diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 73ed35353..7187ca740 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ data Opt = Opt
     , optReader            :: String  -- ^ Reader format
     , optWriter            :: String  -- ^ Writer format
     , optParseRaw          :: Bool    -- ^ Parse unconvertable HTML and TeX
-    , optCSS               :: String  -- ^ CSS file to link to
+    , optCSS               :: [String] -- ^ CSS file to link to
     , optTableOfContents   :: Bool    -- ^ Include table of contents
     , optIncludeInHeader   :: String  -- ^ File to include in header
     , optIncludeBeforeBody :: String  -- ^ File to include at top of body
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ defaultOpts = Opt
     , optReader            = ""    -- null for default reader
     , optWriter            = ""    -- null for default writer
     , optParseRaw          = False
-    , optCSS               = ""
+    , optCSS               = []
     , optTableOfContents   = False
     , optIncludeInHeader   = ""
     , optIncludeBeforeBody = ""
@@ -240,8 +240,10 @@ options =
     , Option "c" ["css"]
-                  (\arg opt -> return opt { optCSS = arg, 
-                                            optStandalone = True })
+                  (\arg opt -> do 
+                     let old = optCSS opt
+                     return opt { optCSS = old ++ [arg], 
+                                  optStandalone = True })
                  "" -- "Link to CSS style sheet"
@@ -492,10 +494,12 @@ main = do
                                                            ["latex", "context"],
                               stateColumns      = columns,
                               stateStrict       = strict }
-  let csslink = if (css == "")
-                   then "" 
-                   else "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" ++ css ++ 
-                        "\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" />\n"
+  let csslink = if null css
+                   then ""
+                   else concatMap 
+                        (\f -> "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" ++
+                               f ++ "\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" />\n")
+                        css
   let header = (if (customHeader == "DEFAULT") 
                    then defaultHeader
                    else customHeader) ++ csslink ++ includeHeader
diff --git a/README b/README
index af803cf38..27eb60a20 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -277,23 +277,30 @@ For further documentation, see the `pandoc(1)` man page.
 `-c` or `--css` *filename*
 :   allows the user to specify a custom stylesheet that will be linked to
-    in HTML and S5 output.
+    in HTML and S5 output.  This option can be used repeatedly to include
+    multiple stylesheets. They will be included in the order specified.
 `-H` or `--include-in-header` *filename*
 :   includes the contents of *filename* (verbatim) at the end of the
     document header. This can be used, for example, to include special
-    CSS or javascript in HTML documents.
+    CSS or javascript in HTML documents.  This option can be used
+    repeatedly to include multiple files in the header.  They will be
+    included in the order specified.
 `-B` or `--include-before-body` *filename*
 :   includes the contents of *filename* (verbatim) at the beginning of
     the document body (e.g. after the `<body>` tag in HTML, or the
     `\begin{document}` command in LaTeX). This can be used to include
-    navigation bars or banners in HTML documents.
+    navigation bars or banners in HTML documents. This option can be
+    used repeatedly to include multiple files. They will be included in
+    the order specified.
 `-A` or `--include-after-body` *filename*
 :   includes the contents of *filename* (verbatim) at the end of
     the document body (before the `</body>` tag in HTML, or the
-    `\end{document}` command in LaTeX).
+    `\end{document}` command in LaTeX). This option can be be used
+    repeatedly to include multiple files. They will be included in the
+    order specified.
 `-T` or `--title-prefix` *string*
 :   includes *string* as a prefix at the beginning of the title that