Added distinction between tight and loose lists in OpenDocument writer.

(For bullet and enumerated lists only.)

git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
This commit is contained in:
fiddlosopher 2008-07-13 16:31:56 +00:00
parent 6bbe5d435d
commit be719b2a44

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ data WriterState =
, stListStyles :: [(Int, [Doc])]
, stIndentPara :: Int
, stInDefinition :: Bool
, stTight :: Bool
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ defaultWriterState =
, stListStyles = []
, stIndentPara = 0
, stInDefinition = False
, stTight = False
when :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
@ -86,6 +88,12 @@ increaseIndent = modify $ \s -> s { stIndentPara = 1 + stIndentPara s }
resetIndent :: State WriterState ()
resetIndent = modify $ \s -> s { stIndentPara = (stIndentPara s) - 1 }
inTightList :: State WriterState a -> State WriterState a
inTightList f = do modify $ \s -> s { stTight = True }
r <- f
modify $ \s -> s { stTight = False }
return r
setInDefinitionList :: Bool -> State WriterState ()
setInDefinitionList b = modify $ \s -> s { stInDefinition = b }
@ -193,18 +201,24 @@ orderedItemToOpenDocument o n (b:bs)
inTagsIndented "text:list" <$> orderedListToOpenDocument o nn l
orderedItemToOpenDocument _ _ [] = return empty
newOrderedListStyle :: ListAttributes -> State WriterState (Int,Int)
newOrderedListStyle a = do
isTightList :: [[Block]] -> Bool
isTightList [] = False
isTightList (b:_)
| Plain {} : _ <- b = True
| otherwise = False
newOrderedListStyle :: Bool -> ListAttributes -> State WriterState (Int,Int)
newOrderedListStyle b a = do
ln <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stListStyles
pn <- paraListStyle ln
let nbs = orderedListLevelStyle a (ln, [])
pn <- if b then inTightList (paraListStyle ln) else paraListStyle ln
modify $ \s -> s { stListStyles = nbs : stListStyles s }
return (ln,pn)
bulletListToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
bulletListToOpenDocument o b = do
ln <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stListStyles
(pn,ns) <- bulletListStyle ln
(pn,ns) <- if isTightList b then inTightList (bulletListStyle ln) else bulletListStyle ln
modify $ \s -> s { stListStyles = ns : stListStyles s }
is <- listItemsToOpenDocument ("P" ++ show pn) o b
return $ inTags True "text:list" [("text:style-name", "L" ++ show ln)] is
@ -258,7 +272,7 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
mkBlockQuote b = do increaseIndent
i <- paraStyle "Quotations" []
inBlockQuote o i (map plainToPara b)
orderedList a b = do (ln,pn) <- newOrderedListStyle a
orderedList a b = do (ln,pn) <- newOrderedListStyle (isTightList b) a
inTags True "text:list" [ ("text:style-name", "L" ++ show ln)]
<$> orderedListToOpenDocument o pn b
table c a w h r = do
@ -429,16 +443,21 @@ paraStyle parent attrs = do
pn <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stParaStyles
i <- (*) 0.5 . fromIntegral <$> gets stIndentPara :: State WriterState Double
b <- gets stInDefinition
t <- gets stTight
let styleAttr = [ ("style:name" , "P" ++ show pn)
, ("style:family" , "paragraph" )
, ("style:parent-style-name", parent )]
indentVal = flip (++) "in" . show $ if b then (max 0.5 i) else i
indent = when (i /= 0 || b) $
selfClosingTag "style:paragraph-properties"
tight = if t then [ ("fo:margin-top" , "0in" )
, ("fo:margin-bottom" , "0in" )]
else []
indent = when (i /= 0 || b || t) $
selfClosingTag "style:paragraph-properties" $
[ ("fo:margin-left" , indentVal)
, ("fo:margin-right" , "0in" )
, ("fo:text-indent" , "0in" )
, ("style:auto-text-indent" , "false" )]
++ tight
addParaStyle $ inTags True "style:style" (styleAttr ++ attrs) indent
return pn