Docx reader: Some code cleanup

* clarify function name. We had previously used `getDocumentPath`,
   but `Document` is an overdetermined term here. Use
   `getDocumentXmlPath` to make clear what we're doing.

 * Use field notation for setting ReaderEnv. As we've added (and
   continue to add) fields, the assignment by position has gotten
   harder to read.

 * figure out document.xml path once at the beginning of parsing, and
   add it to the environment, so we can avoid repeated lookups.
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Rosenthal 2019-02-07 09:00:29 -05:00
parent 9ff4042932
commit b0d55e4f5b

View file

@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ data ReaderEnv = ReaderEnv { envNotes :: Notes
, envCharStyles :: CharStyleMap
, envParStyles :: ParStyleMap
, envLocation :: DocumentLocation
, envDocXmlPath :: FilePath
deriving Show
@ -343,14 +344,26 @@ archiveToDocx archive = fst <$> archiveToDocxWithWarnings archive
archiveToDocxWithWarnings :: Archive -> Either DocxError (Docx, [String])
archiveToDocxWithWarnings archive = do
docXmlPath <- case getDocumentXmlPath archive of
Just fp -> Right fp
Nothing -> Left DocxError
let notes = archiveToNotes archive
comments = archiveToComments archive
numbering = archiveToNumbering archive
rels = archiveToRelationships archive
rels = archiveToRelationships archive docXmlPath
media = filteredFilesFromArchive archive filePathIsMedia
(styles, parstyles) = archiveToStyles archive
rEnv =
ReaderEnv notes comments numbering rels media Nothing styles parstyles InDocument
rEnv = ReaderEnv { envNotes = notes
, envComments = comments
, envNumbering = numbering
, envRelationships = rels
, envMedia = media
, envFont = Nothing
, envCharStyles = styles
, envParStyles = parstyles
, envLocation = InDocument
, envDocXmlPath = docXmlPath
rState = ReaderState { stateWarnings = []
, stateFldCharState = FldCharClosed
@ -359,8 +372,8 @@ archiveToDocxWithWarnings archive = do
Right doc -> Right (Docx doc, stateWarnings st)
Left e -> Left e
getDocumentPath :: Archive -> Maybe String
getDocumentPath zf = do
getDocumentXmlPath :: Archive -> Maybe String
getDocumentXmlPath zf = do
entry <- findEntryByPath "_rels/.rels" zf
relsElem <- (parseXMLDoc . UTF8.toStringLazy . fromEntry) entry
let rels = filterChildrenName (\n -> qName n == "Relationship") relsElem
@ -372,7 +385,7 @@ getDocumentPath zf = do
archiveToDocument :: Archive -> D Document
archiveToDocument zf = do
docPath <- maybeToD $ getDocumentPath zf
docPath <- asks envDocXmlPath
entry <- maybeToD $ findEntryByPath docPath zf
docElem <- maybeToD $ (parseXMLDoc . UTF8.toStringLazy . fromEntry) entry
let namespaces = elemToNameSpaces docElem
@ -504,20 +517,17 @@ relElemToRelationship relType element | qName (elName element) == "Relationship"
return $ Relationship relType relId target
relElemToRelationship _ _ = Nothing
filePathToRelationships :: Archive -> (Maybe FilePath) -> FilePath -> [Relationship]
filePathToRelationships ar mDocXmlPath fp
| Just docXmlPath <- mDocXmlPath
, Just relType <- filePathToRelType fp docXmlPath
filePathToRelationships :: Archive -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [Relationship]
filePathToRelationships ar docXmlPath fp
| Just relType <- filePathToRelType fp docXmlPath
, Just entry <- findEntryByPath fp ar
, Just relElems <- (parseXMLDoc . UTF8.toStringLazy . fromEntry) entry =
mapMaybe (relElemToRelationship relType) $ elChildren relElems
filePathToRelationships _ _ _ = []
archiveToRelationships :: Archive -> [Relationship]
archiveToRelationships archive =
let mDocXmlPath = getDocumentPath archive
concatMap (filePathToRelationships archive mDocXmlPath) $ filesInArchive archive
archiveToRelationships :: Archive -> FilePath -> [Relationship]
archiveToRelationships archive docXmlPath =
concatMap (filePathToRelationships archive docXmlPath) $ filesInArchive archive
filePathIsMedia :: FilePath -> Bool
filePathIsMedia fp =