diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index c57d6ce4c..5c9ace0f1 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -2,14 +2,39 @@ pandoc (1.15.1)
+  * `pandocVersion` is now defined in `Text.Pandoc.Shared`
+    and reexported from `Text.Pandoc` (Alex Vong).  This allows
+    writers to access it.  (Alex Vong) (API change)
+  * Setup.hs: rewrite so as not to use process, directory, filepath.
+    Using anything outside base is dangerous, since older
+    versions of ghc may link against two different versions.
+  * Updated benchmark program for new criterion API.
+  * LaTeX reader:  don't eat excess whitespace after macros with
+    only optional arguments (#2446).
+  * New `.travis.yml`.  Autgenerated using `make_travis_yml.hs`.
+    This script has been modified in a few ways, e.g. to add `GHCOPTS`.
+    `make .travis.yml` regenerates it based on the tested-with
+    field of the cabal file.
+  * Improve CSL documentation, variables documentations,
+    links, and cross-references in README. (Andrew Dunning)
+  * Describe correct `setspace` package usage in README (Andrew
+    Dunning).
+  * Added proper support for DocBook `xref` elements (Frerich Raabe).
+    Added `dbContent` field to reader state, so we can lookup
+    cross refs.
   * Allow building with latest versions of http-types,
     HUnit, criterion, syb, aeson.
   * Revise variables discussion in README (Andrew Dunning).
-  * Updated latex template to work better with tufte
-    and other classes that include hyperref or color (Xavier Olive).
   * Docx Reader:
     + Create special punctuation test (Ophir Lifshitz).
@@ -18,6 +43,7 @@ pandoc (1.15.1)
   * Templates
     + Beamer:  added `innertheme`, `outertheme` variables.
+    + Beamer: Added space after colon in figure caption.
     + LaTeX:  added `mainfontoptions`, `sansfontoptions`,
       `monofontoptions`, `mathfontoptions`, `fontfamilyoptions`.
     + LaTeX, ConTeXt, HTML: support handling of bidirectional text
@@ -27,6 +53,16 @@ pandoc (1.15.1)
       `polyglossia-lang` and `context-lang`.  These variables are set by
       the writers to the necessary values, based on the `lang` variable
       (which now always takes a value in BCP47 format).
+    + LaTeX: updated to work better with tufte and other classes that
+      include `hyperref` or `color` (Xavier Olive).
+    + LaTeX:  set `setstretch` directly rather than via package
+      options (Andrew Dunning).
+    + LaTeX: Adjusted for changes to polyglossia-lang variable (mb21).
+    + LaTeX: added `polyglossia-lang.name` and `.options` (#2437, mb21).
+    + reveal.js:  add controls, progress variables (Grégoire Pineau).
+    + man template (Alex Vong): Added comment stating that the page is
+      autogenerated by pandoc, giving version.  Added `adjusting`
+      and `hyphenate` variables.
   * epub.css: added selectors for nested emphasis (Pablo Rodriguez).