From df5244fd486c20fa6125d371898c211906eed58b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: fiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 00:29:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] HTML writer:  wrap sections in divs.  Resolves Issue #70.

+ hierarchicalize has been rationalized; it builds a hierarchical
  representation of the document from the headers, and simultaneously
  gives each section a unique identifier based on the heading title.
+ Identifiers are now attached to the divs rather than
  to the headers themselves.
+ Table of content backlinks go to the beginning of the table, rather
  than to the section reference that was clicked.  This seems better.
+ Code for constructing identifiers has been moved to Text.Pandoc.Shared
  from the HTML writer, since it is now consumed only by
+ In --strict mode, pandoc just prints bare headings, as before
  (unless --toc has been specified).
+ In s5 output, it does not wrap sections in divs, as that seems to
  confuse the s5 javascript.
+ Test suite updated accordingly.

git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
 src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs           |   85 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs  |    2 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs     |  144 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs |    2 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs      |    2 +-
 tests/s5.basic.html                 |   14 +-
 tests/s5.fancy.html                 |   14 +-
 tests/s5.fragment.html              |   80 +-
 tests/s5.inserts.html               |   80 +-
 tests/writer.html                   | 1940 ++++++++++++++-------------
 10 files changed, 1212 insertions(+), 1151 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index 13eab9bdb..82ae08601 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 Copyright (C) 2006-8 John MacFarlane <>
@@ -112,13 +112,16 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ ( Doc, fsep, ($$), (<>), empty, isEmpty, text, nest )
 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP
 import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( characterReference )
-import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper, ord, isLower, isUpper )
+import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper, ord, isLower, isUpper, isAlpha,
+                   isPunctuation )
 import Data.List ( find, isPrefixOf, intercalate )
-import Control.Monad ( join )
 import Network.URI ( parseURI, URI (..), isAllowedInURI )
 import System.Directory
 import Prelude hiding ( putStrLn, writeFile, readFile, getContents )
 import System.IO.UTF8
+import Data.Generics
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
+import Control.Monad (join)
 -- List processing
@@ -878,22 +881,74 @@ endsWithPlain blocks =
 -- | Data structure for defining hierarchical Pandoc documents
 data Element = Blk Block 
-             | Sec [Inline] [Element] deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+             | Sec Int String [Inline] [Element]
+             --    lvl  ident  label    contents
+             deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
--- | Returns @True@ on Header block with at least the specified level
-headerAtLeast :: Int -> Block -> Bool
-headerAtLeast level (Header x _) = x <= level
-headerAtLeast _ _ = False
+-- | Convert Pandoc inline list to plain text identifier.
+inlineListToIdentifier :: [Inline] -> String
+inlineListToIdentifier = dropWhile (not . isAlpha) . inlineListToIdentifier'
+inlineListToIdentifier' :: [Inline] -> [Char]
+inlineListToIdentifier' [] = ""
+inlineListToIdentifier' (x:xs) =
+  xAsText ++ inlineListToIdentifier' xs
+  where xAsText = case x of
+          Str s          -> filter (\c -> c == '-' || not (isPunctuation c)) $
+                            intercalate "-" $ words $ map toLower s
+          Emph lst       -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Strikeout lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Superscript lst -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          SmallCaps   lst -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Subscript lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Strong lst     -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Quoted _ lst   -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Cite   _ lst   -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Code s         -> s
+          Space          -> "-"
+          EmDash         -> "-"
+          EnDash         -> "-"
+          Apostrophe     -> ""
+          Ellipses       -> ""
+          LineBreak      -> "-"
+          Math _ _       -> ""
+          TeX _          -> ""
+          HtmlInline _   -> ""
+          Link lst _     -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Image lst _    -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
+          Note _         -> ""
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc blocks into (hierarchical) list of Elements
 hierarchicalize :: [Block] -> [Element]
-hierarchicalize [] = []
-hierarchicalize (block:rest) = 
-  case block of
-    (Header level title) -> 
-         let (thisSection, rest') = break (headerAtLeast level) rest
-         in  (Sec title (hierarchicalize thisSection)):(hierarchicalize rest') 
-    x -> (Blk x):(hierarchicalize rest)
+hierarchicalize blocks = S.evalState (hierarchicalizeWithIds blocks) []
+hierarchicalizeWithIds :: [Block] -> S.State [String] [Element]
+hierarchicalizeWithIds [] = return []
+hierarchicalizeWithIds ((Header level title'):xs) = do
+  usedIdents <- S.get
+  let ident = uniqueIdent title' usedIdents
+  S.modify (ident :)
+  let (sectionContents, rest) = break (headerLtEq level) xs
+  sectionContents' <- hierarchicalizeWithIds sectionContents
+  rest' <- hierarchicalizeWithIds rest
+  return $ Sec level ident title' sectionContents' : rest'
+hierarchicalizeWithIds (x:rest) = do
+  rest' <- hierarchicalizeWithIds rest
+  return $ (Blk x) : rest'
+headerLtEq :: Int -> Block -> Bool
+headerLtEq level (Header l _) = l <= level
+headerLtEq _ _ = False
+uniqueIdent :: [Inline] -> [String] -> String
+uniqueIdent title' usedIdents =
+  let baseIdent = inlineListToIdentifier title'
+      numIdent n = baseIdent ++ "-" ++ show n
+  in  if baseIdent `elem` usedIdents
+        then case find (\x -> numIdent x `notElem` usedIdents) ([1..60000] :: [Int]) of
+                  Just x  -> numIdent x
+                  Nothing -> baseIdent   -- if we have more than 60,000, allow repeats
+        else baseIdent
 -- | True if block is a Header block.
 isHeaderBlock :: Block -> Bool
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
index 3e535a87e..eed428d23 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ writeDocbook opts (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) =
 -- | Convert an Element to Docbook.
 elementToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Element -> Doc
 elementToDocbook opts (Blk block) = blockToDocbook opts block 
-elementToDocbook opts (Sec title elements) =
+elementToDocbook opts (Sec _ _ title elements) =
   -- Docbook doesn't allow sections with no content, so insert some if needed
   let elements' = if null elements
                     then [Blk (Para [])]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
index fb7320e92..4b6ea5982 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
@@ -36,22 +36,21 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared
 import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
 import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( highlightHtml, defaultHighlightingCss )
 import Numeric ( showHex )
-import Data.Char ( ord, toLower, isAlpha )
+import Data.Char ( ord, toLower )
 import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intercalate )
+import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
 import qualified Data.Set as S
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Text.XHtml.Transitional hiding ( stringToHtml )
 data WriterState = WriterState
     { stNotes            :: [Html]       -- ^ List of notes
-    , stIds              :: [String]     -- ^ List of header identifiers
     , stMath             :: Bool         -- ^ Math is used in document
     , stCSS              :: S.Set String -- ^ CSS to include in header
     } deriving Show
 defaultWriterState :: WriterState
-defaultWriterState = WriterState {stNotes= [], stIds = [], 
-                                  stMath = False, stCSS = S.empty}
+defaultWriterState = WriterState {stNotes= [], stMath = False, stCSS = S.empty}
 -- Helpers to render HTML with the appropriate function.
@@ -107,15 +106,13 @@ writeHtml opts (Pandoc (Meta tit authors date) blocks) =
                     not (writerS5 opts)
                         then h1 ! [theclass "title"] $ topTitle
                         else noHtml
-      headerBlocks = filter isHeaderBlock blocks
-      ids          = uniqueIdentifiers $ 
-                     map (\(Header _ lst) -> lst) headerBlocks
+      sects        = hierarchicalize blocks
       toc          = if writerTableOfContents opts 
-                        then tableOfContents opts headerBlocks ids
+                        then evalState (tableOfContents opts sects) defaultWriterState
                         else noHtml
-      (blocks', newstate) = 
-                     runState (blockListToHtml opts blocks)
-                     (defaultWriterState {stIds = ids})
+      (blocks', newstate) = runState 
+                            (mapM (elementToHtml opts) sects >>= return . toHtmlFromList)
+                            defaultWriterState
       cssLines     = stCSS newstate
       css          = if S.null cssLines
                         then noHtml
@@ -146,35 +143,36 @@ writeHtml opts (Pandoc (Meta tit authors date) blocks) =
          then head' +++ body thebody
          else thebody
--- | Construct table of contents from list of header blocks and identifiers.
--- Assumes there are as many identifiers as header blocks.
-tableOfContents :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> [String] -> Html
-tableOfContents _ [] _ = noHtml
-tableOfContents opts headers ids =
+-- | Construct table of contents from list of elements.
+tableOfContents :: WriterOptions -> [Element] -> State WriterState Html
+tableOfContents _ [] = return noHtml
+tableOfContents opts sects = do
   let opts'        = opts { writerIgnoreNotes = True }
-      contentsTree = hierarchicalize headers
-      contents     = evalState (mapM (elementToListItem opts') contentsTree) 
-                     (defaultWriterState {stIds = ids})
-  in  thediv ! [identifier "toc"] $ unordList contents
+  contents  <- mapM (elementToListItem opts') sects
+  return $ thediv ! [identifier "TOC"] $ unordList $ catMaybes contents
 -- | Converts an Element to a list item for a table of contents,
 -- retrieving the appropriate identifier from state.
-elementToListItem :: WriterOptions -> Element -> State WriterState Html
-elementToListItem _ (Blk _) = return noHtml
-elementToListItem opts (Sec headerText subsecs) = do
-  st <- get
-  let ids = stIds st
-  let (id', rest) = if null ids
-                      then ("", [])
-                      else (head ids, tail ids)
-  put $ st {stIds = rest}
+elementToListItem :: WriterOptions -> Element -> State WriterState (Maybe Html)
+elementToListItem _ (Blk _) = return Nothing
+elementToListItem opts (Sec _ id' headerText subsecs) = do
   txt <- inlineListToHtml opts headerText
-  subHeads <- mapM (elementToListItem opts) subsecs
+  subHeads <- mapM (elementToListItem opts) subsecs >>= return . catMaybes
   let subList = if null subHeads
                    then noHtml
-                   else unordList subHeads 
-  return $ (anchor ! [href ("#" ++ id'), identifier ("TOC-" ++ id')] $ txt) +++ 
-           subList
+                   else unordList subHeads
+  return $ Just $ (anchor ! [href ("#" ++ id')] $ txt) +++ subList
+-- | Convert an Element to Html.
+elementToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Element -> State WriterState Html
+elementToHtml opts (Blk block) = blockToHtml opts block 
+elementToHtml opts (Sec level id' title' elements) = do
+  innerContents <- mapM (elementToHtml opts) elements
+  header' <- blockToHtml opts (Header level title')
+  return $ if writerS5 opts || (writerStrictMarkdown opts && not (writerTableOfContents opts))
+              -- S5 gets confused by the extra divs around sections
+              then toHtmlFromList (header' : innerContents)
+              else thediv ! [identifier id'] << (header' : innerContents)
 -- | Convert list of Note blocks to a footnote <div>.
 -- Assumes notes are sorted.
@@ -236,15 +234,6 @@ obfuscateChar char =
 obfuscateString :: String -> String
 obfuscateString = concatMap obfuscateChar . decodeCharacterReferences
--- | True if character is a punctuation character (unicode).
-isPunctuation :: Char -> Bool
-isPunctuation c =
-  let c' = ord c
-  in  if c `elem` "!\"'()*,-./:;<>?[\\]`{|}~" || c' >= 0x2000 && c' <= 0x206F ||
-         c' >= 0xE000 && c' <= 0xE0FF
-         then True
-         else False
 -- | Add CSS for document header.
 addToCSS :: String -> State WriterState ()
 addToCSS item = do
@@ -252,50 +241,6 @@ addToCSS item = do
   let current = stCSS st
   put $ st {stCSS = S.insert item current}
--- | Convert Pandoc inline list to plain text identifier.
-inlineListToIdentifier :: [Inline] -> String
-inlineListToIdentifier = dropWhile (not . isAlpha) . inlineListToIdentifier'
-inlineListToIdentifier' :: [Inline] -> [Char]
-inlineListToIdentifier' [] = ""
-inlineListToIdentifier' (x:xs) = 
-  xAsText ++ inlineListToIdentifier' xs
-  where xAsText = case x of
-          Str s          -> filter (\c -> c == '-' || not (isPunctuation c)) $
-                            intercalate "-" $ words $ map toLower s
-          Emph lst       -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Strikeout lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Superscript lst -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          SmallCaps   lst -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Subscript lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Strong lst     -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Quoted _ lst   -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Cite   _ lst   -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Code s         -> s
-          Space          -> "-"
-          EmDash         -> "-"
-          EnDash         -> "-"
-          Apostrophe     -> ""
-          Ellipses       -> ""
-          LineBreak      -> "-"
-          Math _ _       -> ""
-          TeX _          -> ""
-          HtmlInline _   -> ""
-          Link lst _     -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Image lst _    -> inlineListToIdentifier' lst
-          Note _         -> ""
--- | Return unique identifiers for list of inline lists.
-uniqueIdentifiers :: [[Inline]] -> [String]
-uniqueIdentifiers ls =
-  let addIdentifier (nonuniqueIds, uniqueIds) l =
-        let new = inlineListToIdentifier l
-            matches = length $ filter (== new) nonuniqueIds
-            new' = (if null new then "section" else new) ++ 
-                   if matches > 0 then ("-" ++ show matches) else ""
-        in  (new:nonuniqueIds, new':uniqueIds)
-  in  reverse $ snd $ foldl addIdentifier ([],[]) ls
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to HTML.
 blockToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Block -> State WriterState Html
 blockToHtml _ Null = return $ noHtml 
@@ -335,26 +280,17 @@ blockToHtml opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
      else blockListToHtml opts blocks >>= (return . blockquote)
 blockToHtml opts (Header level lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
-  st <- get
-  let ids = stIds st
-  let (id', rest) = if null ids
-                      then ("", [])
-                      else (head ids, tail ids)
-  put $ st {stIds = rest}
-  let attribs = if writerStrictMarkdown opts && not (writerTableOfContents opts)
-                   then []
-                   else [identifier id']
   let contents'  = if writerTableOfContents opts
-                      then anchor ! [href ("#TOC-" ++ id')] $ contents
+                      then anchor ! [href "#TOC"] $ contents
                       else contents
   return $ case level of
-              1 -> h1 contents' ! attribs
-              2 -> h2 contents' ! attribs
-              3 -> h3 contents' ! attribs
-              4 -> h4 contents' ! attribs
-              5 -> h5 contents' ! attribs
-              6 -> h6 contents' ! attribs
-              _ -> paragraph contents' ! attribs
+              1 -> h1 contents'
+              2 -> h2 contents'
+              3 -> h3 contents'
+              4 -> h4 contents'
+              5 -> h5 contents'
+              6 -> h6 contents'
+              _ -> paragraph contents'
 blockToHtml opts (BulletList lst) = do
   contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
   let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
@@ -492,7 +428,7 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
                                   return $ primHtml $ "<EQ>" ++ str ++ "</EQ>"
                                PlainMath -> 
                                   inlineListToHtml opts (readTeXMath str) >>=
-                                  return . (thespan ! [theclass "math"])) 
+                                  return . (thespan ! [theclass "math"]) ) 
     (TeX str)        -> case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
                               LaTeXMathML _ -> do modify (\st -> st {stMath = True})
                                                   return $ primHtml str
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index bebb88a76..f376ac0c6 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ tableOfContents opts headers =
 -- | Converts an Element to a list item for a table of contents,
 elementToListItem :: Element -> [Block]
 elementToListItem (Blk _) = []
-elementToListItem (Sec headerText subsecs) = [Plain headerText] ++ 
+elementToListItem (Sec _ _ headerText subsecs) = [Plain headerText] ++ 
   if null subsecs
      then []
      else [BulletList $ map elementToListItem subsecs]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
index fc6cd1bf0..62d8c4a0c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tableOfContents headers =
 elementToListItem :: Element -> [Block]
 elementToListItem (Blk _) = []
-elementToListItem (Sec sectext subsecs) = [Plain sectext] ++
+elementToListItem (Sec _ _ sectext subsecs) = [Plain sectext] ++
   if null subsecs
      then []
      else [BulletList (map elementToListItem subsecs)]
diff --git a/tests/s5.basic.html b/tests/s5.basic.html
index 44dee9d8e..bb2b25ae3 100644
--- a/tests/s5.basic.html
+++ b/tests/s5.basic.html
@@ -276,24 +276,24 @@ window.onload=startup;window.onresize=function(){setTimeout('fontScale()',50);}
 <div id="currentSlide"></div>
 <div id="header"></div>
 <div id="footer">
-<h1 id="july-15-2006"
     >July 15, 2006</h1
-    ><h2 id="my-s5-document"
+    ><h2
     >My S5 Document</h2
 <div class="presentation">
 <div class="slide">
-<h1 id="my-s5-document-1"
     >My S5 Document</h1
-    ><h3 id="sam-smith-jen-jones"
+    ><h3
     >Sam Smith, Jen Jones</h3
-    ><h4 id="july-15-2006-1"
+    ><h4
     >July 15, 2006</h4
 <div class="slide">
-<h1 id="first-slide"
     >First slide</h1
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ window.onload=startup;window.onresize=function(){setTimeout('fontScale()',50);}
 <div class="slide">
-<h1 id="math"
diff --git a/tests/s5.fancy.html b/tests/s5.fancy.html
index 01f5c9e7f..9b82feb35 100644
--- a/tests/s5.fancy.html
+++ b/tests/s5.fancy.html
@@ -484,24 +484,24 @@ window.onload=startup;window.onresize=function(){setTimeout('fontScale()',50);}
 <div id="currentSlide"></div>
 <div id="header"></div>
 <div id="footer">
-<h1 id="july-15-2006"
     >July 15, 2006</h1
-    ><h2 id="my-s5-document"
+    ><h2
     >My S5 Document</h2
 <div class="presentation">
 <div class="slide">
-<h1 id="my-s5-document-1"
     >My S5 Document</h1
-    ><h3 id="sam-smith-jen-jones"
+    ><h3
     >Sam Smith, Jen Jones</h3
-    ><h4 id="july-15-2006-1"
+    ><h4
     >July 15, 2006</h4
 <div class="slide">
-<h1 id="first-slide"
     >First slide</h1
     ><ul class="incremental"
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ window.onload=startup;window.onresize=function(){setTimeout('fontScale()',50);}
 <div class="slide">
-<h1 id="math"
     ><ul class="incremental"
diff --git a/tests/s5.fragment.html b/tests/s5.fragment.html
index 0cacb4738..1d58e154a 100644
--- a/tests/s5.fragment.html
+++ b/tests/s5.fragment.html
@@ -1,41 +1,45 @@
-<h1 id="first-slide"
->First slide</h1
-  >first bullet</li
+<div id="first-slide"
+  >First slide</h1
+  ><ul
-  >second bullet</li
-  ></ul
-><h1 id="math"
-  ><span class="math"
-    >\frac{<em
-      >d</em
-      >}{<em
-      >dx</em
-      >}<em
-      >f</em
-      >(<em
-      >x</em
-      >)=\lim<sub
-      ><em
-	>h</em
-	>&#8201;&#8594;&#8201;0</sub
+    >first bullet</li
+    ><li
+    >second bullet</li
+    ></ul
+  ></div
+><div id="math"
+  >Math</h1
+  ><ul
+  ><li
+    ><span class="math"
-      >f</em
-      >(<em
-      >x</em
-      >+<em
-      >h</em
-      >)-<em
-      >f</em
-      >(<em
-      >x</em
-      >)}{<em
-      >h</em
-      >}</span
-    ></li
-  ></ul
+	>d</em
+	>}{<em
+	>dx</em
+	>}<em
+	>f</em
+	>(<em
+	>x</em
+	>)=\lim<sub
+	><em
+	  >h</em
+	  >&#8201;&#8594;&#8201;0</sub
+	>\frac{<em
+	>f</em
+	>(<em
+	>x</em
+	>+<em
+	>h</em
+	>)-<em
+	>f</em
+	>(<em
+	>x</em
+	>)}{<em
+	>h</em
+	>}</span
+      ></li
+    ></ul
+  ></div
diff --git a/tests/s5.inserts.html b/tests/s5.inserts.html
index fc27da035..d6f0d6fbd 100644
--- a/tests/s5.inserts.html
+++ b/tests/s5.inserts.html
@@ -15,46 +15,50 @@ STUFF INSERTED
 <h1 class="title"
     >My S5 Document</h1
-    ><h1 id="first-slide"
-    >First slide</h1
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >first bullet</li
+    ><div id="first-slide"
+    ><h1
+      >First slide</h1
+      ><ul
-      >second bullet</li
-      ></ul
-    ><h1 id="math"
-    >Math</h1
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      ><span class="math"
-	>\frac{<em
-	  >d</em
-	  >}{<em
-	  >dx</em
-	  >}<em
-	  >f</em
-	  >(<em
-	  >x</em
-	  >)=\lim<sub
-	  ><em
-	    >h</em
-	    >&#8201;&#8594;&#8201;0</sub
+	>first bullet</li
+	><li
+	>second bullet</li
+	></ul
+      ></div
+    ><div id="math"
+    ><h1
+      >Math</h1
+      ><ul
+      ><li
+	><span class="math"
-	  >f</em
-	  >(<em
-	  >x</em
-	  >+<em
-	  >h</em
-	  >)-<em
-	  >f</em
-	  >(<em
-	  >x</em
-	  >)}{<em
-	  >h</em
-	  >}</span
-	></li
-      ></ul
+	    >d</em
+	    >}{<em
+	    >dx</em
+	    >}<em
+	    >f</em
+	    >(<em
+	    >x</em
+	    >)=\lim<sub
+	    ><em
+	      >h</em
+	      >&#8201;&#8594;&#8201;0</sub
+	    >\frac{<em
+	    >f</em
+	    >(<em
+	    >x</em
+	    >+<em
+	    >h</em
+	    >)-<em
+	    >f</em
+	    >(<em
+	    >x</em
+	    >)}{<em
+	    >h</em
+	    >}</span
+	  ></li
+	></ul
+      ></div
diff --git a/tests/writer.html b/tests/writer.html
index d5f357423..ece782f81 100644
--- a/tests/writer.html
+++ b/tests/writer.html
@@ -15,96 +15,119 @@
     >This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber&rsquo;s markdown test suite.</p
-     /><h1 id="headers"
-    >Headers</h1
-    ><h2 id="level-2-with-an-embedded-link"
-    >Level 2 with an <a href="/url"
-      >embedded link</a
-      ></h2
-    ><h3 id="level-3-with-emphasis"
-    >Level 3 with <em
-      >emphasis</em
-      ></h3
-    ><h4 id="level-4"
-    >Level 4</h4
-    ><h5 id="level-5"
-    >Level 5</h5
-    ><h1 id="level-1"
-    >Level 1</h1
-    ><h2 id="level-2-with-emphasis"
-    >Level 2 with <em
-      >emphasis</em
-      ></h2
-    ><h3 id="level-3"
-    >Level 3</h3
-    ><p
-    >with no blank line</p
-    ><h2 id="level-2"
-    >Level 2</h2
-    ><p
-    >with no blank line</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="paragraphs"
-    >Paragraphs</h1
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s a regular paragraph.</p
-    ><p
-    >In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list item.</p
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s one with a bullet. * criminey.</p
-    ><p
-    >There should be a hard line break<br
-       />here.</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="block-quotes"
-    >Block Quotes</h1
-    ><p
-    >E-mail style:</p
-    ><blockquote
-    ><p
-      >This is a block quote. It is pretty short.</p
-      ></blockquote
-    ><blockquote
-    ><p
-      >Code in a block quote:</p
-      ><pre
-      ><code
-	>sub status {
+     /><div id="headers"
+    ><h1
+      >Headers</h1
+      ><div id="level-2-with-an-embedded-link"
+      ><h2
+	>Level 2 with an <a href="/url"
+	  >embedded link</a
+	  ></h2
+	><div id="level-3-with-emphasis"
+	><h3
+	  >Level 3 with <em
+	    >emphasis</em
+	    ></h3
+	  ><div id="level-4"
+	  ><h4
+	    >Level 4</h4
+	    ><div id="level-5"
+	    ><h5
+	      >Level 5</h5
+	      ></div
+	    ></div
+	  ></div
+	></div
+      ></div
+    ><div id="level-1"
+    ><h1
+      >Level 1</h1
+      ><div id="level-2-with-emphasis"
+      ><h2
+	>Level 2 with <em
+	  >emphasis</em
+	  ></h2
+	><div id="level-3"
+	><h3
+	  >Level 3</h3
+	  ><p
+	  >with no blank line</p
+	  ></div
+	></div
+      ><div id="level-2"
+      ><h2
+	>Level 2</h2
+	><p
+	>with no blank line</p
+	><hr
+	 /></div
+      ></div
+    ><div id="paragraphs"
+    ><h1
+      >Paragraphs</h1
+      ><p
+      >Here&rsquo;s a regular paragraph.</p
+      ><p
+      >In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list item.</p
+      ><p
+      >Here&rsquo;s one with a bullet. * criminey.</p
+      ><p
+      >There should be a hard line break<br
+	 />here.</p
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="block-quotes"
+    ><h1
+      >Block Quotes</h1
+      ><p
+      >E-mail style:</p
+      ><blockquote
+      ><p
+	>This is a block quote. It is pretty short.</p
+	></blockquote
+      ><blockquote
+      ><p
+	>Code in a block quote:</p
+	><pre
+	><code
+	  >sub status {
     print &quot;working&quot;;
-	></pre
-      ><p
-      >A list:</p
-      ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-      ><li
-	>item one</li
+	  ></pre
+	><p
+	>A list:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-	>item two</li
-	></ol
-      ><p
-      >Nested block quotes:</p
-      ><blockquote
-      ><p
-	>nested</p
+	  >item one</li
+	  ><li
+	  >item two</li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>Nested block quotes:</p
+	><blockquote
+	><p
+	  >nested</p
+	  ></blockquote
+	><blockquote
+	><p
+	  >nested</p
+	  ></blockquote
-      ><blockquote
-	>nested</p
-	></blockquote
-      ></blockquote
-    ><p
-    >This should not be a block quote: 2 &gt; 1.</p
-    ><p
-    >And a following paragraph.</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="code-blocks"
-    >Code Blocks</h1
-    ><p
-    >Code:</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >---- (should be four hyphens)
+      >This should not be a block quote: 2 &gt; 1.</p
+      ><p
+      >And a following paragraph.</p
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="code-blocks"
+    ><h1
+      >Code Blocks</h1
+      ><p
+      >Code:</p
+      ><pre
+      ><code
+	>---- (should be four hyphens)
 sub status {
     print &quot;working&quot;;
@@ -112,458 +135,474 @@ sub status {
 this code block is indented by one tab
-      ></pre
-    ><p
-    >And:</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >    this code block is indented by two tabs
+	></pre
+      ><p
+      >And:</p
+      ><pre
+      ><code
+	>    this code block is indented by two tabs
 These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{
-      ></pre
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="lists"
-    >Lists</h1
-    ><h2 id="unordered"
-    >Unordered</h2
-    ><p
-    >Asterisks tight:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >asterisk 1</li
-      ><li
-      >asterisk 2</li
-      ><li
-      >asterisk 3</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Asterisks loose:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>asterisk 1</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>asterisk 2</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>asterisk 3</p
-	></li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Pluses tight:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >Plus 1</li
-      ><li
-      >Plus 2</li
-      ><li
-      >Plus 3</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Pluses loose:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>Plus 1</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Plus 2</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Plus 3</p
-	></li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Minuses tight:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >Minus 1</li
-      ><li
-      >Minus 2</li
-      ><li
-      >Minus 3</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Minuses loose:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>Minus 1</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Minus 2</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Minus 3</p
-	></li
-      ></ul
-    ><h2 id="ordered"
-    >Ordered</h2
-    ><p
-    >Tight:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      >First</li
-      ><li
-      >Second</li
-      ><li
-      >Third</li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >and:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      >One</li
-      ><li
-      >Two</li
-      ><li
-      >Three</li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >Loose using tabs:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>First</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Second</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Third</p
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >and using spaces:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>One</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Two</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Three</p
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >Multiple paragraphs:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>Item 1, graf one.</p
+	></pre
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="lists"
+    ><h1
+      >Lists</h1
+      ><div id="unordered"
+      ><h2
+	>Unordered</h2
-	>Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog&rsquo;s back.</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Item 2.</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Item 3.</p
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><h2 id="nested"
-    >Nested</h2
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >Tab<ul
+	>Asterisks tight:</p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  >asterisk 1</li
+	  ><li
+	  >asterisk 2</li
+	  ><li
+	  >asterisk 3</li
+	  ></ul
+	><p
+	>Asterisks loose:</p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >asterisk 1</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >asterisk 2</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >asterisk 3</p
+	    ></li
+	  ></ul
+	><p
+	>Pluses tight:</p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  >Plus 1</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Plus 2</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Plus 3</li
+	  ></ul
+	><p
+	>Pluses loose:</p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Plus 1</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Plus 2</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Plus 3</p
+	    ></li
+	  ></ul
+	><p
+	>Minuses tight:</p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  >Minus 1</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Minus 2</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Minus 3</li
+	  ></ul
+	><p
+	>Minuses loose:</p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Minus 1</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Minus 2</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Minus 3</p
+	    ></li
+	  ></ul
+	></div
+      ><div id="ordered"
+      ><h2
+	>Ordered</h2
+	><p
+	>Tight:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  >First</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Second</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Third</li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>and:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  >One</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Two</li
+	  ><li
+	  >Three</li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>Loose using tabs:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >First</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Second</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Third</p
+	    ></li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>and using spaces:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >One</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Two</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Three</p
+	    ></li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>Multiple paragraphs:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Item 1, graf one.</p
+	    ><p
+	    >Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog&rsquo;s back.</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Item 2.</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Item 3.</p
+	    ></li
+	  ></ol
+	></div
+      ><div id="nested"
+      ><h2
+	>Nested</h2
+	><ul
-	      >Tab</li
+	      >Tab<ul
+		><li
+		  >Tab</li
+		  ></ul
+		></li
-	></li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s another:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      >First</li
-      ><li
-      >Second:<ul
-	><li
-	  >Fee</li
-	  ><li
-	  >Fie</li
-	  ><li
-	  >Foe</li
-	  ></ul
-	></li
-      ><li
-      >Third</li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >Same thing but with paragraphs:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>First</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Second:</p
-	><ul
-	><li
-	  >Fee</li
-	  ><li
-	  >Fie</li
-	  ><li
-	  >Foe</li
-	  ></ul
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>Third</p
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><h2 id="tabs-and-spaces"
-    >Tabs and spaces</h2
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      ><p
-	>this is a list item indented with tabs</p
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>this is a list item indented with spaces</p
-	><ul
-	><li
-	  ><p
-	    >this is an example list item indented with tabs</p
-	    ></li
-	  ><li
-	  ><p
-	    >this is an example list item indented with spaces</p
-	    ></li
-	  ></ul
-	></li
-      ></ul
-    ><h2 id="fancy-list-markers"
-    >Fancy list markers</h2
-    ><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      >begins with 2</li
-      ><li
-      ><p
-	>and now 3</p
-	>with a continuation</p
-	><ol start="4" style="list-style-type: lower-roman;"
+	>Here&rsquo;s another:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-	  >sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4</li
+	  >First</li
-	  >more items<ol style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;"
+	  >Second:<ul
-	      >a subsublist</li
+	      >Fee</li
-	      >a subsublist</li
-	      ></ol
+	      >Fie</li
+	      ><li
+	      >Foe</li
+	      ></ul
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  >Third</li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>Same thing but with paragraphs:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  ><p
+	    >First</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Second:</p
+	    ><ul
+	    ><li
+	      >Fee</li
+	      ><li
+	      >Fie</li
+	      ><li
+	      >Foe</li
+	      ></ul
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >Third</p
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >Nesting:</p
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;"
-    ><li
-      >Upper Alpha<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;"
+	></div
+      ><div id="tabs-and-spaces"
+      ><h2
+	>Tabs and spaces</h2
+	><ul
-	  >Upper Roman.<ol start="6" style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	  ><p
+	    >this is a list item indented with tabs</p
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >this is a list item indented with spaces</p
+	    ><ul
-	      >Decimal start with 6<ol start="3" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"
+	      ><p
+		>this is an example list item indented with tabs</p
+		></li
+	      ><li
+	      ><p
+		>this is an example list item indented with spaces</p
+		></li
+	      ></ul
+	    ></li
+	  ></ul
+	></div
+      ><div id="fancy-list-markers"
+      ><h2
+	>Fancy list markers</h2
+	><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+	><li
+	  >begins with 2</li
+	  ><li
+	  ><p
+	    >and now 3</p
+	    ><p
+	    >with a continuation</p
+	    ><ol start="4" style="list-style-type: lower-roman;"
+	    ><li
+	      >sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4</li
+	      ><li
+	      >more items<ol style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;"
-		  >Lower alpha with paren</li
+		  >a subsublist</li
+		  ><li
+		  >a subsublist</li
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >Autonumbering:</p
-    ><ol
-    ><li
-      >Autonumber.</li
-      ><li
-      >More.<ol
+	><p
+	>Nesting:</p
+	><ol style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;"
-	  >Nested.</li
+	  >Upper Alpha<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;"
+	    ><li
+	      >Upper Roman.<ol start="6" style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+		><li
+		  >Decimal start with 6<ol start="3" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"
+		    ><li
+		      >Lower alpha with paren</li
+		      ></ol
+		    ></li
+		  ></ol
+		></li
+	      ></ol
+	    ></li
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >Should not be a list item:</p
-    ><p
-    >M.A.&nbsp;2007</p
-    ><p
-    >B. Williams</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="definition-lists"
-    >Definition Lists</h1
-    ><p
-    >Tight using spaces:</p
-    ><dl
-    ><dt
-      >apple</dt
-      ><dd
-      >red fruit</dd
-      ><dt
-      >orange</dt
-      ><dd
-      >orange fruit</dd
-      ><dt
-      >banana</dt
-      ><dd
-      >yellow fruit</dd
-      ></dl
-    ><p
-    >Tight using tabs:</p
-    ><dl
-    ><dt
-      >apple</dt
-      ><dd
-      >red fruit</dd
-      ><dt
-      >orange</dt
-      ><dd
-      >orange fruit</dd
-      ><dt
-      >banana</dt
-      ><dd
-      >yellow fruit</dd
-      ></dl
-    ><p
-    >Loose:</p
-    ><dl
-    ><dt
-      >apple</dt
-      ><dd
-      ><p
-	>red fruit</p
-	></dd
-      ><dt
-      >orange</dt
-      ><dd
-      ><p
-	>orange fruit</p
-	></dd
-      ><dt
-      >banana</dt
-      ><dd
-      ><p
-	>yellow fruit</p
-	></dd
-      ></dl
-    ><p
-    >Multiple blocks with italics:</p
-    ><dl
-    ><dt
-      ><em
-	>apple</em
-	></dt
-      ><dd
-      ><p
-	>red fruit</p
-	>contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste</p
-	></dd
-      ><dt
-      ><em
-	>orange</em
-	></dt
-      ><dd
+	>Autonumbering:</p
+	><ol
+	><li
+	  >Autonumber.</li
+	  ><li
+	  >More.<ol
+	    ><li
+	      >Nested.</li
+	      ></ol
+	    ></li
+	  ></ol
+	><p
+	>Should not be a list item:</p
+	><p
+	>M.A.&nbsp;2007</p
+	><p
+	>B. Williams</p
+	><hr
+	 /></div
+      ></div
+    ><div id="definition-lists"
+    ><h1
+      >Definition Lists</h1
-	>orange fruit</p
-	><pre
-	><code
-	  >{ orange code block }
+      >Tight using spaces:</p
+      ><dl
+      ><dt
+	>apple</dt
+	><dd
+	>red fruit</dd
+	><dt
+	>orange</dt
+	><dd
+	>orange fruit</dd
+	><dt
+	>banana</dt
+	><dd
+	>yellow fruit</dd
+	></dl
+      ><p
+      >Tight using tabs:</p
+      ><dl
+      ><dt
+	>apple</dt
+	><dd
+	>red fruit</dd
+	><dt
+	>orange</dt
+	><dd
+	>orange fruit</dd
+	><dt
+	>banana</dt
+	><dd
+	>yellow fruit</dd
+	></dl
+      ><p
+      >Loose:</p
+      ><dl
+      ><dt
+	>apple</dt
+	><dd
+	><p
+	  >red fruit</p
+	  ></dd
+	><dt
+	>orange</dt
+	><dd
+	><p
+	  >orange fruit</p
+	  ></dd
+	><dt
+	>banana</dt
+	><dd
+	><p
+	  >yellow fruit</p
+	  ></dd
+	></dl
+      ><p
+      >Multiple blocks with italics:</p
+      ><dl
+      ><dt
+	><em
+	  >apple</em
+	  ></dt
+	><dd
+	><p
+	  >red fruit</p
+	  ><p
+	  >contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste</p
+	  ></dd
+	><dt
+	><em
+	  >orange</em
+	  ></dt
+	><dd
+	><p
+	  >orange fruit</p
+	  ><pre
+	  ><code
+	    >{ orange code block }
-	  ></pre
-	><blockquote
-	><p
-	  >orange block quote</p
-	  ></blockquote
-	></dd
-      ></dl
-    ><h1 id="html-blocks"
-    >HTML Blocks</h1
-    ><p
-    >Simple block on one line:</p
-    ><div>foo</div>
+	    ></pre
+	  ><blockquote
+	  ><p
+	    >orange block quote</p
+	    ></blockquote
+	  ></dd
+	></dl
+      ></div
+    ><div id="html-blocks"
+    ><h1
+      >HTML Blocks</h1
+      ><p
+      >Simple block on one line:</p
+      ><div>foo</div>
-    >And nested without indentation:</p
-    ><div>
+      >And nested without indentation:</p
+      ><div>
-    >Interpreted markdown in a table:</p
-    ><table>
+      >Interpreted markdown in a table:</p
+      ><table>
 <td>This is <em
-    >emphasized</em
-    ></td>
+      >emphasized</em
+      ></td>
 <td>And this is <strong
-    >strong</strong
-    ></td>
+      >strong</strong
+      ></td>
 <script type="text/javascript">document.write('This *should not* be interpreted as markdown');</script>
-    >Here&rsquo;s a simple block:</p
-    ><div>
+      >Here&rsquo;s a simple block:</p
+      ><div>
-    >This should be a code block, though:</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >&lt;div&gt;
+      >This should be a code block, though:</p
+      ><pre
+      ><code
+	>&lt;div&gt;
-      ></pre
-    ><p
-    >As should this:</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >&lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt;
+	></pre
+      ><p
+      >As should this:</p
+      ><pre
+      ><code
+	>&lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt;
-      ></pre
-    ><p
-    >Now, nested:</p
-    ><div>
+	></pre
+      ><p
+      >Now, nested:</p
+      ><div>
-    >This should just be an HTML comment:</p
-    ><!-- Comment -->
+      >This should just be an HTML comment:</p
+      ><!-- Comment -->
-    >Multiline:</p
-    ><!--
+      >Multiline:</p
+      ><!--
@@ -572,25 +611,25 @@ Blah
     This is another comment.
-    >Code block:</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >&lt;!-- Comment --&gt;
+      >Code block:</p
+      ><pre
+      ><code
+	>&lt;!-- Comment --&gt;
-      ></pre
-    ><p
-    >Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:</p
-    ><!-- foo -->   
+	></pre
+      ><p
+      >Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:</p
+      ><!-- foo -->   
-    >Code:</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >&lt;hr /&gt;
+      >Code:</p
+      ><pre
+      ><code
+	>&lt;hr /&gt;
-      ></pre
-    ><p
-    >Hr&rsquo;s:</p
-    ><hr>
+	></pre
+      ><p
+      >Hr&rsquo;s:</p
+      ><hr>
 <hr />
@@ -608,474 +647,497 @@ Blah
 <hr class="foo" id="bar">
-     /><h1 id="inline-markup"
-    >Inline Markup</h1
-    ><p
-    >This is <em
-      >emphasized</em
-      >, and so <em
-      >is this</em
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >This is <strong
-      >strong</strong
-      >, and so <strong
-      >is this</strong
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >An <em
-      ><a href="/url"
-	>emphasized link</a
-	></em
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><strong
-      ><em
-	>This is strong and em.</em
-	></strong
-      ></p
-    ><p
-    >So is <strong
-      ><em
-	>this</em
-	></strong
-      > word.</p
-    ><p
-    ><strong
-      ><em
-	>This is strong and em.</em
-	></strong
-      ></p
-    ><p
-    >So is <strong
-      ><em
-	>this</em
-	></strong
-      > word.</p
-    ><p
-    >This is code: <code
-      >&gt;</code
-      >, <code
-      >$</code
-      >, <code
-      >\</code
-      >, <code
-      >\$</code
-      >, <code
-      >&lt;html&gt;</code
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><span style="text-decoration: line-through;"
+       /></div
+    ><div id="inline-markup"
+    ><h1
+      >Inline Markup</h1
+      ><p
       >This is <em
-	>strikeout</em
-	>.</span
-      ></p
-    ><p
-    >Superscripts: a<sup
-      >bc</sup
-      >d a<sup
-      ><em
-	>hello</em
-	></sup
-      > a<sup
-      >hello&nbsp;there</sup
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Subscripts: H<sub
-      >2</sub
-      >O, H<sub
-      >23</sub
-      >O, H<sub
-      >many&nbsp;of&nbsp;them</sub
-      >O.</p
-    ><p
-    >These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="smart-quotes-ellipses-dashes"
-    >Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes</h1
-    ><p
-    >&ldquo;Hello,&rdquo; said the spider. &ldquo;&lsquo;Shelob&rsquo; is my name.&rdquo;</p
-    ><p
-    >&lsquo;A&rsquo;, &lsquo;B&rsquo;, and &lsquo;C&rsquo; are letters.</p
-    ><p
-    >&lsquo;Oak,&rsquo; &lsquo;elm,&rsquo; and &lsquo;beech&rsquo; are names of trees. So is &lsquo;pine.&rsquo;</p
-    ><p
-    >&lsquo;He said, &ldquo;I want to go.&rdquo;&rsquo; Were you alive in the 70&rsquo;s?</p
-    ><p
-    >Here is some quoted &lsquo;<code
-      >code</code
-      >&rsquo; and a &ldquo;<a href=";bar=2"
-      >quoted link</a
-      >&rdquo;.</p
-    ><p
-    >Some dashes: one&mdash;two &mdash; three&mdash;four &mdash; five.</p
-    ><p
-    >Dashes between numbers: 5&ndash;7, 255&ndash;66, 1987&ndash;1999.</p
-    ><p
-    >Ellipses&hellip;and&hellip;and&hellip;.</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="latex"
-    >LaTeX</h1
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      ></li
-      ><li
-      ><span class="math"
-	>2+2=4</span
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><span class="math"
+	>emphasized</em
+	>, and so <em
+	>is this</em
+	>.</p
+      ><p
+      >This is <strong
+	>strong</strong
+	>, and so <strong
+	>is this</strong
+	>.</p
+      ><p
+      >An <em
+	><a href="/url"
+	  >emphasized link</a
+	  ></em
+	>.</p
+      ><p
+      ><strong
-	  >x</em
-	  >&#8201;&#8712;&#8201;<em
-	  >y</em
-	  ></span
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><span class="math"
-	>&#945;&#8201;&#8743;&#8201;&#969;</span
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><span class="math"
-	>223</span
-	></li
-      ><li
-      ><span class="math"
+	  >This is strong and em.</em
+	  ></strong
+	></p
+      ><p
+      >So is <strong
-	  >p</em
-	  ></span
-	>-Tree</li
-      ><li
-      >Here&rsquo;s some display math: <span class="math"
-	>\frac{<em
-	  >d</em
-	  >}{<em
-	  >dx</em
-	  >}<em
-	  >f</em
-	  >(<em
-	  >x</em
-	  >)=\lim<sub
-	  ><em
-	    >h</em
-	    >&#8201;&#8594;&#8201;0</sub
-	  >\frac{<em
-	  >f</em
-	  >(<em
-	  >x</em
-	  >+<em
-	  >h</em
-	  >)-<em
-	  >f</em
-	  >(<em
-	  >x</em
-	  >)}{<em
-	  >h</em
-	  >}</span
-	></li
-      ><li
-      >Here&rsquo;s one that has a line break in it: <span class="math"
-	>&#945;+&#969;&#8201;×&#8201;<em
-	  >x</em
-	  ><sup
-	  >2</sup
-	  ></span
-	>.</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >These shouldn&rsquo;t be math:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >To get the famous equation, write <code
-	>$e = mc^2$</code
-	>.</li
-      ><li
-      >$22,000 is a <em
-	>lot</em
-	> of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if &ldquo;lot&rdquo; is emphasized.)</li
-      ><li
-      >Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).</li
-      ><li
-      >Escaped <code
+	  >this</em
+	  ></strong
+	> word.</p
+      ><p
+      ><strong
+	><em
+	  >This is strong and em.</em
+	  ></strong
+	></p
+      ><p
+      >So is <strong
+	><em
+	  >this</em
+	  ></strong
+	> word.</p
+      ><p
+      >This is code: <code
+	>&gt;</code
+	>, <code
-	>: $73 <em
-	>this should be emphasized</em
-	> 23$.</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s a LaTeX table:</p
-    ><p
-    ></p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="special-characters"
-    >Special Characters</h1
-    ><p
-    >Here is some unicode:</p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >I hat: Î</li
+	>, <code
+	>\</code
+	>, <code
+	>\$</code
+	>, <code
+	>&lt;html&gt;</code
+	>.</p
+      ><p
+      ><span style="text-decoration: line-through;"
+	>This is <em
+	  >strikeout</em
+	  >.</span
+	></p
+      ><p
+      >Superscripts: a<sup
+	>bc</sup
+	>d a<sup
+	><em
+	  >hello</em
+	  ></sup
+	> a<sup
+	>hello&nbsp;there</sup
+	>.</p
+      ><p
+      >Subscripts: H<sub
+	>2</sub
+	>O, H<sub
+	>23</sub
+	>O, H<sub
+	>many&nbsp;of&nbsp;them</sub
+	>O.</p
+      ><p
+      >These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.</p
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="smart-quotes-ellipses-dashes"
+    ><h1
+      >Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes</h1
+      ><p
+      >&ldquo;Hello,&rdquo; said the spider. &ldquo;&lsquo;Shelob&rsquo; is my name.&rdquo;</p
+      ><p
+      >&lsquo;A&rsquo;, &lsquo;B&rsquo;, and &lsquo;C&rsquo; are letters.</p
+      ><p
+      >&lsquo;Oak,&rsquo; &lsquo;elm,&rsquo; and &lsquo;beech&rsquo; are names of trees. So is &lsquo;pine.&rsquo;</p
+      ><p
+      >&lsquo;He said, &ldquo;I want to go.&rdquo;&rsquo; Were you alive in the 70&rsquo;s?</p
+      ><p
+      >Here is some quoted &lsquo;<code
+	>code</code
+	>&rsquo; and a &ldquo;<a href=";bar=2"
+	>quoted link</a
+	>&rdquo;.</p
+      ><p
+      >Some dashes: one&mdash;two &mdash; three&mdash;four &mdash; five.</p
+      ><p
+      >Dashes between numbers: 5&ndash;7, 255&ndash;66, 1987&ndash;1999.</p
+      ><p
+      >Ellipses&hellip;and&hellip;and&hellip;.</p
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="latex"
+    ><h1
+      >LaTeX</h1
+      ><ul
-      >o umlaut: ö</li
+	></li
+	><li
+	><span class="math"
+	  >2+2=4</span
+	  ></li
+	><li
+	><span class="math"
+	  ><em
+	    >x</em
+	    >&#8201;&#8712;&#8201;<em
+	    >y</em
+	    ></span
+	  ></li
+	><li
+	><span class="math"
+	  >&#945;&#8201;&#8743;&#8201;&#969;</span
+	  ></li
+	><li
+	><span class="math"
+	  >223</span
+	  ></li
+	><li
+	><span class="math"
+	  ><em
+	    >p</em
+	    ></span
+	  >-Tree</li
+	><li
+	>Here&rsquo;s some display math: <span class="math"
+	  >\frac{<em
+	    >d</em
+	    >}{<em
+	    >dx</em
+	    >}<em
+	    >f</em
+	    >(<em
+	    >x</em
+	    >)=\lim<sub
+	    ><em
+	      >h</em
+	      >&#8201;&#8594;&#8201;0</sub
+	    >\frac{<em
+	    >f</em
+	    >(<em
+	    >x</em
+	    >+<em
+	    >h</em
+	    >)-<em
+	    >f</em
+	    >(<em
+	    >x</em
+	    >)}{<em
+	    >h</em
+	    >}</span
+	  ></li
+	><li
+	>Here&rsquo;s one that has a line break in it: <span class="math"
+	  >&#945;+&#969;&#8201;×&#8201;<em
+	    >x</em
+	    ><sup
+	    >2</sup
+	    ></span
+	  >.</li
+	></ul
+      ><p
+      >These shouldn&rsquo;t be math:</p
+      ><ul
-      >section: §</li
-      ><li
-      >set membership: &#8712;</li
-      ><li
-      >copyright: ©</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.</p
-    ><p
-    >AT&amp;T is another way to write it.</p
-    ><p
-    >This &amp; that.</p
-    ><p
-    >4 &lt; 5.</p
-    ><p
-    >6 &gt; 5.</p
-    ><p
-    >Backslash: \</p
-    ><p
-    >Backtick: `</p
-    ><p
-    >Asterisk: *</p
-    ><p
-    >Underscore: _</p
-    ><p
-    >Left brace: {</p
-    ><p
-    >Right brace: }</p
-    ><p
-    >Left bracket: [</p
-    ><p
-    >Right bracket: ]</p
-    ><p
-    >Left paren: (</p
-    ><p
-    >Right paren: )</p
-    ><p
-    >Greater-than: &gt;</p
-    ><p
-    >Hash: #</p
-    ><p
-    >Period: .</p
-    ><p
-    >Bang: !</p
-    ><p
-    >Plus: +</p
-    ><p
-    >Minus: -</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="links"
-    >Links</h1
-    ><h2 id="explicit"
-    >Explicit</h2
-    ><p
-    >Just a <a href="/url/"
-      >URL</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/" title="title"
-      >URL and title</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/" title="title preceded by two spaces"
-      >URL and title</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/" title="title preceded by a tab"
-      >URL and title</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/" title="title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it"
-      >URL and title</a
+	>To get the famous equation, write <code
+	  >$e = mc^2$</code
+	  >.</li
+	><li
+	>$22,000 is a <em
+	  >lot</em
+	  > of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if &ldquo;lot&rdquo; is emphasized.)</li
+	><li
+	>Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).</li
+	><li
+	>Escaped <code
+	  >$</code
+	  >: $73 <em
+	  >this should be emphasized</em
+	  > 23$.</li
+	></ul
+      ><p
+      >Here&rsquo;s a LaTeX table:</p
+      ><p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/" title="title with single quotes"
-      >URL and title</a
-      ></p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/with_underscore"
-      >with_underscore</a
-      ></p
-    ><p
-    ><script type="text/javascript"
-      >
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="special-characters"
+    ><h1
+      >Special Characters</h1
+      ><p
+      >Here is some unicode:</p
+      ><ul
+      ><li
+	>I hat: Î</li
+	><li
+	>o umlaut: ö</li
+	><li
+	>section: §</li
+	><li
+	>set membership: &#8712;</li
+	><li
+	>copyright: ©</li
+	></ul
+      ><p
+      >AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.</p
+      ><p
+      >AT&amp;T is another way to write it.</p
+      ><p
+      >This &amp; that.</p
+      ><p
+      >4 &lt; 5.</p
+      ><p
+      >6 &gt; 5.</p
+      ><p
+      >Backslash: \</p
+      ><p
+      >Backtick: `</p
+      ><p
+      >Asterisk: *</p
+      ><p
+      >Underscore: _</p
+      ><p
+      >Left brace: {</p
+      ><p
+      >Right brace: }</p
+      ><p
+      >Left bracket: [</p
+      ><p
+      >Right bracket: ]</p
+      ><p
+      >Left paren: (</p
+      ><p
+      >Right paren: )</p
+      ><p
+      >Greater-than: &gt;</p
+      ><p
+      >Hash: #</p
+      ><p
+      >Period: .</p
+      ><p
+      >Bang: !</p
+      ><p
+      >Plus: +</p
+      ><p
+      >Minus: -</p
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="links"
+    ><h1
+      >Links</h1
+      ><div id="explicit"
+      ><h2
+	>Explicit</h2
+	><p
+	>Just a <a href="/url/"
+	  >URL</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/" title="title"
+	  >URL and title</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/" title="title preceded by two spaces"
+	  >URL and title</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/" title="title preceded by a tab"
+	  >URL and title</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/" title="title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it"
+	  >URL and title</a
+	  ></p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/" title="title with single quotes"
+	  >URL and title</a
+	  ></p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/with_underscore"
+	  >with_underscore</a
+	  ></p
+	><p
+	><script type="text/javascript"
+	  >
 document.write('<a h'+'ref'+'="ma'+'ilto'+':'+e+'">'+'Email link'+'<\/'+'a'+'>');
 // -->
-      ><noscript
-      >&#x45;&#x6d;&#x61;&#x69;&#108;&#32;&#108;&#x69;&#110;&#x6b;&#32;&#40;&#110;&#x6f;&#98;&#x6f;&#100;&#x79;&#32;&#x61;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x6f;&#x77;&#104;&#x65;&#114;&#x65;&#32;&#100;&#x6f;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x65;&#116;&#x29;</noscript
-      ></p
-    ><p
-    ><a href=""
-      >Empty</a
-      >.</p
-    ><h2 id="reference"
-    >Reference</h2
-    ><p
-    >Foo <a href="/url/"
-      >bar</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Foo <a href="/url/"
-      >bar</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Foo <a href="/url/"
-      >bar</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >With <a href="/url/"
-      >embedded [brackets]</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    ><a href="/url/"
-      >b</a
-      > by itself should be a link.</p
-    ><p
-    >Indented <a href="/url"
-      >once</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Indented <a href="/url"
-      >twice</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Indented <a href="/url"
-      >thrice</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >This should [not][] be a link.</p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >[not]: /url
-      ></pre
-    ><p
-    >Foo <a href="/url/" title="Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside"
-      >bar</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Foo <a href="/url/" title="Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside"
-      >biz</a
-      >.</p
-    ><h2 id="with-ampersands"
-    >With ampersands</h2
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s a <a href=";bar=2"
-      >link with an ampersand in the URL</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s a link with an amersand in the link text: <a href="" title="AT&amp;T"
-      >AT&amp;T</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s an <a href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2"
-      >inline link</a
-      >.</p
-    ><p
-    >Here&rsquo;s an <a href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2"
-      >inline link in pointy braces</a
-      >.</p
-    ><h2 id="autolinks"
-    >Autolinks</h2
-    ><p
-    >With an ampersand: <a href=";bar=2"
-      ><code
-	>;bar=2</code
-	></a
-      ></p
-    ><ul
-    ><li
-      >In a list?</li
-      ><li
-      ><a href=""
+	  ><noscript
+	  >&#x45;&#x6d;&#x61;&#x69;&#108;&#32;&#108;&#x69;&#110;&#x6b;&#32;&#40;&#110;&#x6f;&#98;&#x6f;&#100;&#x79;&#32;&#x61;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x6f;&#x77;&#104;&#x65;&#114;&#x65;&#32;&#100;&#x6f;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x65;&#116;&#x29;</noscript
+	  ></p
+	><p
+	><a href=""
+	  >Empty</a
+	  >.</p
+	></div
+      ><div id="reference"
+      ><h2
+	>Reference</h2
+	><p
+	>Foo <a href="/url/"
+	  >bar</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Foo <a href="/url/"
+	  >bar</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Foo <a href="/url/"
+	  >bar</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>With <a href="/url/"
+	  >embedded [brackets]</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	><a href="/url/"
+	  >b</a
+	  > by itself should be a link.</p
+	><p
+	>Indented <a href="/url"
+	  >once</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Indented <a href="/url"
+	  >twice</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Indented <a href="/url"
+	  >thrice</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>This should [not][] be a link.</p
+	><pre
-	  ></code
-	  ></a
-	></li
-      ><li
-      >It should.</li
-      ></ul
-    ><p
-    >An e-mail address: <script type="text/javascript"
-      >
+	  >[not]: /url
+	  ></pre
+	><p
+	>Foo <a href="/url/" title="Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside"
+	  >bar</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Foo <a href="/url/" title="Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside"
+	  >biz</a
+	  >.</p
+	></div
+      ><div id="with-ampersands"
+      ><h2
+	>With ampersands</h2
+	><p
+	>Here&rsquo;s a <a href=";bar=2"
+	  >link with an ampersand in the URL</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Here&rsquo;s a link with an amersand in the link text: <a href="" title="AT&amp;T"
+	  >AT&amp;T</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Here&rsquo;s an <a href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2"
+	  >inline link</a
+	  >.</p
+	><p
+	>Here&rsquo;s an <a href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2"
+	  >inline link in pointy braces</a
+	  >.</p
+	></div
+      ><div id="autolinks"
+      ><h2
+	>Autolinks</h2
+	><p
+	>With an ampersand: <a href=";bar=2"
+	  ><code
+	    >;bar=2</code
+	    ></a
+	  ></p
+	><ul
+	><li
+	  >In a list?</li
+	  ><li
+	  ><a href=""
+	    ><code
+	      ></code
+	      ></a
+	    ></li
+	  ><li
+	  >It should.</li
+	  ></ul
+	><p
+	>An e-mail address: <script type="text/javascript"
+	  >
 document.write('<a h'+'ref'+'="ma'+'ilto'+':'+e+'">'+'<code>'+e+'</code>'+'<\/'+'a'+'>');
 // -->
-      ><noscript
-      >&#110;&#x6f;&#98;&#x6f;&#100;&#x79;&#32;&#x61;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x6f;&#x77;&#104;&#x65;&#114;&#x65;&#32;&#100;&#x6f;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x65;&#116;</noscript
-      ></p
-    ><blockquote
-    ><p
-      >Blockquoted: <a href=""
+	  ><noscript
+	  >&#110;&#x6f;&#98;&#x6f;&#100;&#x79;&#32;&#x61;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x6f;&#x77;&#104;&#x65;&#114;&#x65;&#32;&#100;&#x6f;&#116;&#32;&#110;&#x65;&#116;</noscript
+	  ></p
+	><blockquote
+	><p
+	  >Blockquoted: <a href=""
+	    ><code
+	      ></code
+	      ></a
+	    ></p
+	  ></blockquote
+	><p
+	>Auto-links should not occur here: <code
+	  >&lt;;</code
+	  ></p
+	><pre
-	  ></code
-	  ></a
-	></p
-      ></blockquote
-    ><p
-    >Auto-links should not occur here: <code
-      >&lt;;</code
-      ></p
-    ><pre
-    ><code
-      >or here: &lt;;
+	  >or here: &lt;;
-      ></pre
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="images"
-    >Images</h1
-    ><p
-    >From &ldquo;Voyage dans la Lune&rdquo; by Georges Melies (1902):</p
-    ><p
-    ><img src="lalune.jpg" title="Voyage dans la Lune" alt="lalune"
-       /></p
-    ><p
-    >Here is a movie <img src="movie.jpg" alt="movie"
-       /> icon.</p
-    ><hr
-     /><h1 id="footnotes"
-    >Footnotes</h1
-    ><p
-    >Here is a footnote reference,<a href="#fn1" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref1"
-      ><sup
-	>1</sup
-	></a
-      > and another.<a href="#fn2" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref2"
-      ><sup
-	>2</sup
-	></a
-      > This should <em
-      >not</em
-      > be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline note.<a href="#fn3" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref3"
-      ><sup
-	>3</sup
-	></a
-      ></p
-    ><blockquote
-    ><p
-      >Notes can go in quotes.<a href="#fn4" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref4"
+	  ></pre
+	><hr
+	 /></div
+      ></div
+    ><div id="images"
+    ><h1
+      >Images</h1
+      ><p
+      >From &ldquo;Voyage dans la Lune&rdquo; by Georges Melies (1902):</p
+      ><p
+      ><img src="lalune.jpg" title="Voyage dans la Lune" alt="lalune"
+	 /></p
+      ><p
+      >Here is a movie <img src="movie.jpg" alt="movie"
+	 /> icon.</p
+      ><hr
+       /></div
+    ><div id="footnotes"
+    ><h1
+      >Footnotes</h1
+      ><p
+      >Here is a footnote reference,<a href="#fn1" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref1"
-	  >4</sup
+	  >1</sup
+	  ></a
+	> and another.<a href="#fn2" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref2"
+	><sup
+	  >2</sup
+	  ></a
+	> This should <em
+	>not</em
+	> be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline note.<a href="#fn3" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref3"
+	><sup
+	  >3</sup
-      ></blockquote
-    ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
-    ><li
-      >And in list items.<a href="#fn5" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref5"
-	><sup
-	  >5</sup
-	  ></a
-	></li
-      ></ol
-    ><p
-    >This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.</p
+      ><blockquote
+      ><p
+	>Notes can go in quotes.<a href="#fn4" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref4"
+	  ><sup
+	    >4</sup
+	    ></a
+	  ></p
+	></blockquote
+      ><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"
+      ><li
+	>And in list items.<a href="#fn5" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref5"
+	  ><sup
+	    >5</sup
+	    ></a
+	  ></li
+	></ol
+      ><p
+      >This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.</p
+      ></div
     ><div class="footnotes"