Docx writer: Fix ids in comment writing
Comments from `--track-changes=all` were producing corrupt docx, because the writer was trying to get id from the `(ID,_,_)` field of the attributes, and ignoring the "id" entry in the key-value pairs. We now check both. There is a larger conversation to be had about the right way to treat "id" and "class" entries in kvs, but this fix will correctly interpret the output of the docx reader work.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 17 additions and 9 deletions
@ -1104,14 +1104,22 @@ inlineToOpenXML' _ (Str str) =
inlineToOpenXML' opts Space = inlineToOpenXML opts (Str " ")
inlineToOpenXML' opts SoftBreak = inlineToOpenXML opts (Str " ")
inlineToOpenXML' _ (Span (ident,["comment-start"],kvs) ils) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stComments = (("id",ident):kvs, ils) : stComments st }
return [ mknode "w:commentRangeStart" [("w:id", ident)] () ]
inlineToOpenXML' _ (Span (ident,["comment-end"],_) _) =
return [ mknode "w:commentRangeEnd" [("w:id", ident)] ()
-- prefer the "id" in kvs, since that is the one produced by the docx
-- reader.
let ident' = fromMaybe ident (lookup "id" kvs)
kvs' = filter (("id" /=) . fst) kvs
modify $ \st -> st{ stComments = (("id",ident'):kvs', ils) : stComments st }
return [ mknode "w:commentRangeStart" [("w:id", ident')] () ]
inlineToOpenXML' _ (Span (ident,["comment-end"],kvs) _) =
-- prefer the "id" in kvs, since that is the one produced by the docx
-- reader.
let ident' = fromMaybe ident (lookup "id" kvs)
return [ mknode "w:commentRangeEnd" [("w:id", ident')] ()
, mknode "w:r" []
[ mknode "w:rPr" []
[ mknode "w:rStyle" [("w:val", "CommentReference")] () ]
, mknode "w:commentReference" [("w:id", ident)] () ]
, mknode "w:commentReference" [("w:id", ident')] () ]
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
stylemod <- case lookup dynamicStyleKey kvs of
Add table
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