markdown2pdf: Better error printing.

This goes with the earlier change to -halt-on-error.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2011-07-22 10:30:06 -07:00
parent 5eec45ec40
commit e01ae38a77

View file

@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ checkLatex "" = (True, False, False, "Could not read log file")
checkLatex txt = (err , bib, ref, unlines $! msgs ++ tips)
xs `oneOf` x = any (flip isInfixOf x) xs
msgs = filter (oneOf ["Error:", "Warning:"]) (lines txt)
msgs = dropWhile (not . errorline) $ lines txt
errorline ('!':_) = True
errorline _ = False
tips = checkPackages msgs
err = any (oneOf ["!", "LaTeX Error:", "Latex Error:"]) msgs
bib = any (oneOf ["Warning: Citation"