Txt2Tags Reader: Added tests

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Pickering 2014-07-25 20:39:13 +01:00
parent 43304d6bd6
commit e340a7da02
6 changed files with 1787 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -94,34 +94,23 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
-- tests -- tests
tests/bodybg.gif, tests/bodybg.gif,
tests/docbook-reader.docbook tests/docbook-reader.docbook
tests/html-reader.html, tests/html-reader.html,
tests/opml-reader.opml, tests/opml-reader.opml,
tests/haddock-reader.haddock, tests/haddock-reader.haddock,
tests/insert, tests/insert,
tests/lalune.jpg, tests/lalune.jpg,
tests/movie.jpg, tests/movie.jpg,
tests/latex-reader.latex, tests/latex-reader.latex,
tests/textile-reader.textile, tests/textile-reader.textile,
tests/markdown-reader-more.txt, tests/markdown-reader-more.txt,
tests/markdown-citations.txt, tests/markdown-citations.txt,
tests/textile-reader.textile, tests/textile-reader.textile,
tests/mediawiki-reader.wiki, tests/mediawiki-reader.wiki,
tests/rst-reader.rst, tests/rst-reader.rst,
tests/s5.basic.html, tests/s5.basic.html,
tests/s5.fancy.html, tests/s5.fancy.html,
tests/s5.fragment.html, tests/s5.fragment.html,
tests/s5.inserts.html, tests/s5.inserts.html,
tests/tables.context, tests/tables.context,
tests/tables.docbook, tests/tables.docbook,
tests/tables.html, tests/tables.html,
@ -131,7 +120,6 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
tests/tables.markdown, tests/tables.markdown,
tests/tables.mediawiki, tests/tables.mediawiki,
tests/tables.textile, tests/tables.textile,
tests/tables.opendocument, tests/tables.opendocument,
tests/tables.org, tests/tables.org,
tests/tables.asciidoc, tests/tables.asciidoc,
@ -140,9 +128,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
tests/tables.rst, tests/tables.rst,
tests/tables.rtf, tests/tables.rtf,
tests/tables.txt, tests/tables.txt,
tests/tables.fb2, tests/tables.fb2,
tests/testsuite.txt, tests/testsuite.txt,
tests/writer.latex, tests/writer.latex,
tests/writer.context, tests/writer.context,
@ -153,7 +139,6 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
tests/writer.plain, tests/writer.plain,
tests/writer.mediawiki, tests/writer.mediawiki,
tests/writer.textile, tests/writer.textile,
tests/writer.opendocument, tests/writer.opendocument,
tests/writer.org, tests/writer.org,
tests/writer.asciidoc, tests/writer.asciidoc,
@ -163,8 +148,6 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
tests/writer.texinfo, tests/writer.texinfo,
tests/writer.fb2, tests/writer.fb2,
tests/writer.opml, tests/writer.opml,
tests/lhs-test.markdown, tests/lhs-test.markdown,
tests/lhs-test.markdown+lhs, tests/lhs-test.markdown+lhs,
tests/lhs-test.rst, tests/lhs-test.rst,
@ -175,7 +158,6 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
tests/lhs-test.html+lhs, tests/lhs-test.html+lhs,
tests/lhs-test.fragment.html+lhs, tests/lhs-test.fragment.html+lhs,
tests/pipe-tables.txt, tests/pipe-tables.txt,
tests/fb2.basic.markdown, tests/fb2.basic.markdown,
tests/fb2.basic.fb2, tests/fb2.basic.fb2,
tests/fb2.titles.markdown, tests/fb2.titles.markdown,
@ -188,26 +170,18 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
tests/fb2.math.fb2, tests/fb2.math.fb2,
tests/fb2.test-small.png, tests/fb2.test-small.png,
tests/fb2.test.jpg, tests/fb2.test.jpg,
tests/docx.already_auto_ident.docx, tests/docx.already_auto_ident.docx,
tests/docx.block_quotes.docx, tests/docx.block_quotes.docx,
tests/docx.headers.docx, tests/docx.headers.docx,
tests/docx.image.docx, tests/docx.image.docx,
tests/docx.inline_formatting.docx, tests/docx.inline_formatting.docx,
tests/docx.links.docx, tests/docx.links.docx,
tests/docx.lists.docx, tests/docx.lists.docx,
tests/docx.notes.docx, tests/docx.notes.docx,
tests/docx.tables.docx, tests/docx.tables.docx,
tests/docx.unicode.docx, tests/docx.unicode.docx,
tests/docx.unicode.native tests/*.native,
Extra-Tmp-Files: man/man1/pandoc.1, Extra-Tmp-Files: man/man1/pandoc.1,
man/man5/pandoc_markdown.5 man/man5/pandoc_markdown.5
@ -421,6 +395,7 @@ Test-Suite test-pandoc
Tests.Readers.Org Tests.Readers.Org
Tests.Readers.RST Tests.Readers.RST
Tests.Readers.Docx Tests.Readers.Docx
Tests.Writers.Native Tests.Writers.Native
Tests.Writers.ConTeXt Tests.Writers.ConTeXt
Tests.Writers.HTML Tests.Writers.HTML

View file

@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ tests = [ testGroup "markdown"
, test "reader" ["-r", "haddock", "-w", "native", "-s"] , test "reader" ["-r", "haddock", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"haddock-reader.haddock" "haddock-reader.native" "haddock-reader.haddock" "haddock-reader.native"
] ]
, testGroup "txt2tags"
[ test "reader" ["-r", "t2t", "-w", "native"]
"txt2tags.t2t" "txt2tags.native"
, testGroup "other writers" $ map (\f -> testGroup f $ writerTests f) , testGroup "other writers" $ map (\f -> testGroup f $ writerTests f)
[ "opendocument" , "context" , "texinfo", "icml" [ "opendocument" , "context" , "texinfo", "icml"
, "man" , "plain" , "rtf", "org", "asciidoc" , "man" , "plain" , "rtf", "org", "asciidoc"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests.Readers.Txt2Tags (tests) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Test.Framework
import Tests.Helpers
import Tests.Arbitrary()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mconcat)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Txt2Tags
t2t :: String -> Pandoc
t2t s = readTxt2Tags (T2TMeta "date" "mtime" "in" "out") def ('\n' : s)
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
=> String -> (String, c) -> Test
(=:) = test t2t
spcSep :: [Inlines] -> Inlines
spcSep = mconcat . intersperse space
simpleTable' :: Int
-> [Blocks]
-> [[Blocks]]
-> Blocks
simpleTable' n = table "" (take n $ repeat (AlignCenter, 0.0))
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Inlines" $
[ "Plain String" =:
"Hello, World" =?>
para (spcSep [ "Hello,", "World" ])
, "Emphasis" =:
"//Planet Punk//" =?>
para (emph . spcSep $ ["Planet", "Punk"])
, "Strong" =:
"**Cider**" =?>
para (strong "Cider")
, "Strong Emphasis" =:
"//**strength**//" =?>
para (emph . strong $ "strength")
, "Strikeout" =:
"--Kill Bill--" =?>
para (strikeout . spcSep $ [ "Kill", "Bill" ])
, "Verbatim" =:
"``Robot.rock()``" =?>
para (code "Robot.rock()")
, "Symbol" =:
"A * symbol" =?>
para (str "A" <> space <> str "*" <> space <> "symbol")
, "No empty markup" =:
"//// **** ____ ---- ```` \"\"\"\" ''''" =?>
para (spcSep [ "////", "****", "____", "----", "````", "\"\"\"\"", "''''" ])
, "Inline markup is greedy" =:
"***** ///// _____ ----- ````` \"\"\"\"\" '''''" =?>
para (spcSep [strong "*", emph "/", emph "_"
, strikeout "-", code "`", text "\""
, rawInline "html" "'"])
, "Markup must be greedy" =:
"********** ////////// __________ ---------- `````````` \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" ''''''''''" =?>
para (spcSep [strong "******", emph "//////", emph "______"
, strikeout "------", code "``````", text "\"\"\"\"\"\""
, rawInline "html" "''''''"])
, "Inlines must be glued" =:
"** a** **a ** ** a **" =?>
para (text "** a** **a ** ** a **")
, "Macros: Date" =:
"%%date" =?>
para "date"
, "Macros: Mod Time" =:
"%%mtime" =?>
para "mtime"
, "Macros: Infile" =:
"%%infile" =?>
para "in"
, "Macros: Outfile" =:
"%%outfile" =?>
para "out"
, "Autolink" =:
"http://www.google.com" =?>
para (link "http://www.google.com" "" (str "http://www.google.com"))
, "Image" =:
"[image.jpg]" =?>
para (image "image.jpg" "" mempty)
, "Link" =:
"[title http://google.com]" =?>
para (link "http://google.com" "" (str "title"))
, "Image link" =:
"[[image.jpg] abc]" =?>
para (link "abc" "" (image "image.jpg" "" mempty))
, "Invalid link: No trailing space" =:
"[title invalid ]" =?>
para (text "[title invalid ]")
, testGroup "Basic Blocks" $
["Paragraph, lines grouped together" =:
"A paragraph\n A blank line ends the \n current paragraph\n"
=?> para "A paragraph A blank line ends the current paragraph"
, "Paragraph, ignore leading and trailing spaces" =:
" Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. \n" =?>
para "Leading and trailing spaces are ignored."
, "Comment line in paragraph" =:
"A comment line can be placed inside a paragraph.\n% this comment will be ignored \nIt will not affect it.\n"
=?> para "A comment line can be placed inside a paragraph. It will not affect it."
, "Paragraph" =:
"Paragraph\n" =?>
para "Paragraph"
, "First Level Header" =:
"+ Headline +\n" =?>
header 1 "Headline"
, "Third Level Header" =:
"=== Third Level Headline ===\n" =?>
header 3 ("Third" <> space <>
"Level" <> space <>
, "Header with label" =:
"= header =[label]" =?>
headerWith ("label", [], []) 1 ("header")
, "Invalid header, mismatched delimiters" =:
"== header =" =?>
para (text "== header =")
, "Invalid header, spaces in label" =:
"== header ==[ haha ]" =?>
para (text "== header ==[ haha ]")
, "Invalid header, invalid label character" =:
"== header ==[lab/el]" =?>
para (text "== header ==[lab/el]")
, "Headers not preceded by a blank line" =:
unlines [ "++ eat dinner ++"
, "Spaghetti and meatballs tonight."
, "== walk dog =="
] =?>
mconcat [ header 2 ("eat" <> space <> "dinner")
, para $ spcSep [ "Spaghetti", "and", "meatballs", "tonight." ]
, header 2 ("walk" <> space <> "dog")
, "Paragraph starting with an equals" =:
"=five" =?>
para "=five"
, "Paragraph containing asterisk at beginning of line" =:
unlines [ "lucky"
, "*star"
] =?>
para ("lucky" <> space <> "*star")
, "Horizontal Rule" =:
unlines [ "before"
, replicate 20 '-'
, replicate 20 '='
, replicate 20 '_'
, "after"
] =?>
mconcat [ para "before"
, horizontalRule
, horizontalRule
, horizontalRule
, para "after"
, "Comment Block" =:
unlines [ "%%%"
, "stuff"
, "bla"
, "%%%"] =?>
, testGroup "Lists" $
[ "Simple Bullet Lists" =:
("- Item1\n" ++
"- Item2\n") =?>
bulletList [ plain "Item1"
, plain "Item2"
, "Indented Bullet Lists" =:
(" - Item1\n" ++
" - Item2\n") =?>
bulletList [ plain "Item1"
, plain "Item2"
, "Nested Bullet Lists" =:
("- Discovery\n" ++
" + One More Time\n" ++
" + Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger\n" ++
"- Homework\n" ++
" + Around the World\n"++
"- Human After All\n" ++
" + Technologic\n" ++
" + Robot Rock\n") =?>
bulletList [ mconcat
[ plain "Discovery"
, orderedList [ plain ("One" <> space <>
"More" <> space <>
, plain ("Harder," <> space <>
"Better," <> space <>
"Faster," <> space <>
, mconcat
[ plain "Homework"
, orderedList [ plain ("Around" <> space <>
"the" <> space <>
, mconcat
[ plain ("Human" <> space <> "After" <> space <> "All")
, orderedList [ plain "Technologic"
, plain ("Robot" <> space <> "Rock")
, "Simple Ordered List" =:
("+ Item1\n" ++
"+ Item2\n") =?>
let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
listStructure = [ plain "Item1"
, plain "Item2"
in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
, "Indented Ordered List" =:
(" + Item1\n" ++
" + Item2\n") =?>
let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
listStructure = [ plain "Item1"
, plain "Item2"
in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
, "Nested Ordered Lists" =:
("+ One\n" ++
" + One-One\n" ++
" + One-Two\n" ++
"+ Two\n" ++
" + Two-One\n"++
" + Two-Two\n") =?>
let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
listStructure = [ mconcat
[ plain "One"
, orderedList [ plain "One-One"
, plain "One-Two"
, mconcat
[ plain "Two"
, orderedList [ plain "Two-One"
, plain "Two-Two"
in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
, "Ordered List in Bullet List" =:
("- Emacs\n" ++
" + Org\n") =?>
bulletList [ (plain "Emacs") <>
(orderedList [ plain "Org"])
, "Bullet List in Ordered List" =:
("+ GNU\n" ++
" - Freedom\n") =?>
orderedList [ (plain "GNU") <> bulletList [ (plain "Freedom") ] ]
, "Definition List" =:
unlines [ ": PLL"
, " phase-locked loop"
, ": TTL"
, " transistor-transistor logic"
, ": PSK"
, " a digital"
] =?>
definitionList [ ("PLL", [ plain $ "phase-locked" <> space <> "loop" ])
, ("TTL", [ plain $ "transistor-transistor" <> space <> "logic" ])
, ("PSK", [ plain $ "a" <> space <> "digital" ])
, "Loose bullet list" =:
unlines [ "- apple"
, ""
, "- orange"
, ""
, "- peach"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "apple"
, para "orange"
, para "peach"
, testGroup "Tables"
[ "Single cell table" =:
"| Test " =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty [[plain "Test"]]
, "Multi cell table" =:
"| One | Two |" =?>
simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ]
, "Multi line table" =:
unlines [ "| One |"
, "| Two |"
, "| Three |"
] =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty
[ [ plain "One" ]
, [ plain "Two" ]
, [ plain "Three" ]
, "Empty table" =:
"| |" =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty [[mempty]]
, "Glider Table" =:
unlines [ "| 1 | 0 | 0 |"
, "| 0 | 1 | 1 |"
, "| 1 | 1 | 0 |"
] =?>
simpleTable' 3 mempty
[ [ plain "1", plain "0", plain "0" ]
, [ plain "0", plain "1", plain "1" ]
, [ plain "1", plain "1", plain "0" ]
, "Table with Header" =:
unlines [ "|| Species | Status |"
, "| cervisiae | domesticated |"
, "| paradoxus | wild |"
] =?>
simpleTable [ plain "Species", plain "Status" ]
[ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ]
, [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ]
, "Table alignment determined by spacing" =:
unlines [ "| Numbers | Text | More |"
, "| 1 | One | foo |"
, "| 2 | Two | bar |"
] =?>
table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0])
[ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text", plain "More" ]
, [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
, [ plain "2" , plain "Two" , plain "bar" ]
, "Pipe within text doesn't start a table" =:
"Ceci n'est pas une | pipe " =?>
para (spcSep [ "Ceci", "n'est", "pas", "une", "|", "pipe" ])
, "Table with differing row lengths" =:
unlines [ "|| Numbers | Text "
, "| 1 | One | foo |"
, "| 2 "
] =?>
table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignLeft, AlignLeft] [0, 0, 0])
[ plain "Numbers", plain "Text" , plain mempty ]
[ [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
, [ plain "2" , plain mempty , plain mempty ]
, testGroup "Blocks and fragments"
[ "Source block" =:
unlines [ "```"
, "main = putStrLn greeting"
, " where greeting = \"moin\""
, "```" ] =?>
let code' = "main = putStrLn greeting\n" ++
" where greeting = \"moin\"\n"
in codeBlock code'
, "tagged block" =:
unlines [ "'''"
, "<aside>HTML5 is pretty nice.</aside>"
, "'''"
] =?>
rawBlock "html" "<aside>HTML5 is pretty nice.</aside>\n"
, "Quote block" =:
unlines ["\t//Niemand// hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!"
] =?>
blockQuote (para (spcSep [ emph "Niemand", "hat", "die", "Absicht,"
, "eine", "Mauer", "zu", "errichten!"

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified Tests.Readers.Markdown
import qualified Tests.Readers.Org import qualified Tests.Readers.Org
import qualified Tests.Readers.RST import qualified Tests.Readers.RST
import qualified Tests.Readers.Docx import qualified Tests.Readers.Docx
import qualified Tests.Readers.Txt2Tags
import qualified Tests.Writers.ConTeXt import qualified Tests.Writers.ConTeXt
import qualified Tests.Writers.LaTeX import qualified Tests.Writers.LaTeX
import qualified Tests.Writers.HTML import qualified Tests.Writers.HTML
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "Old" Tests.Old.tests
, testGroup "Org" Tests.Readers.Org.tests , testGroup "Org" Tests.Readers.Org.tests
, testGroup "RST" Tests.Readers.RST.tests , testGroup "RST" Tests.Readers.RST.tests
, testGroup "Docx" Tests.Readers.Docx.tests , testGroup "Docx" Tests.Readers.Docx.tests
, testGroup "Txt2Tags" Tests.Readers.Txt2Tags.tests
] ]
] ]

tests/txt2tags.native Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

tests/txt2tags.t2t Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
Txt2tags Markup Rules
%!includeconf: rules.conf
This document describes all the details about each txt2tags mark.
The target audience are **experienced** users. You may find it
useful if you want to master the marks or solve a specific problem
about a mark.
If you are new to txt2tags or just want to know which are the
available marks, please read the [Markup Demo MARKUPDEMO].
Note 1: This document is generated directly from the txt2tags
test-suite. All the rules mentioned here are 100% in sync with the
current program code.
Note 2: A good practice is to consult [the sources rules.t2t] when
reading, to see how the texts were made.
Table of Contents:
= Paragraph =[paragraph]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/paragraph.t2t
%%% Syntax: Lines grouped together
A paragraph is composed by one or more lines.
A blank line (or a table, or a list) ends the
current paragraph.
%%% Syntax: Leading and trailing spaces are ignored
Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
%%% Syntax: A comment don't close a paragraph
A comment line can be placed inside a paragraph.
% this comment will be ignored
It will not affect it.
%%% Closing: EOF closes the open paragraph
The end of the file (EOF) closes the
currently open paragraph.
= Comment =[comment]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/comment.t2t
%%% Syntax: The % character at the line beginning (column 1)
%glued with the % mark
% separated from the % mark
% very distant from the % mark
%%%%%%% lots of % marks
% a blank comment, used for vertical spacing:
% NOTE: what matters is the first % being at the line beginning,
% the rest of the line is just ignored.
%%% Syntax: Area (block)
You're not seeing this.
%%% Syntax: Area (block) with trailing spaces
You're not seeing this.
%%% Invalid: The % in any other position
% not on the line beginning (at column 2)
some text % half line comments are not allowed
= Line =[line]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/line.t2t
%%% Syntax: At least 20 chars of - = _
%%% Syntax: Any kind of mixing is allowed
%% Free mixing is allowed to make the line,
%% but the first char is the identifier for
%% the difference between separator ( - _ )
%% and strong ( = ) lines.
%%% Syntax: Leading and/or trailing spaces are allowed
%%% Invalid: Less than 20 chars (but strike matches)
%%% Invalid: Strange chars (but strike matches)
--------- ----------
( -------------------- )
= Inline =[inline]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/inline.t2t
%%% Syntax: Marks are greedy and must be "glued" with contents
%% GLUED: The contents must be glued with the marks, no spaces
%% between them. Right after the opening mark there must be a
%% non-blank character, as well as right before the closing mark.
%% GREEDY: If the contents boundary character is the same as
%% the mark character, it is considered contents, not mark.
%% So ""****bold****"" turns to ""<B>**bold**</B>"" in HTML.
i) **b** //i// __u__ --s-- ``m`` ""r"" ''t''
i) **bo** //it// __un__ --st-- ``mo`` ""ra"" ''tg''
i) **bold** //ital// __undr__ --strk-- ``mono`` ""raw"" ''tggd''
i) **bo ld** //it al// __un dr__ --st rk-- ``mo no`` ""r aw"" ''tg gd''
i) **bo * ld** //it / al// __un _ dr__ --st - rk-- ``mo ` no`` ""r " aw"" ''tg ' gd''
i) **bo **ld** //it //al// __un __dr__ --st --rk-- ``mo ``no`` ""r ""aw"" ''tg ''gd''
i) **bo ** ld** //it // al// __un __ dr__ --st -- rk-- ``mo `` no`` ""r "" aw"" ''tg '' gd''
i) ****bold**** ////ital//// ____undr____ ----strk---- ````mono```` """"raw"""" ''''tggd''''
i) ***bold*** ///ital/// ___undr___ ---strk--- ```mono``` """raw""" '''tggd'''
%%% Syntax: Repetition is greedy
%% When the mark character is repeated many times,
%% the contents are expanded to the largest possible.
%% Thats why they are greedy, the outer marks are
%% the ones used.
i) ***** ///// _____ ----- ````` """"" '''''
i) ****** ////// ______ ------ `````` """""" ''''''
i) ******* /////// _______ ------- ``````` """"""" '''''''
i) ******** //////// ________ -------- ```````` """""""" ''''''''
i) ********* ///////// _________ --------- ````````` """"""""" '''''''''
i) ********** ////////// __________ ---------- `````````` """""""""" ''''''''''
%%% Invalid: No contents
i) **** //// ____ ---- ```` """" ''''
i) ** ** // // __ __ -- -- `` `` "" "" '' ''
%%% Invalid: Contents not "glued" with marks
%% Spaces between the marks and the contents in any side
%% invalidate the mark.
i) ** bold** // ital// __ undr__ -- strk-- `` mono`` "" raw"" '' tggd''
i) **bold ** //ital // __undr __ --strk -- ``mono `` ""raw "" ''tggd ''
i) ** bold ** // ital // __ undr __ -- strk -- `` mono `` "" raw "" '' tggd ''
= Link =[link]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/link.t2t
%%% Syntax: E-mail
user@domain.com. any text.
any text: user@domain.com. any text.
[label user@domain.com]
%%% Syntax: E-mail with form data
[label user@domain.com?subject=bla&cc=otheruser@domain.com].
[label user@domain.com?subject=bla&cc=otheruser@domain.com.].
%%% Syntax: URL
http://www.domain.com. any text.
http://www.domain.com, any text.
http://www.domain.com/dir/. any text.
any text: http://www.domain.com. any text.
any text: http://www.domain.com/dir/. any text.
any text: http://www.domain.com/dir/index.html. any text.
any text: http://www.domain.com/dir/index.html, any text.
%%% Syntax: URL with anchor
http://www.domain.com/dir/#anchor. any text.
http://www.domain.com/dir/index.html#anchor. any text.
any text: http://www.domain.com/dir/#anchor. any text.
any text: http://www.domain.com/dir/index.html#anchor. any text.
%%% Syntax: URL with form data
%%% Syntax: URL with form data and anchor
%%% Syntax: URL with login data
%%% Syntax: URL with login, form and anchor
%%% Syntax: URL with label
[label www.domain.com]
%%% Syntax: URL with label (trailing spaces are discarded, leading are maintained)
%TODO normalize this behavior
[ label www.domain.com]
[label www.domain.com]
%%% Syntax: URL with label, stressing
[anchor http://www.domain.com/dir/index.html#anchor.]
[login http://user:password@domain.com/bla.html]
[form http://www.domain.com/bla.cgi?a=a@a.a&b=a+b+c.]
[form & anchor http://www.domain.com/bla.cgi?a=a@a.a&b=a+b+c.#anchor]
[login & form http://user:password@domain.com/bla.cgi?a=a@a.a&b=a+b+c.]
%%% Syntax: Link with label for local files
[local link up ..]
[local link file bla.html]
[local link anchor #anchor]
[local link file/anchor bla.html#anchor]
[local link file/anchor bla.html#anchor.]
[local link img abc.gif]
%%% Syntax: Another link as a label
[www.fake.com www.domain.com]
%%% Syntax: URL with funny chars
%%% Test: Various per line
http://L1.com ! L2@www.com ! [L3 www.com] ! [L4 w@ww.com] ! www.L5.com
%%% Feature: Guessed link, adding protocol automatically
[label www.domain.com]
[label ftp.domain.com]
%%% Invalid: Trailing space on link
[label www.domain.com ]
%%% Invalid: Label with ] char (use postproc)
[label] www.domain.com]
= Image =[image]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/image.t2t
%%% Syntax: Image name inside brackets: [img]
%%% Syntax: Image pointing to a link: [[img] link]
[[img.png] http://txt2tags.org]
%%% Align: Image position is preserved when inside paragraph
[img.png] Image at the line beginning.
Image in the middle [img.png] of the line.
Image at the line end. [img.png]
%%% Align: Image alone with spaces around is aligned
%%% Test: Two glued images with no spaces (left & right)
%%% Test: Various per line
Images [img.png] mixed [img.png] with [img.png] text.
Images glued together: [img.png][img.png][img.png].
%%% Invalid: Spaces inside are not allowed
[img.png ]
[ img.png]
[ img.png ]
% Ignored as they change every time when run
= Numbered Title =[numtitle]
%%% Syntax: Balanced equal signs (from 1 to 5)
+ Title Level 1 +
++ Title Level 2 ++
+++ Title Level 3 +++
++++ Title Level 4 ++++
+++++ Title Level 5 +++++
%%% Label: Between brackets, alphanumeric [A-Za-z0-9_-]
+ Title Level 1 +[lab_el-1]
++ Title Level 2 ++[lab_el-2]
+++ Title Level 3 +++[lab_el-3]
++++ Title Level 4 ++++[lab_el-4]
+++++ Title Level 5 +++++[lab_el-5]
%%% Syntax: Spaces around and/or inside are allowed (and ignored)
+++Title Level 3+++
+++ Title Level 3 +++
+++ Title Level 3 +++
+++ Title Level 3 +++
+++ Title Level 3 +++
+++ Title Level 3 +++[lab_el-9]
%%% Invalid: Unbalanced equal signs
+Not Title
++Not Title+
+++Not Title++++
%%% Invalid: Level deeper than 5
++++++Not Title 6++++++
+++++++Not Title 7+++++++
%%% Invalid: Space between title and label
+Not Title+ [label1]
%%% Invalid: Space inside label
+Not Title+[ label ]
%%% Invalid: Strange chars inside label
+Not Title+[la/bel]
= Title =[title]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/title.t2t
%%% Syntax: Balanced equal signs (from 1 to 5)
= Title Level 1 =
== Title Level 2 ==
=== Title Level 3 ===
==== Title Level 4 ====
===== Title Level 5 =====
%%% Label: Between brackets, alphanumeric [A-Za-z0-9_-]
= Title Level 1 =[lab_el-1]
== Title Level 2 ==[lab_el-2]
=== Title Level 3 ===[lab_el-3]
==== Title Level 4 ====[lab_el-4]
===== Title Level 5 =====[lab_el-5]
%%% Syntax: Spaces around and/or inside are allowed (and ignored)
===Title Level 3===
=== Title Level 3 ===
=== Title Level 3 ===
=== Title Level 3 ===
=== Title Level 3 ===
=== Title Level 3 ===[lab_el-9]
%%% Invalid: Unbalanced equal signs
=Not Title
==Not Title=
===Not Title====
%%% Invalid: Level deeper than 5
======Not Title 6======
=======Not Title 7=======
%%% Invalid: Space between title and label
=Not Title= [label1]
%%% Invalid: Space inside label
=Not Title=[ label ]
%%% Invalid: Strange chars inside label
=Not Title=[la/bel]
= Quote =[quote]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/quote.t2t
To quote a paragraph, just prefix it by a TAB
character. All the lines of the paragraph must
begin with a TAB.
Any non-tabbed line closes the quote block.
%%% Nesting: Creating deeper quotes
The number of leading TABs identifies the quote
block depth. This is quote level 1.
With two TABs, we are on the quote
level 2.
The more TABs, more deep is
the quote level.
There isn't a limit.
%%% Nesting: Reverse nesting works
This quote starts at
level 4.
Then its depth is decreased.
Counting down, one by one.
Until the level 1.
%%% Nesting: Random count
Unlike lists, any quote block is
independent, not part of a tree.
The TAB count don't need to be incremental
by one.
The nesting don't need
to follow any rule.
Quotes can be opened and closed
in any way.
You choose.
%%% Nesting: When not supported
Some targets (as sgml) don't support the
nesting of quotes. There is only one quote
In this case, no matter how much
TABs are used to define the quote
block, it always will be level 1.
%%% Syntax: Spaces after TAB
Spaces AFTER the TAB character are allowed.
But be careful, it can be confusing.
%%% Invalid: Spaces before TAB
Spaces BEFORE the TAB character
invalidate the mark. It's not quote.
%%% Invalid: Paragraphs inside
Paragraph breaks inside a quote aren't
This sample are two separated quoted
paragraphs, not a quote block with
two paragraphs inside.
%%% Closing: EOF closes the open block
The end of the file (EOF) closes the
currently open quote block.
= Raw =[raw]
%%% Syntax: A single line
""" A raw line.
%%% Syntax: A single line with leading spaces
""" Another raw line, with leading spaces.
%%% Syntax: Area (block)
A raw area delimited
by lines with marks.
%%% Syntax: Area (block) with trailing spaces
Trailing spaces and TABs after the area marks
are allowed, but not encouraged nor documented.
%%% Invalid: No space between mark and contents
"""Not a raw line, need one space after mark.
%%% Invalid: Leading spaces on block marks
Not a raw area.
The marks must be at the line beginning,
no leading spaces.
%%% Closing: EOF closes the open block
The end of the file (EOF) closes
the currently open raw area.
= Verbatim =[verbatim]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/verbatim.t2t
%%% Syntax: A single line
``` A verbatim line.
%%% Syntax: A single line with leading spaces
``` Another verbatim line, with leading spaces.
%%% Syntax: Area (block)
A verbatim area delimited
by lines with marks.
%%% Syntax: Area (block) with trailing spaces
Trailing spaces and TABs after the area marks
are allowed, but not encouraged nor documented.
%%% Invalid: No space between mark and contents
```Not a verbatim line, need one space after mark.
%%% Invalid: Leading spaces on block marks
Not a verbatim area.
The marks must be at the line beginning,
no leading spaces.
%%% Closing: EOF closes the open block
The end of the file (EOF) closes
the currently open verbatim area.
= Definition List =[deflist]
: Definition list
A list with terms
: Start term with colon
And its definition follows
= Numbered List =[numlist]
See [List #list], the same rules apply.
= List =[list]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/list.t2t
%%% Items: Prefixed by hyphen
- Use the hyphen to prefix list items.
- There must be one space after the hyphen.
- The list is closed by two consecutive blank lines.
%%% Items: Free leading spacing (indentation)
- The list can be indented on the source document.
- You can use any number of spaces.
- The result will be the same.
%%% Items: Vertical spacing between items
- Let one blank line between the list items.
- It will be maintained on the conversion.
- Some targets don't support this behavior.
- This one was separated by a line with blanks.
You can also put a blank line inside
the item contents and it will be preserved.
%%% Items: Exactly ONE space after the hyphen
-This is not a list (no space)
- This is not a list (more than one space)
- This is not a list (a TAB instead the space)
%%% Items: Catchy cases
- - This is a list
- + This is a list
- : This is a list
%%% Nesting: Creating sublists
- This is the "mother" list first item.
- Here is the second, but inside this item,
- there is a sublist, with its own items.
- Note that the items of the same sublist
- must have the same indentation.
- And this can go on, opening sublists.
- Just add leading spaces before the
- hyphen and sublists will be opened.
- The two blank lines closes them all.
%%% Nesting: Free leading spacing (indentation)
- When nesting lists, the additional spaces are free.
- You can add just one,
- or many.
- What matters is to put more than the previous.
- But remember that the other items of the same list
- must use the same indentation.
%%% Nesting: Maximum depth
- There is not a depth limit,
- you can go deeper and deeper.
- But some targets may have restrictions.
- The LaTeX maximum is here, 4 levels.
%%% Nesting: Reverse doesn't work
- Reverse nesting doesn't work.
- Because a sublist *must* have a mother list.
- It's the list concept, not a txt2tags limitation.
- All this sublists will be bumped to mother lists.
- At level 1, like this one.
%%% Nesting: Going deeper and back
%% When nesting back to an upper level, the previous sublist
%% is automatically closed.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 3 -- (closed Level 4)
- Level 2 -- (closed Level 3)
- Level 1 -- (closed Level 2)
%% More than one list can be closed when nesting back.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 1 -- (closed Level 4, Level 3 and Level 2)
%%% Nesting: Vertical spacing between lists
- Level 1
- Level 2 -- blank BEFORE and AFTER (in)
- Level 3
% comment lines are NOT considered blank lines
- Level 4
% comment lines are NOT considered blank lines
- Level 3
- Level 2 -- blank BEFORE and AFTER (out)
- Level 1
- Level 2 -- blank BEFORE (spaces) and AFTER (TAB)
- Level 3
%%% Nesting: Messing up
%% Be careful when going back on the nesting,
%% it must be on a valid level! If not, it will
%% be bumped up to the previous valid level.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 3.5 ???
- Level 3
- Level 2.5 ???
- Level 2
- Level 1.5 ???
- Level 1
%%% Closing: Two (not so) empty lines
- This list is closed by a line with spaces and other with TABs
- This list is NOT closed by two comment lines
% comment lines are NOT considered blank lines
% comment lines are NOT considered blank lines
- This list is closed by a line with spaces and TAB,
- then a comment line, then an empty line.
% comment lines are NOT considered blank lines
%%% Closing: Empty item closes current (sub)list
%% The two blank lines closes ALL the lists.
%% To close just the current, use an empty item.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
%% The empty item can have trailing blanks.
- Empty item with trailing spaces.
- Empty item with trailing TAB.
%%% Closing: EOF closes the lists
- If the end of the file (EOF) is hit,
- all the currently opened list are closed,
- just like when using the two blank lines.
= Table =[table]
%INCLUDED(t2t) starts here: ../../../test/marks/table.t2t
%%% Syntax: Lines starting with a pipe |
| Cell 1
%%% Syntax: Extra pipes separate cells
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3
%%% Syntax: With a trailing pipe, make border
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
%%% Syntax: Table lines starting with double pipe are heading
|| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
%%% Align: Spaces before the leading pipe centralize the table
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
%%% Align: Spaces inside the cell denote its alignment
|| Heading | Heading | Heading |
% comments don't close an opened table
| <- | -- | -> |
| -- | -- | -- |
| -> | -- | <- |
%%% Span: Column span is defined by extra pipes at cell closing
|| 1 | 2 | 3+4 ||
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 1+2+3 ||| 4 |
| 1 | 2+3 || 4 |
| 1+2+3+4 ||||
%%% Test: Empty cells are placed as expected
| 0 | 1 | 2 | |
| 4 | 5 | | 7 |
| 8 | | A | B |
| | D | E | F |
%%% Test: Lines with different number of cells
| 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
%%% Test: Empty cells + Span + Messy cell number = Fun!
| Jan |
| Fev ||
| Mar |||
| Apr ||||
| May |||||
| 20% | 40% | 60% | 80% | 100% |
| | | / | | |
| | / / / / / ||| |
| / / / / / / / / / |||||
| | o | | o | |
| | | . | | |
| | = = = = ||| |
| 01 | 02 | | | 05 | | 07 | |
| | | 11 | | 13 | | | 16 |
| 17 | | 19 | 20 | | | 23 | |
| 25 | 26 | | | 29 | 30 | | 32 |
| | | 35 | | 37 | | 39 | 40 |
%%% Test: Lots of cells at the same line
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
%%% Test: Empty lines
| |
| |
| |
%%% Invalid: There must be at least one space around the pipe
|this| is| not| a| table|
|this |is |not |a |table |
%%% Invalid: You must use spaces, not TABs
| this | is | not | a | table |
The End.