Merge pull request #1503 from jkr/streamlineMath
OMath parser: Change signature of exported function.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 24 additions and 12 deletions
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ runToInlines (InlineDrawing fp bs) = do
modify $ \s -> s { docxMediaBag = insertMedia fp Nothing bs mediaBag }
return [Image [] (fp, "")]
parPartToInlines :: ParPart -> DocxContext [Inline]
@ -507,10 +507,9 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) = do
widths = replicate size 0 :: [Double]
return [Table caption alignments widths hdrCells cells]
bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara exps) = do
return [Para $
map (\e -> Math DisplayMath (writeTeX e))
bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara e) = do
return [Para [Math DisplayMath (writeTeX e)]]
-- replace targets with generated anchors.
rewriteLink :: Inline -> DocxContext Inline
@ -38,11 +38,20 @@ import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Types as TM
readOMML :: Element -> Maybe [TM.Exp]
readOMML element | isElem "m" "oMath" element =
Just $ concat $ mapMaybe (elemToExps') (elChildren element)
readOMML _ = Nothing
readOMML :: String -> Either String [TM.Exp]
readOMML s | Just e <- parseXMLDoc s =
case elemToOMML e of
Just exs -> Right exs
Nothing -> Left "xml file was not an <m:oMathPara> or <m:oMath> element."
readOMML _ = Left "Couldn't parse OMML file"
elemToOMML :: Element -> Maybe [TM.Exp]
elemToOMML element | isElem "m" "oMathPara" element = do
let expList = mapMaybe elemToOMML (elChildren element)
return $ map (\l -> if length l == 1 then (head l) else TM.EGrouped l) expList
elemToOMML element | isElem "m" "oMath" element =
Just $ concat $ mapMaybe (elemToExps') (elChildren element)
elemToOMML _ = Nothing
isElem :: String -> String -> Element -> Bool
isElem prefix name element =
@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ maybeToD :: Maybe a -> D a
maybeToD (Just a) = return a
maybeToD Nothing = throwError DocxError
eitherToD :: Either a b -> D b
eitherToD (Right b) = return b
eitherToD (Left _) = throwError DocxError
concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f xs = liftM concat (mapM f xs)
@ -150,7 +154,7 @@ defaultParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle { pStyle = []
data BodyPart = Paragraph ParagraphStyle [ParPart]
| ListItem ParagraphStyle String String Level [ParPart]
| Tbl String TblGrid TblLook [Row]
| OMathPara [[Exp]]
| OMathPara [Exp]
deriving Show
type TblGrid = [Integer]
@ -475,7 +479,7 @@ elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "p" element
, (c:_) <- findChildren (elemName ns "m" "oMathPara") element =
expsLst <- mapD (\e -> (maybeToD $ readOMML e)) (elChildren c)
expsLst <- eitherToD $ readOMML $ showElement c
return $ OMathPara expsLst
elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "p" element
@ -575,7 +579,7 @@ elemToParPart ns element
Nothing -> ExternalHyperLink "" runs
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "m" "oMath" element =
(maybeToD $ readOMML element) >>= (return . PlainOMath)
(eitherToD $ readOMML $ showElement element) >>= (return . PlainOMath)
elemToParPart _ _ = throwError WrongElem
lookupFootnote :: String -> Notes -> Maybe Element
Add table
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