Docx writer: Fixed regression, bungled list numbering.
In pandoc 1.13, all lists come out as basic ordered lists. This fixes that bad regression. Closes #1544.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 10 additions and 3 deletions
@ -114,7 +114,13 @@ type WS a = StateT WriterState IO a
mknode :: Node t => String -> [(String,String)] -> t -> Element
mknode s attrs =
add_attrs (map (\(k,v) -> Attr (unqual k) v) attrs) . node (unqual s)
add_attrs (map (\(k,v) -> Attr (nodename k) v) attrs) . node (nodename s)
nodename :: String -> QName
nodename s = QName{ qName = name, qURI = Nothing, qPrefix = prefix }
where (name, prefix) = case break (==':') s of
(xs,[]) -> (xs, Nothing)
(ys,(_:zs)) -> (zs, Just ys)
toLazy :: B.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
toLazy = BL.fromChunks . (:[])
@ -297,7 +303,8 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
-- otherwise things break:
[Elem e | e <- allElts
, qName (elName e) == "abstractNum" ] ++
[Elem e | e <- allElts, qName (elName e) == "num" ] }
[Elem e | e <- allElts
, qName (elName e) == "num" ] }
let docPropsPath = "docProps/core.xml"
let docProps = mknode "cp:coreProperties"
@ -470,7 +477,7 @@ mkLvl marker lvl =
patternFor _ s = s ++ "."
getNumId :: WS Int
getNumId = ((999 +) . length) `fmap` gets stLists
getNumId = (((baseListId - 1) +) . length) `fmap` gets stLists
-- | Convert Pandoc document to two lists of
-- OpenXML elements (the main document and footnotes).
Reference in a new issue