LaTeX writer: Include inline code attributes with --listings.

Closes #5420.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2019-06-07 10:03:10 -07:00
parent 20503894f3
commit d8b4e45be0
2 changed files with 18 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1148,14 +1148,22 @@ inlineToLaTeX (Cite cits lst) = do
Biblatex -> citationsToBiblatex cits
_ -> inlineListToLaTeX lst
inlineToLaTeX (Code (_,classes,_) str) = do
inlineToLaTeX (Code (_,classes,kvs) str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
inHeading <- gets stInHeading
inItem <- gets stInItem
let listingsCode = do
let listingsopt = case getListingsLanguage classes of
Just l -> "[language=" ++ mbBraced l ++ "]"
Nothing -> ""
let listingsopts = (case getListingsLanguage classes of
Just l -> (("language", mbBraced l):)
Nothing -> id) $
[(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs
, k `notElem` ["exports","tangle","results"]]
let listingsopt = if null listingsopts
then ""
else "[" ++
intercalate ", "
(map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v)
listingsopts) ++ "]"
inNote <- gets stInNote
when inNote $ modify $ \s -> s{ stVerbInNote = True }
let chr = case "!\"'()*,-./:;?@" \\ str of

test/command/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
% pandoc --listings -t latex
`int a = 1;`{.cpp style=cpp}
\passthrough{\lstinline[language={C++}, style=cpp]!int a = 1;!}