Man reader: major restructuring, support macros.
- Improved support for custom macro definitions. - LinePart type has been added. RoffStr is now one constructor of LinePart (the other being MacroArg). - MComment has lost its argument. - MEndMacro has been removed. - MStr has been removed (we now simply use LinePart). - Macros now store a list of tokens. - Each macro argument is a [LinePart], instead of a LinePart. - .BR now behaves as documented in man (and doesn't create a link).
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 141 additions and 143 deletions
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Man (readMan) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (liftM, void, mzero, guard)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Char (isHexDigit, chr)
import Data.Char (isHexDigit, chr, ord)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set, singleton)
import qualified Data.Set as S (fromList, toList)
import qualified Data.Set as S (fromList, toList, union)
import Data.List (intersperse, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad(..), report)
@ -65,16 +65,15 @@ type MacroKind = String
type Font = Set FontKind
type RoffStr = (String, Font)
data LinePart = RoffStr (String, Font)
| MacroArg Int
deriving Show
-- TODO parse tables (see man tbl)
data ManToken = MStr RoffStr
| MLine [RoffStr]
| MMaybeLink String
data ManToken = MLine [LinePart]
| MEmptyLine
| MMacro MacroKind [RoffStr]
| MComment String
| MEndMacro
| MMacro MacroKind [[LinePart]]
| MComment
deriving Show
data RoffState = RoffState { fontKind :: Font
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ data RoffState = RoffState { fontKind :: Font
instance Default RoffState where
def = RoffState { fontKind = singleton Regular }
data ManState = ManState { customMacros :: M.Map String Blocks
data ManState = ManState { customMacros :: M.Map String [ManToken]
, readerOptions :: ReaderOptions
, metadata :: Meta
} deriving Show
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ type ManParser m = ParserT [ManToken] ManState m
-- | Read man (troff) from an input string and return a Pandoc document.
readMan :: PandocMonad m => ReaderOptions -> T.Text -> m Pandoc
readMan opts txt = do
eithertokens <- readWithM lexMan def (T.unpack $ crFilter txt)
eithertokens <- readWithM (many manToken) def (T.unpack $ crFilter txt)
case eithertokens of
Left e -> throwError e
Right tokenz -> do
@ -127,8 +126,8 @@ readMan opts txt = do
-- String -> ManToken function
lexMan :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m [ManToken]
lexMan = many (lexComment <|> lexMacro <|> lexLine <|> lexEmptyLine)
manToken :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m ManToken
manToken = lexComment <|> lexMacro <|> lexLine <|> lexEmptyLine
parseMan :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Pandoc
parseMan = do
@ -271,9 +270,9 @@ lexComment :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m ManToken
lexComment = do
try $ string ".\\\""
body <- many $ noneOf "\n"
skipMany $ noneOf "\n"
char '\n'
return $ MComment body
return MComment
lexMacro :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m ManToken
lexMacro = do
@ -281,80 +280,100 @@ lexMacro = do
many spacetab
macroName <- many (letter <|> oneOf ['\\', '"', '&', '.'])
args <- lexArgs
let joinedArgs = unwords $ fst <$> args
let addFonts fs = map (addFontsToRoffStr fs)
addFontsToRoffStr fs (RoffStr (s, fs')) = RoffStr (s, fs `S.union` fs')
addFontsToRoffStr _ x = x
tok = case macroName of
"" -> MComment ""
"." -> MEndMacro
x | x `elem` ["\\\"", "\\#"] -> MComment joinedArgs
"B" -> MStr (joinedArgs, singleton Bold)
"BR" -> MMaybeLink joinedArgs
x | x `elem` ["BI", "IB"] -> MStr (joinedArgs, S.fromList [Italic, Bold])
x | x `elem` ["I", "IR", "RI"] -> MStr (joinedArgs, singleton Italic)
"" -> MComment
x | x `elem` ["\\\"", "\\#"] -> MComment
"B" -> MLine $ concatMap (addFonts (singleton Bold)) args
"BR" -> MLine $ concat args -- TODO
x | x `elem` ["BI", "IB"] -> MLine $ -- TODO FIXME!
concatMap (addFonts (S.fromList [Italic, Bold])) args
x | x `elem` ["I", "IR", "RI"] -> MLine $
concatMap (addFonts (singleton Italic)) args
x | x `elem` [ "P", "PP", "LP", "sp"] -> MEmptyLine
_ -> MMacro macroName args
return tok
-- TODO better would be [[RoffStr]], since one arg may have different fonts
lexArgs :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m [RoffStr]
lexArgs :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m [[LinePart]]
lexArgs = do
args <- many $ try oneArg
many spacetab
skipMany spacetab
return args
oneArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m RoffStr
oneArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m [LinePart]
oneArg = do
many1 spacetab
many $ try $ string "\\\n"
try quotedArg <|> plainArg -- try, because there are some erroneous files, e.g. linux/bpf.2
skipMany $ try $ string "\\\n" -- TODO why is this here?
try quotedArg <|> plainArg
-- try, because there are some erroneous files, e.g. linux/bpf.2
plainArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m RoffStr
plainArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m [LinePart]
plainArg = do
indents <- many spacetab
arg <- many1 $ escapeLexer <|> many1 (noneOf " \t\n\\")
f <- currentFont
return (indents ++ mconcat arg, f)
-- TODO skip initial spaces, then parse many linePart til a spaec
skipMany spacetab
many (macroArg <|> esc <|> regularText)
quotedArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m RoffStr
quotedArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m [LinePart]
quotedArg = do
char '"'
val <- mconcat <$> many quotedChar
char '"'
val2 <- mconcat <$> many (escapeLexer <|> many1 (noneOf " \t\n"))
f <- currentFont
return (val ++ val2, f)
quotedChar :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m String
quotedChar = escapeLexer
<|> many1 (noneOf "\"\n\\")
<|> try (string "\"\"" >> return "\"")
char '"'
xs <- many (macroArg <|> esc <|> regularText <|> spaceTabChar
<|> escapedQuote)
char '"'
return xs
where escapedQuote = try $ do
char '"'
char '"'
fonts <- currentFont
return $ RoffStr ("\"", fonts)
lexLine :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m ManToken
lexLine = do
lnparts <- many1 (esc <|> linePart)
lnparts <- many1 linePart
return $ MLine $ catMaybes lnparts
return $ MLine lnparts
esc :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m (Maybe (String, Font))
esc = do
someesc <- escapeLexer
font <- currentFont
return $ if null someesc
then Nothing
else Just (someesc, font)
linePart :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m LinePart
linePart = macroArg <|> esc <|> regularText <|> quoteChar <|> spaceTabChar
linePart :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m (Maybe (String, Font))
linePart = do
lnpart <- many1 $ noneOf "\n\\"
font <- currentFont
return $ Just (lnpart, font)
macroArg :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m LinePart
macroArg = try $ do
char '\\'
char '$'
x <- digit
return $ MacroArg $ ord x - ord '0'
esc :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m LinePart
esc = do
s <- escapeLexer
font <- currentFont
return $ RoffStr (s, font)
regularText :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m LinePart
regularText = do
s <- many1 $ noneOf "\n\r\t \\\""
font <- currentFont
return $ RoffStr (s, font)
quoteChar :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m LinePart
quoteChar = do
char '"'
font <- currentFont
return $ RoffStr ("\"", font)
spaceTabChar :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m LinePart
spaceTabChar = do
c <- spacetab
font <- currentFont
return $ RoffStr ([c], font)
lexEmptyLine :: PandocMonad m => ManLexer m ManToken
lexEmptyLine = char '\n' >> return MEmptyLine
@ -371,21 +390,11 @@ msatisfy predic = tokenPrim show nextPos testTok
(setSourceLine pos $ sourceLine pos + 1) 1) ("")
mstr :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m ManToken
mstr = msatisfy isMStr where
isMStr (MStr _) = True
isMStr _ = False
mline :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m ManToken
mline = msatisfy isMLine where
isMLine (MLine _) = True
isMLine _ = False
mmaybeLink :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m ManToken
mmaybeLink = msatisfy isMMaybeLink where
isMMaybeLink (MMaybeLink _) = True
isMMaybeLink _ = False
memptyLine :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m ManToken
memptyLine = msatisfy isMEmptyLine where
isMEmptyLine MEmptyLine = True
@ -404,8 +413,8 @@ mmacroAny = msatisfy isMMacro where
mcomment :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m ManToken
mcomment = msatisfy isMComment where
isMComment (MComment _) = True
isMComment _ = False
isMComment MComment = True
isMComment _ = False
-- ManToken -> Block functions
@ -415,10 +424,13 @@ parseTitle :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parseTitle = do
(MMacro _ args) <- mmacro "TH"
let adjustMeta =
case map fst args of
(x:y:z:_) -> setMeta "title" x . setMeta "section" y . setMeta "date" z
[x,y] -> setMeta "title" x . setMeta "section" y
[x] -> setMeta "title" x
case args of
(x:y:z:_) -> setMeta "title" (linePartsToInlines x) .
setMeta "section" (linePartsToInlines y) .
setMeta "date" (linePartsToInlines z)
[x,y] -> setMeta "title" (linePartsToInlines x) .
setMeta "section" (linePartsToInlines y)
[x] -> setMeta "title" (linePartsToInlines x)
[] -> id
modifyState $ \st -> st{ metadata = adjustMeta $ metadata st }
return mempty
@ -426,58 +438,38 @@ parseTitle = do
parseSkippedContent :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parseSkippedContent = mempty <$ (mcomment <|> memptyLine)
strToInlines :: RoffStr -> Inlines
strToInlines (s, fonts) = inner $ S.toList fonts where
inner :: [FontKind] -> Inlines
inner [] = text s
inner (Bold:fs) = strong $ inner fs
inner (Italic:fs) = emph $ inner fs
linePartsToInlines :: [LinePart] -> Inlines
linePartsToInlines = mconcat . map go
go (RoffStr (s, fonts)) = inner (S.toList fonts) s
go _ = mempty
inner :: [FontKind] -> String -> Inlines
inner [] s = text s
inner (Bold:fs) s = strong $ inner fs s
inner (Italic:fs) s = emph $ inner fs s
-- Monospace goes after Bold and Italic in ordered set
inner (Monospace:_) = code s
inner (Regular:fs) = inner fs
inner (Monospace:_) s = code s
inner (Regular:fs) s = inner fs s
linePartsToString :: [LinePart] -> String
linePartsToString = mconcat . map go
go (RoffStr (s, _)) = s
go _ = mempty
parsePara :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parsePara = para . trimInlines <$> parseInlines
parseInlines :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Inlines
parseInlines = do
inls <- many1 (strInl <|> lineInl <|> linkInl <|> comment)
inls <- many1 (lineInl <|> comment)
let withspaces = intersperse inls
return $ mconcat withspaces
strInl :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Inlines
strInl = do
(MStr rstr) <- mstr
return $ strToInlines rstr
lineInl :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Inlines
lineInl = do
(MLine fragments) <- mline
return $ mconcat $ strToInlines <$> fragments
linkInl :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Inlines
linkInl = do
(MMaybeLink txt) <- mmaybeLink
let inls = case runParser linkParser () "" txt of
Right lnk -> lnk
Left _ -> strong $ text txt
return inls
-- assuming man pages are generated from Linux-like repository
linkParser :: Parsec String () Inlines
linkParser = do
mpage <- many1 (alphaNum <|> char '_')
char '('
mansect <- digit
char ')'
other <- many anyChar
let manurl pagename section = "../"++section++"/"++pagename++"."++section
lnkInls = link (manurl mpage [mansect]) mpage (strong $ str mpage)
return $ lnkInls <> strong (str (" ("++[mansect] ++ ")") <> text other)
return $ linePartsToInlines $ fragments
comment :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Inlines
comment = mcomment >> return mempty
@ -491,7 +483,7 @@ parseCodeBlock :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parseCodeBlock = try $ do
optional bareIP -- some people indent their code
mmacro "nf"
toks <- many (mstr <|> mline <|> mmaybeLink <|> memptyLine <|> mcomment)
toks <- many (mline <|> memptyLine <|> mcomment)
mmacro "fi"
return $ codeBlock (removeFinalNewline $
intercalate "\n" . catMaybes $
@ -502,10 +494,9 @@ parseCodeBlock = try $ do
removeFinalNewline [] = []
removeFinalNewline xs = if last xs == '\n' then init xs else xs
extractText :: ManToken -> Maybe String
extractText (MStr (s, _)) = Just s
extractText (MLine ss) = Just . concat $ map fst ss -- TODO maybe unwords?
extractText (MMaybeLink s) = Just s
extractText MEmptyLine = Just "" -- string are intercalated with '\n', this prevents double '\n'
extractText (MLine ss) = Just $ linePartsToString ss
extractText MEmptyLine = Just ""
-- string are intercalated with '\n', this prevents double '\n'
extractText _ = Nothing
parseHeader :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
@ -513,10 +504,10 @@ parseHeader = do
MMacro name args <- mmacro "SH" <|> mmacro "SS"
contents <- if null args
then do
strInl <|> lineInl
else do
return $
mconcat $ intersperse $ map strToInlines args
mconcat $ intersperse $ map linePartsToInlines args
let lvl = if name == "SH" then 1 else 2
return $ header lvl contents
@ -537,8 +528,8 @@ listItem :: PandocMonad m => Maybe ListType -> ManParser m (ListType, Blocks)
listItem mbListType = try $ do
(MMacro _ args) <- mmacro "IP"
case args of
[] -> mzero
((cs,_):_) -> do
(arg1 : _) -> do
let cs = linePartsToString arg1
let cs' = if not ('.' `elem` cs || ')' `elem` cs) then cs ++ "." else cs
let lt = case Parsec.runParser anyOrderedListMarker defaultParserState
"list marker" cs' of
@ -550,6 +541,7 @@ listItem mbListType = try $ do
inls <- parseInlines
continuations <- mconcat <$> many continuation
return $ (lt, para inls <> continuations)
[] -> mzero
parseList :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parseList = try $ do
@ -570,7 +562,7 @@ definitionListItem :: PandocMonad m
=> ManParser m (Inlines, [Blocks])
definitionListItem = try $ do
(MMacro _ _) <- mmacro "TP" -- args specify indent level, can ignore
term <- strInl <|> lineInl
term <- lineInl
inls <- parseInlines
continuations <- mconcat <$> many continuation
return $ (term, [para inls <> continuations])
@ -581,32 +573,38 @@ parseDefinitionList = definitionList <$> many1 definitionListItem
parseMacroDef :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parseMacroDef = do
MMacro _ args <- mmacro "de"
(macroName, endMacro') <-
(macroName, stopMacro) <-
case args of
((x,_):(y,_):_) -> return (x, mmacro y) -- optional second arg
((x,_):_) -> return (x, endMacro)
[] -> fail "No argument to .de"
bs <- mconcat <$> manyTill parseBlock endMacro'
(x : y : _) -> return (linePartsToString x, linePartsToString y)
-- optional second arg
(x:_) -> return (linePartsToString x, ".")
[] -> fail "No argument to .de"
ts <- manyTill (msatisfy (const True)) (mmacro stopMacro)
modifyState $ \st ->
st{ customMacros = M.insert macroName bs (customMacros st) }
st{ customMacros = M.insert macroName ts (customMacros st) }
return mempty
endMacro = (msatisfy (\t -> case t of
MEndMacro -> True
_ -> False))
-- In case of weird man file it will be parsed succesfully
parseUnkownMacro :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parseUnkownMacro = do
pos <- getPosition
tok <- mmacroAny
case tok of
MMacro mkind _ -> do
MMacro mkind args -> do
macros <- customMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup mkind macros of
Nothing -> do
report $ SkippedContent ('.':mkind) pos
return mempty
Just bs -> return bs
Just ts -> do
toks <- getInput
let fillLP (RoffStr (x,y)) zs = RoffStr (x,y) : zs
fillLP (MacroArg i) zs =
case drop (i - 1) args of
[] -> zs
(ys:_) -> ys ++ zs
let fillMacroArg (MLine lineparts) = MLine (foldr fillLP [] lineparts)
fillMacroArg x = x
setInput $ (map fillMacroArg ts) ++ toks
return mempty
_ -> fail "the impossible happened"
@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ tests = [
testGroup "Macros" [
"Bold" =:
".B foo"
=?> (para $ strong "foo")
=?> para (strong "foo")
, "Italic" =:
".I bar\n"
=?> (para $ emph "bar")
=?> para (emph "bar")
, "BoldItalic" =:
".BI foo bar"
=?> (para $ strong $ emph $ text "foo bar")
=?> para (strong (str "foo") <> emph (str "bar"))
, "H1" =:
".SH The header\n"
=?> header 1 (text "The header")
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ tests = [
=?> (para $ str "aaa")
, "link" =:
".BR aa (1)"
=?> (para $ link "../1/aa.1" "aa" (strong $ str "aa") <> (strong $ str " (1)"))
=?> para (text "aa(1)")
testGroup "Escapes" [
"fonts" =:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaString "Oct 17, 2018"),("section",MetaString ""),("title",MetaString "Pandoc Man tests")]})
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaInlines [Str "Oct",Space,Str "17,",Space,Str "2018"]),("section",MetaInlines []),("title",MetaInlines [Str "Pandoc",Space,Str "Man",Space,Str "tests"])]})
[Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "set",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "tests",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "pandoc."]
,Para [Str "*",Space,Str "*",Space,Str "*",Space,Str "*",Space,Str "*"]
,Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "Headers"]
Add table
Reference in a new issue