SelfContained: Handle url() inside material retrieved from url().

This can happen e.g. with an @import of a google web font.
(What is imported is some CSS which contains an url reference
to the font itself.)

Also, allow unescaped pipe (|) in URL.

This is intended to help with #3629, but it doesn't seem to
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2017-05-05 17:03:27 +02:00
parent 1668998c46
commit c1b45adda0

View file

@ -178,11 +178,20 @@ pCSSUrl sourceURL d = P.try $ do
P.char ')'
let fallback = B.pack ("url(" ++ maybe "" (:[]) quote ++ trim url ++
maybe "" (:[]) quote ++ ")")
case trim url of
-- pipes are used in URLs provided by Google Code fonts
-- but parseURI doesn't like them, so we escape them:
case escapeURIString (/='|') (trim url) of
'#':_ -> return fallback
'd':'a':'t':'a':':':_ -> return fallback
u -> do let url' = if isURI u then u else d </> u
enc <- lift $ getDataURI sourceURL "" url'
res <- lift $ getData sourceURL "" url'
case res of
Left uri -> return (B.pack $ "url(" ++ uri ++ ")")
Right (mt, raw) -> do
-- note that the downloaded content may
-- itself contain url(...).
raw' <- cssURLs sourceURL d raw
let enc = makeDataURI (mt, raw')
return (B.pack $ "url(" ++ enc ++ ")")
getDataURI :: PandocMonad m => Maybe String -> MimeType -> String -> m String