Manual: Reorganize template variables (#5249)
Add additional headings to categorize variables, and alphabetize when there is large number; add more examples.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 309 additions and 212 deletions
@ -128,12 +128,9 @@ To do this, specify an output file with a `.pdf` extension, as before,
but add the `--pdf-engine` option or `-t context`, `-t html`, or `-t ms`
to the command line (`-t html` defaults to `--pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf`).
PDF output can be controlled using [variables for LaTeX] (if
LaTeX is used) and [variables for ConTeXt] (if ConTeXt is used).
When using an HTML/CSS-to-PDF-engine, `--css` affects the output.
If `wkhtmltopdf` is used, then the variables `margin-left`,
`margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`, `footer-html`,
`header-html` and `papersize` will affect the output.
PDF output uses [variables for LaTeX] (with a LaTeX engine);
[variables for ConTeXt] (with ConTeXt); or [variables for `wkhtmltopdf`]
(an HTML/CSS-to-PDF engine; `--css` also affects the output).
To debug the PDF creation, it can be useful to look at the intermediate
representation: instead of `-o test.pdf`, use for example `-s -o test.tex`
@ -1027,16 +1024,51 @@ Options affecting specific writers {.options}
custom-reference.docx`. Then open `custom-reference.docx`
in Word, modify the styles as you wish, and save the file.
For best results, do not make changes to this file other
than modifying the styles used by pandoc: [paragraph]
Normal, Body Text, First Paragraph, Compact, Title,
Subtitle, Author, Date, Abstract, Bibliography, Heading 1,
Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6,
Heading 7, Heading 8, Heading 9, Block Text, Footnote Text,
Definition Term, Definition, Caption, Table Caption,
Image Caption, Figure, Captioned Figure, TOC Heading;
[character] Default Paragraph Font, Body Text Char,
Verbatim Char, Footnote Reference, Hyperlink; [table]
than modifying the styles used by pandoc:
Paragraph styles:
- Normal
- Body Text
- First Paragraph
- Compact
- Title
- Subtitle
- Author
- Date
- Abstract
- Bibliography
- Heading 1
- Heading 2
- Heading 3
- Heading 4
- Heading 5
- Heading 6
- Heading 7
- Heading 8
- Heading 9
- Block Text
- Footnote Text
- Definition Term
- Definition
- Caption
- Table Caption
- Image Caption
- Figure
- Captioned Figure
- TOC Heading
Character styles:
- Default Paragraph Font
- Body Text Char
- Verbatim Char
- Footnote Reference
- Hyperlink
Table style:
- Table
@ -1333,27 +1365,8 @@ pandoc will look for the key in the document's metadata – which can be set
using either [YAML metadata blocks][Extension: `yaml_metadata_block`]
or with the `--metadata` option.
Variables set by pandoc
Some variables are set automatically by pandoc. These vary somewhat
depending on the output format, but include the following:
`sourcefile`, `outputfile`
: source and destination filenames, as given on the command line.
`sourcefile` can also be a list if input comes from multiple files, or empty
if input is from stdin. You can use the following snippet in your template
to distinguish them:
Similarly, `outputfile` can be `-` if output goes to the terminal.
Metadata variables
`title`, `author`, `date`
: allow identification of basic aspects of the document. Included
@ -1375,53 +1388,35 @@ depending on the output format, but include the following:
: list of keywords to be included in HTML, PDF, and AsciiDoc metadata;
may be repeated as for `author`, above
: contents specified by `-H/--include-in-header` (may have multiple
: non-null value if `--toc/--table-of-contents` was specified
: title of table of contents (works only with EPUB,
opendocument, odt, docx, pptx, beamer, LaTeX)
: contents specified by `-B/--include-before-body` (may have
multiple values)
: contents specified by `-A/--include-after-body` (may have
multiple values)
: body of document
: JSON representation of all of the document's metadata. Field
values are transformed to the selected output format.
repeat as for `author`, above
Language variables
: identifies the main language of the document,
using a code according to [BCP 47] (e.g. `en` or `en-GB`).
For some output formats, pandoc will convert it to an appropriate
format stored in the additional variables `babel-lang`,
`polyglossia-lang` (LaTeX) and `context-lang` (ConTeXt).
: identifies the main language of the document using IETF language
tags (following the [BCP 47] standard), such as `en` or `en-GB`.
The [Language subtag lookup] tool can look up or verify these tags.
This affects most formats, and controls hyphenation in PDF output
when using LaTeX (through [`babel`] and [`polyglossia`]) or ConTeXt.
Use native pandoc [Divs and Spans] with the `lang` attribute to
switch the language:
lang: en-GB
Native pandoc Spans and Divs with the lang attribute
(value in BCP 47) can be used to switch the language in
that range. In LaTeX output, `babel-otherlangs` and
`polyglossia-otherlangs` variables will be generated
automatically based on the `lang` attributes of Spans
and Divs in the document.
Text in the main document language (British English).
::: {lang=fr-CA}
> Cette citation est écrite en français canadien.
More text in English. ['Zitat auf Deutsch.']{lang=de}
: the base direction of the document, either `rtl` (right-to-left)
: the base script direction, either `rtl` (right-to-left)
or `ltr` (left-to-right).
For bidirectional documents, native pandoc `span`s and `div`s
@ -1436,22 +1431,19 @@ Language variables
[BCP 47]:
[Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm]:
[Language subtag lookup]:
Variables for slides
Variables for HTML slides
Variables are available for [producing slide shows with pandoc],
including all [reveal.js configuration options].
These affect HTML output when [producing slide shows with pandoc].
All [reveal.js configuration options] are available as variables.
: title graphic for Beamer documents
: base URL for reveal.js documents (defaults to `reveal.js`)
: logo for Beamer documents
: author affiliations in Beamer. Can be a
list when there are multiple authors.
: base URL for S5 documents (defaults to `s5/default`)
: base URL for Slidy documents (defaults to
@ -1460,80 +1452,120 @@ including all [reveal.js configuration options].
: base URL for Slideous documents (defaults to `slideous`)
: base URL for S5 documents (defaults to `s5/default`)
[reveal.js configuration options]:
: base URL for reveal.js documents (defaults to `reveal.js`)
Variables for Beamer slides
These variables change the appearance of PDF slides using [`beamer`].
: slide aspect ratio (`43` for 4:3 [default], `169` for 16:9,
`1610` for 16:10, `149` for 14:9, `141` for 1.41:1, `54` for 5:4,
`32` for 3:2)
: produce an article from Beamer slides
: add extra beamer option with `\setbeameroption{}`
: author affiliations: can be a list when there are multiple authors
: logo image for slides
: controls navigation symbols (default is `empty` for no navigation
symbols; other valid values are `frame`, `vertical`, and `horizontal`)
: enables "title pages" for new sections (default is true)
`theme`, `colortheme`, `fonttheme`, `innertheme`, `outertheme`
: themes for LaTeX [`beamer`] documents
: beamer themes:
: options for LaTeX beamer themes (a list).
: controls navigation symbols in `beamer` documents
(default is `empty` for no navigation symbols; other valid values
are `frame`, `vertical`, and `horizontal`).
: enables on "title pages" for new sections in `beamer`
documents (default = true).
: when true, the `beamerarticle` package is loaded (for
producing an article from beamer slides).
: aspect ratio of slides (for beamer only, `1610` for 16:10, `169` for 16:9,
`149` for 14:9, `141` for 1.41:1, `54` for 5:4, `43` for 4:3 which is the
default, and `32` for 3:2).
[reveal.js configuration options]:
: image for title slide
Variables for LaTeX
LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with a LaTeX engine.
: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `a4`
: font size for body text (e.g. `10pt`, `12pt`)
: document class, e.g. [`article`], [`report`], [`book`], [`memoir`]
### Layout
: option for document class, e.g. `oneside`; may be repeated
for multiple options
: option for document class, e.g. `oneside`; repeat for multiple options
: In beamer, add extra beamer option with `\setbeameroption{}`
: document class: usually one of the standard classes, [`article`], [`report`],
and [`book`]; the [KOMA-Script] equivalents, `scrartcl`, `scrreprt`,
and `scrbook`, which default to smaller margins; or [`memoir`]
: option for [`geometry`] package, e.g. `margin=1in`;
may be repeated for multiple options
repeat for multiple options
`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
: sets margins, if `geometry` is not used (otherwise `geometry`
overrides these)
: uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
otherwise removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs)
: adjusts line spacing using the [`setspace`]
package, e.g. `1.25`, `1.5`
`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
: sets margins if `geometry` is not used (otherwise `geometry`
overrides these)
: control `\pagestyle{}`: the default article class
supports `plain` (default), `empty` (no running heads or page numbers),
and `headings` (section titles in running heads)
: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `a4`
: numbering depth for sections (with `--number-sections` option
or `numbersections` variable)
: disables default behavior of LaTeX template that redefines (sub)paragraphs
as sections, changing the appearance of nested headings in some classes
### Fonts
: allows font encoding to be specified through `fontenc` package (with `pdflatex`);
default is `T1` (see [LaTeX font encodings guide])
: font package for use with `pdflatex`:
[TeX Live] includes many options, documented in the [LaTeX Font Catalogue].
The default is [Latin Modern][`lm`].
: options for package used as `fontfamily`: e.g. `osf,sc` with
`fontfamily` set to [`mathpazo`] provides Palatino with old-style
figures and true small caps; may be repeated for multiple options
: options for package used as `fontfamily`; repeat for multiple options.
For example, to use the Libertine font with proportional lowercase
(old-style) figures through the [`libertinus`] package:
fontfamily: libertinus
- osf
- p
: font size for body text. The standard classes allow 10pt, 11pt, and 12pt.
To use another size, set `documentclass` to one of the [KOMA-Script] classes,
such as `scrartcl` or `scrbook`.
`mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`, `CJKmainfont`
: font families for use with `xelatex` or
@ -1543,16 +1575,21 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
`mainfontoptions`, `sansfontoptions`, `monofontoptions`, `mathfontoptions`, `CJKoptions`
: options to use with `mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`,
`CJKmainfont` in `xelatex` and `lualatex`. Allow for any choices
available through [`fontspec`], such as the OpenType features
`Numbers=OldStyle,Numbers=Proportional`. May be repeated for multiple options.
available through [`fontspec`]; repeat for multiple options. For example,
to use the [TeX Gyre] version of Palatino with lowercase figures:
: allows font encoding to be specified through `fontenc` package (with `pdflatex`);
default is `T1` (see guide to [LaTeX font encodings])
mainfont: TeX Gyre Pagella
- Numbers=Lowercase
- Numbers=Proportional
: options to pass to the microtype package
### Links
: add color to link text; automatically enabled if any of
`linkcolor`, `filecolor`, `citecolor`, `urlcolor`, or `toccolor` are set
@ -1566,16 +1603,13 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
: causes links to be printed as footnotes
: uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
otherwise removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs)
### Front matter
: disables default behavior of LaTeX template that redefines (sub)paragraphs
as sections, changing the appearance of nested headings in some classes
`lof`, `lot`
: include list of figures, list of tables
: specifies contents of acknowledgments footnote after document title.
: contents of acknowledgments footnote after document title
: include table of contents (can also be set using `--toc/--table-of-contents`)
@ -1583,14 +1617,12 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
: level of section to include in table of contents
: numbering depth for sections, if sections are numbered
### BibLaTeX Bibliographies
`lof`, `lot`
: include list of figures, list of tables
These variables function when using BibLaTeX for [citation rendering].
: bibliography to use for resolving references
: list of options for biblatex
: bibliography style, when used with `--natbib` and `--biblatex`.
@ -1598,46 +1630,45 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
: bibliography title, when used with `--natbib` and `--biblatex`.
: list of options for biblatex.
: bibliography to use for resolving references
: list of options for natbib.
: list of options for natbib
: An option for LaTeX's `\pagestyle{}`. The default article class
supports 'plain' (default), 'empty', and 'headings'; headings puts
section titles in the header.
[LaTeX Font Catalogue]:
[LaTeX font encodings]:
[LaTeX font encodings guide]:
[TeX Gyre]:
Variables for ConTeXt
: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `A4`, `landscape` (see [ConTeXt Paper Setup]);
may be repeated for multiple options
: options for page margins and text arrangement (see [ConTeXt Layout]);
may be repeated for multiple options
`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
: sets margins, if `layout` is not used (otherwise `layout`
overrides these)
Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with ConTeXt.
: font size for body text (e.g. `10pt`, `12pt`)
`mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`
: font families: take the name of any system font (see [ConTeXt Font Switching])
`headertext`, `footertext`
: text to be placed in running header or footer (see [ConTeXt Headers and Footers]);
repeat up to four times for different placement
: controls indentation of paragraphs, e.g. `yes,small,next` (see [ConTeXt Indentation]);
repeat for multiple options
: adjusts line spacing, e.g. `4ex` (using [`setupinterlinespace`]);
repeat for multiple options
: options for page margins and text arrangement (see [ConTeXt Layout]);
repeat for multiple options
`linkcolor`, `contrastcolor`
: color for links outside and inside a page, e.g. `red`, `blue` (see [ConTeXt Color])
@ -1645,30 +1676,23 @@ Variables for ConTeXt
: typeface style for links, e.g. `normal`, `bold`, `slanted`, `boldslanted`, `type`, `cap`, `small`
: controls indentation of paragraphs, e.g. `yes,small,next` (see [ConTeXt Indentation]);
may be repeated for multiple options
`lof`, `lot`
: include list of figures, list of tables
: spacing between paragraphs, e.g. `none`, `small` (using [`setupwhitespace`])
`mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`
: font families: take the name of any system font (see [ConTeXt Font Switching])
: adjusts line spacing, e.g. `4ex` (using [`setupinterlinespace`]);
may be repeated for multiple options
`headertext`, `footertext`
: text to be placed in running header or footer (see [ConTeXt Headers and Footers]);
may be repeated up to four times for different placement
`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
: sets margins, if `layout` is not used (otherwise `layout`
overrides these)
: page number style and location (using [`setuppagenumbering`]);
may be repeated for multiple options
repeat for multiple options
: include table of contents (can also be set using `--toc/--table-of-contents`)
`lof`, `lot`
: include list of figures, list of tables
: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `A4`, `landscape` (see [ConTeXt Paper Setup]);
repeat for multiple options
: adds to the preamble the setup necessary to generate PDF/A-1b:2005.
@ -1678,6 +1702,12 @@ Variables for ConTeXt
from [ConTeXt ICC Profiles]. See also [ConTeXt PDFA] for more
: include table of contents (can also be set using `--toc/--table-of-contents`)
: spacing between paragraphs, e.g. `none`, `small` (using [`setupwhitespace`])
[ConTeXt Paper Setup]:
[ConTeXt Layout]:
[ConTeXt Font Switching]:
@ -1690,40 +1720,107 @@ Variables for ConTeXt
Variables for `wkhtmltopdf`
Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with [`wkhtmltopdf`].
The `--css` option also affects the output.
`footer-html`, `header-html`
: add information to the header and footer
`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
: set the page margins
: sets the PDF paper size
Variables for man pages
: section number in man pages
: header in man pages
: footer in man pages
: adjusts text to left (`l`), right (`r`), center (`c`),
or both (`b`) margins
: footer in man pages
: header in man pages
: if `true` (the default), hyphenation will be used
: section number in man pages
Variables for ms
: point size (e.g. `10p`)
: line height (e.g. `12p`)
: font family (e.g. `T` or `P`)
: paragraph indent (e.g. `2m`)
: line height (e.g. `12p`)
: point size (e.g. `10p`)
Structural variables
Pandoc sets these variables automatically in response to [options] or
document contents; users can also modify them. These vary depending
on the output format, and include the following:
: body of document
: contents specified by `-H/--include-in-header` (may have multiple
: contents specified by `-B/--include-before-body` (may have
multiple values)
: contents specified by `-A/--include-after-body` (may have
multiple values)
: JSON representation of all of the document's metadata. Field
values are transformed to the selected output format.
: non-null value if `-N/--number-sections` was specified
`sourcefile`, `outputfile`
: source and destination filenames, as given on the command line.
`sourcefile` can also be a list if input comes from multiple files, or empty
if input is from stdin. You can use the following snippet in your template
to distinguish them:
Similarly, `outputfile` can be `-` if output goes to the terminal.
: non-null value if `--toc/--table-of-contents` was specified
: title of table of contents (works only with EPUB,
opendocument, odt, docx, pptx, beamer, LaTeX)
Using variables in templates
@ -4352,7 +4449,7 @@ For Slidy, Slideous, reveal.js, and S5, the file produced by pandoc with the
assumed to be available at the relative path `s5/default` (for S5), `slideous`
(for Slideous), `reveal.js` (for reveal.js), or at the Slidy website at
`` (for Slidy). (These paths can be changed by setting the `slidy-url`,
`slideous-url`, `revealjs-url`, or `s5-url` variables; see [Variables for slides],
`slideous-url`, `revealjs-url`, or `s5-url` variables; see [Variables for HTML slides],
above.) For DZSlides, the (relatively short) JavaScript and CSS are included in
the file by default.
@ -5059,7 +5156,7 @@ application, here are some things to keep in mind:
Copyright 2006-2017 John MacFarlane ( Released
Copyright 2006--2019 John MacFarlane ( Released
under the [GPL], version 2 or greater. This software carries no
warranty of any kind. (See COPYRIGHT for full copyright and
warranty notices.) For a full list of contributors, see the file
Add table
Reference in a new issue