Powerpoint code formatting is now context dependent (#5573)
This commit alters the way in which the Powerpoint writer treats inline code and code blocks. - Inline code is now formatted at the same size as the surrounding text. - Code blocks are now given a margin and font size according to their level. - Furthermore this commit allows changing the font with which code is formatted via the `monofont` option. Tested in - PowerPoint 365 for Windows - 1808 (Build 10730.20344 Click-to-Run) - PowerPoint 365 for Mac - 16.26 (19060901)
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 91 additions and 21 deletions
@ -1557,6 +1557,15 @@ These variables change the appearance of PDF slides using [`beamer`].
: image for title slide
Variables for PowerPoint slide shows
These variables control the visual aspects of a slide show that are not easily
controled via templates.
: font to use for code.
Variables for LaTeX
@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (convertMath)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation
import Skylighting (fromColor)
-- |The 'EMU' type is used to specify sizes in English Metric Units.
type EMU = Integer
-- |The 'pixelsToEmu' function converts a size in pixels to one
-- in English Metric Units. It assumes a DPI of 72.
pixelsToEmu :: Pixels -> EMU
pixelsToEmu = (12700 *)
-- This populates the global ids map with images already in the
-- template, so the ids won't be used by images introduced by the
-- user.
@ -148,6 +156,18 @@ runP env st p = evalStateT (runReaderT p env) st
monospaceFont :: Monad m => P m String
monospaceFont = do
vars <- writerVariables <$> asks envOpts
case lookup "monofont" vars of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> return "Courier"
fontSizeAttributes :: Monad m => RunProps -> P m [(String, String)]
fontSizeAttributes RunProps { rPropForceSize = Just sz } =
return [("sz", (show $ sz * 100))]
fontSizeAttributes _ = return []
copyFileToArchive :: PandocMonad m => Archive -> FilePath -> P m Archive
copyFileToArchive arch fp = do
refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
@ -721,13 +741,8 @@ makePicElements layout picProps mInfo alt = do
paraElemToElements :: PandocMonad m => ParaElem -> P m [Element]
paraElemToElements Break = return [mknode "a:br" [] ()]
paraElemToElements (Run rpr s) = do
let sizeAttrs = case rPropForceSize rpr of
Just n -> [("sz", (show $ n * 100))]
Nothing -> if rPropCode rpr
-- hardcoded size for code for now
then [("sz", "1800")]
else []
attrs = sizeAttrs ++
sizeAttrs <- fontSizeAttributes rpr
let attrs = sizeAttrs ++
(if rPropBold rpr then [("b", "1")] else []) ++
(if rPropItalics rpr then [("i", "1")] else []) ++
(if rPropUnderline rpr then [("u", "sng")] else []) ++
@ -773,8 +788,9 @@ paraElemToElements (Run rpr s) = do
_ -> []
Nothing -> []
codeFont <- monospaceFont
let codeContents = if rPropCode rpr
then [mknode "a:latin" [("typeface", "Courier")] ()]
then [mknode "a:latin" [("typeface", codeFont)] ()]
else []
let propContents = linkProps ++ colorContents ++ codeContents
return [mknode "a:r" [] [ mknode "a:rPr" attrs $ propContents
@ -821,7 +837,11 @@ paragraphToElement par = do
attrs = [("lvl", show $ pPropLevel $ paraProps par)] ++
(case pPropMarginLeft (paraProps par) of
Just px -> [("marL", show $ 12700 * px), ("indent", "0")]
Just px -> [("marL", show $ pixelsToEmu px)]
Nothing -> []
) ++
(case pPropIndent (paraProps par) of
Just px -> [("indent", show $ pixelsToEmu px)]
Nothing -> []
) ++
(case pPropAlign (paraProps par) of
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation ( documentToPresentation
, TableProps(..)
, Strikethrough(..)
, Capitals(..)
, Pixels
, PicProps(..)
, TeXString(..)
@ -226,6 +227,7 @@ data ParaProps = ParaProps { pPropMarginLeft :: Maybe Pixels
, pPropBullet :: Maybe BulletType
, pPropAlign :: Maybe Algnment
, pPropSpaceBefore :: Maybe Pixels
, pPropIndent :: Maybe Pixels
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default ParaProps where
@ -235,6 +237,7 @@ instance Default ParaProps where
, pPropBullet = Nothing
, pPropAlign = Nothing
, pPropSpaceBefore = Nothing
, pPropIndent = Just 0
newtype TeXString = TeXString {unTeXString :: String}
@ -411,18 +414,23 @@ blockToParagraphs (LineBlock ilsList) = do
pProps <- asks envParaProps
return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
-- TODO: work out the attributes
blockToParagraphs (CodeBlock attr str) =
local (\r -> r{ envParaProps = def{pPropMarginLeft = Just 100}
blockToParagraphs (CodeBlock attr str) = do
pProps <- asks envParaProps
local (\r -> r{ envParaProps = def{ pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
, pPropBullet = Nothing
, pPropLevel = pPropLevel pProps
, pPropIndent = Just 0
, envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropCode = True}}) $ do
mbSty <- writerHighlightStyle <$> asks envOpts
synMap <- writerSyntaxMap <$> asks envOpts
case mbSty of
Just sty ->
case highlight synMap (formatSourceLines sty) attr str of
Right pElems -> do pProps <- asks envParaProps
return [Paragraph pProps pElems]
Left _ -> blockToParagraphs $ Para [Str str]
Nothing -> blockToParagraphs $ Para [Str str]
mbSty <- writerHighlightStyle <$> asks envOpts
synMap <- writerSyntaxMap <$> asks envOpts
case mbSty of
Just sty ->
case highlight synMap (formatSourceLines sty) attr str of
Right pElems -> do pPropsNew <- asks envParaProps
return [Paragraph pPropsNew pElems]
Left _ -> blockToParagraphs $ Para [Str str]
Nothing -> blockToParagraphs $ Para [Str str]
-- We can't yet do incremental lists, but we should render a
-- (BlockQuote List) as a list to maintain compatibility with other
-- formats.
@ -431,7 +439,9 @@ blockToParagraphs (BlockQuote (blk : blks)) | isListType blk = do
ps' <- blockToParagraphs $ BlockQuote blks
return $ ps ++ ps'
blockToParagraphs (BlockQuote blks) =
local (\r -> r{ envParaProps = (envParaProps r){pPropMarginLeft = Just 100}
local (\r -> r{ envParaProps = (envParaProps r){ pPropMarginLeft = Just 100
, pPropIndent = Just 0
, envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropForceSize = Just blockQuoteSize}})$
concatMapM blockToParagraphs blks
-- TODO: work out the format
@ -455,6 +465,7 @@ blockToParagraphs (BulletList blksLst) = do
, envParaProps = pProps{ pPropLevel = lvl + 1
, pPropBullet = Just Bullet
, pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
, pPropIndent = Nothing
}}) $
concatMapM multiParBullet blksLst
blockToParagraphs (OrderedList listAttr blksLst) = do
@ -464,6 +475,7 @@ blockToParagraphs (OrderedList listAttr blksLst) = do
, envParaProps = pProps{ pPropLevel = lvl + 1
, pPropBullet = Just (AutoNumbering listAttr)
, pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
, pPropIndent = Nothing
}}) $
concatMapM multiParBullet blksLst
blockToParagraphs (DefinitionList entries) = do
@ -115,4 +115,12 @@ tests = groupPptxTests [ pptxTests "Inline formatting"
, pptxTests "inline code and code blocks"
, pptxTests "inline code and code blocks, custom formatting"
def { writerVariables = [("monofont", "Consolas")] }
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
[Header 1 ("header-with-inline-code",[],[]) [Str "Header",Space,Str "with",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "inline code"]
,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "Code at level 0"
[[Para [Str "Bullet",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "with",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "inline code"]
,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "Code block at level 1"
[[Para [Str "with",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "nested"]
,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "lvl2\nlvl2\nlvl2"
,Header 2 ("second-heading-level-with-code",[],[]) [Str "Second",Space,Str "heading",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "with",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "code"]]]]]
,Header 1 ("syntax-highlighting",[],[]) [Str "Syntax",Space,Str "highlighting"]
,CodeBlock ("",["haskell"],[]) "id :: a -> a\nid x = x"
[[Para [Str "Nested"]
,CodeBlock ("",["haskell"],[]) "g :: Int -> Int\ng x = x * 3"]]
,Header 1 ("two-column-slide",[],[]) [Str "Two",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "slide"]
,Div ("",["columns"],[])
[Div ("",["column"],[("width","50%")])
[[Plain [Str "A",Space,Str "total",Space,Str "alternative",Space,Str "for",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "head"]]]]
,Div ("",["column"],[("width","50%")])
[CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a\nsafeHead [] = Nothing\nsafeHead (x:_) = Just x"]]]
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Add table
Reference in a new issue