Revert "LaTeX reader: Use new suppressParens option for footnote citations."
This reverts commit 7499499b68
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 77 additions and 82 deletions
@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ getCitation i | Cite t _ <- i = [t]
| otherwise = []
setHash :: Citation -> State Int Citation
setHash c = do
setHash (Citation i p s cm nn _) = do
ident <- get
put $ ident + 1
return c{ citationHash = ident }
return $ Citation i p s cm nn ident
toCslCite :: Citation -> CSL.Cite
toCslCite c
@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ toCslCite c
, CSL.citeNoteNumber = show $ citationNoteNum c
, CSL.authorInText = fst citMode
, CSL.suppressAuthor = snd citMode
, CSL.suppressParens = citationSuppressParens c
, CSL.citeHash = citationHash c
@ -427,61 +427,65 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList $
, ("includegraphics", skipopts *> (unescapeURL <$> braced) >>=
(\src -> pure (image src "" (str "image"))))
, ("enquote", enquote)
, ("cite", citation "cite" AuthorInText False False)
, ("citep", citation "citep" NormalCitation False False)
, ("citep*", citation "citep*" NormalCitation False False)
, ("citeal", citation "citeal" NormalCitation False False)
, ("citealp", citation "citealp" NormalCitation False False)
, ("citealp*", citation "citealp*" NormalCitation False False)
, ("autocite", citation "autocite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("footcite", citation "footcite" NormalCitation False True)
, ("parencite", citation "parencite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("supercite", citation "supercite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("footcitetext", citation "footcitetext" NormalCitation False True)
, ("citeyearpar", citation "citeyearpar" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("citeyear", citation "citeyear" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("autocite*", citation "autocite*" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("cite*", citation "cite*" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("parencite*", citation "parencite*" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("textcite", citation "textcite" AuthorInText False False)
, ("citet", citation "citet" AuthorInText False False)
, ("citet*", citation "citet*" AuthorInText False False)
, ("citealt", citation "citealt" AuthorInText False False)
, ("citealt*", citation "citealt*" AuthorInText False False)
, ("textcites", citation "textcites" AuthorInText True False)
, ("cites", citation "cites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("autocites", citation "autocites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("footcites", citation "footcites" NormalCitation True True)
, ("parencites", citation "parencites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("supercites", citation "supercites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("footcitetexts", citation "footcitetexts" NormalCitation True True)
, ("Autocite", citation "Autocite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("Footcite", citation "Footcite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("Parencite", citation "Parencite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("Supercite", citation "Supercite" NormalCitation False False)
, ("Footcitetext", citation "Footcitetext" NormalCitation False True)
, ("Citeyearpar", citation "Citeyearpar" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("Citeyear", citation "Citeyear" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("Autocite*", citation "Autocite*" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("Cite*", citation "Cite*" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("Parencite*", citation "Parencite*" SuppressAuthor False False)
, ("Textcite", citation "Textcite" AuthorInText False False)
, ("Textcites", citation "Textcites" AuthorInText True False)
, ("Cites", citation "Cites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("Autocites", citation "Autocites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("Footcites", citation "Footcites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("Parencites", citation "Parencites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("Supercites", citation "Supercites" NormalCitation True False)
, ("Footcitetexts", citation "Footcitetexts" NormalCitation True True)
, ("cite", citation "cite" AuthorInText False)
, ("citep", citation "citep" NormalCitation False)
, ("citep*", citation "citep*" NormalCitation False)
, ("citeal", citation "citeal" NormalCitation False)
, ("citealp", citation "citealp" NormalCitation False)
, ("citealp*", citation "citealp*" NormalCitation False)
, ("autocite", citation "autocite" NormalCitation False)
, ("footcite", inNote <$> citation "footcite" NormalCitation False)
, ("parencite", citation "parencite" NormalCitation False)
, ("supercite", citation "supercite" NormalCitation False)
, ("footcitetext", inNote <$> citation "footcitetext" NormalCitation False)
, ("citeyearpar", citation "citeyearpar" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("citeyear", citation "citeyear" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("autocite*", citation "autocite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("cite*", citation "cite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("parencite*", citation "parencite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("textcite", citation "textcite" AuthorInText False)
, ("citet", citation "citet" AuthorInText False)
, ("citet*", citation "citet*" AuthorInText False)
, ("citealt", citation "citealt" AuthorInText False)
, ("citealt*", citation "citealt*" AuthorInText False)
, ("textcites", citation "textcites" AuthorInText True)
, ("cites", citation "cites" NormalCitation True)
, ("autocites", citation "autocites" NormalCitation True)
, ("footcites", inNote <$> citation "footcites" NormalCitation True)
, ("parencites", citation "parencites" NormalCitation True)
, ("supercites", citation "supercites" NormalCitation True)
, ("footcitetexts", inNote <$> citation "footcitetexts" NormalCitation True)
, ("Autocite", citation "Autocite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Footcite", citation "Footcite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Parencite", citation "Parencite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Supercite", citation "Supercite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Footcitetext", inNote <$> citation "Footcitetext" NormalCitation False)
, ("Citeyearpar", citation "Citeyearpar" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Citeyear", citation "Citeyear" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Autocite*", citation "Autocite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Cite*", citation "Cite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Parencite*", citation "Parencite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Textcite", citation "Textcite" AuthorInText False)
, ("Textcites", citation "Textcites" AuthorInText True)
, ("Cites", citation "Cites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Autocites", citation "Autocites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Footcites", citation "Footcites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Parencites", citation "Parencites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Supercites", citation "Supercites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Footcitetexts", inNote <$> citation "Footcitetexts" NormalCitation True)
, ("citetext", complexNatbibCitation NormalCitation)
, ("citeauthor", (try (tok *> optional sp *> controlSeq "citetext") *>
complexNatbibCitation AuthorInText)
<|> citation "citeauthor" AuthorInText False False)
<|> citation "citeauthor" AuthorInText False)
] ++ map ignoreInlines
-- these commands will be ignored unless --parse-raw is specified,
-- in which case they will appear as raw latex blocks:
[ "noindent", "index", "nocite" ]
inNote :: Inlines -> Inlines
inNote ils =
note $ para $ ils <> str "."
unescapeURL :: String -> String
unescapeURL ('\\':x:xs) | isEscapable x = x:unescapeURL xs
where isEscapable '%' = True
@ -904,7 +908,6 @@ simpleCiteArgs = try $ do
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationHash = 0
, citationSuppressParens = False
, citationNoteNum = 0
return $ addPrefix pre $ addSuffix suf $ map conv keys
@ -923,14 +926,10 @@ cites mode multi = try $ do
AuthorInText -> c {citationMode = mode} : cs
_ -> map (\a -> a {citationMode = mode}) (c:cs)
citation :: String -> CitationMode -> Bool -> Bool -> LP Inlines
citation name mode multi inNote = do
(cs,raw) <- withRaw $ cites mode multi
let cs' = if inNote then map (\c -> c{ citationSuppressParens = True }) cs else cs
let cit = cite cs' (rawInline "latex" $ "\\" ++ name ++ raw)
if inNote
then return $ note $ para $ cit <> str "."
else return cit
citation :: String -> CitationMode -> Bool -> LP Inlines
citation name mode multi = do
(c,raw) <- withRaw $ cites mode multi
return $ cite c (rawInline "latex" $ "\\" ++ name ++ raw)
complexNatbibCitation :: CitationMode -> LP Inlines
complexNatbibCitation mode = try $ do
@ -1554,13 +1554,12 @@ cite = do
textualCite :: Parser [Char] ParserState (F [Citation])
textualCite = try $ do
(_, key) <- citeKey
let first = Citation{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationSuppressParens = False
, citationHash = 0
let first = Citation{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0
mbrest <- option Nothing $ try $ spnl >> Just <$> normalCite
case mbrest of
@ -1625,15 +1624,14 @@ citation = try $ do
return $ do
x <- pref
y <- suff
return $ Citation{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = B.toList x
, citationSuffix = B.toList y
, citationMode = if suppress_author
then SuppressAuthor
else NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationSuppressParens = False
, citationHash = 0
return $ Citation{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = B.toList x
, citationSuffix = B.toList y
, citationMode = if suppress_author
then SuppressAuthor
else NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0
smart :: Parser [Char] ParserState (F Inlines)
@ -62,13 +62,12 @@ tests = [ testGroup "basic"
baseCitation :: Citation
baseCitation = Citation{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationSuppressParens = False
, citationHash = 0 }
baseCitation = Citation{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0 }
rt :: String -> Inlines
rt = rawInline "latex"
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