From e6e1176da38bd0405a1974e616e48fa9f7529394 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John MacFarlane <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 22:23:12 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Update changelog,

--- |  4 +++
 changelog  | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 99cba1c2d..9c319d0bb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 - Bjorn Buckwalter
 - Bradley Kuhn
 - Brent Yorgey
+- Brian Leung
 - Bryan O'Sullivan
 - Caleb McDaniel
 - Calvin Beck
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@
 - Hubert Plociniczak
 - Igor Khorlo
 - Ilya V. Portnov
+- Ivan Trubach
 - Ivo Clarysse
 - J. B. Rainsberger
 - J. Lewis Muir
@@ -96,6 +98,7 @@
 - John Muccigrosso
 - John Luke Bentley
 - Jonas Smedegaard
+- Jonas Scholl
 - Jonathan Daugherty
 - Jose Luis Duran
 - José de Mattos Neto
@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@
 - Nick Bart
 - Nicolas Kaiser
 - Nikolay Yakimov
+- Nils Carlson
 - Nokome Bentley
 - Oliver Matthews
 - Ophir Lifshitz
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index e4574137f..faf997d0d 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -14,31 +14,70 @@ pandoc (X.Y.Z)
     Email autolinks are parsed as Links with the `email` class.  This
     allows the distinction to be represented in the AST.
+  * Org reader: force inline code blocks to honor export options
+    (Brian Leung).
   * Muse reader (Alexander Krotov):
     + Added additional tests.
-    + Simplify tag parsers.
     + Do not allow code markup to be followed by digit.
-    + Simplify ordered list parsing.
     + Remove heading level limit.
     + Simplify `<literal>` tag parsers
-    + Cleanup and convert to applicative style.
-    + Simplify `lchop`.
     + Parse Text instead of String. Benchmark shows 7% improvement.
     + Get rid of HTML parser dependency.
+    + Various code improvements.
   * ConTeXt writer: change `\` to `/` in Windows image paths (#4918).
     We do this in the LaTeX writer, and it avoids problems.
     Note that `/` works as a LaTeX path separator on Windows.
-  * HTML writer: don't add `uri` class to presumed autolinks.
-    Formerly the `uri` class was added to autolinks by
-    the HTML writer, but it had to guess what was an autolink
-    and could not distinguish `[](`
-    from `<>`.  It also incorrectly recognized
-    `[pandoc](pandoc)` as an autolink.  Now the HTML writer
-    simply passes through the `uri` attribute if it is present,
-    but does not add anything.
+  * LaTeX writer:
+    + Add support for multiprenote and multipostnote arguments
+      with `--biblatex` (Brian Leung, #4930).  The multiprenotes occur before
+      the first prefix of a multicite, and the multipostnotes follow the
+      last suffix.
+    + Fix a use of `last` that might take empty list.  If you ran with
+      `--biblatex` and have an empty document (metadata but no blocks),
+      pandoc would previously raise an error because of the use of
+      `last` on an empty list.
+  * RTF writer: Fix build failure with ghc-8.6.1 caused by missing
+    MonadFail instance (Jonas Scholl).
+  * ODT Writer: Improve table header row style handling (Nils Carlson).
+    This changes the way styles for cells in the header row
+    and normal rows are handled in ODT tables.
+    Previously a new (but identical) style was generated for
+    every table, specifying the style of the cells within the table.
+    After this change there are two style definitions for table cells,
+    one for the cells in the header row, one for all other cells.
+    This doesn't change the actual styles, but makes post-processing
+    changes to the table styles much simpler as it is no longer
+    necessary to introduce new styles for header rows and there are
+    now only two styles where there was previously one per table.
+  * HTML writer:
+    + Don't add `uri` class to presumed autolinks.  Formerly the `uri`
+      class was added to autolinks by the HTML writer, but it had to
+      guess what was an autolink and could not distinguish
+      `[](` from
+      `<>`.  It also incorrectly recognized
+      `[pandoc](pandoc)` as an autolink.  Now the HTML writer
+      simply passes through the `uri` attribute if it is present,
+      but does not add anything.
+    + Avoid adding extra section nestings for revealjs.
+      Previously revealjs title slides at level (slidelevel - 1)
+      were nested under an extra section element, even when
+      the section contained no additional (vertical) content.
+      That caused problems for some transition effects.
+    + Omit unknown attributes in EPUB2 output.  For example,
+      `epub:type` attributes should not be passed through,
+      or the epub produced will not validate.
+  * JATS writer: remove 'role' attribute on 'bold' and 'sc' elements (#4937).
+    The JATS spec does not allow these.
   * Textile writer: don't represent `uri` class explicitly
     for autolinks (#4913).
@@ -48,6 +87,20 @@ pandoc (X.Y.Z)
     + Cleanup filter execution code.
     + Better error on test failure.
+  * HTML, Muse reader tests: reduce time taken by round-trip test.
+  * Added cabal.project.
+  * MANUAL: `epub:type` is only useful for epub3 (Maura Bieg).
+  * Use hslua v1.0.0 (Albert Krewinkel).
+  * Fix `translations/ru` to use modern Russian orthography
+    (Ivan Trubach).
+  * Build Windows binary using ghc 8.6.1 and cabal new-build. This
+    fixes issues with segfaults in the 32-bit Windows binaries (#4283).
 pandoc (2.3)
   * Add `--metadata-file` option (Mauro Bieg, #1960), which allows