Org reader: apply hlint suggestions

This commit is contained in:
Albert Krewinkel 2017-06-02 23:54:15 +02:00
parent b61a51ee15
commit d55f01c65f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 388DC0B21F631124
7 changed files with 84 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ gridTableStart = try $ skipSpaces <* char '+' <* char '-'
latexEnvStart :: Monad m => OrgParser m String
latexEnvStart = try $ do
latexEnvStart = try $
skipSpaces *> string "\\begin{"
*> latexEnvName
<* string "}"
@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ orderedListStart = genericListStart orderedListMarker
where orderedListMarker = mappend <$> many1 digit <*> (pure <$> oneOf ".)")
drawerStart :: Monad m => OrgParser m String
drawerStart = try $
skipSpaces *> drawerName <* skipSpaces <* newline
drawerStart = try $ skipSpaces *> drawerName <* skipSpaces <* newline
where drawerName = char ':' *> manyTill nonspaceChar (char ':')
metaLineStart :: Monad m => OrgParser m ()
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ noteMarker = try $ do
-- | Succeeds if the parser is at the end of a block.
endOfBlock :: Monad m => OrgParser m ()
endOfBlock = lookAhead . try $ do
endOfBlock = lookAhead . try $
void blankline <|> anyBlockStart
-- Succeeds if there is a new block starting at this position.

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@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.Blocks
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Albert Krewinkel
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ import Control.Monad (foldM, guard, mzero, void)
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Data.List (foldl', isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ data BlockAttributes = BlockAttributes
-- | Convert BlockAttributes into pandoc Attr
attrFromBlockAttributes :: BlockAttributes -> Attr
attrFromBlockAttributes (BlockAttributes{..}) =
attrFromBlockAttributes BlockAttributes{..} =
ident = fromMaybe mempty $ lookup "id" blockAttrKeyValues
classes = case lookup "class" blockAttrKeyValues of
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ blockAttributes = try $ do
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just s -> Just <$> parseFromString inlines (s ++ "\n")
kvAttrs' <- parseFromString keyValues . (++ "\n") $ fromMaybe mempty kvAttrs
return $ BlockAttributes
return BlockAttributes
{ blockAttrName = name
, blockAttrLabel = label
, blockAttrCaption = caption'
@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ orgBlock = try $ do
blockAttrs <- blockAttributes
blkType <- blockHeaderStart
($ blkType) $
case (map toLower blkType) of
case map toLower blkType of
"export" -> exportBlock
"comment" -> rawBlockLines (const mempty)
"html" -> rawBlockLines (return . B.rawBlock (lowercase blkType))
@ -208,10 +207,10 @@ orgBlock = try $ do
lowercase = map toLower
rawBlockLines :: Monad m => (String -> F Blocks) -> String -> OrgParser m (F Blocks)
rawBlockLines f blockType = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> rawBlockContent blockType))
rawBlockLines f blockType = ignHeaders *> (f <$> rawBlockContent blockType)
parseBlockLines :: PandocMonad m => (F Blocks -> F Blocks) -> String -> OrgParser m (F Blocks)
parseBlockLines f blockType = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> parsedBlockContent))
parseBlockLines f blockType = ignHeaders *> (f <$> parsedBlockContent)
parsedBlockContent :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
parsedBlockContent = try $ do
@ -239,8 +238,7 @@ rawBlockContent blockType = try $ do
stripIndent strs = map (drop (shortestIndent strs)) strs
shortestIndent :: [String] -> Int
shortestIndent = foldr min maxBound
. map (length . takeWhile isSpace)
shortestIndent = foldr (min . length . takeWhile isSpace) maxBound
. filter (not . null)
tabsToSpaces :: Int -> String -> String
@ -336,13 +334,13 @@ codeHeaderArgs = try $ do
language <- skipSpaces *> orgArgWord
(switchClasses, switchKv) <- switchesAsAttributes
parameters <- manyTill blockOption newline
return $ ( translateLang language : switchClasses
return ( translateLang language : switchClasses
, originalLang language <> switchKv <> parameters
switchesAsAttributes :: Monad m => OrgParser m ([String], [(String, String)])
switchesAsAttributes = try $ do
switches <- skipSpaces *> (try $ switch `sepBy` (many1 spaceChar))
switches <- skipSpaces *> try (switch `sepBy` many1 spaceChar)
return $ foldr addToAttr ([], []) switches
addToAttr :: (Char, Maybe String, SwitchPolarity)
@ -350,7 +348,7 @@ switchesAsAttributes = try $ do
-> ([String], [(String, String)])
addToAttr ('n', lineNum, pol) (cls, kv) =
let kv' = case lineNum of
Just num -> (("startFrom", num):kv)
Just num -> ("startFrom", num):kv
Nothing -> kv
cls' = case pol of
SwitchPlus -> "continuedSourceBlock":cls
@ -382,7 +380,7 @@ genericSwitch :: Monad m
genericSwitch c p = try $ do
polarity <- switchPolarity <* char c <* skipSpaces
arg <- optionMaybe p
return $ (c, arg, polarity)
return (c, arg, polarity)
-- | Reads a line number switch option. The line number switch can be used with
-- example and source blocks.
@ -402,8 +400,8 @@ orgParamValue = try $
*> noneOf "\n\r" `many1Till` endOfValue
<* skipSpaces
endOfValue = lookAhead $ (try $ skipSpaces <* oneOf "\n\r")
<|> (try $ skipSpaces1 <* orgArgKey)
endOfValue = lookAhead $ try (skipSpaces <* oneOf "\n\r")
<|> try (skipSpaces1 <* orgArgKey)
@ -421,7 +419,7 @@ genericDrawer = try $ do
-- Include drawer if it is explicitly included in or not explicitly excluded
-- from the list of drawers that should be exported. PROPERTIES drawers are
-- never exported.
case (exportDrawers . orgStateExportSettings $ state) of
case exportDrawers . orgStateExportSettings $ state of
_ | name == "PROPERTIES" -> return mempty
Left names | name `elem` names -> return mempty
Right names | name `notElem` names -> return mempty
@ -455,7 +453,7 @@ figure = try $ do
Nothing -> mzero
Just imgSrc -> do
guard (isImageFilename imgSrc)
let isFigure = not . isNothing $ blockAttrCaption figAttrs
let isFigure = isJust $ blockAttrCaption figAttrs
return $ imageBlock isFigure figAttrs imgSrc
selfTarget :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m String
@ -490,8 +488,7 @@ endOfParagraph = try $ skipSpaces *> newline *> endOfBlock
-- | Example code marked up by a leading colon.
example :: Monad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
example = try $ do
returnF . exampleCode =<< unlines <$> many1 exampleLine
example = try $ returnF . exampleCode =<< unlines <$> many1 exampleLine
exampleLine :: Monad m => OrgParser m String
exampleLine = try $ exampleLineStart *> anyLine
@ -514,7 +511,7 @@ include = try $ do
filename <- includeTarget
blockType <- optionMaybe $ skipSpaces *> many1 alphaNum
blocksParser <- case blockType of
Just "example" -> do
Just "example" ->
return $ pure . B.codeBlock <$> parseRaw
Just "export" -> do
format <- skipSpaces *> many (noneOf "\n\r\t ")
@ -580,8 +577,8 @@ orgTable :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
orgTable = try $ do
-- don't allow a table on the first line of a list item; org requires that
-- tables start at first non-space character on the line
let isFirstInListItem st = (orgStateParserContext st == ListItemState) &&
(orgStateLastPreCharPos st == Nothing)
let isFirstInListItem st = orgStateParserContext st == ListItemState &&
isNothing (orgStateLastPreCharPos st)
guard =<< not . isFirstInListItem <$> getState
blockAttrs <- blockAttributes
lookAhead tableStart
@ -594,7 +591,7 @@ orgToPandocTable :: OrgTable
-> Inlines
-> Blocks
orgToPandocTable (OrgTable colProps heads lns) caption =
let totalWidth = if any (not . isNothing) (map columnRelWidth colProps)
let totalWidth = if any isJust (map columnRelWidth colProps)
then Just . sum $ map (fromMaybe 1 . columnRelWidth) colProps
else Nothing
in B.table caption (map (convertColProp totalWidth) colProps) heads lns
@ -604,7 +601,7 @@ orgToPandocTable (OrgTable colProps heads lns) caption =
align' = fromMaybe AlignDefault $ columnAlignment colProp
width' = fromMaybe 0 $ (\w t -> (fromIntegral w / fromIntegral t))
<$> (columnRelWidth colProp)
<$> columnRelWidth colProp
<*> totalWidth
in (align', width')
@ -630,7 +627,7 @@ tableAlignRow = try $ do
columnPropertyCell :: Monad m => OrgParser m ColumnProperty
columnPropertyCell = emptyCell <|> propCell <?> "alignment info"
emptyCell = ColumnProperty Nothing Nothing <$ (try $ skipSpaces *> endOfCell)
emptyCell = ColumnProperty Nothing Nothing <$ try (skipSpaces *> endOfCell)
propCell = try $ ColumnProperty
<$> (skipSpaces
*> char '<'
@ -684,7 +681,7 @@ rowToContent tbl row =
singleRowPromotedToHeader :: OrgTable
singleRowPromotedToHeader = case tbl of
OrgTable{ orgTableHeader = [], orgTableRows = b:[] } ->
OrgTable{ orgTableHeader = [], orgTableRows = [b] } ->
tbl{ orgTableHeader = b , orgTableRows = [] }
_ -> tbl
@ -739,7 +736,7 @@ noteBlock = try $ do
paraOrPlain :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
paraOrPlain = try $ do
-- Make sure we are not looking at a headline
notFollowedBy' (char '*' *> (oneOf " *"))
notFollowedBy' (char '*' *> oneOf " *")
ils <- inlines
nl <- option False (newline *> return True)
-- Read block as paragraph, except if we are in a list context and the block
@ -748,7 +745,7 @@ paraOrPlain = try $ do
try (guard nl
*> notFollowedBy (inList *> (() <$ orderedListStart <|> bulletListStart))
*> return (B.para <$> ils))
<|> (return (B.plain <$> ils))
<|> return (B.plain <$> ils)
@ -760,16 +757,16 @@ list = choice [ definitionList, bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"
definitionList :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
definitionList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
fmap B.definitionList . fmap compactifyDL . sequence
fmap (B.definitionList . compactifyDL) . sequence
<$> many1 (definitionListItem $ bulletListStart' (Just n))
bulletList :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
bulletList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
fmap B.bulletList . fmap compactify . sequence
fmap (B.bulletList . compactify) . sequence
<$> many1 (listItem (bulletListStart' $ Just n))
orderedList :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
orderedList = fmap B.orderedList . fmap compactify . sequence
orderedList = fmap (B.orderedList . compactify) . sequence
<$> many1 (listItem orderedListStart)
bulletListStart' :: Monad m => Maybe Int -> OrgParser m Int

View file

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.DocumentTree
, headlineToBlocks
) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad (guard, void)
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import Data.List ( intersperse )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks, Inlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ headline blocks inline lvl = try $ do
title' <- title
contents' <- contents
children' <- sequence children
return $ Headline
return Headline
{ headlineLevel = level
, headlineTodoMarker = todoKw
, headlineText = title'
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ headline blocks inline lvl = try $ do
-- | Convert an Org mode headline (i.e. a document tree) into pandoc's Blocks
headlineToBlocks :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
headlineToBlocks hdln@(Headline {..}) = do
headlineToBlocks hdln@Headline {..} = do
maxHeadlineLevels <- getExportSetting exportHeadlineLevels
case () of
_ | any isNoExportTag headlineTags -> return mempty
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ archivedHeadlineToBlocks hdln = do
ArchivedTreesHeadlineOnly -> headlineToHeader hdln
headlineToHeaderWithList :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
headlineToHeaderWithList hdln@(Headline {..}) = do
headlineToHeaderWithList hdln@Headline {..} = do
maxHeadlineLevels <- getExportSetting exportHeadlineLevels
header <- headlineToHeader hdln
listElements <- mapM headlineToBlocks headlineChildren
@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ headlineToHeaderWithList hdln@(Headline {..}) = do
_ -> mempty
headlineToHeaderWithContents :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
headlineToHeaderWithContents hdln@(Headline {..}) = do
headlineToHeaderWithContents hdln@Headline {..} = do
header <- headlineToHeader hdln
childrenBlocks <- mconcat <$> mapM headlineToBlocks headlineChildren
return $ header <> headlineContents <> childrenBlocks
headlineToHeader :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
headlineToHeader (Headline {..}) = do
headlineToHeader Headline {..} = do
exportTodoKeyword <- getExportSetting exportWithTodoKeywords
exportTags <- getExportSetting exportWithTags
let todoText = if exportTodoKeyword
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ headlineToHeader (Headline {..}) = do
todoKeyword :: Monad m => OrgParser m TodoMarker
todoKeyword = try $ do
taskStates <- activeTodoMarkers <$> getState
let kwParser tdm = try $ (tdm <$ string (todoMarkerName tdm) <* spaceChar)
let kwParser tdm = try (tdm <$ string (todoMarkerName tdm) <* spaceChar)
choice (map kwParser taskStates)
todoKeywordToInlines :: TodoMarker -> Inlines
@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ todoKeywordToInlines tdm =
propertiesToAttr :: Properties -> Attr
propertiesToAttr properties =
toStringPair prop = (fromKey (fst prop), fromValue (snd prop))
toStringPair = fromKey *** fromValue
customIdKey = toPropertyKey "custom_id"
classKey = toPropertyKey "class"
unnumberedKey = toPropertyKey "unnumbered"
specialProperties = [customIdKey, classKey, unnumberedKey]
id' = fromMaybe mempty . fmap fromValue . lookup customIdKey $ properties
cls = fromMaybe mempty . fmap fromValue . lookup classKey $ properties
id' = maybe mempty fromValue . lookup customIdKey $ properties
cls = maybe mempty fromValue . lookup classKey $ properties
kvs' = map toStringPair . filter ((`notElem` specialProperties) . fst)
$ properties
isUnnumbered =
fromMaybe False . fmap isNonNil . lookup unnumberedKey $ properties
maybe False isNonNil . lookup unnumberedKey $ properties
(id', words cls ++ (if isUnnumbered then ["unnumbered"] else []), kvs')
(id', words cls ++ ["unnumbered" | isUnnumbered], kvs')
tagsToInlines :: [Tag] -> Inlines
tagsToInlines [] = mempty
@ -302,4 +302,3 @@ propertiesDrawer = try $ do
endOfDrawer :: Monad m => OrgParser m String
endOfDrawer = try $
skipSpaces *> stringAnyCase ":END:" <* skipSpaces <* newline

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (inlineCommand, rawLaTeXInline)
import Text.TeXMath (DisplayType (..), readTeX, writePandoc)
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap as MathMLEntityMap
import Control.Monad (guard, mplus, mzero, void, when)
import Control.Monad (guard, mplus, mzero, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isSpace)
import Data.List (intersperse)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (sequence)
recordAnchorId :: PandocMonad m => String -> OrgParser m ()
recordAnchorId i = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateAnchorIds = i : (orgStateAnchorIds s) }
s{ orgStateAnchorIds = i : orgStateAnchorIds s }
pushToInlineCharStack :: PandocMonad m => Char -> OrgParser m ()
pushToInlineCharStack c = updateState $ \s ->
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ cite = try $ berkeleyCite <|> do
, orgRefCite
, berkeleyTextualCite
return $ (flip B.cite (B.text raw)) <$> cs
return $ flip B.cite (B.text raw) <$> cs
-- | A citation in Pandoc Org-mode style (@[prefix \@citekey suffix]@).
pandocOrgCite :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F [Citation])
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ normalOrgRefCite = try $ do
orgRefCiteList :: PandocMonad m => CitationMode -> OrgParser m (F Citation)
orgRefCiteList citeMode = try $ do
key <- orgRefCiteKey
returnF $ Citation
returnF Citation
{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = mempty
, citationSuffix = mempty
@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ berkeleyCite = try $ do
return $
if parens
then toCite
. maybe id (\p -> alterFirst (prependPrefix p)) prefix
. maybe id (\s -> alterLast (appendSuffix s)) suffix
. maybe id (alterFirst . prependPrefix) prefix
. maybe id (alterLast . appendSuffix) suffix
$ citationList
else maybe mempty (<> " ") prefix
<> (toListOfCites $ map toInTextMode citationList)
<> toListOfCites (map toInTextMode citationList)
<> maybe mempty (", " <>) suffix
toCite :: [Citation] -> Inlines
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ berkeleyCite = try $ do
alterFirst, alterLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
alterFirst _ [] = []
alterFirst f (c:cs) = (f c):cs
alterFirst f (c:cs) = f c : cs
alterLast f = reverse . alterFirst f . reverse
prependPrefix, appendSuffix :: Inlines -> Citation -> Citation
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ berkeleyCitationList = try $ do
commonPrefix <- optionMaybe (try $ citationListPart <* char ';')
citations <- citeList
commonSuffix <- optionMaybe (try $ citationListPart)
commonSuffix <- optionMaybe (try citationListPart)
char ']'
return (BerkeleyCitationList parens
<$> sequence commonPrefix
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ orgRefCiteKey =
isCiteKeySpecialChar c = c `elem` citeKeySpecialChars
isCiteKeyChar c = isAlphaNum c || isCiteKeySpecialChar c
in try $ many1Till (satisfy $ isCiteKeyChar)
in try $ many1Till (satisfy isCiteKeyChar)
$ try . lookAhead $ do
many . satisfy $ isCiteKeySpecialChar
satisfy $ not . isCiteKeyChar
@ -374,7 +374,8 @@ citation = try $ do
return $ do
x <- pref
y <- suff
return $ Citation{ citationId = key
return Citation
{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = B.toList x
, citationSuffix = B.toList y
, citationMode = if suppress_author
@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ inlineNote = try $ do
ref <- many alphaNum
char ':'
note <- fmap B.para . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1Till inline (char ']')
when (not $ null ref) $
unless (null ref) $
addToNotesTable ("fn:" ++ ref, note)
return $ B.note <$> note
@ -780,7 +781,7 @@ notAfterForbiddenBorderChar = do
-- | Read a sub- or superscript expression
subOrSuperExpr :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Inlines)
subOrSuperExpr = try $
choice [ id <$> charsInBalanced '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
choice [ charsInBalanced '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
, enclosing ('(', ')') <$> charsInBalanced '(' ')' (noneOf "\n\r")
, simpleSubOrSuperString
] >>= parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline)
@ -818,7 +819,7 @@ inlineLaTeX = try $ do
enableExtension Ext_raw_tex (readerExtensions def) } }
texMathToPandoc :: String -> Maybe [Inline]
texMathToPandoc cs = (maybeRight $ readTeX cs) >>= writePandoc DisplayInline
texMathToPandoc cs = maybeRight (readTeX cs) >>= writePandoc DisplayInline
maybeRight :: Either a b -> Maybe b
maybeRight = either (const Nothing) Just
@ -869,21 +870,19 @@ macro = try $ do
eoa = string ")}}}"
smart :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Inlines)
smart = do
doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted <|>
choice (map (return <$>) [orgApostrophe, orgDash, orgEllipses])
smart = choice [doubleQuoted, singleQuoted, orgApostrophe, orgDash, orgEllipses]
orgDash = do
guardOrSmartEnabled =<< getExportSetting exportSpecialStrings
dash <* updatePositions '-'
pure <$> dash <* updatePositions '-'
orgEllipses = do
guardOrSmartEnabled =<< getExportSetting exportSpecialStrings
ellipses <* updatePositions '.'
pure <$> ellipses <* updatePositions '.'
orgApostrophe = do
guardEnabled Ext_smart
(char '\'' <|> char '\8217') <* updateLastPreCharPos
<* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
return (B.str "\x2019")
returnF (B.str "\x2019")
guardOrSmartEnabled :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> OrgParser m ()
guardOrSmartEnabled b = do
@ -908,6 +907,9 @@ doubleQuoted = try $ do
updatePositions '"'
contents <- mconcat <$> many (try $ notFollowedBy doubleQuoteEnd >> inline)
(withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ (doubleQuoteEnd <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos) >> return
(fmap B.doubleQuoted . trimInlinesF $ contents))
<|> (return $ return (B.str "\8220") <> contents)
let doubleQuotedContent = withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ do
return . fmap B.doubleQuoted . trimInlinesF $ contents
let leftQuoteAndContent = return $ pure (B.str "\8220") <> contents
doubleQuotedContent <|> leftQuoteAndContent

View file

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ metaKey = map toLower <$> many1 (noneOf ": \n\r")
<* char ':'
<* skipSpaces
metaValue :: PandocMonad m => String -> OrgParser m (String, (F MetaValue))
metaValue :: PandocMonad m => String -> OrgParser m (String, F MetaValue)
metaValue key =
let inclKey = "header-includes"
in case key of
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ metaInlines = fmap (MetaInlines . B.toList) <$> inlinesTillNewline
metaInlinesCommaSeparated :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F MetaValue)
metaInlinesCommaSeparated = do
itemStrs <- (many1 (noneOf ",\n")) `sepBy1` (char ',')
itemStrs <- many1 (noneOf ",\n") `sepBy1` char ','
items <- mapM (parseFromString inlinesTillNewline . (++ "\n")) itemStrs
let toMetaInlines = MetaInlines . B.toList
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ addLinkFormat key formatter = updateState $ \s ->
let fs = orgStateLinkFormatters s
in s{ orgStateLinkFormatters = M.insert key formatter fs }
parseLinkFormat :: Monad m => OrgParser m ((String, String -> String))
parseLinkFormat :: Monad m => OrgParser m (String, String -> String)
parseLinkFormat = try $ do
linkType <- (:) <$> letter <*> many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_") <* skipSpaces
linkSubst <- parseFormat
@ -172,8 +172,7 @@ parseLinkFormat = try $ do
-- | An ad-hoc, single-argument-only implementation of a printf-style format
-- parser.
parseFormat :: Monad m => OrgParser m (String -> String)
parseFormat = try $ do
replacePlain <|> replaceUrl <|> justAppend
parseFormat = try $ replacePlain <|> replaceUrl <|> justAppend
-- inefficient, but who cares
replacePlain = try $ (\x -> concat . flip intersperse x)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Albert Krewinkel <>

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ cleanLinkString s =
'.':'/':_ -> Just s -- relative path
'.':'.':'/':_ -> Just s -- relative path
-- Relative path or URL (file schema)
'f':'i':'l':'e':':':s' -> Just $ if ("//" `isPrefixOf` s') then s else s'
'f':'i':'l':'e':':':s' -> Just $ if "//" `isPrefixOf` s' then s else s'
_ | isUrl s -> Just s -- URL
_ -> Nothing