More fixes for round-trip tests of HTML reader.

We exclude tables that have default widths but non-simple
content, as these can't really round-trip.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2020-04-19 17:21:19 -07:00
parent 64e84d8a3e
commit aff2500d46

View file

@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.Options (IsOption(defaultValue))
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (isHeaderBlock)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (toLegacyTable)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (isHeaderBlock, onlySimpleTableCells)
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
@ -36,16 +37,19 @@ makeRoundTrip :: Block -> Block
makeRoundTrip CodeBlock{} = Para [Str "code block was here"]
makeRoundTrip LineBlock{} = Para [Str "line block was here"]
makeRoundTrip RawBlock{} = Para [Str "raw block was here"]
makeRoundTrip b@Table{} = walk rmLineBreaks b
makeRoundTrip (Div attr bs) = Div attr $ filter (not . isHeaderBlock) bs
-- avoids round-trip failures related to makeSections
-- e.g. with [Div ("loc",[],[("a","11"),("b_2","a b c")]) [Header 3 ("",[],[]) []]]
makeRoundTrip b@(Table _attr blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) =
let (_capt, _aligns, widths, headers, rows') =
toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
isSimple = onlySimpleTableCells (headers:rows')
if all (== 0.0) widths && not isSimple
then Para [Str "weird table omitted"]
else b
makeRoundTrip x = x
rmLineBreaks :: Inline -> Inline
rmLineBreaks LineBreak = SoftBreak
rmLineBreaks x = x
removeRawInlines :: Inline -> Inline
removeRawInlines RawInline{} = Str "raw inline was here"
removeRawInlines x = x