Markdown writer: Use proper escapes to avoid unwanted lists.

Previously we used 0-width spaces, an ugly hack.

Closes #980.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2014-04-24 16:44:49 -07:00
parent 58c9946cda
commit e6333a9d7c
2 changed files with 21 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -316,20 +316,25 @@ blockToMarkdown opts (Div attrs ils) = do
contents <> blankline <> "</div>" <> blankline
blockToMarkdown opts (Plain inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts inlines
return $ contents <> cr
-- escape if para starts with ordered list marker
st <- get
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
let rendered = render colwidth contents
let escapeDelimiter (x:xs) | x `elem` ".()" = '\\':x:xs
| otherwise = x : escapeDelimiter xs
escapeDelimiter [] = []
let contents' = if isEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable opts &&
not (stPlain st) && beginsWithOrderedListMarker rendered
then text $ escapeDelimiter rendered
else contents
return $ contents' <> cr
-- title beginning with fig: indicates figure
blockToMarkdown opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
blockToMarkdown opts (Para [Image alt (src,tit)])
blockToMarkdown opts (Para inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts inlines
-- escape if para starts with ordered list marker
st <- get
let esc = if isEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable opts &&
not (stPlain st) &&
beginsWithOrderedListMarker (render Nothing contents)
then text "\x200B" -- zero-width space, a hack
else empty
return $ esc <> contents <> blankline
blockToMarkdown opts (Para inlines) =
(<> blankline) `fmap` blockToMarkdown opts (Plain inlines)
blockToMarkdown opts (RawBlock f str)
| f == "html" = do
st <- get

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<outline text="Level 1">
<outline text="Level 2 with &lt;em&gt;emphasis&lt;/em&gt;">
<outline text="Level 3" _note="with no blank line">
<outline text="Level 3" _note="with no blank line&#10;">
<outline text="Level 2" _note="with no blank line&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@
<outline text="Special Characters" _note="Here is some unicode:&#10;&#10;- I hat: Î&#10;- o umlaut: ö&#10;- section: §&#10;- set membership: ∈&#10;- copyright: ©&#10;&#10;AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.&#10;&#10;AT&amp;T is another way to write it.&#10;&#10;This &amp; that.&#10;&#10;4 \&lt; 5.&#10;&#10;6 \&gt; 5.&#10;&#10;Backslash: \\&#10;&#10;Backtick: \`&#10;&#10;Asterisk: \*&#10;&#10;Underscore: \_&#10;&#10;Left brace: {&#10;&#10;Right brace: }&#10;&#10;Left bracket: [&#10;&#10;Right bracket: ]&#10;&#10;Left paren: (&#10;&#10;Right paren: )&#10;&#10;Greater-than: \&gt;&#10;&#10;Hash: \#&#10;&#10;Period: .&#10;&#10;Bang: !&#10;&#10;Plus: +&#10;&#10;Minus: -&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
<outline text="Links">
<outline text="Explicit" _note="Just a [URL](/url/).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title preceded by two spaces&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title preceded by a tab&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it&quot;)&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title with single quotes&quot;)&#10;&#10;[with\_underscore](/url/with_underscore)&#10;&#10;[Email link](;&#10;[Empty]().">
<outline text="Explicit" _note="Just a [URL](/url/).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title preceded by two spaces&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title preceded by a tab&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it&quot;)&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title with single quotes&quot;)&#10;&#10;[with\_underscore](/url/with_underscore)&#10;&#10;[Email link](;&#10;[Empty]().&#10;">
<outline text="Reference" _note="Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;With [embedded [brackets]](/url/).&#10;&#10;[b](/url/) by itself should be a link.&#10;&#10;Indented [once](/url).&#10;&#10;Indented [twice](/url).&#10;&#10;Indented [thrice](/url).&#10;&#10;This should [not][] be a link.&#10;&#10; [not]: /url&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/ &quot;Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside&quot;).&#10;&#10;Foo [biz](/url/ &quot;Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside&quot;).">
<outline text="Reference" _note="Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;With [embedded [brackets]](/url/).&#10;&#10;[b](/url/) by itself should be a link.&#10;&#10;Indented [once](/url).&#10;&#10;Indented [twice](/url).&#10;&#10;Indented [thrice](/url).&#10;&#10;This should [not][] be a link.&#10;&#10; [not]: /url&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/ &quot;Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside&quot;).&#10;&#10;Foo [biz](/url/ &quot;Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside&quot;).&#10;">
<outline text="With ampersands" _note="Heres a [link with an ampersand in the&#10;URL](;bar=2).&#10;&#10;Heres a link with an amersand in the link text:&#10;[AT&amp;T]( &quot;AT&amp;T&quot;).&#10;&#10;Heres an [inline link](/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2).&#10;&#10;Heres an [inline link in pointy braces](/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2).">
<outline text="With ampersands" _note="Heres a [link with an ampersand in the&#10;URL](;bar=2).&#10;&#10;Heres a link with an amersand in the link text:&#10;[AT&amp;T]( &quot;AT&amp;T&quot;).&#10;&#10;Heres an [inline link](/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2).&#10;&#10;Heres an [inline link in pointy braces](/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2).&#10;">
<outline text="Autolinks" _note="With an ampersand: &lt;;bar=2&gt;&#10;&#10;- In a list?&#10;- &lt;;&#10;- It should.&#10;&#10;An e-mail address: &lt;;&#10;&#10;&gt; Blockquoted: &lt;;&#10;&#10;Auto-links should not occur here: `&lt;;`&#10;&#10; or here: &lt;;&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
<outline text="Images" _note="From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):&#10;&#10;![lalune](lalune.jpg &quot;Voyage dans la Lune&quot;)&#10;&#10;Here is a movie ![movie](movie.jpg) icon.&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
<outline text="Footnotes" _note="Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should *not* be&#10;a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my note] Here is an&#10;inline note.[^3]&#10;&#10;&gt; Notes can go in quotes.[^4]&#10;&#10;1. And in list items.[^5]&#10;&#10;This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.&#10;&#10;[^1]: Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote&#10; reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.&#10;&#10;[^2]: Heres the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.&#10;&#10; Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the&#10; footnote (as with list items).&#10;&#10; { &lt;code&gt; }&#10;&#10; If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and&#10; just indent the first line of each block.&#10;&#10;[^3]: This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain&#10; [links]( and `]` verbatim characters, as well as&#10; [bracketed text].&#10;&#10;[^4]: In quote.&#10;&#10;[^5]: In list.">
<outline text="Footnotes" _note="Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should *not* be&#10;a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my note] Here is an&#10;inline note.[^3]&#10;&#10;&gt; Notes can go in quotes.[^4]&#10;&#10;1. And in list items.[^5]&#10;&#10;This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.&#10;&#10;[^1]: Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote&#10; reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.&#10;&#10;[^2]: Heres the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.&#10;&#10; Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the&#10; footnote (as with list items).&#10;&#10; { &lt;code&gt; }&#10;&#10; If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and&#10; just indent the first line of each block.&#10;&#10;[^3]: This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain&#10; [links]( and `]` verbatim characters, as well as&#10; [bracketed text].&#10;&#10;[^4]: In quote.&#10;&#10;[^5]: In list.&#10;">