[R] and in HTML as
 \f[C]<br />\f[R].
-This is a nice alternative to Markdown\[aq]s \[dq]invisible\[dq] way of
+This is a nice alternative to Markdown\[cq]s \[lq]invisible\[rq] way of
 indicating hard line breaks using two trailing spaces on a line.
 Backslash escapes do not work in verbatim contexts.
@@ -4849,8 +4880,8 @@ If the superscripted or subscripted text contains spaces, these spaces
 must be escaped with backslashes.
 (This is to prevent accidental superscripting and subscripting through
 the ordinary use of \f[C]\[ti]\f[R] and \f[C]\[ha]\f[R], and also bad
-interactions with footnotes.) Thus, if you want the letter P with \[aq]a
-cat\[aq] in subscripts, use \f[C]P\[ti]a\[rs] cat\[ti]\f[R], not
+interactions with footnotes.) Thus, if you want the letter P with `a
+cat' in subscripts, use \f[C]P\[ti]a\[rs] cat\[ti]\f[R], not
 \f[C]P\[ti]a cat\[ti]\f[R].
 .SS Verbatim
@@ -4930,9 +4961,9 @@ The opening \f[C]$\f[R] must have a non-space character immediately to
 its right, while the closing \f[C]$\f[R] must have a non-space character
 immediately to its left, and must not be followed immediately by a
-Thus, \f[C]$20,000 and $30,000\f[R] won\[aq]t parse as math.
+Thus, \f[C]$20,000 and $30,000\f[R] won\[cq]t parse as math.
 If for some reason you need to enclose text in literal \f[C]$\f[R]
-characters, backslash-escape them and they won\[aq]t be treated as math
+characters, backslash-escape them and they won\[cq]t be treated as math
 For display math, use \f[C]$$\f[R] delimiters.
@@ -4968,7 +4999,7 @@ Texinfo
 It will be rendered inside a \f[C]\[at]math\f[R] command.
 roff man, Jira markup
-It will be rendered verbatim without \f[C]$\f[R]\[aq]s.
+It will be rendered verbatim without \f[C]$\f[R]\[cq]s.
 MediaWiki, DokuWiki
 It will be rendered inside \f[C]<math>\f[R] tags.
@@ -5026,7 +5057,7 @@ Note that even if \f[C]raw_html\f[R] is disabled, tables will be
 rendered with HTML syntax if they cannot use pipe syntax.
 .SS Extension: \f[C]markdown_in_html_blocks\f[R]
-Standard Markdown allows you to include HTML \[dq]blocks\[dq]: blocks of
+Standard Markdown allows you to include HTML \[lq]blocks\[rq]: blocks of
 HTML between balanced tags that are separated from the surrounding text
 with blank lines, and start and end at the left margin.
 Within these blocks, everything is interpreted as HTML, not Markdown; so
@@ -5364,7 +5395,7 @@ slide shows and EPUB), LaTeX, and ConTeXt.
 A link immediately preceded by a \f[C]!\f[R] will be treated as an
-The link text will be used as the image\[aq]s alt text:
+The link text will be used as the image\[cq]s alt text:
@@ -5379,7 +5410,7 @@ The link text will be used as the image\[aq]s alt text:
 An image with nonempty alt text, occurring by itself in a paragraph,
 will be rendered as a figure with a caption.
-The image\[aq]s alt text will be used as the caption.
+The image\[cq]s alt text will be used as the caption.
@@ -5388,9 +5419,8 @@ The image\[aq]s alt text will be used as the caption.
 How this is rendered depends on the output format.
-Some output formats (e.g.
-RTF) do not yet support figures.
-In those formats, you\[aq]ll just get an image in a paragraph by itself,
+Some output formats (e.g.\ RTF) do not yet support figures.
+In those formats, you\[cq]ll just get an image in a paragraph by itself,
 with no caption.
 If you just want a regular inline image, just make sure it is not the
@@ -5461,7 +5491,7 @@ HTML:
 .IP \[bu] 2
-(If you\[aq]re using a custom template, you need to configure
+(If you\[cq]re using a custom template, you need to configure
 \f[C]graphicx\f[R] as in the default template.)
 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -5544,7 +5574,7 @@ immediately by attributes:
 .SS Footnotes
 .SS Extension: \f[C]footnotes\f[R]
-Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown allows footnotes, using the following syntax:
+Pandoc\[cq]s Markdown allows footnotes, using the following syntax:
@@ -5593,182 +5623,14 @@ note.]
 Inline and regular footnotes may be mixed freely.
-.SS Citations
+.SS Citation syntax
 .SS Extension: \f[C]citations\f[R]
-Using an external filter, \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R], pandoc can
-automatically generate citations and a bibliography in a number of
-Basic usage is
-pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc myinput.txt
-In order to use this feature, you will need to specify a bibliography
-file using the \f[C]bibliography\f[R] metadata field in a YAML metadata
-section, or \f[C]--bibliography\f[R] command line argument.
-You can supply multiple \f[C]--bibliography\f[R] arguments or set
-\f[C]bibliography\f[R] metadata field to YAML array, if you want to use
-multiple bibliography files.
-The bibliography may have any of these formats:
-l l.
-File extension
-EndNote XML
-Note that \f[C].bib\f[R] can be used with both BibTeX and BibLaTeX
-files; use \f[C].bibtex\f[R] to force BibTeX.
-Note that \f[C]pandoc-citeproc --bib2json\f[R] and
-\f[C]pandoc-citeproc --bib2yaml\f[R] can produce \f[C].json\f[R] and
-\f[C].yaml\f[R] files from any of the supported formats.
-In-field markup: In BibTeX and BibLaTeX databases, pandoc-citeproc
-parses a subset of LaTeX markup; in CSL YAML databases, pandoc Markdown;
-and in CSL JSON databases, an HTML-like markup:
-\f[B]\f[CB]<span style=\[dq]font-variant:small-caps;\[dq]>...</span>\f[B]\f[R] or \f[B]\f[CB]<sc>...</sc>\f[B]\f[R]
-small capitals
-\f[B]\f[CB]<span class=\[dq]nocase\[dq]>...</span>\f[B]\f[R]
-prevent a phrase from being capitalized as title case
-\f[C]pandoc-citeproc -j\f[R] and \f[C]-y\f[R] interconvert the CSL JSON
-and CSL YAML formats as far as possible.
-As an alternative to specifying a bibliography file using
-\f[C]--bibliography\f[R] or the YAML metadata field
-\f[C]bibliography\f[R], you can include the citation data directly in
-the \f[C]references\f[R] field of the document\[aq]s YAML metadata.
-The field should contain an array of YAML-encoded references, for
-- type: article-journal
-  id: WatsonCrick1953
-  author:
-  - family: Watson
-    given: J. D.
-  - family: Crick
-    given: F. H. C.
-  issued:
-    date-parts:
-    - - 1953
-      - 4
-      - 25
-  title: \[aq]Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for deoxyribose
-    nucleic acid\[aq]
-  title-short: Molecular structure of nucleic acids
-  container-title: Nature
-  volume: 171
-  issue: 4356
-  page: 737-738
-  DOI: 10.1038/171737a0
-  URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/171737a0
-  language: en-GB
-(\f[C]pandoc-citeproc --bib2yaml\f[R] can produce these from a
-bibliography file in one of the supported formats.)
-Citations and references can be formatted using any style supported by
-the Citation Style Language, listed in the Zotero Style Repository.
-These files are specified using the \f[C]--csl\f[R] option or the
-\f[C]csl\f[R] metadata field.
-By default, \f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] will use the Chicago Manual of
-Style author-date format.
-The CSL project provides further information on finding and editing
-To make your citations hyperlinks to the corresponding bibliography
-entries, add \f[C]link-citations: true\f[R] to your YAML metadata.
-Citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons.
-Each citation must have a key, composed of \[aq]\[at]\[aq] + the
-citation identifier from the database, and may optionally have a prefix,
-a locator, and a suffix.
+Markdown citations go inside square brackets and are separated by
+Each citation must have a key, composed of `\[at]' + the citation
+identifier from the database, and may optionally have a prefix, a
+locator, and a suffix.
 The citation key must begin with a letter, digit, or \f[C]_\f[R], and
 may contain alphanumerics, \f[C]_\f[R], and internal punctuation
 characters (\f[C]:.#$%&-+?<>\[ti]/\f[R]).
@@ -5784,7 +5646,7 @@ Blah blah [\[at]smith04; \[at]doe99].
-\f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] detects locator terms in the CSL locale files.
+\f[C]pandoc\f[R] detects locator terms in the CSL locale files.
 Either abbreviated or unabbreviated forms are accepted.
 In the \f[C]en-US\f[R] locale, locator terms can be written in either
 singular or plural forms, as \f[C]book\f[R],
@@ -5804,12 +5666,11 @@ singular or plural forms, as \f[C]book\f[R],
 \f[C]v.\f[R]/\f[C]vv.\f[R]; \f[C]volume\f[R],
 \f[C]vol.\f[R]/\f[C]vols.\f[R]; \f[C]\[ps]\f[R]/\f[C]\[ps]\[ps]\f[R];
-If no locator term is used, \[dq]page\[dq] is assumed.
+If no locator term is used, \[lq]page\[rq] is assumed.
-\f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] will use heuristics to distinguish the locator
-from the suffix.
-In complex cases, the locator can be enclosed in curly braces (using
-\f[C]pandoc-citeproc\f[R] 0.15 and higher only):
+\f[C]pandoc\f[R] will use heuristics to distinguish the locator from the
+In complex cases, the locator can be enclosed in curly braces:
@@ -5837,78 +5698,6 @@ You can also write an in-text citation, as follows:
 \[at]smith04 [p. 33] says blah.
-If the style calls for a list of works cited, it will be placed in a div
-with id \f[C]refs\f[R], if one exists:
-::: {#refs}
-Otherwise, it will be placed at the end of the document.
-Generation of the bibliography can be suppressed by setting
-\f[C]suppress-bibliography: true\f[R] in the YAML metadata.
-If you wish the bibliography to have a section heading, you can set
-\f[C]reference-section-title\f[R] in the metadata, or put the heading at
-the beginning of the div with id \f[C]refs\f[R] (if you are using it) or
-at the end of your document:
-last paragraph...
-# References
-The bibliography will be inserted after this heading.
-Note that the \f[C]unnumbered\f[R] class will be added to this heading,
-so that the section will not be numbered.
-If you want to include items in the bibliography without actually citing
-them in the body text, you can define a dummy \f[C]nocite\f[R] metadata
-field and put the citations there:
-nocite: |
-  \[at]item1, \[at]item2
-In this example, the document will contain a citation for
-\f[C]item3\f[R] only, but the bibliography will contain entries for
-\f[C]item1\f[R], \f[C]item2\f[R], and \f[C]item3\f[R].
-It is possible to create a bibliography with all the citations, whether
-or not they appear in the document, by using a wildcard:
-nocite: |
-  \[at]*
-For LaTeX output, you can also use \f[C]natbib\f[R] or
-\f[C]biblatex\f[R] to render the bibliography.
-In order to do so, specify bibliography files as outlined above, and add
-\f[C]--natbib\f[R] or \f[C]--biblatex\f[R] argument to \f[C]pandoc\f[R]
-Bear in mind that bibliography files have to be in respective format
-(either BibTeX or BibLaTeX).
-For more information, see the pandoc-citeproc man page.
 .SS Non-pandoc extensions
 The following Markdown syntax extensions are not enabled by default in
@@ -5946,7 +5735,7 @@ affect the code block element.
 Attributes that occur at the end of a reference link definition affect
 links that refer to that definition.
-Note that pandoc\[aq]s AST does not currently allow attributes to be
+Note that pandoc\[cq]s AST does not currently allow attributes to be
 attached to arbitrary elements.
 Hence a Span or Div container will be added if needed.
 .SS Extension: \f[C]old_dashes\f[R]
@@ -5960,7 +5749,7 @@ It is selected automatically for \f[C]textile\f[R] input.
 Allow \f[C]<\f[R] and \f[C]>\f[R] to be backslash-escaped, as they can
 be in GitHub flavored Markdown but not original Markdown.
-This is implied by pandoc\[aq]s default \f[C]all_symbols_escapable\f[R].
+This is implied by pandoc\[cq]s default \f[C]all_symbols_escapable\f[R].
 .SS Extension: \f[C]lists_without_preceding_blankline\f[R]
 Allow a list to occur right after a paragraph, with no intervening blank
@@ -6084,7 +5873,7 @@ in several respects:
 No blank line is required between consecutive items of the definition
 .IP \[bu] 2
-To get a \[dq]tight\[dq] or \[dq]compact\[dq] list, omit space between
+To get a \[lq]tight\[rq] or \[lq]compact\[rq] list, omit space between
 consecutive items; the space between a term and its definition does not
 affect anything.
 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -6097,63 +5886,421 @@ for strong emphasis, surround by underscores for regular emphasis, add
 extra blank space around headings.
 .SS Markdown variants
-In addition to pandoc\[aq]s extended Markdown, the following Markdown
+In addition to pandoc\[cq]s extended Markdown, the following Markdown
 variants are supported:
-\f[B]\f[CB]markdown_phpextra\f[B]\f[R] (PHP Markdown Extra)
-\f[C]footnotes\f[R], \f[C]pipe_tables\f[R], \f[C]raw_html\f[R],
-\f[C]markdown_attribute\f[R], \f[C]fenced_code_blocks\f[R],
-\f[C]definition_lists\f[R], \f[C]intraword_underscores\f[R],
-\f[C]header_attributes\f[R], \f[C]link_attributes\f[R],
-\f[C]abbreviations\f[R], \f[C]shortcut_reference_links\f[R],
-\f[B]\f[CB]markdown_github\f[B]\f[R] (deprecated GitHub-Flavored Markdown)
-\f[C]pipe_tables\f[R], \f[C]raw_html\f[R], \f[C]fenced_code_blocks\f[R],
-\f[C]auto_identifiers\f[R], \f[C]gfm_auto_identifiers\f[R],
-\f[C]backtick_code_blocks\f[R], \f[C]autolink_bare_uris\f[R],
-\f[C]space_in_atx_header\f[R], \f[C]intraword_underscores\f[R],
-\f[C]strikeout\f[R], \f[C]task_lists\f[R], \f[C]emoji\f[R],
-\f[C]shortcut_reference_links\f[R], \f[C]angle_brackets_escapable\f[R],
-\f[B]\f[CB]markdown_mmd\f[B]\f[R] (MultiMarkdown)
-\f[C]pipe_tables\f[R], \f[C]raw_html\f[R], \f[C]markdown_attribute\f[R],
-\f[C]mmd_link_attributes\f[R], \f[C]tex_math_double_backslash\f[R],
-\f[C]intraword_underscores\f[R], \f[C]mmd_title_block\f[R],
-\f[C]footnotes\f[R], \f[C]definition_lists\f[R],
-\f[C]all_symbols_escapable\f[R], \f[C]implicit_header_references\f[R],
-\f[C]auto_identifiers\f[R], \f[C]mmd_header_identifiers\f[R],
-\f[C]shortcut_reference_links\f[R], \f[C]implicit_figures\f[R],
-\f[C]superscript\f[R], \f[C]subscript\f[R],
-\f[C]backtick_code_blocks\f[R], \f[C]spaced_reference_links\f[R],
-\f[B]\f[CB]markdown_strict\f[B]\f[R] (Markdown.pl)
-\f[C]raw_html\f[R], \f[C]shortcut_reference_links\f[R],
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]markdown_phpextra\f[R] (PHP Markdown Extra)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]markdown_github\f[R] (deprecated GitHub-Flavored Markdown)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]markdown_mmd\f[R] (MultiMarkdown)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]markdown_strict\f[R] (Markdown.pl)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]commonmark\f[R] (CommonMark)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]gfm\f[R] (Github-Flavored Markdown)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+\f[C]commonmark_x\f[R] (CommonMark with many pandoc extensions)
-We also support \f[C]commonmark\f[R] and \f[C]gfm\f[R] (GitHub-Flavored
-Markdown, which is implemented as a set of extensions on
+To see which extensions are supported for a given format, and which are
+enabled by default, you can use the command
+pandoc --list-extensions=FORMAT
-Note, however, that \f[C]commonmark\f[R] and \f[C]gfm\f[R] have limited
-support for extensions.
-Only those listed below (and \f[C]smart\f[R], \f[C]raw_tex\f[R], and
-\f[C]hard_line_breaks\f[R]) will work.
-The extensions can, however, all be individually disabled.
-Also, \f[C]raw_tex\f[R] only affects \f[C]gfm\f[R] output, not input.
+where \f[C]FORMAT\f[R] is replaced with the name of the format.
+Note that the list of extensions for \f[C]commonmark\f[R],
+\f[C]gfm\f[R], and \f[C]commonmark_x\f[R] are defined relative to
+default commonmark.
+So, for example, \f[C]backtick_code_blocks\f[R] does not appear as an
+extension, since it is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
+When the \f[C]--citeproc\f[R] option is used, pandoc can automatically
+generate citations and a bibliography in a number of styles.
+Basic usage is
+pandoc --citeproc myinput.txt
+To use this feature, you will need to have
+.IP \[bu] 2
+a document containing citations (see Extension: \f[C]citations\f[R]);
+.IP \[bu] 2
+a source of bibliographic data: either an external bibliography file or
+a list of \f[C]references\f[R] in the document\[cq]s YAML metadata
+.IP \[bu] 2
+optionally, a CSL citation style.
+.SS Specifying bibliographic data
+You can specify an external bibliography using the
+\f[C]bibliography\f[R] metadata field in a YAML metadata section or the
+\f[C]--bibliography\f[R] command line argument.
+If you want to use multiple bibliography files, you can supply multiple
+\f[C]--bibliography\f[R] arguments or set \f[C]bibliography\f[R]
+metadata field to YAML array.
+A bibliography may have any of these formats:
+l l.
+File extension
+Note that \f[C].bib\f[R] can be used with both BibTeX and BibLaTeX
+files; use the extension \f[C].bibtex\f[R] to force interpretation as
+In BibTeX and BibLaTeX databases, pandoc parses LaTeX markup inside
+fields such as \f[C]title\f[R]; in CSL YAML databases, pandoc Markdown;
+and in CSL JSON databases, an HTML-like markup:
-\f[B]\f[CB]gfm\f[B]\f[R] (GitHub-Flavored Markdown)
-\f[C]pipe_tables\f[R], \f[C]raw_html\f[R], \f[C]native_divs\f[R],
-\f[C]fenced_code_blocks\f[R], \f[C]auto_identifiers\f[R],
-\f[C]gfm_auto_identifiers\f[R], \f[C]backtick_code_blocks\f[R],
-\f[C]autolink_bare_uris\f[R], \f[C]space_in_atx_header\f[R],
-\f[C]intraword_underscores\f[R], \f[C]strikeout\f[R],
-\f[C]task_lists\f[R], \f[C]emoji\f[R],
-\f[C]shortcut_reference_links\f[R], \f[C]angle_brackets_escapable\f[R],
+\f[B]\f[CB]<span style=\[dq]font-variant:small-caps;\[dq]>...</span>\f[B]\f[R] or \f[B]\f[CB]<sc>...</sc>\f[B]\f[R]
+small capitals
+\f[B]\f[CB]<span class=\[dq]nocase\[dq]>...</span>\f[B]\f[R]
+prevent a phrase from being capitalized as title case
+As an alternative to specifying a bibliography file using
+\f[C]--bibliography\f[R] or the YAML metadata field
+\f[C]bibliography\f[R], you can include the citation data directly in
+the \f[C]references\f[R] field of the document\[cq]s YAML metadata.
+The field should contain an array of YAML-encoded references, for
+- type: article-journal
+  id: WatsonCrick1953
+  author:
+  - family: Watson
+    given: J. D.
+  - family: Crick
+    given: F. H. C.
+  issued:
+    date-parts:
+    - - 1953
+      - 4
+      - 25
+  title: \[aq]Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for
+    deoxyribose nucleic acid\[aq]
+  title-short: Molecular structure of nucleic acids
+  container-title: Nature
+  volume: 171
+  issue: 4356
+  page: 737-738
+  DOI: 10.1038/171737a0
+  URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/171737a0
+  language: en-GB
+Note that \f[C]pandoc\f[R] can be used to produce such a YAML metadata
+section from a BibTeX, BibLaTeX, or CSL JSON bibliography:
+pandoc chem.bib -s -t markdown
+pandoc chem.json -s -t markdown
+\f[C]pandoc\f[R] can also be used to produce CSL JSON bibliography from
+BibTeX, BibLaTeX, or markdown YAML:
+pandoc chem.bib -s -t csljson
+pandoc chem.yaml -s -t csljson
+Running pandoc on a bibliography file with the \f[C]--citeproc\f[R]
+option will create a formatted bibliography in the format of your
+pandoc chem.bib -s --citeproc -o chem.html
+pandoc chem.bib -s --citeproc -o chem.pdf
+.SS Capitalization in titles
+If you are using a bibtex or biblatex bibliography, then observe the
+following rules:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+English titles should be in title case.
+Non-English titles should be in sentence case, and the \f[C]langid\f[R]
+field in biblatex should be set to the relevant language.
+(The following values are treated as English: \f[C]american\f[R],
+\f[C]british\f[R], \f[C]canadian\f[R], \f[C]english\f[R],
+\f[C]australian\f[R], \f[C]newzealand\f[R], \f[C]USenglish\f[R], or
+.IP \[bu] 2
+As is standard with bibtex/biblatex, proper names should be protected
+with curly braces so that they won\[cq]t be lowercased in styles that
+call for sentence case.
+For example:
+.RS 2
+title = {My Dinner with {Andre}}
+.IP \[bu] 2
+In addition, words that should remain lowercase (or camelCase) should be
+.RS 2
+title = {Spin Wave Dispersion on the {nm} Scale}
+Though this is not necessary in bibtex/biblatex, it is necessary with
+citeproc, which stores titles internally in sentence case, and converts
+to title case in styles that require it.
+Here we protect \[lq]nm\[rq] so that it doesn\[cq]t get converted to
+\[lq]Nm\[rq] at this stage.
+If you are using a CSL bibliography (either JSON or YAML), then observe
+the following rules:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+All titles should be in sentence case.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Use the \f[C]language\f[R] field for non-English titles to prevent their
+conversion to title case in styles that call for this.
+(Conversion happens only if \f[C]language\f[R] begins with \f[C]en\f[R]
+or is left empty.)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Protect words that should not be converted to title case using this
+.RS 2
+Spin wave dispersion on the <span class=\[dq]nocase\[dq]>nm</span> scale
+.SS Conference Papers, Published vs.\ Unpublished
+For a formally published conference paper, use the biblatex entry type
+\f[C]inproceedings\f[R] (which will be mapped to CSL
+For an unpublished manuscript, use the biblatex entry type
+\f[C]unpublished\f[R] without an \f[C]eventtitle\f[R] field (this entry
+type will be mapped to CSL \f[C]manuscript\f[R]).
+For a talk, an unpublished conference paper, or a poster presentation,
+use the biblatex entry type \f[C]unpublished\f[R] with an
+\f[C]eventtitle\f[R] field (this entry type will be mapped to CSL
+Use the biblatex \f[C]type\f[R] field to indicate the type,
+e.g.\ \[lq]Paper\[rq], or \[lq]Poster\[rq].
+\f[C]venue\f[R] and \f[C]eventdate\f[R] may be useful too, though
+\f[C]eventdate\f[R] will not be rendered by most CSL styles.
+Note that \f[C]venue\f[R] is for the event\[cq]s venue, unlike
+\f[C]location\f[R] which describes the publisher\[cq]s location; do not
+use the latter for an unpublished conference paper.
+.SS Specifying a citation style
+Citations and references can be formatted using any style supported by
+the Citation Style Language, listed in the Zotero Style Repository.
+These files are specified using the \f[C]--csl\f[R] option or the
+\f[C]csl\f[R] (or \f[C]citation-style\f[R]) metadata field.
+By default, pandoc will use the Chicago Manual of Style author-date
+(You can override this default by copying a CSL style of your choice to
+\f[C]default.csl\f[R] in your user data directory.) The CSL project
+provides further information on finding and editing styles.
+The \f[C]--citation-abbreviations\f[R] option (or the
+\f[C]citation-abbreviations\f[R] metadata field) may be used to specify
+a JSON file containing abbreviations of journals that should be used in
+formatted bibliographies when \f[C]form=\[dq]short\[dq]\f[R] is
+The format of the file can be illustrated with an example:
+{ \[dq]default\[dq]: {
+    \[dq]container-title\[dq]: {
+            \[dq]Lloyd\[aq]s Law Reports\[dq]: \[dq]Lloyd\[aq]s Rep\[dq],
+            \[dq]Estates Gazette\[dq]: \[dq]EG\[dq],
+            \[dq]Scots Law Times\[dq]: \[dq]SLT\[dq]
+    }
+  }
+.SS Raw content in a style
+To include raw content in a prefix, suffix, delimiter, or term, surround
+it with these tags indicating the format:
+Without the tags, the string will be interpreted as a string and escaped
+in the output, rather than being passed through raw.
+This feature allows stylesheets to be customized to give different
+output for different output formats.
+However, stylesheets customized in this way will not be useable by other
+CSL implementations.
+.SS Placement of the bibliography
+If the style calls for a list of works cited, it will be placed in a div
+with id \f[C]refs\f[R], if one exists:
+::: {#refs}
+Otherwise, it will be placed at the end of the document.
+Generation of the bibliography can be suppressed by setting
+\f[C]suppress-bibliography: true\f[R] in the YAML metadata.
+If you wish the bibliography to have a section heading, you can set
+\f[C]reference-section-title\f[R] in the metadata, or put the heading at
+the beginning of the div with id \f[C]refs\f[R] (if you are using it) or
+at the end of your document:
+last paragraph...
+# References
+The bibliography will be inserted after this heading.
+Note that the \f[C]unnumbered\f[R] class will be added to this heading,
+so that the section will not be numbered.
+.SS Including uncited items in the bibliography
+If you want to include items in the bibliography without actually citing
+them in the body text, you can define a dummy \f[C]nocite\f[R] metadata
+field and put the citations there:
+nocite: |
+  \[at]item1, \[at]item2
+In this example, the document will contain a citation for
+\f[C]item3\f[R] only, but the bibliography will contain entries for
+\f[C]item1\f[R], \f[C]item2\f[R], and \f[C]item3\f[R].
+It is possible to create a bibliography with all the citations, whether
+or not they appear in the document, by using a wildcard:
+nocite: |
+  \[at]*
+For LaTeX output, you can also use \f[C]natbib\f[R] or
+\f[C]biblatex\f[R] to render the bibliography.
+In order to do so, specify bibliography files as outlined above, and add
+\f[C]--natbib\f[R] or \f[C]--biblatex\f[R] argument to \f[C]pandoc\f[R]
+Bear in mind that bibliography files have to be in either BibTeX (for
+\f[C]--natbib\f[R]) or BibLaTeX (for \f[C]--biblatex\f[R]) format.
+.SS Other relevant metadata fields
+A few other metadata fields affect bibliography formatting:
+If true, citations will be hyperlinked to the corresponding bibliography
+entries (for author-date and numerical styles only).
+The \f[C]lang\f[R] field will affect how the style is localized, for
+example in the translation of labels and the use of quotation marks.
+(For backwards compatibility, \f[C]locale\f[R] may be used instead of
+\f[C]lang\f[R], but this use is deprecated.)
+If true (the default), pandoc will put footnote citations after
+following punctuation.
+For example, if the source contains \f[C]blah blah [\[at]jones99].\f[R],
+the result will look like \f[C]blah blah.[\[ha]1]\f[R], with the note
+moved after the period and the space collapsed.
+If false, the space will still be collapsed, but the footnote will not
+be moved after the punctuation.
 You can use pandoc to produce an HTML + JavaScript slide presentation
 that can be viewed via a web browser.
@@ -6162,7 +6309,7 @@ reveal.js.
 You can also produce a PDF slide show using LaTeX \f[C]beamer\f[R], or
 slides shows in Microsoft PowerPoint format.
-Here\[aq]s the Markdown source for a simple slide show,
+Here\[cq]s the Markdown source for a simple slide show,
@@ -6266,19 +6413,19 @@ Headings \f[I]below\f[R] the slide level in the hierarchy create
 headings \f[I]within\f[R] a slide.
 .IP \[bu] 2
 Headings \f[I]above\f[R] the slide level in the hierarchy create
-\[dq]title slides,\[dq] which just contain the section title and help to
+\[lq]title slides,\[rq] which just contain the section title and help to
 break the slide show into sections.
 Non-slide content under these headings will be included on the title
 slide (for HTML slide shows) or in a subsequent slide with the same
 title (for beamer).
 .IP \[bu] 2
-A title page is constructed automatically from the document\[aq]s title
+A title page is constructed automatically from the document\[cq]s title
 block, if present.
 (In the case of beamer, this can be disabled by commenting out some
 lines in the default template.)
 These rules are designed to support many different styles of slide show.
-If you don\[aq]t care about structuring your slides into sections and
+If you don\[cq]t care about structuring your slides into sections and
 subsections, you can just use level-1 headings for all each slide.
 (In that case, level-1 will be the slide level.) But you can also
 structure the slide show into sections, as in the example above.
@@ -6290,8 +6437,8 @@ It is not recommended that you use deeper nesting of section levels with
 .SS Incremental lists
-By default, these writers produce lists that display \[dq]all at
-once.\[dq] If you want your lists to display incrementally (one item at
+By default, these writers produce lists that display \[lq]all at
+once.\[rq] If you want your lists to display incrementally (one item at
 a time), use the \f[C]-i\f[R] option.
 If you want a particular list to depart from the default, put it in a
 \f[C]div\f[R] block with class \f[C]incremental\f[R] or
@@ -6344,7 +6491,7 @@ Note: Neither the \f[C]-i/--incremental\f[R] option nor any of the
 methods described here currently works for PowerPoint output.
 .SS Inserting pauses
-You can add \[dq]pauses\[dq] within a slide by including a paragraph
+You can add \[lq]pauses\[rq] within a slide by including a paragraph
 containing three dots, separated by spaces:
@@ -6367,7 +6514,7 @@ in \f[C]$DATADIR/s5/default\f[R] (for S5), \f[C]$DATADIR/slidy\f[R] (for
 Slidy), or \f[C]$DATADIR/slideous\f[R] (for Slideous), where
 \f[C]$DATADIR\f[R] is the user data directory (see \f[C]--data-dir\f[R],
-The originals may be found in pandoc\[aq]s system data directory
+The originals may be found in pandoc\[cq]s system data directory
 (generally \f[C]$CABALDIR/pandoc-VERSION/s5/default\f[R]).
 Pandoc will look there for any files it does not find in the user data
@@ -6497,7 +6644,7 @@ contents...
 The class \f[C]onlytextwidth\f[R] sets the \f[C]totalwidth\f[R] to
-See Section 12.7 of the Beamer User\[aq]s Guide for more details.
+See Section 12.7 of the Beamer User\[cq]s Guide for more details.
 .SS Frame attributes in beamer
 Sometimes it is necessary to add the LaTeX \f[C][fragile]\f[R] option to
@@ -6513,7 +6660,7 @@ introducing the slide:
 All of the other frame attributes described in Section 8.1 of the Beamer
-User\[aq]s Guide may also be used: \f[C]allowdisplaybreaks\f[R],
+User\[cq]s Guide may also be used: \f[C]allowdisplaybreaks\f[R],
 \f[C]allowframebreaks\f[R], \f[C]b\f[R], \f[C]c\f[R], \f[C]t\f[R],
 \f[C]environment\f[R], \f[C]label\f[R], \f[C]plain\f[R],
 \f[C]shrink\f[R], \f[C]standout\f[R], \f[C]noframenumbering\f[R].
@@ -6538,7 +6685,7 @@ To set an image for a particular reveal.js slide, add
 \f[C]{data-background-image=\[dq]/path/to/image\[dq]}\f[R] to the first
 slide-level heading on the slide (which may even be empty).
-In reveal.js\[aq]s overview mode, the parallaxBackgroundImage will show
+In reveal.js\[cq]s overview mode, the parallaxBackgroundImage will show
 up only on the first slide.
 Other reveal.js background settings also work on individual slides,
@@ -6574,7 +6721,7 @@ Slide 1 has background_image.png as its background.
 Slide 2 has a special image for its background, even though the heading has no content.
 .SS EPUB Metadata
 EPUB metadata may be specified using the \f[C]--epub-metadata\f[R]
@@ -6628,8 +6775,8 @@ Valid values for \f[C]type\f[R] are \f[C]main\f[R], \f[C]subtitle\f[R],
 Either a string value, or an object with fields \f[C]role\f[R],
 \f[C]file-as\f[R], and \f[C]text\f[R], or a list of such objects.
 Valid values for \f[C]role\f[R] are MARC relators, but pandoc will
-attempt to translate the human-readable versions (like \[dq]author\[dq]
-and \[dq]editor\[dq]) to the appropriate marc relators.
+attempt to translate the human-readable versions (like \[lq]author\[rq]
+and \[lq]editor\[rq]) to the appropriate marc relators.
 Same format as \f[C]creator\f[R].
@@ -6818,11 +6965,6 @@ T}@T{
@@ -6863,7 +7005,7 @@ For example:
 When creating a Jupyter notebook, pandoc will try to infer the notebook
@@ -6978,7 +7120,7 @@ hello
 If you include raw HTML or TeX in an output cell, use the [raw
 attribute][Extension: \f[C]fenced_attribute\f[R]], as shown in the last
 cell of the example above.
-Although pandoc can process \[dq]bare\[dq] raw HTML and TeX, the result
+Although pandoc can process \[lq]bare\[rq] raw HTML and TeX, the result
 is often interspersed raw elements and normal textual elements, and in
 an output cell pandoc expects a single, connected raw block.
 To avoid using raw HTML or TeX except when marked explicitly using raw
@@ -7031,10 +7173,10 @@ pandoc --highlight-style my.theme
 If you are not satisfied with the built-in highlighting, or you want
-highlight a language that isn\[aq]t supported, you can use the
+highlight a language that isn\[cq]t supported, you can use the
 \f[C]--syntax-definition\f[R] option to load a KDE-style XML syntax
 definition file.
-Before writing your own, have a look at KDE\[aq]s repository of syntax
+Before writing your own, have a look at KDE\[cq]s repository of syntax
 To disable highlighting, use the \f[C]--no-highlight\f[R] option.
@@ -7043,7 +7185,7 @@ To disable highlighting, use the \f[C]--no-highlight\f[R] option.
 Custom styles can be used in the docx and ICML formats.
 .SS Output
-By default, pandoc\[aq]s docx and ICML output applies a predefined set
+By default, pandoc\[cq]s docx and ICML output applies a predefined set
 of styles for blocks such as paragraphs and block quotes, and uses
 largely default formatting (italics, bold) for inlines.
 This will work for most purposes, especially alongside a
@@ -7064,7 +7206,7 @@ So, for example, using the \f[C]bracketed_spans\f[R] syntax,
-would produce a docx file with \[dq]Get out\[dq] styled with character
+would produce a docx file with \[lq]Get out\[rq] styled with character
 style \f[C]Emphatically\f[R].
 Similarly, using the \f[C]fenced_divs\f[R] syntax,
@@ -7095,13 +7237,13 @@ character style (perhaps to change their color), you can write a filter
 which will transform all italicized inlines to inlines within an
 \f[C]Emphasis\f[R] custom-style \f[C]span\f[R].
-For docx output, you don\[aq]t need to enable any extensions for custom
+For docx output, you don\[cq]t need to enable any extensions for custom
 styles to work.
 .SS Input
 The docx reader, by default, only reads those styles that it can convert
 into pandoc elements, either by direct conversion or interpreting the
-derivation of the input document\[aq]s styles.
+derivation of the input document\[cq]s styles.
 By enabling the \f[C]styles\f[R] extension in the docx reader
 (\f[C]-f docx+styles\f[R]), you can produce output that maintains the
@@ -7202,7 +7344,7 @@ fully isolates pandoc from your file system, by running the pandoc
 operations in the \f[C]PandocPure\f[R] monad.
 See the document Using the pandoc API for more details.
 .IP "3." 3
-Pandoc\[aq]s parsers can exhibit pathological performance on some corner
+Pandoc\[cq]s parsers can exhibit pathological performance on some corner
 It is wise to put any pandoc operations under a timeout, to avoid DOS
 attacks that exploit these issues.
@@ -7219,7 +7361,7 @@ To be safe, you should run all the generated HTML through an HTML
-Copyright 2006--2020 John MacFarlane (jgm\[at]berkeley.edu).
+Copyright 2006\[en]2020 John MacFarlane (jgm\[at]berkeley.edu).
 Released under the GPL, version 2 or greater.
 This software carries no warranty of any kind.
 (See COPYRIGHT for full copyright and warranty notices.) For a full list