Merge pull request #1366 from jkr/reducible3
Docx rewrite and cleanup (in terms of Reducible typeclass)
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 286 additions and 273 deletions
@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ Library
Other-Modules: Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists,
@ -79,8 +79,10 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Builder (text, toList)
import Text.Pandoc.Generic (bottomUp)
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (getMimeType)
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (toString)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Reducible
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isJust, fromJust)
import Data.List (delete, isPrefixOf, (\\), intersect)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -96,28 +98,65 @@ readDocx opts bytes =
Just docx -> Pandoc nullMeta (docxToBlocks opts docx)
Nothing -> error $ "couldn't parse docx file"
runStyleToSpanAttr :: RunStyle -> (String, [String], [(String, String)])
runStyleToSpanAttr rPr = ("",
mapMaybe id [
if isBold rPr then (Just "strong") else Nothing,
if isItalic rPr then (Just "emph") else Nothing,
if isSmallCaps rPr then (Just "smallcaps") else Nothing,
if isStrike rPr then (Just "strike") else Nothing,
if isSuperScript rPr then (Just "superscript") else Nothing,
if isSubScript rPr then (Just "subscript") else Nothing,
rStyle rPr],
case underline rPr of
Just fmt -> [("underline", fmt)]
_ -> []
spansToKeep :: [String]
spansToKeep = ["list-item", "Definition", "DefinitionTerm"] ++ codeSpans
parStyleToDivAttr :: ParagraphStyle -> (String, [String], [(String, String)])
parStyleToDivAttr pPr = ("",
pStyle pPr,
case indent pPr of
Just n -> [("indent", (show n))]
Nothing -> []
-- This is empty, but we put it in for future-proofing.
divsToKeep :: [String]
divsToKeep = []
runStyleToContainers :: RunStyle -> [Container Inline]
runStyleToContainers rPr =
let formatters = mapMaybe id
[ if isBold rPr then (Just Strong) else Nothing
, if isItalic rPr then (Just Emph) else Nothing
, if isSmallCaps rPr then (Just SmallCaps) else Nothing
, if isStrike rPr then (Just Strikeout) else Nothing
, if isSuperScript rPr then (Just Superscript) else Nothing
, if isSubScript rPr then (Just Subscript) else Nothing
, rStyle rPr >>=
(\s -> if s `elem` spansToKeep then Just s else Nothing) >>=
(\s -> Just $ Span ("", [s], []))
, underline rPr >>= (\f -> Just $ Span ("", [], [("underline", f)]))
map Container formatters
divAttrToContainers :: [String] -> [(String, String)] -> [Container Block]
divAttrToContainers [] [] = []
divAttrToContainers (c:cs) _ | isJust (isHeaderClass c) =
let n = fromJust (isHeaderClass c)
[(Container $ \blks ->
Header n ("", delete ("Heading" ++ show n) cs, []) (blksToInlines blks))]
divAttrToContainers (c:_) _ | c `elem` codeDivs =
[Container $ \blks -> CodeBlock ("", [], []) (concatMap blkToCode blks)]
divAttrToContainers (c:cs) kvs | c `elem` listParagraphDivs =
let kvs' = filter (\(k,_) -> k /= "indent") kvs
(Container $ Div ("", [c], [])) : (divAttrToContainers cs kvs')
divAttrToContainers (c:cs) kvs | c `elem` blockQuoteDivs =
(Container BlockQuote) : (divAttrToContainers (cs \\ blockQuoteDivs) kvs)
divAttrToContainers (c:cs) kvs | c `elem` divsToKeep =
(Container $ Div ("", [c], [])) : (divAttrToContainers cs kvs)
divAttrToContainers (_:cs) kvs = divAttrToContainers cs kvs
divAttrToContainers [] (kv:kvs) | fst kv == "indent" =
(Container BlockQuote) : divAttrToContainers [] kvs
divAttrToContainers [] (_:kvs) =
divAttrToContainers [] kvs
parStyleToContainers :: ParagraphStyle -> [Container Block]
parStyleToContainers pPr =
let classes = pStyle pPr
kvs = case indent pPr of
Just n -> [("indent", show n)]
Nothing -> []
divAttrToContainers classes kvs
strToInlines :: String -> [Inline]
strToInlines = toList . text
@ -144,103 +183,42 @@ runElemToString (Tab) = ['\t']
runElemsToString :: [RunElem] -> String
runElemsToString = concatMap runElemToString
--- We use this instead of the more general
--- Text.Pandoc.Shared.normalize for reasons of efficiency. For
--- whatever reason, `normalize` makes a run take almost twice as
--- long. (It does more, but this does what we need)
inlineNormalize :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
inlineNormalize [] = []
inlineNormalize (Str "" : ils) = inlineNormalize ils
inlineNormalize ((Str s) : (Str s') : l) =
inlineNormalize (Str (s++s') : l)
inlineNormalize ((Emph ils) : (Emph ils') : l) =
inlineNormalize $ (Emph $ inlineNormalize (ils ++ ils')) : l
inlineNormalize ((Emph ils) : l) =
Emph (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Strong ils) : (Strong ils') : l) =
inlineNormalize $ (Strong $ inlineNormalize (ils ++ ils')) : l
inlineNormalize ((Strong ils) : l) =
Strong (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Strikeout ils) : (Strikeout ils') : l) =
inlineNormalize $ (Strikeout $ inlineNormalize (ils ++ ils')) : l
inlineNormalize ((Strikeout ils) : l) =
Strikeout (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Superscript ils) : (Superscript ils') : l) =
inlineNormalize $ (Superscript $ inlineNormalize (ils ++ ils')) : l
inlineNormalize ((Superscript ils) : l) =
Superscript (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Subscript ils) : (Subscript ils') : l) =
inlineNormalize $ (Subscript $ inlineNormalize (ils ++ ils')) : l
inlineNormalize ((Subscript ils) : l) =
Subscript (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Space : Space : l)) =
inlineNormalize $ (Space : l)
inlineNormalize ((Quoted qt ils) : l) =
Quoted qt (inlineNormalize ils) : inlineNormalize l
inlineNormalize ((Cite cits ils) : l) =
f :: Citation -> Citation
f (Citation s pref suff mode num hash) =
Citation s (inlineNormalize pref) (inlineNormalize suff) mode num hash
Cite (map f cits) (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Link ils s) : l) =
Link (inlineNormalize ils) s : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Image ils s) : l) =
Image (inlineNormalize ils) s : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Note blks) : l) =
Note (map blockNormalize blks) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize ((Span attr ils) : l) =
Span attr (inlineNormalize ils) : (inlineNormalize l)
inlineNormalize (il : l) = il : (inlineNormalize l)
stripSpaces :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
stripSpaces ils =
reverse $ dropWhile (Space ==) $ reverse $ dropWhile (Space ==) ils
inlineCodeContainer :: Container Inline -> Bool
inlineCodeContainer (Container f) = case f [] of
Span (_, classes, _) _ -> (not . null) (classes `intersect` codeSpans)
_ -> False
inlineCodeContainer _ = False
blockNormalize :: Block -> Block
blockNormalize (Plain ils) = Plain $ stripSpaces $ inlineNormalize ils
blockNormalize (Para ils) = Para $ stripSpaces $ inlineNormalize ils
blockNormalize (Header n attr ils) =
Header n attr $ stripSpaces $ inlineNormalize ils
blockNormalize (Table ils align width hdr cells) =
Table (stripSpaces $ inlineNormalize ils) align width hdr cells
blockNormalize (DefinitionList pairs) =
DefinitionList $ map (\(ils, blklsts) -> (stripSpaces (inlineNormalize ils), (map (map blockNormalize) blklsts))) pairs
blockNormalize (BlockQuote blks) = BlockQuote (map blockNormalize blks)
blockNormalize (OrderedList attr blkslst) =
OrderedList attr $ map (\blks -> map blockNormalize blks) blkslst
blockNormalize (BulletList blkslst) =
BulletList $ map (\blks -> map blockNormalize blks) blkslst
blockNormalize (Div attr blks) = Div attr (map blockNormalize blks)
blockNormalize blk = blk
-- blockCodeContainer :: Container Block -> Bool
-- blockCodeContainer (Container f) = case f [] of
-- Div (ident, classes, kvs) _ -> (not . null) (classes `intersect` codeDivs)
-- _ -> False
-- blockCodeContainer _ = False
runToInlines :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> Run -> [Inline]
runToInlines _ _ (Run rs runElems)
| isJust (rStyle rs) && (fromJust (rStyle rs)) `elem` codeSpans =
case runStyleToSpanAttr rs == ("", [], []) of
True -> [Str (runElemsToString runElems)]
False -> [Span (runStyleToSpanAttr rs) [Str (runElemsToString runElems)]]
| otherwise = case runStyleToSpanAttr rs == ("", [], []) of
True -> concatMap runElemToInlines runElems
False -> [Span (runStyleToSpanAttr rs) (concatMap runElemToInlines runElems)]
| any inlineCodeContainer (runStyleToContainers rs) =
rebuild (runStyleToContainers rs) $ [Str $ runElemsToString runElems]
| otherwise =
rebuild (runStyleToContainers rs) (concatMap runElemToInlines runElems)
runToInlines opts docx@(Docx _ notes _ _ _ ) (Footnote fnId) =
case (getFootNote fnId notes) of
Just bodyParts ->
[Note [Div ("", ["footnote"], []) (map (bodyPartToBlock opts docx) bodyParts)]]
[Note (concatMap (bodyPartToBlocks opts docx) bodyParts)]
Nothing ->
[Note [Div ("", ["footnote"], []) []]]
[Note []]
runToInlines opts docx@(Docx _ notes _ _ _) (Endnote fnId) =
case (getEndNote fnId notes) of
Just bodyParts ->
[Note [Div ("", ["endnote"], []) (map (bodyPartToBlock opts docx) bodyParts)]]
[Note (concatMap (bodyPartToBlocks opts docx) bodyParts)]
Nothing ->
[Note [Div ("", ["endnote"], []) []]]
[Note []]
parPartToInlines :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> ParPart -> [Inline]
parPartToInlines opts docx (PlainRun r) = runToInlines opts docx r
parPartToInlines _ _ (BookMark _ anchor) =
[Span (anchor, ["anchor"], []) []]
parPartToInlines _ _ (BookMark _ anchor) | anchor `elem` dummyAnchors = []
parPartToInlines _ _ (BookMark _ anchor) = [Span (anchor, ["anchor"], []) []]
parPartToInlines _ (Docx _ _ _ rels _) (Drawing relid) =
case lookupRelationship relid rels of
Just target -> [Image [] (combine "word" target, "")]
@ -276,7 +254,6 @@ makeHeaderAnchors h@(Header n (_, classes, kvs) ils) =
_ -> h
makeHeaderAnchors blk = blk
parPartsToInlines :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> [ParPart] -> [Inline]
parPartsToInlines opts docx parparts =
@ -284,23 +261,32 @@ parPartsToInlines opts docx parparts =
-- not mandatory.
(if False -- TODO depend on option
then bottomUp (makeImagesSelfContained docx)
then walk (makeImagesSelfContained docx)
else id) $
bottomUp spanTrim $
bottomUp spanCorrect $
bottomUp spanReduce $
concatMap (parPartToInlines opts docx) parparts
-- bottomUp spanTrim $
-- bottomUp spanCorrect $
-- bottomUp spanReduce $
reduceList $ concatMap (parPartToInlines opts docx) parparts
cellToBlocks :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> Cell -> [Block]
cellToBlocks opts docx (Cell bps) = map (bodyPartToBlock opts docx) bps
cellToBlocks opts docx (Cell bps) = concatMap (bodyPartToBlocks opts docx) bps
rowToBlocksList :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> Row -> [[Block]]
rowToBlocksList opts docx (Row cells) = map (cellToBlocks opts docx) cells
bodyPartToBlock :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> BodyPart -> Block
bodyPartToBlock opts docx (Paragraph pPr parparts) =
Div (parStyleToDivAttr pPr) [Para (parPartsToInlines opts docx parparts)]
bodyPartToBlock opts docx@(Docx _ _ numbering _ _) (ListItem pPr numId lvl parparts) =
bodyPartToBlocks :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> BodyPart -> [Block]
bodyPartToBlocks opts docx (Paragraph pPr parparts) =
case parPartsToInlines opts docx parparts of
[] ->
_ ->
let parContents = parPartsToInlines opts docx parparts
trimmedContents = reverse $ dropWhile (Space ==) $ reverse $ dropWhile (Space ==) parContents
(parStyleToContainers pPr)
[Para trimmedContents]
bodyPartToBlocks opts docx@(Docx _ _ numbering _ _) (ListItem pPr numId lvl parparts) =
kvs = case lookupLevel numId lvl numbering of
Just (_, fmt, txt, Just start) -> [ ("level", lvl)
@ -317,12 +303,12 @@ bodyPartToBlock opts docx@(Docx _ _ numbering _ _) (ListItem pPr numId lvl parpa
Nothing -> []
("", ["list-item"], kvs)
[bodyPartToBlock opts docx (Paragraph pPr parparts)]
bodyPartToBlock _ _ (Tbl _ _ _ []) =
Para []
bodyPartToBlock opts docx (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) =
("", ["list-item"], kvs)
(bodyPartToBlocks opts docx (Paragraph pPr parparts))]
bodyPartToBlocks _ _ (Tbl _ _ _ []) =
[Para []]
bodyPartToBlocks opts docx (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) =
let caption = strToInlines cap
(hdr, rows) = case firstRowFormatting look of
True -> (Just r, rs)
@ -344,7 +330,8 @@ bodyPartToBlock opts docx (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) =
alignments = take size (repeat AlignDefault)
widths = take size (repeat 0) :: [Double]
Table caption alignments widths hdrCells cells
[Table caption alignments widths hdrCells cells]
makeImagesSelfContained :: Docx -> Inline -> Inline
makeImagesSelfContained (Docx _ _ _ _ media) i@(Image alt (uri, title)) =
@ -360,127 +347,19 @@ makeImagesSelfContained _ inline = inline
bodyToBlocks :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> Body -> [Block]
bodyToBlocks opts docx (Body bps) =
bottomUp removeEmptyPars $
map blockNormalize $
bottomUp spanRemove $
bottomUp divRemove $
map (makeHeaderAnchors) $
bottomUp divCorrect $
bottomUp divReduce $
bottomUp divCorrectPreReduce $
bottomUp blocksToDefinitions $
blocksToBullets $
map (bodyPartToBlock opts docx) bps
concatMap (bodyPartToBlocks opts docx) bps
docxToBlocks :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> [Block]
docxToBlocks opts d@(Docx (Document _ body) _ _ _ _) = bodyToBlocks opts d body
spanReduce :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
spanReduce [] = []
spanReduce ((Span (id1, classes1, kvs1) ils1) : ils)
| (id1, classes1, kvs1) == ("", [], []) = ils1 ++ (spanReduce ils)
spanReduce (s1@(Span (id1, classes1, kvs1) ils1) :
s2@(Span (id2, classes2, kvs2) ils2) :
ils) =
let classes' = classes1 `intersect` classes2
kvs' = kvs1 `intersect` kvs2
classes1' = classes1 \\ classes'
kvs1' = kvs1 \\ kvs'
classes2' = classes2 \\ classes'
kvs2' = kvs2 \\ kvs'
case null classes' && null kvs' of
True -> s1 : (spanReduce (s2 : ils))
False -> let attr' = ("", classes', kvs')
attr1' = (id1, classes1', kvs1')
attr2' = (id2, classes2', kvs2')
spanReduce (Span attr' [(Span attr1' ils1), (Span attr2' ils2)] :
spanReduce (il:ils) = il : (spanReduce ils)
ilToCode :: Inline -> String
ilToCode (Str s) = s
ilToCode _ = ""
spanRemove' :: Inline -> [Inline]
spanRemove' s@(Span (ident, classes, _) [])
-- "_GoBack" is automatically inserted. We don't want to keep it.
| classes == ["anchor"] && not (ident `elem` dummyAnchors) = [s]
spanRemove' (Span (_, _, kvs) ils) =
case lookup "underline" kvs of
Just val -> [Span ("", [], [("underline", val)]) ils]
Nothing -> ils
spanRemove' il = [il]
spanRemove :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
spanRemove = concatMap spanRemove'
spanTrim' :: Inline -> [Inline]
spanTrim' il@(Span _ []) = [il]
spanTrim' il@(Span attr (il':[]))
| il' == Space = [Span attr [], Space]
| otherwise = [il]
spanTrim' (Span attr ils)
| head ils == Space && last ils == Space =
[Space, Span attr (init $ tail ils), Space]
| head ils == Space = [Space, Span attr (tail ils)]
| last ils == Space = [Span attr (init ils), Space]
spanTrim' il = [il]
spanTrim :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
spanTrim = concatMap spanTrim'
spanCorrect' :: Inline -> [Inline]
spanCorrect' (Span ("", [], []) ils) = ils
spanCorrect' (Span (ident, classes, kvs) ils)
| "emph" `elem` classes =
[Emph $ spanCorrect' $ Span (ident, (delete "emph" classes), kvs) ils]
| "strong" `elem` classes =
[Strong $ spanCorrect' $ Span (ident, (delete "strong" classes), kvs) ils]
| "smallcaps" `elem` classes =
[SmallCaps $ spanCorrect' $ Span (ident, (delete "smallcaps" classes), kvs) ils]
| "strike" `elem` classes =
[Strikeout $ spanCorrect' $ Span (ident, (delete "strike" classes), kvs) ils]
| "superscript" `elem` classes =
[Superscript $ spanCorrect' $ Span (ident, (delete "superscript" classes), kvs) ils]
| "subscript" `elem` classes =
[Subscript $ spanCorrect' $ Span (ident, (delete "subscript" classes), kvs) ils]
| (not . null) (codeSpans `intersect` classes) =
[Code (ident, (classes \\ codeSpans), kvs) (init $ unlines $ map ilToCode ils)]
| otherwise =
[Span (ident, classes, kvs) ils]
spanCorrect' il = [il]
spanCorrect :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
spanCorrect = concatMap spanCorrect'
removeEmptyPars :: [Block] -> [Block]
removeEmptyPars blks = filter (\b -> b /= (Para [])) blks
divReduce :: [Block] -> [Block]
divReduce [] = []
divReduce ((Div (id1, classes1, kvs1) blks1) : blks)
| (id1, classes1, kvs1) == ("", [], []) = blks1 ++ (divReduce blks)
divReduce (d1@(Div (id1, classes1, kvs1) blks1) :
d2@(Div (id2, classes2, kvs2) blks2) :
blks) =
let classes' = classes1 `intersect` classes2
kvs' = kvs1 `intersect` kvs2
classes1' = classes1 \\ classes'
kvs1' = kvs1 \\ kvs'
classes2' = classes2 \\ classes'
kvs2' = kvs2 \\ kvs'
case null classes' && null kvs' of
True -> d1 : (divReduce (d2 : blks))
False -> let attr' = ("", classes', kvs')
attr1' = (id1, classes1', kvs1')
attr2' = (id2, classes2', kvs2')
divReduce (Div attr' [(Div attr1' blks1), (Div attr2' blks2)] :
divReduce (blk:blks) = blk : (divReduce blks)
isHeaderClass :: String -> Maybe Int
isHeaderClass s | "Heading" `isPrefixOf` s =
@ -490,27 +369,12 @@ isHeaderClass s | "Heading" `isPrefixOf` s =
_ -> Nothing
isHeaderClass _ = Nothing
findHeaderClass :: [String] -> Maybe Int
findHeaderClass ss = case mapMaybe id $ map isHeaderClass ss of
[] -> Nothing
n : _ -> Just n
blksToInlines :: [Block] -> [Inline]
blksToInlines (Para ils : _) = ils
blksToInlines (Plain ils : _) = ils
blksToInlines _ = []
divCorrectPreReduce' :: Block -> [Block]
divCorrectPreReduce' (Div (ident, classes, kvs) blks)
| isJust $ findHeaderClass classes =
let n = fromJust $ findHeaderClass classes
[Header n (ident, delete ("Heading" ++ (show n)) classes, kvs) (blksToInlines blks)]
| otherwise = [Div (ident, classes, kvs) blks]
divCorrectPreReduce' blk = [blk]
divCorrectPreReduce :: [Block] -> [Block]
divCorrectPreReduce = concatMap divCorrectPreReduce'
blkToCode :: Block -> String
blkToCode (Para []) = ""
@ -520,29 +384,3 @@ blkToCode (Para ((Span (_, classes, _) ils'): ils))
(init $ unlines $ map ilToCode ils') ++ (blkToCode (Para ils))
blkToCode _ = ""
divRemove' :: Block -> [Block]
divRemove' (Div (_, _, kvs) blks) =
case lookup "indent" kvs of
Just val -> [Div ("", [], [("indent", val)]) blks]
Nothing -> blks
divRemove' blk = [blk]
divRemove :: [Block] -> [Block]
divRemove = concatMap divRemove'
divCorrect' :: Block -> [Block]
divCorrect' b@(Div (ident, classes, kvs) blks)
| (not . null) (blockQuoteDivs `intersect` classes) =
[BlockQuote [Div (ident, classes \\ blockQuoteDivs, kvs) blks]]
| (not . null) (codeDivs `intersect` classes) =
[CodeBlock (ident, (classes \\ codeDivs), kvs) (init $ unlines $ map blkToCode blks)]
| otherwise =
case lookup "indent" kvs of
Just "0" -> [Div (ident, classes, filter (\kv -> fst kv /= "indent") kvs) blks]
Just _ ->
[BlockQuote [Div (ident, classes, filter (\kv -> fst kv /= "indent") kvs) blks]]
Nothing -> [b]
divCorrect' blk = [blk]
divCorrect :: [Block] -> [Block]
divCorrect = concatMap divCorrect'
@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ Functions for converting flat docx paragraphs into nested lists.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists ( blocksToBullets
, blocksToDefinitions) where
, blocksToDefinitions
, listParagraphDivs
) where
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Generic (bottomUp)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (trim)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
@ -159,10 +162,9 @@ flatToBullets elems = flatToBullets' (-1) elems
blocksToBullets :: [Block] -> [Block]
blocksToBullets blks =
-- bottomUp removeListItemDivs $
bottomUp removeListDivs $
flatToBullets $ (handleListParagraphs blks)
plainParaInlines :: Block -> [Inline]
plainParaInlines (Plain ils) = ils
plainParaInlines (Para ils) = ils
@ -199,6 +201,23 @@ blocksToDefinitions' [] acc (b:blks) =
blocksToDefinitions' defAcc acc (b:blks) =
blocksToDefinitions' [] (b : (DefinitionList (reverse defAcc)) : acc) blks
removeListDivs' :: Block -> [Block]
removeListDivs' (Div (ident, classes, kvs) blks)
| "list-item" `elem` classes =
case delete "list-item" classes of
[] -> blks
classes' -> [Div (ident, classes', kvs) $ blks]
removeListDivs' (Div (ident, classes, kvs) blks)
| not $ null $ listParagraphDivs `intersect` classes =
case classes \\ listParagraphDivs of
[] -> blks
classes' -> [Div (ident, classes', kvs) blks]
removeListDivs' blk = [blk]
removeListDivs :: [Block] -> [Block]
removeListDivs = concatMap removeListDivs'
blocksToDefinitions :: [Block] -> [Block]
blocksToDefinitions = blocksToDefinitions' [] []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Reducible ((<++>),
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Data.List ((\\), intersect)
data Container a = Container ([a] -> a) | NullContainer
instance (Eq a) => Eq (Container a) where
(Container x) == (Container y) = ((x []) == (y []))
NullContainer == NullContainer = True
_ == _ = False
instance (Show a) => Show (Container a) where
show (Container x) = "Container {" ++
(reverse $ drop 3 $ reverse $ show $ x []) ++
show (NullContainer) = "NullContainer"
class Reducible a where
(<++>) :: a -> a -> [a]
container :: a -> Container a
innards :: a -> [a]
isSpace :: a -> Bool
(<+++>) :: (Reducible a) => Many a -> Many a -> Many a
mr <+++> ms = fromList $ reduceList $ toList mr ++ toList ms
reduceListB :: (Reducible a) => Many a -> Many a
reduceListB = fromList . reduceList . toList
reduceList' :: (Reducible a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
reduceList' acc [] = acc
reduceList' [] (x:xs) = reduceList' [x] xs
reduceList' as (x:xs) = reduceList' (init as ++ (last as <++> x) ) xs
reduceList :: (Reducible a) => [a] -> [a]
reduceList = reduceList' []
combineReducibles :: (Reducible a, Eq a) => a -> a -> [a]
combineReducibles r s =
let (conts, rs) = topLevelContainers r
(conts', ss) = topLevelContainers s
shared = conts `intersect` conts'
remaining = conts \\ shared
remaining' = conts' \\ shared
case null shared of
True -> case (not . null) rs && isSpace (last rs) of
True -> rebuild conts (init rs) ++ [last rs, s]
False -> [r,s]
False -> rebuild
shared $
reduceList $
(rebuild remaining rs) ++ (rebuild remaining' ss)
instance Reducible Inline where
s1@(Span (id1, classes1, kvs1) ils1) <++> s2@(Span (id2, classes2, kvs2) ils2) =
let classes' = classes1 `intersect` classes2
kvs' = kvs1 `intersect` kvs2
classes1' = classes1 \\ classes'
kvs1' = kvs1 \\ kvs'
classes2' = classes2 \\ classes'
kvs2' = kvs2 \\ kvs'
case null classes' && null kvs' of
True -> [s1,s2]
False -> let attr' = ("", classes', kvs')
attr1' = (id1, classes1', kvs1')
attr2' = (id2, classes2', kvs2')
s1' = case null classes1' && null kvs1' of
True -> ils1
False -> [Span attr1' ils1]
s2' = case null classes2' && null kvs2' of
True -> ils2
False -> [Span attr2' ils2]
[Span attr' $ reduceList $ s1' ++ s2']
(Str x) <++> (Str y) = [Str (x++y)]
il <++> il' = combineReducibles il il'
container (Emph _) = Container Emph
container (Strong _) = Container Strong
container (Strikeout _) = Container Strikeout
container (Subscript _) = Container Subscript
container (Superscript _) = Container Superscript
container (Quoted qt _) = Container $ Quoted qt
container (Cite cs _) = Container $ Cite cs
container (Span attr _) = Container $ Span attr
container _ = NullContainer
innards (Emph ils) = ils
innards (Strong ils) = ils
innards (Strikeout ils) = ils
innards (Subscript ils) = ils
innards (Superscript ils) = ils
innards (Quoted _ ils) = ils
innards (Cite _ ils) = ils
innards (Span _ ils) = ils
innards _ = []
isSpace Space = True
isSpace _ = False
instance Reducible Block where
(Div (ident, classes, kvs) blks) <++> blk | "list-item" `elem` classes =
[Div (ident, classes, kvs) (reduceList blks), blk]
blk <++> blk' = combineReducibles blk blk'
container (BlockQuote _) = Container BlockQuote
container (Div attr _) = Container $ Div attr
container _ = NullContainer
innards (BlockQuote bs) = bs
innards (Div _ bs) = bs
innards _ = []
isSpace _ = False
topLevelContainers' :: (Reducible a) => [a] -> ([Container a], [a])
topLevelContainers' (r : []) = case container r of
NullContainer -> ([], [r])
_ ->
let (conts, inns) = topLevelContainers' (innards r)
((container r) : conts, inns)
topLevelContainers' rs = ([], rs)
topLevelContainers :: (Reducible a) => a -> ([Container a], [a])
topLevelContainers il = topLevelContainers' [il]
rebuild :: [Container a] -> [a] -> [a]
rebuild [] xs = xs
rebuild ((Container f) : cs) xs = rebuild cs $ [f xs]
rebuild (NullContainer : cs) xs = rebuild cs $ xs
@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inlines"
"normalizing inlines deep inside blocks"
, testCompare
"move trailing spaces outside of formatting"
, testGroup "blocks"
[ testCompare
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
[Para [Str "Turn",Space,Str "my",Space,Emph [Str "formatting"],Space,Str "off",Space,Str "after",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "spaces."]]
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