OpenDocument writer: Allow references for internal links (#6774)
This commit adds two extensions to the OpenDocument writer, `xrefs_name` and `xrefs_number`. Links to headings, figures and tables inside the document are substituted with cross-references that will use the name or caption of the referenced item for `xrefs_name` or the number for `xrefs_number`. For the `xrefs_number` to be useful heading numbers must be enabled in the generated document and table and figure captions must be enabled using for example the `native_numbering` extension. In order for numbers and reference text to be updated the generated document must be refreshed. Co-authored-by: Nils Carlson <>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 177 additions and 18 deletions
@ -3027,6 +3027,43 @@ This extension can be enabled/disabled for the following formats:
output formats
: `odt`, `opendocument`
#### Extension: `xrefs_name` ####
Links to headings, figures and tables inside the document are
substituted with cross-references that will use the name or caption
of the referenced item. The original link text is replaced once
the generated document is refreshed. This extension can be combined
with `xrefs_number` in which case numbers will appear before the
Text in cross-references is only made consistent with the referenced
item once the document has been refreshed.
This extension can be enabled/disabled for the following formats:
output formats
: `odt`, `opendocument`
#### Extension: `xrefs_number` ####
Links to headings, figures and tables inside the document are
substituted with cross-references that will use the number
of the referenced item. The original link text is discarded.
This extension can be combined with `xrefs_name` in which case
the name or caption numbers will appear after the number.
For the `xrefs_number` to be useful heading numbers must be enabled
in the generated document, also table and figure captions must be enabled
using for example the `native_numbering` extension.
Numbers in cross-references are only visible in the final document once
it has been refreshed.
This extension can be enabled/disabled for the following formats:
output formats
: `odt`, `opendocument`
#### Extension: `styles` #### {#ext-styles}
When converting from docx, read all docx styles as divs (for
@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ data Extension =
| Ext_tex_math_dollars -- ^ TeX math between $..$ or $$..$$
| Ext_tex_math_double_backslash -- ^ TeX math btw \\(..\\) \\[..\\]
| Ext_tex_math_single_backslash -- ^ TeX math btw \(..\) \[..\]
| Ext_xrefs_name -- ^ Use xrefs with names
| Ext_xrefs_number -- ^ Use xrefs with numbers
| Ext_yaml_metadata_block -- ^ YAML metadata block
| Ext_gutenberg -- ^ Use Project Gutenberg conventions for plain
| Ext_attributes -- ^ Generic attribute syntax
@ -465,6 +467,8 @@ getAllExtensions f = universalExtensions <> getAll f
getAll "opendocument" = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_empty_paragraphs
, Ext_native_numbering
, Ext_xrefs_name
, Ext_xrefs_number
getAll "odt" = getAll "opendocument" <> autoIdExtensions
getAll "muse" = autoIdExtensions <>
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.OpenDocument ( writeOpenDocument ) where
import Control.Arrow ((***), (>>>))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (when)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.List (sortOn, sortBy, foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ import Text.DocLayout
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, tshow, blocksToInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Translations as Term (Term(Figure, Table))
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable as Ann
@ -54,6 +56,11 @@ plainToPara x = x
type OD m = StateT WriterState m
data ReferenceType
= HeaderRef
| TableRef
| ImageRef
data WriterState =
WriterState { stNotes :: [Doc Text]
, stTableStyles :: [Doc Text]
@ -69,6 +76,7 @@ data WriterState =
, stImageId :: Int
, stTableCaptionId :: Int
, stImageCaptionId :: Int
, stIdentTypes :: [(Text,ReferenceType)]
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
@ -86,6 +94,7 @@ defaultWriterState =
, stImageId = 1
, stTableCaptionId = 1
, stImageCaptionId = 1
, stIdentTypes = []
when :: Bool -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
@ -243,6 +252,12 @@ writeOpenDocument opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
((body, metadata),s) <- flip runStateT
defaultWriterState $ do
let collectInlineIdent (Image (ident,_,_) _ _) = [(ident,ImageRef)]
collectInlineIdent _ = []
let collectBlockIdent (Header _ (ident,_,_) _) = [(ident,HeaderRef)]
collectBlockIdent (Table (ident,_,_) _ _ _ _ _) = [(ident,TableRef)]
collectBlockIdent _ = []
modify $ \s -> s{ stIdentTypes = query collectBlockIdent blocks ++ query collectInlineIdent blocks }
m <- metaToContext opts
(blocksToOpenDocument opts)
(fmap chomp . inlinesToOpenDocument opts)
@ -411,7 +426,7 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
inTags True "text:list" [ ("text:style-name", "L" <> tshow ln)]
<$> orderedListToOpenDocument o pn b
table :: PandocMonad m => Ann.Table -> OD m (Doc Text)
table (Ann.Table _ (Caption _ c) colspecs thead tbodies _) = do
table (Ann.Table (ident, _, _) (Caption _ c) colspecs thead tbodies _) = do
tn <- length <$> gets stTableStyles
pn <- length <$> gets stParaStyles
let genIds = map chr [65..]
@ -433,7 +448,7 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
then return empty
else inlinesToOpenDocument o (blocksToInlines c) >>=
if isEnabled Ext_native_numbering o
then numberedTableCaption
then numberedTableCaption ident
else unNumberedCaption "TableCaption"
th <- colHeadsToOpenDocument o (map fst paraHStyles) thead
tr <- mapM (tableBodyToOpenDocument o (map fst paraStyles)) tbodies
@ -442,36 +457,39 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
, ("table:style-name", name)
] (vcat columns $$ th $$ vcat tr)
return $ captionDoc $$ tableDoc
figure attr caption source title | null caption =
figure attr@(ident, _, _) caption source title | null caption =
withParagraphStyle o "Figure" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
| otherwise = do
imageDoc <- withParagraphStyle o "FigureWithCaption" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
captionDoc <- inlinesToOpenDocument o caption >>=
if isEnabled Ext_native_numbering o
then numberedFigureCaption
then numberedFigureCaption ident
else unNumberedCaption "FigureCaption"
return $ imageDoc $$ captionDoc
numberedTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
numberedTableCaption caption = do
numberedTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
numberedTableCaption ident caption = do
id' <- gets stTableCaptionId
modify (\st -> st{ stTableCaptionId = id' + 1 })
capterm <- translateTerm Term.Table
return $ numberedCaption "TableCaption" capterm "Table" id' caption
return $ numberedCaption "TableCaption" capterm "Table" id' ident caption
numberedFigureCaption :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
numberedFigureCaption caption = do
numberedFigureCaption :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
numberedFigureCaption ident caption = do
id' <- gets stImageCaptionId
modify (\st -> st{ stImageCaptionId = id' + 1 })
capterm <- translateTerm Term.Figure
return $ numberedCaption "FigureCaption" capterm "Illustration" id' caption
return $ numberedCaption "FigureCaption" capterm "Illustration" id' ident caption
numberedCaption :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Int -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
numberedCaption style term name num caption =
numberedCaption :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Int -> Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
numberedCaption style term name num ident caption =
let t = text $ T.unpack term
r = num - 1
s = inTags False "text:sequence" [ ("text:ref-name", "ref" <> name <> tshow r),
ident' = case ident of
"" -> "ref" <> name <> tshow r
_ -> ident
s = inTags False "text:sequence" [ ("text:ref-name", ident'),
("text:name", name),
("text:formula", "ooow:" <> name <> "+1"),
("style:num-format", "1") ] $ text $ show num
@ -607,7 +625,9 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
else do
report $ InlineNotRendered ils
return empty
Link _ l (s,t) -> mkLink s t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
Link _ l (s,t) -> do
identTypes <- gets stIdentTypes
mkLink o identTypes s t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
Image attr _ (s,t) -> mkImg attr s t
Note l -> mkNote l
@ -619,10 +639,6 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
unhighlighted s = inlinedCode $ preformatted s
preformatted s = handleSpaces $ escapeStringForXML s
inlinedCode s = return $ inTags False "text:span" [("text:style-name", "Source_Text")] s
mkLink s t = inTags False "text:a" [ ("xlink:type" , "simple")
, ("xlink:href" , s )
, ("office:name", t )
] . inSpanTags "Definition"
mkImg (_, _, kvs) s _ = do
id' <- gets stImageId
modify (\st -> st{ stImageId = id' + 1 })
@ -659,6 +675,45 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
addNote nn
return nn
mkLink :: WriterOptions -> [(Text,ReferenceType)] -> Text -> Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
mkLink o identTypes s t d =
let maybeIdentAndType = case T.uncons s of
Just ('#', ident) -> find ((ident ==) . fst) identTypes
_ -> Nothing
d' = inSpanTags "Definition" d
ref refType format ident = inTags False refType
[ ("text:reference-format", format ),
("text:ref-name", ident) ]
inlineSpace = selfClosingTag "text:s" []
bookmarkRef = ref "text:bookmark-ref"
bookmarkRefNumber ident = bookmarkRef "number" ident mempty
bookmarkRefName ident = bookmarkRef "text" ident d
bookmarkRefNameNumber ident = bookmarkRefNumber ident <> inlineSpace <> bookmarkRefName ident
| isEnabled Ext_xrefs_number o && isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o = bookmarkRefNameNumber
| isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o = bookmarkRefName
| otherwise = bookmarkRefNumber
sequenceRef = ref "text:sequence-ref"
sequenceRefNumber ident = sequenceRef "value" ident mempty
sequenceRefName ident = sequenceRef "caption" ident d
sequenceRefNameNumber ident = sequenceRefNumber ident <> inlineSpace <> sequenceRefName ident
| isEnabled Ext_xrefs_number o && isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o = sequenceRefNameNumber
| isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o = sequenceRefName
| otherwise = sequenceRefNumber
link = inTags False "text:a" [ ("xlink:type" , "simple")
, ("xlink:href" , s )
, ("office:name", t )
] d'
linkOrReference = case maybeIdentAndType of
Just (ident, HeaderRef) -> bookmarkRef' ident
Just (ident, TableRef) -> sequenceRef' ident
Just (ident, ImageRef) -> sequenceRef' ident
_ -> link
in if isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o || isEnabled Ext_xrefs_number o
then linkOrReference
else link
bulletListStyle :: PandocMonad m => Int -> OD m (Int,(Int,[Doc Text]))
bulletListStyle l = do
let doStyles i = inTags True "text:list-level-style-bullet"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
% pandoc -f native -t opendocument --quiet
[Header 1 ("chapter1",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"]
,Para [Str "Chapter",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"] ("#chapter1","")]]
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1"><text:bookmark-start text:name="chapter1" />The
Chapter<text:bookmark-end text:name="chapter1" /></text:h>
<text:p text:style-name="First_20_paragraph">Chapter 1 references
<text:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="#chapter1" office:name=""><text:span text:style-name="Definition">The
% pandoc -f native -t opendocument+xrefs_name --quiet
[Header 1 ("chapter1",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"]
,Para [Str "Chapter",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"] ("#chapter1","")]
,Para [Image ("lalune",[],[]) [Str "lalune"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:Voyage dans la Lune")]
,Para [Str "Image",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "La",Space,Str "Lune"] ("#lalune","")]]
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1"><text:bookmark-start text:name="chapter1" />The
Chapter<text:bookmark-end text:name="chapter1" /></text:h>
<text:p text:style-name="First_20_paragraph">Chapter 1 references
<text:bookmark-ref text:reference-format="text" text:ref-name="chapter1">The
<text:p text:style-name="FigureWithCaption"><draw:frame draw:name="img1"><draw:image xlink:href="lalune.jpg" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad" /></draw:frame></text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="FigureCaption">lalune</text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="Text_20_body">Image 1 references
<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format="caption" text:ref-name="lalune">La
% pandoc -f native -t opendocument+xrefs_number --quiet
[Header 1 ("chapter1",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"]
,Para [Str "Chapter",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"] ("#chapter1","")]
,Para [Image ("lalune",[],[]) [Str "lalune"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:Voyage dans la Lune")]
,Para [Str "Image",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "La",Space,Str "Lune"] ("#lalune","")]]
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1"><text:bookmark-start text:name="chapter1" />The
Chapter<text:bookmark-end text:name="chapter1" /></text:h>
<text:p text:style-name="First_20_paragraph">Chapter 1 references
<text:bookmark-ref text:reference-format="number" text:ref-name="chapter1"></text:bookmark-ref></text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="FigureWithCaption"><draw:frame draw:name="img1"><draw:image xlink:href="lalune.jpg" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad" /></draw:frame></text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="FigureCaption">lalune</text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="Text_20_body">Image 1 references
<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format="value" text:ref-name="lalune"></text:sequence-ref></text:p>
% pandoc -f native -t opendocument+xrefs_number+xrefs_name --quiet
[Header 1 ("chapter1",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"]
,Para [Str "Chapter",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "Chapter"] ("#chapter1","")]
,Para [Image ("lalune",[],[]) [Str "lalune"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:Voyage dans la Lune")]
,Para [Str "Image",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "references",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "La",Space,Str "Lune"] ("#lalune","")]]
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1"><text:bookmark-start text:name="chapter1" />The
Chapter<text:bookmark-end text:name="chapter1" /></text:h>
<text:p text:style-name="First_20_paragraph">Chapter 1 references
<text:bookmark-ref text:reference-format="number" text:ref-name="chapter1"></text:bookmark-ref><text:s /><text:bookmark-ref text:reference-format="text" text:ref-name="chapter1">The
<text:p text:style-name="FigureWithCaption"><draw:frame draw:name="img1"><draw:image xlink:href="lalune.jpg" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad" /></draw:frame></text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="FigureCaption">lalune</text:p>
<text:p text:style-name="Text_20_body">Image 1 references
<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format="value" text:ref-name="lalune"></text:sequence-ref><text:s /><text:sequence-ref text:reference-format="caption" text:ref-name="lalune">La
Add table
Reference in a new issue