diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 96c63cdee..90bf24c18 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -34,11 +34,9 @@ Description:     Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup
 Build-Depends:   base, parsec, xhtml, mtl, regex-compat
 Hs-Source-Dirs: src
 Exposed-Modules: Text.Pandoc,
-                 Text.Pandoc.ASCIIMathML,
-                 Text.Pandoc.Entities,
-                 Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators,
+                 Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
index fe724987c..df73ed325 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ inline links:
 > markdownToRST :: String -> String
 > markdownToRST = toUTF8 .
->         (writeRST defaultWriterOptions {writerReferenceLinks = True}) .
->         (readMarkdown defaultParserState) .  fromUTF8
+>   (writeRST defaultWriterOptions {writerReferenceLinks = True}) .
+>   (readMarkdown defaultParserState) .  fromUTF8
 > main = interact markdownToRST
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs
index ffcd5bfe0..cfc22cb3e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs
@@ -43,9 +43,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Blocks
 import Text.PrettyPrint
-import Data.List (transpose, intersperse)
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
 -- | A fixed-width block of text.  Parameters are width of block,
 -- height of block, and list of lines.
@@ -53,6 +52,17 @@ data TextBlock = TextBlock Int Int [String]
 instance Show TextBlock where
   show x = show $ blockToDoc x
+-- | Break lines in a list of lines so that none are greater than
+-- a given width.
+breakLines :: Int      -- ^ Maximum length of lines.
+           -> [String] -- ^ List of lines.
+           -> [String]
+breakLines width [] = []
+breakLines width (l:ls) =
+  if length l > width
+     then (take width l):(breakLines width ((drop width l):ls))
+     else l:(breakLines width ls)
 -- | Convert a @Doc@ element into a @TextBlock@ with a specified width. 
 docToBlock :: Int  -- ^ Width of text block.
            -> Doc  -- ^ @Doc@ to convert.
@@ -60,13 +70,8 @@ docToBlock :: Int  -- ^ Width of text block.
 docToBlock width doc =
   let rendered    = renderStyle (style {lineLength = width, 
                                         ribbonsPerLine = 1}) doc
-      lns         = lines rendered
-      chop []     = []
-      chop (l:ls) = if length l > width
-                       then (take width l):(chop ((drop width l):ls))
-                       else l:(chop ls)
-      lns'        = chop lns
-  in  TextBlock width (length lns') lns' 
+      lns         = breakLines width $ lines rendered
+  in  TextBlock width (length lns) lns
 -- | Convert a @TextBlock@ to a @Doc@ element.
 blockToDoc :: TextBlock -> Doc
@@ -116,8 +121,7 @@ isWhitespace x = x `elem` " \t"
 -- | Left-aligns the contents of a @TextBlock@ within the block.
 leftAlignBlock :: TextBlock -> TextBlock
 leftAlignBlock (TextBlock width height lns) =
-  TextBlock width height $ 
-            map (dropWhile isWhitespace) lns
+  TextBlock width height $ map (dropWhile isWhitespace) lns
 -- | Right-aligns the contents of a @TextBlock@ within the block.
 rightAlignBlock :: TextBlock -> TextBlock
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Entities.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/CharacterReferences.hs
similarity index 79%
rename from src/Text/Pandoc/Entities.hs
rename to src/Text/Pandoc/CharacterReferences.hs
index 125774d4d..deb2c3f1a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Entities.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/CharacterReferences.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 {- |
-   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Entities
+   Module      : Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences
    Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane
    License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
@@ -25,37 +25,26 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    Stability   : alpha
    Portability : portable
-Functions for encoding unicode characters as entity references,
-and vice versa.
+Functions for parsing character references.
-module Text.Pandoc.Entities (
-                     charToEntity,
-                     charToNumericalEntity,
-                     decodeEntities,
-                     escapeCharForXML,
-                     escapeStringForXML,
-                     characterEntity
+module Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences (
+                     characterReference,
+                     decodeCharacterReferences,
                     ) where
-import Data.Char ( chr, ord )
+import Data.Char ( chr )
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
--- | Returns a string containing an entity reference for the character.
-charToEntity :: Char -> String
-charToEntity char = Map.findWithDefault (charToNumericalEntity char) char reverseEntityTable
--- | Returns a string containing a numerical entity reference for the char.
-charToNumericalEntity :: Char -> String
-charToNumericalEntity ch = "&#" ++ show (ord ch) ++ ";"
+-- | Parse character entity.
+characterReference :: GenParser Char st Char
+characterReference = characterEntity <|> 
+                     hexadecimalCharacterReference <|> 
+                     decimalCharacterReference <?> 
+                     "character entity"
 -- | Parse character entity.
 characterEntity :: GenParser Char st Char
-characterEntity = namedEntity <|> hexEntity <|> decimalEntity <?> "character entity"
--- | Parse character entity.
-namedEntity :: GenParser Char st Char
-namedEntity = try $ do
+characterEntity = try $ do
   st <- char '&'
   body <- many1 alphaNum
   end <- char ';'
@@ -63,8 +52,8 @@ namedEntity = try $ do
   return $ Map.findWithDefault '?' entity entityTable
 -- | Parse hexadecimal entity.
-hexEntity :: GenParser Char st Char
-hexEntity = try $ do
+hexadecimalCharacterReference :: GenParser Char st Char
+hexadecimalCharacterReference = try $ do
   st <- string "&#"
   hex <- oneOf "Xx"
   body <- many1 (oneOf "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")
@@ -72,49 +61,23 @@ hexEntity = try $ do
   return $ chr $ read ('0':'x':body)
 -- | Parse decimal entity.
-decimalEntity :: GenParser Char st Char
-decimalEntity = try $ do
+decimalCharacterReference :: GenParser Char st Char
+decimalCharacterReference = try $ do
   st <- string "&#"
   body <- many1 digit
   end <- char ';'
   return $ chr $ read body
--- | Escape one character as needed for XML.
-escapeCharForXML :: Char -> String
-escapeCharForXML x = 
-  case x of
-    '&'  -> "&amp;"
-    '<'  -> "&lt;"
-    '>'  -> "&gt;"
-    '"'  -> "&quot;"
-    '\160' -> "&nbsp;"
-    c    -> [c] 
--- | True if the character needs to be escaped.
-needsEscaping :: Char -> Bool
-needsEscaping c = c `elem` "&<>\"\160"
--- | Escape string as needed for XML.  Entity references are not preserved.
-escapeStringForXML :: String -> String
-escapeStringForXML ""  = ""
-escapeStringForXML str = 
-  case break needsEscaping str of
-    (okay, "")     -> okay
-    (okay, (c:cs)) -> okay ++ escapeCharForXML c ++ escapeStringForXML cs 
 -- | Convert entities in a string to characters.
-decodeEntities :: String -> String
-decodeEntities str = 
-  case parse (many (characterEntity <|> anyChar)) str str of
+decodeCharacterReferences :: String -> String
+decodeCharacterReferences str = 
+  case parse (many (characterReference <|> anyChar)) str str of
 	Left err        -> error $ "\nError: " ++ show err
 	Right result    -> result
 entityTable :: Map.Map String Char
 entityTable = Map.fromList entityTableList
-reverseEntityTable :: Map.Map Char String
-reverseEntityTable = Map.fromList $ map (\(a,b) -> (b,a)) entityTableList 
 entityTableList :: [(String, Char)]
 entityTableList =  [
 	("&quot;", chr 34),
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs
index 3d3858b7e..7d1125c5a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ data Pandoc = Pandoc Meta [Block] deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
 -- | Bibliographic information for the document:  title (list of 'Inline'),
 -- authors (list of strings), date (string).
-data Meta   = Meta [Inline] -- title
-                   [String] -- authors
-                   String   -- date
-              deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
+data Meta = Meta [Inline] -- title
+                 [String] -- authors
+                 String   -- date
+            deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
 -- | Alignment of a table column.
 data Alignment = AlignLeft 
@@ -65,12 +65,11 @@ data ListNumberDelim = DefaultDelim
 -- | Block element.
 data Block  
     = Plain [Inline]        -- ^ Plain text, not a paragraph
-    | Null                  -- ^ Nothing
     | Para [Inline]         -- ^ Paragraph
     | CodeBlock String      -- ^ Code block (literal)
     | RawHtml String        -- ^ Raw HTML block (literal)
     | BlockQuote [Block]    -- ^ Block quote (list of blocks)
-    | OrderedList ListAttributes [[Block]] -- ^ Ordered list (attributes,
+    | OrderedList ListAttributes [[Block]] -- ^ Ordered list (attributes
                             -- and a list of items, each a list of blocks)
     | BulletList [[Block]]  -- ^ Bullet list (list of items, each
                             -- a list of blocks)
@@ -84,6 +83,7 @@ data Block
                             -- relative column widths, column headers
                             -- (each a list of blocks), and rows
                             -- (each a list of lists of blocks)
+    | Null                  -- ^ Nothing
     deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
 -- | Type of quotation marks to use in Quoted inline.
@@ -112,6 +112,5 @@ data Inline
     | Link [Inline] Target  -- ^ Hyperlink: text (list of inlines), target
     | Image [Inline] Target -- ^ Image:  alt text (list of inlines), target
                             -- and target
-    | Note [Block]          -- ^ Footnote or endnote - reference (string),
-                            -- text (list of blocks)
+    | Note [Block]          -- ^ Footnote or endnote 
     deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/ParserCombinators.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/ParserCombinators.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 559a654cc..000000000
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/ParserCombinators.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module      : Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators
-   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane
-   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
-   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
-   Stability   : alpha
-   Portability : portable
-Parser combinators used in Pandoc readers.
-module Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators ( 
-                                      anyLine,
-                                      many1Till,
-                                      notFollowedBy',
-                                      oneOfStrings,
-                                      spaceChar,
-                                      skipSpaces,
-                                      blankline,
-                                      blanklines,
-                                      enclosed,
-                                      stringAnyCase,
-                                      parseFromString,
-                                      lineClump,
-                                      charsInBalanced,
-                                      charsInBalanced',
-                                      romanNumeral,
-                                      withHorizDisplacement
-                                     ) where
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Data.Char ( toUpper, toLower )
---- | Parse any line of text
-anyLine :: GenParser Char st [Char]
-anyLine = try (manyTill anyChar newline) <|> many1 anyChar
-          -- second alternative is for a line ending with eof
--- | Parses a space or tab.
-spaceChar :: CharParser st Char
-spaceChar = oneOf " \t"
--- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs.
-skipSpaces :: GenParser Char st ()
-skipSpaces = skipMany spaceChar
--- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs, then reads a newline.
-blankline :: GenParser Char st Char
-blankline = try (do
-                   skipSpaces
-                   newline)
--- | Parses one or more blank lines and returns a string of newlines.
-blanklines :: GenParser Char st [Char]
-blanklines = try (many1 blankline)
--- | Parses material enclosed between start and end parsers.
-enclosed :: GenParser Char st t   -- ^ start parser
-	    -> GenParser Char st end  -- ^ end parser
-	    -> GenParser Char st a    -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
-	    -> GenParser Char st [a]
-enclosed start end parser = try (do
-                                   start
-                                   notFollowedBy space
-                                   result <- many1Till parser (try end)
-                                   return result)
--- | Like @manyTill@, but reads at least one item.
-many1Till :: GenParser tok st a
-	     -> GenParser tok st end
-	     -> GenParser tok st [a]
-many1Till p end = try (do
-         first <- p
-         rest <- manyTill p end
-         return (first:rest))
--- | A more general form of @notFollowedBy@.  This one allows any 
--- type of parser to be specified, and succeeds only if that parser fails.
--- It does not consume any input.
-notFollowedBy' :: Show b => GenParser a st b -> GenParser a st ()
-notFollowedBy' parser = try (do { c <- try parser; unexpected (show c) }
-                           <|> return ())
--- | Parses one of a list of strings (tried in order).  
-oneOfStrings :: [String] -> GenParser Char st String
-oneOfStrings listOfStrings = choice $ map (try . string) listOfStrings
--- | Parse string, case insensitive.
-stringAnyCase :: [Char] -> CharParser st String
-stringAnyCase [] = string ""
-stringAnyCase (x:xs) = try (do
-  firstChar <- choice [ char (toUpper x), char (toLower x) ]
-  rest <- stringAnyCase xs
-  return (firstChar:rest))
--- | Parse contents of 'str' using 'parser' and return result.
-parseFromString :: GenParser tok st a -> [tok] -> GenParser tok st a
-parseFromString parser str = try $ do
-  oldInput <- getInput
-  setInput str
-  result <- parser
-  setInput oldInput
-  return result
--- | Parse raw line block up to and including blank lines.
-lineClump :: GenParser Char st String
-lineClump = do
-  lines <- many1 (do{notFollowedBy blankline; anyLine})
-  blanks <- blanklines <|> (do{eof; return "\n"})
-  return ((unlines lines) ++ blanks)
--- | Parse a string of characters between an open character
--- and a close character, including text between balanced
--- pairs of open and close. For example,
--- @charsInBalanced '(' ')'@ will parse "(hello (there))"
--- and return "hello (there)".  Stop if a blank line is
--- encountered.
-charsInBalanced :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
-charsInBalanced open close = try $ do
-  char open
-  raw <- manyTill (   (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
-                          return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
-                  <|> (do notFollowedBy' (blankline >> blanklines)
-                          count 1 anyChar))
-                  (char close)
-  return $ concat raw
--- | Like charsInBalanced, but allow blank lines in the content.
-charsInBalanced' :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
-charsInBalanced' open close = try $ do
-  char open
-  raw <- manyTill (   (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
-                          return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
-                  <|> count 1 anyChar)
-                  (char close)
-  return $ concat raw
--- | Parses a roman numeral (uppercase or lowercase), returns number.
-romanNumeral :: Bool ->  -- ^ Uppercase if true
-                GenParser Char st Int
-romanNumeral upper = try $ do
-    let char' c = char (if upper then toUpper c else c)
-    let one = char' 'i'
-    let five = char' 'v'
-    let ten = char' 'x'
-    let fifty = char' 'l'
-    let hundred = char' 'c'
-    let fivehundred = char' 'd'
-    let thousand = char' 'm'
-    thousands <- many thousand >>= (return . (1000 *) . length)
-    ninehundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> thousand >> return 900
-    fivehundreds <- many fivehundred >>= (return . (500 *) . length)
-    fourhundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> fivehundred >> return 400
-    hundreds <- many hundred >>= (return . (100 *) . length)
-    nineties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> hundred >> return 90
-    fifties <- many fifty >>= (return . (50 *) . length)
-    forties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> fifty >> return 40
-    tens <- many ten >>= (return . (10 *) . length)
-    nines <- option 0 $ try $ one >> ten >> return 9
-    fives <- many five >>= (return . (5*) . length)
-    fours <- option 0 $ try $ one >> five >> return 4
-    ones <- many one >>= (return . length)
-    let total = thousands + ninehundreds + fivehundreds + fourhundreds +
-                hundreds + nineties + fifties + forties + tens + nines +
-                fives + fours + ones
-    if total == 0
-       then fail "not a roman numeral"
-       else return total
--- | Applies a parser, returns tuple of its results and its horizontal
--- displacement (the difference between the source column at the end
--- and the source column at the beginning). Vertical displacement
--- (source row) is ignored.
-withHorizDisplacement :: GenParser Char st a  -- ^ Parser to apply
-                      -> GenParser Char st (a, Int) -- ^ (result, displacement)
-withHorizDisplacement parser = do
-  pos1 <- getPosition
-  result <- parser
-  pos2 <- getPosition
-  return (result, sourceColumn pos2 - sourceColumn pos1)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
index 1742667b8..1eb5d7b4a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (
                                 ) where
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
-import Text.Pandoc.Entities ( characterEntity, decodeEntities )
+import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( characterReference, 
+                                         decodeCharacterReferences )
 import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
-import Data.List ( intersect, takeWhile, dropWhile )
+import Data.List ( takeWhile, dropWhile )
 import Data.Char ( toUpper, toLower, isAlphaNum )
 -- | Convert HTML-formatted string to 'Pandoc' document.
@@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ readHtml :: ParserState   -- ^ Parser state
          -> Pandoc
 readHtml = readWith parseHtml
--- for testing 
-testString :: String -> IO ()
-testString = testStringWith parseHtml
 -- Constants
@@ -74,26 +70,18 @@ inlineHtmlTags = ["a", "abbr", "acronym", "b", "basefont", "bdo", "big",
 -- | Read blocks until end tag.
-blocksTilEnd tag = try (do
-  blocks <- manyTill (do {b <- block; spaces; return b}) (htmlEndTag tag)
-  return $ filter (/= Null) blocks)
+blocksTilEnd tag = do
+  blocks <- manyTill (block >>~ spaces) (htmlEndTag tag)
+  return $ filter (/= Null) blocks
 -- | Read inlines until end tag.
-inlinesTilEnd tag = try (do
-  inlines <- manyTill inline (htmlEndTag tag)
-  return inlines)
+inlinesTilEnd tag = manyTill inline (htmlEndTag tag)
 -- | Parse blocks between open and close tag.
-blocksIn tag = try $ do
-  htmlTag tag
-  spaces
-  blocksTilEnd tag
+blocksIn tag = try $ htmlTag tag >> spaces >> blocksTilEnd tag
 -- | Parse inlines between open and close tag.
-inlinesIn tag = try $ do
-  htmlTag tag
-  spaces
-  inlinesTilEnd tag
+inlinesIn tag = try $ htmlTag tag >> spaces >> inlinesTilEnd tag
 -- | Extract type from a tag:  e.g. @br@ from @\<br\>@
 extractTagType :: String -> String
@@ -103,19 +91,19 @@ extractTagType ('<':rest) =
 extractTagType _ = ""
 -- | Parse any HTML tag (closing or opening) and return text of tag
-anyHtmlTag = try (do
+anyHtmlTag = try $ do
   char '<'
   tag <- many1 alphaNum
   attribs <- htmlAttributes
   ender <- option "" (string "/")
-  let ender' = if (null ender) then "" else " /"
+  let ender' = if null ender then "" else " /"
   char '>'
-  return ("<" ++ tag ++ attribs ++ ender' ++ ">"))
+  return $ "<" ++ tag ++ attribs ++ ender' ++ ">"
-anyHtmlEndTag = try (do
+anyHtmlEndTag = try $ do
   char '<'   
   char '/'
@@ -123,19 +111,19 @@ anyHtmlEndTag = try (do
   tagType <- many1 alphaNum
   char '>'
-  return ("</" ++ tagType ++ ">"))
+  return $ "</" ++ tagType ++ ">"
 htmlTag :: String -> GenParser Char st (String, [(String, String)])
-htmlTag tag = try (do
+htmlTag tag = try $ do
   char '<'
   stringAnyCase tag
   attribs <- many htmlAttribute
-  option "" (string "/")
+  optional (string "/")
   char '>'
-  return (tag, (map (\(name, content, raw) -> (name, content)) attribs)))
+  return (tag, (map (\(name, content, raw) -> (name, content)) attribs))
 -- parses a quoted html attribute value
 quoted quoteChar = do
@@ -145,20 +133,20 @@ quoted quoteChar = do
 htmlAttributes = do
   attrList <- many htmlAttribute
-  return (concatMap (\(name, content, raw) -> raw) attrList)
+  return $ concatMap (\(name, content, raw) -> raw) attrList
 htmlAttribute = htmlRegularAttribute <|> htmlMinimizedAttribute
--- minimized boolean attribute (no = and value)
-htmlMinimizedAttribute = try (do
+-- minimized boolean attribute
+htmlMinimizedAttribute = try $ do
   many1 space
   name <- many1 (choice [letter, oneOf ".-_:"])
   notFollowedBy (char '=')
   let content = name
-  return (name, content, (" " ++ name)))
+  return (name, content, (" " ++ name))
-htmlRegularAttribute = try (do
+htmlRegularAttribute = try $ do
   many1 space
   name <- many1 (choice [letter, oneOf ".-_:"])
@@ -170,10 +158,10 @@ htmlRegularAttribute = try (do
                                      a <- many (alphaNum <|> (oneOf "-._:"))
                                      return (a,"")) ]
   return (name, content,
-          (" " ++ name ++ "=" ++ quoteStr ++ content ++ quoteStr)))
+          (" " ++ name ++ "=" ++ quoteStr ++ content ++ quoteStr))
 -- | Parse an end tag of type 'tag'
-htmlEndTag tag = try (do
+htmlEndTag tag = try $ do
   char '<'   
   char '/'
@@ -181,87 +169,83 @@ htmlEndTag tag = try (do
   stringAnyCase tag
   char '>'
-  return ("</" ++ tag ++ ">"))
+  return $ "</" ++ tag ++ ">"
 -- | Returns @True@ if the tag is an inline tag.
 isInline tag = (extractTagType tag) `elem` inlineHtmlTags
-anyHtmlBlockTag = try (do
-  tag <- choice [anyHtmlTag, anyHtmlEndTag]
-  if isInline tag then fail "inline tag" else return tag)
+anyHtmlBlockTag = try $ do
+  tag <- anyHtmlTag <|> anyHtmlEndTag
+  if isInline tag then fail "inline tag" else return tag
-anyHtmlInlineTag = try (do
-  tag <- choice [ anyHtmlTag, anyHtmlEndTag ]
-  if isInline tag then return tag else fail "not an inline tag")
+anyHtmlInlineTag = try $ do
+  tag <- anyHtmlTag <|> anyHtmlEndTag
+  if isInline tag then return tag else fail "not an inline tag"
 -- | Parses material between script tags.
 -- Scripts must be treated differently, because they can contain '<>' etc.
-htmlScript = try (do
+htmlScript = try $ do
   open <- string "<script"
   rest <- manyTill anyChar (htmlEndTag "script")
-  return (open ++ rest ++ "</script>"))
+  return $ open ++ rest ++ "</script>"
 htmlBlockElement = choice [ htmlScript, htmlComment, xmlDec, definition ]
-rawHtmlBlock = try (do
-  notFollowedBy' (choice [htmlTag "/body", htmlTag "/html"])
+rawHtmlBlock = try $ do
+  notFollowedBy' (htmlTag "/body" <|> htmlTag "/html")
   body <- htmlBlockElement <|> anyHtmlBlockTag
-  sp <- (many space)
+  sp <- many space
   state <- getState
-  if stateParseRaw state then return (RawHtml (body ++ sp)) else return Null)
+  if stateParseRaw state then return (RawHtml (body ++ sp)) else return Null
 -- | Parses an HTML comment.
-htmlComment = try (do
+htmlComment = try $ do
   string "<!--"
   comment <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "-->"))
-  return ("<!--" ++ comment ++ "-->"))
+  return $ "<!--" ++ comment ++ "-->"
 -- parsing documents
-xmlDec = try (do
+xmlDec = try $ do
   string "<?"
   rest <- manyTill anyChar (char '>')
-  return ("<?" ++ rest ++ ">"))
+  return $ "<?" ++ rest ++ ">"
-definition = try (do
+definition = try $ do
   string "<!"
   rest <- manyTill anyChar (char '>')
-  return ("<!" ++ rest ++ ">"))
+  return $ "<!" ++ rest ++ ">"
-nonTitleNonHead = try (do
-  notFollowedBy' (htmlTag "title")
-  notFollowedBy' (htmlTag "/head")
-  result <- choice [do {rawHtmlBlock; return ' '}, anyChar]
-  return result)
+nonTitleNonHead = try $ notFollowedBy' (htmlTag "title" <|> htmlTag "/head") >>
+  ((rawHtmlBlock >> return ' ') <|> anyChar)
-parseTitle = try (do
-  (tag, attribs) <- htmlTag "title"
+parseTitle = try $ do
+  (tag, _) <- htmlTag "title"
   contents <- inlinesTilEnd tag
-  return contents)
+  return contents
 -- parse header and return meta-information (for now, just title)
-parseHead = try (do
+parseHead = try $ do
   htmlTag "head"
   skipMany nonTitleNonHead
   contents <- option [] parseTitle
   skipMany nonTitleNonHead
   htmlTag "/head"
-  return (contents, [], ""))
+  return (contents, [], "")
-skipHtmlTag tag = option ("",[]) (htmlTag tag)
+skipHtmlTag tag = optional (htmlTag tag)
 -- h1 class="title" representation of title in body
-bodyTitle = try (do
+bodyTitle = try $ do
   (tag, attribs) <- htmlTag "h1"  
   cl <- case (extractAttribute "class" attribs) of
-          Just "title" -> do {return ""}
+          Just "title" -> return ""
           otherwise    -> fail "not title"
   inlinesTilEnd "h1"
-  return "")
 parseHtml = do
   sepEndBy (choice [xmlDec, definition, htmlComment]) spaces
@@ -271,27 +255,30 @@ parseHtml = do
   skipHtmlTag "body"
-  option "" bodyTitle  -- skip title in body, because it's represented in meta
+  optional bodyTitle  -- skip title in body, because it's represented in meta
   blocks <- parseBlocks
-  option "" (htmlEndTag "body")
+  optional (htmlEndTag "body")
-  option "" (htmlEndTag "html")
+  optional (htmlEndTag "html")
   many anyChar -- ignore anything after </html>
-  return (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks)
+  return $ Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks
 -- parsing blocks
-parseBlocks = do
-  spaces
-  result <- sepEndBy block spaces
-  return $ filter (/= Null) result
+parseBlocks = spaces >> sepEndBy block spaces >>= (return . filter (/= Null))
-block = choice [ codeBlock, header, hrule, list, blockQuote, para, plain, 
-                 rawHtmlBlock ] <?> "block"
+block = choice [ codeBlock
+               , header
+               , hrule
+               , list
+               , blockQuote
+               , para
+               , plain
+               , rawHtmlBlock ] <?> "block"
 -- header blocks
@@ -299,53 +286,49 @@ block = choice [ codeBlock, header, hrule, list, blockQuote, para, plain,
 header = choice (map headerLevel (enumFromTo 1 5)) <?> "header"
-headerLevel n = try (do
+headerLevel n = try $ do
     let level = "h" ++ show n
     (tag, attribs) <- htmlTag level
     contents <- inlinesTilEnd level
-    return (Header n (normalizeSpaces contents)))
+    return $ Header n (normalizeSpaces contents)
 -- hrule block
-hrule = try (do
+hrule = try  $ do
   (tag, attribs) <- htmlTag "hr"
   state <- getState
-  if (not (null attribs)) && (stateParseRaw state)
-     then -- in this case we want to parse it as raw html
-          unexpected "attributes in hr"
-     else return HorizontalRule)
+  if not (null attribs) && stateParseRaw state
+     then unexpected "attributes in hr" -- parse as raw in this case
+     else return HorizontalRule
 -- code blocks
-codeBlock = choice [ preCodeBlock, bareCodeBlock ] <?> "code block"
+codeBlock = preCodeBlock <|> bareCodeBlock <?> "code block"
-preCodeBlock = try (do
+preCodeBlock = try $ do
     htmlTag "pre" 
-    htmlTag "code"
-    result <- manyTill anyChar (htmlEndTag "code")
+    result <- bareCodeBlock
     htmlEndTag "pre"
-    return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines (decodeEntities result))))
+    return result
-bareCodeBlock = try (do
+bareCodeBlock = try $ do
     htmlTag "code"
     result <- manyTill anyChar (htmlEndTag "code")
-    return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines (decodeEntities result))))
+    return $ CodeBlock $ stripTrailingNewlines $ 
+             decodeCharacterReferences result
 -- block quotes
-blockQuote = try (do
-    tag <- htmlTag "blockquote"
-    spaces
-    blocks <- blocksTilEnd "blockquote"
-    return (BlockQuote blocks))
+blockQuote = try $ htmlTag "blockquote" >> spaces >> 
+                   blocksTilEnd "blockquote" >>= (return . BlockQuote)
 -- list blocks
@@ -354,119 +337,105 @@ blockQuote = try (do
 list = choice [ bulletList, orderedList, definitionList ] <?> "list"
 orderedList = try $ do
-    (_, attribs) <- htmlTag "ol"
-    (start, style) <- option (1, DefaultStyle) $
-                             do failIfStrict
-                                let sta = fromMaybe "1" $ 
-                                          lookup "start" attribs
-                                let sty = fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" $
-                                          lookup "style" attribs) $
-                                          lookup "class" attribs
-                                let sty' = case sty of
-                                            "lower-roman"  -> LowerRoman
-                                            "upper-roman"  -> UpperRoman
-                                            "lower-alpha"  -> LowerAlpha
-                                            "upper-alpha"  -> UpperAlpha
-                                            "decimal"      -> Decimal
-                                            _              -> DefaultStyle
-                                return (read sta, sty')
-    spaces
-    items <- sepEndBy1 (blocksIn "li") spaces
-    htmlEndTag "ol"
-    return (OrderedList (start, style, DefaultDelim) items)
+  (_, attribs) <- htmlTag "ol"
+  (start, style) <- option (1, DefaultStyle) $
+                           do failIfStrict
+                              let sta = fromMaybe "1" $ 
+                                        lookup "start" attribs
+                              let sty = fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" $
+                                        lookup "style" attribs) $
+                                        lookup "class" attribs
+                              let sty' = case sty of
+                                          "lower-roman"  -> LowerRoman
+                                          "upper-roman"  -> UpperRoman
+                                          "lower-alpha"  -> LowerAlpha
+                                          "upper-alpha"  -> UpperAlpha
+                                          "decimal"      -> Decimal
+                                          _              -> DefaultStyle
+                              return (read sta, sty')
+  spaces
+  items <- sepEndBy1 (blocksIn "li") spaces
+  htmlEndTag "ol"
+  return $ OrderedList (start, style, DefaultDelim) items
 bulletList = try $ do
-    htmlTag "ul"
-    spaces
-    items <- sepEndBy1 (blocksIn "li") spaces
-    htmlEndTag "ul"
-    return (BulletList items)
+  htmlTag "ul"
+  spaces
+  items <- sepEndBy1 (blocksIn "li") spaces
+  htmlEndTag "ul"
+  return $ BulletList items
 definitionList = try $ do
-    failIfStrict  -- def lists not part of standard markdown
-    tag <- htmlTag "dl"
-    spaces
-    items <- sepEndBy1 definitionListItem spaces
-    htmlEndTag "dl"
-    return (DefinitionList items)
+  failIfStrict  -- def lists not part of standard markdown
+  tag <- htmlTag "dl"
+  spaces
+  items <- sepEndBy1 definitionListItem spaces
+  htmlEndTag "dl"
+  return $ DefinitionList items
 definitionListItem = try $ do
-    terms <- sepEndBy1 (inlinesIn "dt") spaces
-    defs <- sepEndBy1 (blocksIn "dd") spaces
-    let term = joinWithSep [LineBreak] terms
-    return (term, concat defs)
+  terms <- sepEndBy1 (inlinesIn "dt") spaces
+  defs <- sepEndBy1 (blocksIn "dd") spaces
+  let term = joinWithSep [LineBreak] terms
+  return (term, concat defs)
 -- paragraph block
-para = try (do 
-  tag <- htmlTag "p"
-  result <- inlinesTilEnd "p"
-  return (Para (normalizeSpaces result)))
+para = htmlTag "p" >> inlinesTilEnd "p" >>= return . Para . normalizeSpaces
 -- plain block
-plain = do
-    result <- many1 inline
-    return (Plain (normalizeSpaces result))
+plain = many1 inline >>= return . Plain . normalizeSpaces
 -- inline
-inline = choice [ text, special ] <?> "inline"
+inline = choice [ charRef
+                , strong
+                , emph
+                , superscript
+                , subscript
+                , strikeout
+                , spanStrikeout
+                , code
+                , str
+                , linebreak
+                , whitespace
+                , link
+                , image
+                , rawHtmlInline ] <?> "inline"
-text =  choice [ entity, strong, emph, superscript, subscript,
-                 strikeout, spanStrikeout, code, str,
-                 linebreak, whitespace ] <?> "text"
-special = choice [ link, image, rawHtmlInline ] <?> 
-                 "link, inline html, or image"
-entity = do
-  ent <- characterEntity
-  return $ Str [ent]
-code = try (do 
+code = try $ do 
   htmlTag "code"
   result <- manyTill anyChar (htmlEndTag "code")
   -- remove internal line breaks, leading and trailing space,
-  -- and decode entities
-  let result' = decodeEntities $ removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ 
-                joinWithSep " " $ lines result 
-  return (Code result'))
+  -- and decode character references
+  return $ Code $ decodeCharacterReferences $ removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ 
+                  joinWithSep " " $ lines result 
 rawHtmlInline = do
-  result <- choice [htmlScript, anyHtmlInlineTag]
+  result <- htmlScript <|> anyHtmlInlineTag
   state <- getState
   if stateParseRaw state then return (HtmlInline result) else return (Str "")
-betweenTags tag = try (do
-  htmlTag tag
-  result <- inlinesTilEnd tag
-  return (normalizeSpaces result))
+betweenTags tag = try $ htmlTag tag >> inlinesTilEnd tag >>= 
+                        return . normalizeSpaces
-emph = try (do 
-  result <- choice [betweenTags "em", betweenTags "it"]
-  return (Emph result))
+emph = (betweenTags "em" <|> betweenTags "it") >>= return . Emph
-superscript = try $ do
-  failIfStrict -- strict markdown has no superscript, so treat as raw HTML
-  result <- betweenTags "sup"
-  return (Superscript result)  
+strong = (betweenTags "b" <|> betweenTags "strong") >>= return . Strong
-subscript = try $ do
-  failIfStrict -- strict markdown has no subscript, so treat as raw HTML
-  result <- betweenTags "sub"
-  return (Subscript result)  
+superscript = failIfStrict >> betweenTags "sup" >>= return . Superscript
-strikeout = try $ do
-  failIfStrict -- strict markdown has no strikeout, so treat as raw HTML
-  result <- choice [betweenTags "s", betweenTags "strike"]
-  return (Strikeout result)
+subscript = failIfStrict >> betweenTags "sub" >>= return . Subscript
+strikeout = failIfStrict >> (betweenTags "s" <|> betweenTags "strike") >>=
+            return . Strikeout
 spanStrikeout = try $ do
   failIfStrict -- strict markdown has no strikeout, so treat as raw HTML
@@ -474,25 +443,14 @@ spanStrikeout = try $ do
   result <- case (extractAttribute "class" attributes) of
               Just "strikeout" -> inlinesTilEnd "span"
               _                -> fail "not a strikeout"
-  return (Strikeout result)
+  return $ Strikeout result
-strong = try (do 
-  result <- choice [betweenTags "b", betweenTags "strong"]
-  return (Strong result))
-whitespace = do
-  many1 space
-  return Space
+whitespace = many1 space >> return Space
 -- hard line break
-linebreak = do
-  htmlTag "br"
-  option ' ' newline
-  return LineBreak 
+linebreak = htmlTag "br" >> optional newline >> return LineBreak
-str = do 
-  result <- many1 (noneOf "<& \t\n")
-  return (Str result)
+str = many1 (noneOf "<& \t\n") >>= return . Str
 -- links and images
@@ -501,27 +459,27 @@ str = do
 -- extract contents of attribute (attribute names are case-insensitive)
 extractAttribute name [] = Nothing
 extractAttribute name ((attrName, contents):rest) = 
-  let name' = map toLower name 
-      attrName' = map toLower attrName in
-  if (attrName' == name')
-     then Just (decodeEntities contents)
-     else extractAttribute name rest
+  let name'     = map toLower name 
+      attrName' = map toLower attrName
+  in  if attrName' == name'
+         then Just (decodeCharacterReferences contents)
+         else extractAttribute name rest
 link = try $ do
   (tag, attributes) <- htmlTag "a"  
   url <- case (extractAttribute "href" attributes) of
-           Just url -> do {return url}
+           Just url -> return url
            Nothing  -> fail "no href"
-  let title = fromMaybe "" (extractAttribute "title" attributes)
+  let title = fromMaybe "" $ extractAttribute "title" attributes
   label <- inlinesTilEnd "a"
   return $ Link (normalizeSpaces label) (url, title)
 image = try $ do
   (tag, attributes) <- htmlTag "img" 
   url <- case (extractAttribute "src" attributes) of
-           Just url -> do {return url}
+           Just url -> return url
            Nothing  -> fail "no src"
-  let title = fromMaybe "" (extractAttribute "title" attributes)
+  let title = fromMaybe "" $ extractAttribute "title" attributes
   let alt = fromMaybe "" (extractAttribute "alt" attributes)
   return $ Image [Str alt] (url, title)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 73a3e4a8f..4b91b528c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (
                                  ) where
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
 import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
@@ -47,9 +46,6 @@ readLaTeX :: ParserState   -- ^ Parser state, including options for parser
           -> Pandoc
 readLaTeX = readWith parseLaTeX
--- for testing
-testString = testStringWith parseLaTeX
 -- characters with special meaning
 specialChars = "\\$%&^&_~#{}\n \t|<>'\"-"
@@ -58,12 +54,12 @@ specialChars = "\\$%&^&_~#{}\n \t|<>'\"-"
 -- | Returns text between brackets and its matching pair.
-bracketedText openB closeB = try (do
+bracketedText openB closeB = do
   result <- charsInBalanced' openB closeB
-  return ([openB] ++ result ++ [closeB]))
+  return $ [openB] ++ result ++ [closeB]
 -- | Returns an option or argument of a LaTeX command.
-optOrArg = choice [ (bracketedText '{' '}'), (bracketedText '[' ']') ]
+optOrArg = bracketedText '{' '}' <|> bracketedText '[' ']'
 -- | True if the string begins with '{'.
 isArg ('{':rest) = True
@@ -73,62 +69,55 @@ isArg other = False
 commandArgs = many optOrArg
 -- | Parses LaTeX command, returns (name, star, list of options or arguments).
-command = try (do
+command = try $ do
   char '\\'
   name <- many1 alphaNum
   star <- option "" (string "*")  -- some commands have starred versions
   args <- commandArgs
-  return (name, star, args))
+  return (name, star, args)
-begin name = try (do
-  string "\\begin{"
-  string name
-  char '}'
-  option [] commandArgs
+begin name = try $ do
+  string $ "\\begin{" ++ name ++ "}"
+  optional commandArgs
-  return name)
+  return name
-end name = try (do
-  string "\\end{"
-  string name
-  char '}'
+end name = try $ do
+  string $ "\\end{" ++ name ++ "}"
-  return name)
+  return name
 -- | Returns a list of block elements containing the contents of an
 -- environment.
-environment name = try (do
-  begin name
-  spaces
-  contents <- manyTill block (end name)
-  return contents)
+environment name = try $ begin name >> spaces >> manyTill block (end name)
-anyEnvironment =  try (do
+anyEnvironment =  try $ do
   string "\\begin{"
   name <- many alphaNum 
   star <- option "" (string "*") -- some environments have starred variants
   char '}'
-  option [] commandArgs
+  optional commandArgs
   contents <- manyTill block (end (name ++ star))
-  return (BlockQuote contents))
+  return $ BlockQuote contents
 -- parsing documents
 -- | Process LaTeX preamble, extracting metadata.
-processLaTeXPreamble = try (do
-  manyTill (choice [bibliographic, comment, unknownCommand, nullBlock]) 
-           (try (string "\\begin{document}"))
-  spaces)
+processLaTeXPreamble = try $ manyTill 
+  (choice [bibliographic, comment, unknownCommand, nullBlock]) 
+  (try (string "\\begin{document}")) >> 
+  spaces
 -- | Parse LaTeX and return 'Pandoc'.
 parseLaTeX = do
-  option () processLaTeXPreamble -- preamble might not be present (fragment)
+  optional processLaTeXPreamble -- preamble might not be present (fragment)
+  spaces
   blocks <- parseBlocks
-  option "" (try (string "\\end{document}")) -- might not be present (in fragment)
+  optional $ try (string "\\end{document}") -- might not be present (fragment)
   state <- getState
@@ -136,21 +125,27 @@ parseLaTeX = do
   let title' = stateTitle state
   let authors' = stateAuthors state
   let date' = stateDate state
-  return (Pandoc (Meta title' authors' date')  blocks')
+  return $ Pandoc (Meta title' authors' date')  blocks'
 -- parsing blocks
-parseBlocks = do
-  spaces
-  result <- many block
-  return result
+parseBlocks = spaces >> many block
-block = choice [ hrule, codeBlock, header, list, blockQuote, mathBlock,
-                 comment, bibliographic, para, specialEnvironment,
-                 itemBlock, unknownEnvironment, unknownCommand ] <?>
-                 "block"
+block = choice [ hrule
+               , codeBlock
+               , header
+               , list
+               , blockQuote
+               , mathBlock
+               , comment
+               , bibliographic
+               , para
+               , specialEnvironment
+               , itemBlock
+               , unknownEnvironment
+               , unknownCommand ] <?> "block"
 -- header blocks
@@ -158,24 +153,21 @@ block = choice [ hrule, codeBlock, header, list, blockQuote, mathBlock,
 header = choice (map headerLevel (enumFromTo 1 5)) <?> "header"
-headerLevel n = try (do
+headerLevel n = try $ do
   let subs = concat $ replicate (n - 1) "sub"
   string ("\\" ++ subs ++ "section")
-  option ' ' (char '*')
+  optional (char '*')
   char '{'
   title <- manyTill inline (char '}')
-  return (Header n (normalizeSpaces title)))
+  return $ Header n (normalizeSpaces title)
 -- hrule block
-hrule = try (do
-  oneOfStrings [ "\\begin{center}\\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\\end{center}\n\n", 
-                 "\\newpage" ]
-  spaces
-  return HorizontalRule)
+hrule = oneOfStrings [ "\\begin{center}\\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\\end{center}\n\n", 
+                       "\\newpage" ] >> spaces >> return HorizontalRule
 -- code blocks
@@ -183,37 +175,28 @@ hrule = try (do
 codeBlock = codeBlock1 <|> codeBlock2
-codeBlock1 = try (do
+codeBlock1 = try $ do
   string "\\begin{verbatim}"  -- don't use begin function because it 
                               -- gobbles whitespace
-  option "" blanklines        -- we want to gobble blank lines, but not 
+  optional blanklines         -- we want to gobble blank lines, but not 
                               -- leading space
   contents <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "\\end{verbatim}"))
-  return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines contents)))
+  return $ CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines contents)
-codeBlock2 = try (do
-  string "\\begin{Verbatim}"  -- used by fancyverb package
+codeBlock2 = try $ do
+  string "\\begin{Verbatim}"  -- used by fancyvrb package
   option "" blanklines
   contents <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "\\end{Verbatim}"))
-  return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines contents)))
+  return $ CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines contents)
 -- block quotes
-blockQuote = choice [ blockQuote1, blockQuote2 ] <?> "blockquote"
-blockQuote1 = try (do
-  blocks <- environment "quote"
-  spaces
-  return (BlockQuote blocks))
-blockQuote2 = try (do
-  blocks <- environment "quotation"
-  spaces
-  return (BlockQuote blocks))
+blockQuote = (environment "quote" <|> environment "quotation") >>~ spaces >>= 
+             return . BlockQuote
 -- math block
@@ -223,12 +206,12 @@ mathBlock = mathBlockWith (begin "equation") (end "equation") <|>
             mathBlockWith (begin "displaymath") (end "displaymath") <|>
             mathBlockWith (string "\\[") (string "\\]") <?> "math block"
-mathBlockWith start end = try (do
+mathBlockWith start end = try $ do
   result <- manyTill anyChar end
-  return (BlockQuote [Para [TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")]]))
+  return $ BlockQuote [Para [TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")]]
 -- list blocks
@@ -237,69 +220,66 @@ mathBlockWith start end = try (do
 list = bulletList <|> orderedList <|> definitionList <?> "list"
 listItem = try $ do
-    ("item", _, args) <- command
-    spaces
-    state <- getState
-    let oldParserContext = stateParserContext state
-    updateState (\state -> state {stateParserContext = ListItemState})
-    blocks <- many block
-    updateState (\state -> state {stateParserContext = oldParserContext})
-    opt <- case args of
-             ([x]) | "[" `isPrefixOf` x && "]" `isSuffixOf` x -> 
-                         parseFromString (many inline) $ tail $ init x
-             _        -> return []
-    return (opt, blocks)
+  ("item", _, args) <- command
+  spaces
+  state <- getState
+  let oldParserContext = stateParserContext state
+  updateState (\state -> state {stateParserContext = ListItemState})
+  blocks <- many block
+  updateState (\state -> state {stateParserContext = oldParserContext})
+  opt <- case args of
+           ([x]) | "[" `isPrefixOf` x && "]" `isSuffixOf` x -> 
+                       parseFromString (many inline) $ tail $ init x
+           _        -> return []
+  return (opt, blocks)
 orderedList = try $ do
-    string "\\begin{enumerate}"
-    (_, style, delim) <- option (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) $
-                                try $ do failIfStrict
-                                         char '['
-                                         res <- anyOrderedListMarker
-                                         char ']'
-                                         return res
-    spaces
-    option "" $ try $ do string "\\setlength{\\itemindent}"
-                         char '{'
-                         manyTill anyChar (char '}')
-    spaces
-    start <- option 1 $ try $ do failIfStrict
-                                 string "\\setcounter{enum"
-                                 many1 (char 'i')
-                                 string "}{"
-                                 num <- many1 digit
-                                 char '}' 
-                                 spaces
-                                 return $ (read num) + 1
-    items <- many listItem
-    end "enumerate"
-    spaces
-    return $ OrderedList (start, style, delim) $ map snd items
+  string "\\begin{enumerate}"
+  (_, style, delim) <- option (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) $
+                              try $ do failIfStrict
+                                       char '['
+                                       res <- anyOrderedListMarker
+                                       char ']'
+                                       return res
+  spaces
+  option "" $ try $ do string "\\setlength{\\itemindent}"
+                       char '{'
+                       manyTill anyChar (char '}')
+  spaces
+  start <- option 1 $ try $ do failIfStrict
+                               string "\\setcounter{enum"
+                               many1 (char 'i')
+                               string "}{"
+                               num <- many1 digit
+                               char '}' 
+                               spaces
+                               return $ (read num) + 1
+  items <- many listItem
+  end "enumerate"
+  spaces
+  return $ OrderedList (start, style, delim) $ map snd items
 bulletList = try $ do
-    begin "itemize"
-    spaces
-    items <- many listItem
-    end "itemize"
-    spaces
-    return (BulletList $ map snd items)
+  begin "itemize"
+  spaces
+  items <- many listItem
+  end "itemize"
+  spaces
+  return (BulletList $ map snd items)
 definitionList = try $ do
-    begin "description"
-    spaces
-    items <- many listItem
-    end "description"
-    spaces
-    return (DefinitionList items)
+  begin "description"
+  spaces
+  items <- many listItem
+  end "description"
+  spaces
+  return (DefinitionList items)
 -- paragraph block
-para = try (do 
-  result <- many1 inline
-  spaces
-  return (Para (normalizeSpaces result)))
+para = many1 inline >>~ spaces >>= return . Para . normalizeSpaces
 -- title authors date
@@ -307,33 +287,30 @@ para = try (do
 bibliographic = choice [ maketitle, title, authors, date ]
-maketitle = try (do
-  string "\\maketitle"
-  spaces
-  return Null)
+maketitle = try (string "\\maketitle") >> spaces >> return Null
-title = try (do
+title = try $ do
   string "\\title{"
   tit <- manyTill inline (char '}')
   updateState (\state -> state { stateTitle = tit })
-  return Null)
+  return Null
-authors = try (do
+authors = try $ do
   string "\\author{"
   authors <- manyTill anyChar (char '}')
   let authors' = map removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ lines $
                  substitute "\\\\" "\n" authors
   updateState (\state -> state { stateAuthors = authors' })
-  return Null)
+  return Null
-date = try (do
+date = try $ do
   string "\\date{"
   date' <- manyTill anyChar (char '}')
   updateState (\state -> state { stateDate = date' })
-  return Null)
+  return Null
 -- item block
@@ -341,14 +318,14 @@ date = try (do
 -- this forces items to be parsed in different blocks
-itemBlock = try (do
+itemBlock = try $ do
   ("item", _, args) <- command
   state <- getState
   if (stateParserContext state == ListItemState)
      then fail "item should be handled by list block"
      else if null args 
              then return Null
-             else return (Plain [Str (stripFirstAndLast (head args))]))
+             else return $ Plain [Str (stripFirstAndLast (head args))]
 -- raw LaTeX 
@@ -362,77 +339,93 @@ specialEnvironment = do  -- these are always parsed as raw
 -- | Parse any LaTeX environment and return a Para block containing
 -- the whole literal environment as raw TeX.
 rawLaTeXEnvironment :: GenParser Char st Block
-rawLaTeXEnvironment = try (do
-  string "\\begin"
-  char '{'
+rawLaTeXEnvironment = try $ do
+  string "\\begin{"
   name <- many1 alphaNum
   star <- option "" (string "*") -- for starred variants
   let name' = name ++ star
   char '}'
   args <- option [] commandArgs
   let argStr = concat args
-  contents <- manyTill (choice [(many1 (noneOf "\\")), 
+  contents <- manyTill (choice [ (many1 (noneOf "\\")), 
                                     (Para [TeX str]) <- rawLaTeXEnvironment
                                     return str),
                                  string "\\" ]) 
                        (end name')
-  return (Para [TeX ("\\begin{" ++ name' ++ "}" ++ argStr ++ 
-          (concat contents) ++ "\\end{" ++ name' ++ "}")]))
+  return $ Para [TeX $ "\\begin{" ++ name' ++ "}" ++ argStr ++ 
+                 concat contents ++ "\\end{" ++ name' ++ "}"]
-unknownEnvironment = try (do
+unknownEnvironment = try $ do
   state <- getState
   result <- if stateParseRaw state -- check whether we should include raw TeX 
                then rawLaTeXEnvironment -- if so, get whole raw environment
                else anyEnvironment      -- otherwise just the contents
-  return result)
+  return result
-unknownCommand = try (do
-  notFollowedBy' $ choice $ map end 
-                            ["itemize", "enumerate", "description", "document"]
+unknownCommand = try $ do
+  notFollowedBy' $ choice $ map end ["itemize", "enumerate", "description", 
+                                     "document"]
   (name, star, args) <- command
   let argStr = concat args
   state <- getState
-  if (name == "item") && ((stateParserContext state) == ListItemState)
+  if name == "item" && (stateParserContext state) == ListItemState
      then fail "should not be parsed as raw"
      else string ""
   if stateParseRaw state
-     then return (Plain [TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ argStr)])
-     else return (Plain [Str (joinWithSep " " args)]))
+     then return $ Plain [TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ argStr)]
+     else return $ Plain [Str (joinWithSep " " args)]
 -- latex comment
-comment = try (do
-  char '%'
-  result <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  spaces
-  return Null)
+comment = try $ char '%' >> manyTill anyChar newline >> spaces >> return Null
 -- inline
-inline =  choice [ strong, emph, strikeout, superscript, subscript,
-                   ref, lab, code, linebreak, spacer,
-                   math, ellipses, emDash, enDash, hyphen, quoted, apostrophe,
-                   accentedChar, specialChar, specialInline, escapedChar,
-                   unescapedChar, str, endline, whitespace ] <?> "inline"
-specialInline = choice [ url, link, image, footnote, rawLaTeXInline ] 
-                <?> "link, raw TeX, note, or image"
+inline =  choice [ strong
+                 , emph
+                 , strikeout
+                 , superscript
+                 , subscript
+                 , ref
+                 , lab
+                 , code
+                 , linebreak
+                 , spacer
+                 , math
+                 , ellipses
+                 , emDash
+                 , enDash
+                 , hyphen
+                 , quoted
+                 , apostrophe
+                 , accentedChar
+                 , specialChar
+                 , url
+                 , link
+                 , image
+                 , footnote
+                 , rawLaTeXInline
+                 , escapedChar
+                 , unescapedChar
+                 , str
+                 , endline
+                 , whitespace ] <?> "inline"
 accentedChar = normalAccentedChar <|> specialAccentedChar
-normalAccentedChar = try (do
+normalAccentedChar = try $ do
   char '\\'
   accent <- oneOf "'`^\"~"
-  character <- choice [ between (char '{') (char '}') anyChar, anyChar ]
+  character <- (try $ char '{' >> alphaNum >>~ char '}') <|> alphaNum
   let table = fromMaybe [] $ lookup character accentTable 
   let result = case lookup accent table of
                  Just num  -> chr num
                  Nothing   -> '?'
-  return (Str [result]))
+  return $ Str [result]
 -- an association list of letters and association list of accents
 -- and decimal character numbers.
@@ -451,245 +444,179 @@ accentTable =
     ('u', [('`', 249), ('\'', 250), ('^', 251), ('"', 252)]) ]
 specialAccentedChar = choice [ ccedil, aring, iuml, szlig, aelig,
-                              oslash, pound, euro, copyright, sect ]
+                               oslash, pound, euro, copyright, sect ]
-ccedil = try (do
+ccedil = try $ do
   char '\\'
   letter <- oneOfStrings ["cc", "cC"]
   let num = if letter == "cc" then 231 else 199
-  return (Str [chr num]))
+  return $ Str [chr num]
-aring = try (do
+aring = try $ do
   char '\\'
   letter <- oneOfStrings ["aa", "AA"]
   let num = if letter == "aa" then 229 else 197
-  return (Str [chr num]))
+  return $ Str [chr num]
-iuml = try (do
-  string "\\\""
-  oneOfStrings ["\\i", "{\\i}"]
-  return (Str [chr 239]))
+iuml = try (string "\\\"") >> oneOfStrings ["\\i", "{\\i}"] >> 
+       return (Str [chr 239])
-icirc = try (do
-  string "\\^"
-  oneOfStrings ["\\i", "{\\i}"]
-  return (Str [chr 238]))
+icirc = try (string "\\^") >> oneOfStrings ["\\i", "{\\i}"] >>
+        return (Str [chr 238])
-szlig = try (do
-  string "\\ss"
-  return (Str [chr 223]))
+szlig = try (string "\\ss") >> return (Str [chr 223])
-oslash = try (do
+oslash = try $ do
   char '\\'
   letter <- choice [char 'o', char 'O']
   let num = if letter == 'o' then 248 else 216
-  return (Str [chr num]))
+  return $ Str [chr num]
-aelig = try (do
+aelig = try $ do
   char '\\'
   letter <- oneOfStrings ["ae", "AE"]
   let num = if letter == "ae" then 230 else 198
-  return (Str [chr num]))
+  return $ Str [chr num]
-pound = try (do 
-  string "\\pounds"
-  return (Str [chr 163]))
+pound = try (string "\\pounds") >> return (Str [chr 163])
-euro = try (do
-  string "\\euro"
-  return (Str [chr 8364]))
+euro = try (string "\\euro") >> return (Str [chr 8364])
-copyright = try (do
-  string "\\copyright"
-  return (Str [chr 169]))
+copyright = try (string "\\copyright") >> return (Str [chr 169])
-sect = try (do
-  string "\\S"
-  return (Str [chr 167]))
+sect = try (string "\\S") >> return (Str [chr 167])
 escapedChar = do
   result <- escaped (oneOf " $%&_#{}\n")
-  return (if result == Str "\n" then Str " " else result)
+  return $ if result == Str "\n" then Str " " else result
-unescapedChar = do  -- ignore standalone, nonescaped special characters
-  oneOf "$^&_#{}|<>"
-  return (Str "")
+-- ignore standalone, nonescaped special characters
+unescapedChar = oneOf "$^&_#{}|<>" >> return (Str "")
 specialChar = choice [ backslash, tilde, caret, bar, lt, gt ]
-backslash = try (do 
-  string "\\textbackslash"
-  return (Str "\\"))
+backslash = try (string "\\textbackslash") >> return (Str "\\")
-tilde = try (do 
-  string "\\ensuremath{\\sim}"
-  return (Str "~"))
+tilde = try (string "\\ensuremath{\\sim}") >> return (Str "~")
-caret = try (do 
-  string "\\^{}"
-  return (Str "^"))
+caret = try (string "\\^{}") >> return (Str "^")
-bar = try (do
-  string "\\textbar"
-  return (Str "\\"))
+bar = try (string "\\textbar") >> return (Str "\\")
-lt = try (do
-  string "\\textless"
-  return (Str "<"))
+lt = try (string "\\textless") >> return (Str "<")
-gt = try (do
-  string "\\textgreater"
-  return (Str ">"))
+gt = try (string "\\textgreater") >> return (Str ">")
-code = try (do 
+code = try $ do 
   string "\\verb"
   marker <- anyChar
   result <- manyTill anyChar (char marker)
-  let result' = removeLeadingTrailingSpace result
-  return (Code result'))
+  return $ Code $ removeLeadingTrailingSpace result
-emph = try (do 
-  oneOfStrings [ "\\emph{", "\\textit{" ]
-  result <- manyTill inline (char '}')
-  return (Emph result))
+emph = try $ oneOfStrings [ "\\emph{", "\\textit{" ] >>
+             manyTill inline (char '}') >>= return . Emph
-strikeout = try $ do 
-  string "\\sout{"
-  result <- manyTill inline (char '}')
-  return (Strikeout result)
+strikeout = try $ string "\\sout{" >> manyTill inline (char '}') >>=
+                  return . Strikeout
-superscript = try $ do
-  string "\\textsuperscript{"
-  result <- manyTill inline (char '}')
-  return (Superscript result)
+superscript = try $ string "\\textsuperscript{" >> 
+                    manyTill inline (char '}') >>= return . Superscript
 -- note: \textsubscript isn't a standard latex command, but we use
 -- a defined version in pandoc.
-subscript = try $ do
-  string "\\textsubscript{"
-  result <- manyTill inline (char '}')
-  return (Subscript result)
+subscript = try $ string "\\textsubscript{" >> manyTill inline (char '}') >>=
+                  return . Subscript
-apostrophe = do
-  char '\''
-  return Apostrophe
+apostrophe = char '\'' >> return Apostrophe
-quoted = do
-  doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted
+quoted = doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted
-singleQuoted = try (do
-  result <- enclosed singleQuoteStart singleQuoteEnd inline
-  return $ Quoted SingleQuote $ normalizeSpaces result)
+singleQuoted = enclosed singleQuoteStart singleQuoteEnd inline >>=
+               return . Quoted SingleQuote . normalizeSpaces
-doubleQuoted = try (do
-  result <- enclosed doubleQuoteStart doubleQuoteEnd inline
-  return $ Quoted DoubleQuote $ normalizeSpaces result)
+doubleQuoted = enclosed doubleQuoteStart doubleQuoteEnd inline >>=
+               return . Quoted DoubleQuote . normalizeSpaces
 singleQuoteStart = char '`'
-singleQuoteEnd = char '\'' >> notFollowedBy alphaNum
+singleQuoteEnd = try $ char '\'' >> notFollowedBy alphaNum
 doubleQuoteStart = string "``"
 doubleQuoteEnd = string "''"
-ellipses = try (do
-  string "\\ldots"
-  option "" (try (string "{}"))
-  return Ellipses)
+ellipses = try $ string "\\ldots" >> optional (try (string "{}")) >>
+                 return Ellipses
-enDash = try (do
-  string "--"
-  notFollowedBy (char '-')
-  return EnDash) 
+enDash = try (string "--") >> return EnDash
-emDash = try (do
-  string "---"
-  return EmDash)
+emDash = try (string "---") >> return EmDash
-hyphen = do
-  char '-'
-  return (Str "-")
+hyphen = char '-' >> return (Str "-")
-lab = try (do
+lab = try $ do
   string "\\label{"
   result <- manyTill anyChar (char '}')
-  return (Str ("(" ++ result ++ ")")))
+  return $ Str $ "(" ++ result ++ ")"
-ref = try (do
-  string "\\ref{"
-  result <- manyTill anyChar (char '}')
-  return (Str (result)))
+ref = try (string "\\ref{") >> manyTill anyChar (char '}') >>= return . Str
-strong = try (do 
-  string "\\textbf{"
-  result <- manyTill inline (char '}')
-  return (Strong result))
+strong = try (string "\\textbf{") >> manyTill inline (char '}') >>=
+         return . Strong
-whitespace = do
-  many1 (oneOf "~ \t")
-  return Space
+whitespace = many1 (oneOf "~ \t") >> return Space
 -- hard line break
-linebreak = try (do
-  string "\\\\"
-  return LineBreak)
+linebreak = try (string "\\\\") >> return LineBreak
-spacer = try $ do
-  string "\\," 
-  return (Str "")
+spacer = try (string "\\,") >> return (Str "")
-str = do 
-  result <- many1 (noneOf specialChars)
-  return (Str result)
+str = many1 (noneOf specialChars) >>= return . Str
 -- endline internal to paragraph
-endline = try (do
-  newline
-  notFollowedBy blankline
-  return Space)
+endline = try $ newline >> notFollowedBy blankline >> return Space
 -- math
 math = math1 <|> math2 <?> "math"
-math1 = try (do
+math1 = try $ do
   char '$'
   result <- many (noneOf "$")
   char '$'
-  return (TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")))
+  return $ TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")
-math2 = try (do
+math2 = try $ do
   string "\\("
   result <- many (noneOf "$")
   string "\\)"
-  return (TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")))
+  return $ TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")
 -- links and images
-url = try (do
+url = try $ do
   string "\\url"
   url <- charsInBalanced '{' '}'
-  return (Link [Code url] (url, ""))) 
+  return $ Link [Code url] (url, "")
-link = try (do
+link = try $ do
   string "\\href{"
   url <- manyTill anyChar (char '}')
   char '{'
   label <- manyTill inline (char '}') 
-  return (Link (normalizeSpaces label) (url, "")))
+  return $ Link (normalizeSpaces label) (url, "")
-image = try (do
+image = try $ do
   ("includegraphics", _, args) <- command
   let args' = filter isArg args -- filter out options
   let src = if null args' then
               ("", "")
               (stripFirstAndLast (head args'), "")
-  return (Image [Str "image"] src))
+  return $ Image [Str "image"] src
-footnote = try (do
+footnote = try $ do
   (name, _, (contents:[])) <- command
   if ((name == "footnote") || (name == "thanks"))
      then string ""
@@ -700,16 +627,15 @@ footnote = try (do
   setInput $ contents'
   blocks <- parseBlocks
   setInput rest
-  return (Note blocks))
+  return $ Note blocks
 -- | Parse any LaTeX command and return it in a raw TeX inline element.
 rawLaTeXInline :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-rawLaTeXInline = try (do
+rawLaTeXInline = try $ do
   (name, star, args) <- command
-  let argStr = concat args
   state <- getState
   if ((name == "begin") || (name == "end") || (name == "item"))
      then fail "not an inline command" 
      else string ""
-  return (TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ argStr)))
+  return $ TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ concat args)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index 3ccb74ba7..80a8507b4 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -31,28 +31,24 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (
                                     ) where
-import Data.List ( findIndex, sortBy, transpose, isSuffixOf, intersect, lookup )
+import Data.List ( transpose, isSuffixOf, lookup, sortBy )
+import Data.Ord ( comparing )
 import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum )
-import Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( rawLaTeXInline, rawLaTeXEnvironment )
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( rawLaTeXInline, rawLaTeXEnvironment )
 import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( rawHtmlBlock, 
                                   anyHtmlBlockTag, anyHtmlInlineTag,
                                   anyHtmlTag, anyHtmlEndTag,
                                   htmlEndTag, extractTagType,
                                   htmlBlockElement )
-import Text.Pandoc.Entities ( characterEntity, decodeEntities )
+import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( decodeCharacterReferences )
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 -- | Read markdown from an input string and return a Pandoc document.
 readMarkdown :: ParserState -> String -> Pandoc
 readMarkdown state str = (readWith parseMarkdown) state (str ++ "\n\n")
--- | Parse markdown string with default options and print result (for testing).
-testString :: String -> IO ()
-testString = testStringWith parseMarkdown 
 -- Constants and data structure definitions
@@ -70,19 +66,16 @@ specialChars = "\\[]*_~`<>$!^-.&'\""
 -- auxiliary functions
--- | Skip a single endline if there is one.
-skipEndline = option Space endline
 indentSpaces = try $ do
   state <- getState
   let tabStop = stateTabStop state
   try (count tabStop (char ' ')) <|> 
-    (do{many (char ' '); string "\t"}) <?> "indentation"
+    (many (char ' ') >> string "\t") <?> "indentation"
 nonindentSpaces = do
   state <- getState
   let tabStop = stateTabStop state
-  choice (map (\n -> (try (count n (char ' ')))) (reverse [0..(tabStop - 1)]))
+  choice $ map (\n -> (try (count n (char ' ')))) $ reverse [0..(tabStop - 1)]
 -- | Fail unless we're at beginning of a line.
 failUnlessBeginningOfLine = do
@@ -94,20 +87,21 @@ failUnlessSmart = do
   state <- getState
   if stateSmart state then return () else fail "Smart typography feature"
+-- | Parse an inline Str element with a given content.
+inlineString str = try $ do 
+  (Str res) <- inline 
+  if res == str then return res else fail $ "unexpected Str content"
 -- | Parse a sequence of inline elements between a string
 --  @opener@ and a string @closer@, including inlines
 --  between balanced pairs of @opener@ and a @closer@.
 inlinesInBalanced :: String -> String -> GenParser Char ParserState [Inline]
 inlinesInBalanced opener closer = try $ do
-  let openerSymbol = try $ do 
-         res <- inline 
-         if res == Str opener
-            then return res 
-            else pzero
-  try (string opener)
-  result <- manyTill (     (do lookAhead openerSymbol
-                               bal <- inlinesInBalanced opener closer 
-                               return $ [Str opener] ++ bal ++ [Str closer])
+  string opener
+  result <- manyTill ( (do lookAhead (inlineString opener)
+                           -- because it might be a link...
+                           bal <- inlinesInBalanced opener closer 
+                           return $ [Str opener] ++ bal ++ [Str closer])
                        <|> (count 1 inline)) 
                      (try (string closer))
   return $ concat result
@@ -116,59 +110,55 @@ inlinesInBalanced opener closer = try $ do
 -- document structure
-titleLine = try (do
-  char '%'
-  skipSpaces
-  line <- manyTill inline newline
-  return line)
+titleLine = try $ char '%' >> skipSpaces >> manyTill inline newline
-authorsLine = try (do
+authorsLine = try $ do 
   char '%'
   authors <- sepEndBy (many1 (noneOf ",;\n")) (oneOf ",;")
-  return (map (decodeEntities . removeLeadingTrailingSpace) authors))
+  return $ map (decodeCharacterReferences . removeLeadingTrailingSpace) authors
-dateLine = try (do
+dateLine = try $ do
   char '%'
   date <- many (noneOf "\n")
-  return (decodeEntities $ removeTrailingSpace date))
+  return $ decodeCharacterReferences $ removeTrailingSpace date
-titleBlock = try (do
+titleBlock = try $ do
   title <- option [] titleLine
   author <- option [] authorsLine
   date <- option "" dateLine
-  option "" blanklines
-  return (title, author, date))
+  optional blanklines
+  return (title, author, date)
 parseMarkdown = do
-  updateState (\state -> state { stateParseRaw = True }) -- markdown allows raw HTML
+  -- markdown allows raw HTML
+  updateState (\state -> state { stateParseRaw = True })
   (title, author, date) <- option ([],[],"") titleBlock
   -- go through once just to get list of reference keys
-  refs <- manyTill (referenceKey <|> (do l <- lineClump
-                                         return (LineClump l))) eof 
+  refs <- manyTill (referenceKey <|> (lineClump >>= return . LineClump)) eof
   let keys = map (\(KeyBlock label target) -> (label, target)) $ 
                  filter isKeyBlock refs
   let rawlines = map (\(LineClump ln) -> ln) $ filter isLineClump refs
   setInput $ concat rawlines -- with keys stripped out 
   updateState (\state -> state { stateKeys = keys })
-  -- now go through for notes
-  refs <- manyTill (noteBlock <|> (do l <- lineClump
-                                      return (LineClump l))) eof 
+  -- now go through for notes (which may contain references - hence 2nd pass)
+  refs <- manyTill (noteBlock <|> (lineClump >>= return . LineClump)) eof 
   let notes = map (\(NoteBlock label blocks) -> (label, blocks)) $ 
                    filter isNoteBlock refs
   let rawlines = map (\(LineClump ln) -> ln) $ filter isLineClump refs
-  setInput $ concat rawlines -- with note blocks and keys stripped out 
+  -- go through a 3rd time, with note blocks and keys stripped out
+  setInput $ concat rawlines 
   updateState (\state -> state { stateNotes = notes })
-  blocks <- parseBlocks  -- go through again, for real
+  blocks <- parseBlocks 
   let blocks' = filter (/= Null) blocks
-  return (Pandoc (Meta title author date) blocks')
+  return $ Pandoc (Meta title author date) blocks'
--- initial pass for references
+-- initial pass for references and notes
 referenceKey = try $ do
@@ -176,9 +166,9 @@ referenceKey = try $ do
   label <- reference
   char ':'
-  option ' ' (char '<')
+  optional (char '<')
   src <- many (noneOf "> \n\t")
-  option ' ' (char '>')
+  optional (char '>')
   tit <- option "" title 
   return $ KeyBlock label (removeTrailingSpace src,  tit)
@@ -189,33 +179,28 @@ noteMarker = try $ do
   manyTill (noneOf " \t\n") (char ']')
 rawLine = try $ do
-  notFollowedBy' blankline
+  notFollowedBy blankline
   notFollowedBy' noteMarker
   contents <- many1 nonEndline
-  end <- option "" (do
-                      newline
-                      option "" indentSpaces
-                      return "\n")
-  return (contents ++ end)
+  end <- option "" (newline >> optional indentSpaces >> return "\n") 
+  return $ contents ++ end
-rawLines = do
-    lines <- many1 rawLine
-    return (concat lines)
+rawLines = many1 rawLine >>= return . concat
 noteBlock = try $ do
   ref <- noteMarker
   char ':'
-  option ' ' blankline
-  option "" indentSpaces
-  raw <- sepBy rawLines (try (do {blankline; indentSpaces}))
-  option "" blanklines
+  optional blankline
+  optional indentSpaces
+  raw <- sepBy rawLines (try (blankline >> indentSpaces))
+  optional blanklines
   -- parse the extracted text, which may contain various block elements:
   rest <- getInput
   setInput $ (joinWithSep "\n" raw) ++ "\n\n"
   contents <- parseBlocks
   setInput rest
-  return (NoteBlock ref contents)
+  return $ NoteBlock ref contents
 -- parsing blocks
@@ -239,48 +224,39 @@ block = choice [ header
 -- header blocks
-header = choice [ setextHeader, atxHeader ] <?> "header"
+header = setextHeader <|> atxHeader <?> "header"
-atxHeader = try (do
+atxHeader = try $ do
   lead <- many1 (char '#')
-  notFollowedBy (char '.') -- this would be a list
-  notFollowedBy (char ')')
+  notFollowedBy (char '.' <|> char ')') -- this would be a list
   txt <- manyTill inline atxClosing
-  return (Header (length lead) (normalizeSpaces txt)))
+  return $ Header (length lead) (normalizeSpaces txt)
-atxClosing = try (do
-  skipMany (char '#')
-  skipSpaces
-  newline
-  option "" blanklines)
+atxClosing = try $ skipMany (char '#') >> skipSpaces >> newline >> 
+                   option "" blanklines
 setextHeader = choice $ 
-               map (\x -> setextH x) (enumFromTo 1 (length setextHChars))
+               map (\x -> setextH x) $ enumFromTo 1 (length setextHChars)
-setextH n = try (do
+setextH n = try $ do
   txt <- many1Till inline newline
   many1 (char (setextHChars !! (n-1)))
-  option "" blanklines
-  return (Header n (normalizeSpaces txt)))
+  optional blanklines
+  return $ Header n (normalizeSpaces txt)
 -- hrule block
-hruleWith chr = try (do
-  skipSpaces
-  char chr
-  skipSpaces
-  char chr
-  skipSpaces
-  char chr
-  skipMany (oneOf (chr:spaceChars))
+hruleWith chr = try $ do
+  count 3 (skipSpaces >> char chr)
+  skipMany (skipSpaces >> char chr)
-  option "" blanklines
-  return HorizontalRule)
+  optional blanklines
+  return HorizontalRule
 hrule = choice (map hruleWith hruleChars) <?> "hrule"
@@ -288,67 +264,55 @@ hrule = choice (map hruleWith hruleChars) <?> "hrule"
 -- code blocks
-indentedLine = try (do
+indentedLine = try $ do
   result <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  return (result ++ "\n"))
+  return $ result ++ "\n"
 -- two or more indented lines, possibly separated by blank lines
-indentedBlock = try (do 
+indentedBlock = try $ do 
   res1 <- indentedLine
   blanks <- many blankline 
-  res2 <- choice [indentedBlock, indentedLine]
-  return (res1 ++ blanks ++ res2))
+  res2 <- indentedBlock <|> indentedLine
+  return $ res1 ++ blanks ++ res2
-codeBlock = do
-  result <- choice [indentedBlock, indentedLine]
-  option "" blanklines
-  return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines result))
+codeBlock = (indentedBlock <|> indentedLine) >>~ optional blanklines >>=
+            return . CodeBlock . stripTrailingNewlines
 -- block quotes
-emacsBoxQuote = try (do
+emacsBoxQuote = try $ do
   string ",----"
   manyTill anyChar newline
-  raw <- manyTill (try (do 
-                          char '|'
-                          option ' ' (char ' ')
-                          result <- manyTill anyChar newline
-                          return result))
-                   (string "`----")
-  manyTill anyChar newline
-  option "" blanklines
-  return raw)
+  raw <- manyTill 
+         (try (char '|' >> optional (char ' ') >> manyTill anyChar newline))
+         (try (string "`----"))
+  blanklines
+  return raw
-emailBlockQuoteStart = try (do
-  nonindentSpaces
-  char '>'
-  option ' ' (char ' ')
-  return "> ")
+emailBlockQuoteStart = try $ nonindentSpaces >> char '>' >>~ optional (char ' ')
-emailBlockQuote = try (do
+emailBlockQuote = try $ do
-  raw <- sepBy (many (choice [nonEndline, 
-                              (try (do 
-                                      endline
-                                      notFollowedBy' emailBlockQuoteStart
-                                      return '\n'))]))
-               (try (do {newline; emailBlockQuoteStart}))
-  newline <|> (do{ eof; return '\n' })
-  option "" blanklines
-  return raw)
+  raw <- sepBy (many (nonEndline <|> 
+                      (try (endline >> notFollowedBy emailBlockQuoteStart >>
+                       return '\n'))))
+               (try (newline >> emailBlockQuoteStart))
+  newline <|> (eof >> return '\n')
+  optional blanklines
+  return raw
 blockQuote = do 
-  raw <- choice [ emailBlockQuote, emacsBoxQuote ]
+  raw <- emailBlockQuote <|> emacsBoxQuote
   -- parse the extracted block, which may contain various block elements:
   rest <- getInput
   setInput $ (joinWithSep "\n" raw) ++ "\n\n"
   contents <- parseBlocks
   setInput rest
-  return (BlockQuote contents)
+  return $ BlockQuote contents
 -- list blocks
@@ -357,7 +321,7 @@ blockQuote = do
 list = choice [ bulletList, orderedList, definitionList ] <?> "list"
 bulletListStart = try $ do
-  option ' ' newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
+  optional newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
   notFollowedBy' hrule  -- because hrules start out just like lists
   oneOf bulletListMarkers
@@ -365,7 +329,7 @@ bulletListStart = try $ do
 anyOrderedListStart = try $ do
-  option ' ' newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
+  optional  newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
   state <- getState
   if stateStrict state
@@ -375,7 +339,7 @@ anyOrderedListStart = try $ do
      else anyOrderedListMarker
 orderedListStart style delim = try $ do
-  option ' ' newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
+  optional newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
   state <- getState
   if stateStrict state
@@ -387,40 +351,39 @@ orderedListStart style delim = try $ do
 -- parse a line of a list item (start = parser for beginning of list item)
-listLine start = try (do
+listLine start = try $ do
   notFollowedBy' start
   notFollowedBy blankline
-  notFollowedBy' (do 
-                    indentSpaces
-                    many (spaceChar)
-                    choice [bulletListStart, anyOrderedListStart >> return ()])
+  notFollowedBy' (do indentSpaces
+                     many (spaceChar)
+                     bulletListStart <|> (anyOrderedListStart >> return ()))
   line <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  return (line ++ "\n"))
+  return $ line ++ "\n"
 -- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
-rawListItem start = try (do
+rawListItem start = try $ do
   result <- many1 (listLine start)
   blanks <- many blankline
-  return ((concat result) ++ blanks))
+  return $ concat result ++ blanks
 -- continuation of a list item - indented and separated by blankline 
 -- or (in compact lists) endline.
 -- note: nested lists are parsed as continuations
-listContinuation start = try (do
+listContinuation start = try $ do
   lookAhead indentSpaces
   result <- many1 (listContinuationLine start)
   blanks <- many blankline
-  return ((concat result) ++ blanks))
+  return $ concat result ++ blanks
-listContinuationLine start = try (do
-  notFollowedBy' blankline
+listContinuationLine start = try $ do
+  notFollowedBy blankline
   notFollowedBy' start
-  option "" indentSpaces
+  optional indentSpaces
   result <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  return (result ++ "\n"))
+  return $ result ++ "\n"
-listItem start = try (do 
+listItem start = try $ do 
   first <- rawListItem start
   continuations <- many (listContinuation start)
   -- parsing with ListItemState forces markers at beginning of lines to
@@ -436,18 +399,15 @@ listItem start = try (do
   contents <- parseBlocks
   setInput rest
   updateState (\st -> st {stateParserContext = oldContext})
-  return contents)
+  return contents
-orderedList = try (do
+orderedList = do
   (start, style, delim) <- lookAhead anyOrderedListStart
   items <- many1 (listItem (orderedListStart style delim))
-  let items' = compactify items
-  return (OrderedList (start, style, delim) items'))
+  return $ OrderedList (start, style, delim) $ compactify items
-bulletList = try (do
-  items <- many1 (listItem bulletListStart)
-  let items' = compactify items
-  return (BulletList items'))
+bulletList = many1 (listItem bulletListStart) >>= 
+             return . BulletList . compactify
 -- definition lists
@@ -470,9 +430,9 @@ defRawBlock = try $ do
   char ':'
   state <- getState
   let tabStop = stateTabStop state
-  try (count (tabStop - 1) (char ' ')) <|> (do{many (char ' '); string "\t"})
+  try (count (tabStop - 1) (char ' ')) <|> (many (char ' ') >> string "\t")
   firstline <- anyLine
-  rawlines <- many (do {notFollowedBy' blankline; indentSpaces; anyLine})
+  rawlines <- many (notFollowedBy blankline >> indentSpaces >> anyLine)
   trailing <- option "" blanklines
   return $ firstline ++ "\n" ++ unlines rawlines ++ trailing
@@ -488,71 +448,62 @@ definitionList = do
 -- paragraph block
-para = try (do 
+para = try $ do 
   result <- many1 inline
   st <- getState
   if stateStrict st
-     then choice [lookAhead blockQuote, lookAhead header, 
-                  (do{blanklines; return Null})]
-     else choice [(do{lookAhead emacsBoxQuote; return Null}), 
-                  (do{blanklines; return Null})]
-  let result' = normalizeSpaces result
-  return (Para result'))
+     then choice [ lookAhead blockQuote, lookAhead header, 
+                   (blanklines >> return Null) ]
+     else choice [ lookAhead emacsBoxQuote >> return Null, 
+                   (blanklines >> return Null) ]
+  return $ Para $ normalizeSpaces result
-plain = do
-  result <- many1 inline
-  let result' = normalizeSpaces result
-  return (Plain result')
+plain = many1 inline >>= return . Plain . normalizeSpaces 
 -- raw html
-htmlElement = choice [strictHtmlBlock,
-                      htmlBlockElement] <?> "html element"
+htmlElement = strictHtmlBlock <|> htmlBlockElement <?> "html element"
 htmlBlock = do
   st <- getState
   if stateStrict st
-    then do
-           failUnlessBeginningOfLine
-           first <- htmlElement
-           finalSpace <- many (oneOf spaceChars)
-           finalNewlines <- many newline
-           return (RawHtml (first ++ finalSpace ++ finalNewlines))
+    then try $ do failUnlessBeginningOfLine
+                  first <- htmlElement
+                  finalSpace <- many (oneOf spaceChars)
+                  finalNewlines <- many newline
+                  return $ RawHtml $ first ++ finalSpace ++ finalNewlines
     else rawHtmlBlocks
 -- True if tag is self-closing
 isSelfClosing tag = 
   isSuffixOf "/>" $ filter (\c -> (not (c `elem` " \n\t"))) tag
-strictHtmlBlock = try (do
+strictHtmlBlock = try $ do
   tag <- anyHtmlBlockTag 
   let tag' = extractTagType tag
   if isSelfClosing tag || tag' == "hr" 
      then return tag
-     else do
-            contents <- many (do{notFollowedBy' (htmlEndTag tag'); 
-                                 htmlElement <|> (count 1 anyChar)})
-            end <- htmlEndTag tag'
-            return $ tag ++ (concat contents) ++ end)
+     else do contents <- many (notFollowedBy' (htmlEndTag tag') >> 
+                               (htmlElement <|> (count 1 anyChar)))
+             end <- htmlEndTag tag'
+             return $ tag ++ concat contents ++ end
-rawHtmlBlocks = try (do
+rawHtmlBlocks = try $ do
   htmlBlocks <- many1 rawHtmlBlock    
   let combined = concatMap (\(RawHtml str) -> str) htmlBlocks
-  let combined' = if (last combined == '\n')
+  let combined' = if not (null combined) && last combined == '\n'
                      then init combined  -- strip extra newline 
                      else combined 
-  return (RawHtml combined'))
+  return $ RawHtml combined'
 -- LaTeX
-rawLaTeXEnvironment' = do
-  failIfStrict
-  rawLaTeXEnvironment
+rawLaTeXEnvironment' = failIfStrict >> rawLaTeXEnvironment
 -- Tables
@@ -560,54 +511,46 @@ rawLaTeXEnvironment' = do
 -- Parse a dashed line with optional trailing spaces; return its length
 -- and the length including trailing space.
-dashedLine ch = do
-    dashes <- many1 (char ch)
-    sp     <- many spaceChar
-    return $ (length dashes, length $ dashes ++ sp)
+dashedLine ch = try $ do
+  dashes <- many1 (char ch)
+  sp     <- many spaceChar
+  return $ (length dashes, length $ dashes ++ sp)
 -- Parse a table header with dashed lines of '-' preceded by 
 -- one line of text.
-simpleTableHeader = do
-    rawContent  <- anyLine
-    initSp      <- nonindentSpaces
-    dashes      <- many1 (dashedLine '-')
-    newline
-    let (lengths, lines) = unzip dashes
-    let indices  = scanl (+) (length initSp) lines
-    let rawHeads = tail $ splitByIndices (init indices) rawContent
-    let aligns   = zipWith alignType (map (\a -> [a]) rawHeads) lengths
-    return $ (rawHeads, aligns, indices)
+simpleTableHeader = try $ do
+  rawContent  <- anyLine
+  initSp      <- nonindentSpaces
+  dashes      <- many1 (dashedLine '-')
+  newline
+  let (lengths, lines) = unzip dashes
+  let indices  = scanl (+) (length initSp) lines
+  let rawHeads = tail $ splitByIndices (init indices) rawContent
+  let aligns   = zipWith alignType (map (\a -> [a]) rawHeads) lengths
+  return (rawHeads, aligns, indices)
 -- Parse a table footer - dashed lines followed by blank line.
-tableFooter = try $ do
-    nonindentSpaces
-    many1 (dashedLine '-')
-    blanklines
+tableFooter = try $ nonindentSpaces >> many1 (dashedLine '-') >> blanklines
 -- Parse a table separator - dashed line.
-tableSep = try $ do
-    nonindentSpaces
-    many1 (dashedLine '-')
-    string "\n"
+tableSep = try $ nonindentSpaces >> many1 (dashedLine '-') >> string "\n"
 -- Parse a raw line and split it into chunks by indices.
 rawTableLine indices = do
-    notFollowedBy' (blanklines <|> tableFooter)
-    line <- many1Till anyChar newline
-    return $ map removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ tail $ 
-             splitByIndices (init indices) line
+  notFollowedBy' (blanklines <|> tableFooter)
+  line <- many1Till anyChar newline
+  return $ map removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ tail $ 
+           splitByIndices (init indices) line
 -- Parse a table line and return a list of lists of blocks (columns).
-tableLine indices = try $ do
-    rawline <- rawTableLine indices
-    mapM (parseFromString (many plain)) rawline
+tableLine indices = rawTableLine indices >>= mapM (parseFromString (many plain))
 -- Parse a multiline table row and return a list of blocks (columns).
 multilineRow indices = try $ do
-    colLines <- many1 (rawTableLine indices)
-    option "" blanklines
-    let cols = map unlines $ transpose colLines
-    mapM (parseFromString (many plain)) cols
+  colLines <- many1 (rawTableLine indices)
+  optional blanklines
+  let cols = map unlines $ transpose colLines
+  mapM (parseFromString (many plain)) cols
 -- Calculate relative widths of table columns, based on indices
 widthsFromIndices :: Int     -- Number of columns on terminal
@@ -615,22 +558,22 @@ widthsFromIndices :: Int     -- Number of columns on terminal
                   -> [Float] -- Fractional relative sizes of columns
 widthsFromIndices _ [] = []  
 widthsFromIndices numColumns indices = 
-    let lengths = zipWith (-) indices (0:indices)
-        totLength = sum lengths
-        quotient = if totLength > numColumns
-                     then fromIntegral totLength
-                     else fromIntegral numColumns
-        fracs = map (\l -> (fromIntegral l) / quotient) lengths in
-    tail fracs
+  let lengths = zipWith (-) indices (0:indices)
+      totLength = sum lengths
+      quotient = if totLength > numColumns
+                   then fromIntegral totLength
+                   else fromIntegral numColumns
+      fracs = map (\l -> (fromIntegral l) / quotient) lengths in
+  tail fracs
 -- Parses a table caption:  inlines beginning with 'Table:'
 -- and followed by blank lines.
 tableCaption = try $ do
-    nonindentSpaces
-    string "Table:"
-    result <- many1 inline
-    blanklines
-    return $ normalizeSpaces result
+  nonindentSpaces
+  string "Table:"
+  result <- many1 inline
+  blanklines
+  return $ normalizeSpaces result
 -- Parse a table using 'headerParser', 'lineParser', and 'footerParser'.
 tableWith headerParser lineParser footerParser = try $ do
@@ -653,30 +596,19 @@ simpleTable = tableWith simpleTableHeader tableLine blanklines
 multilineTable = tableWith multilineTableHeader multilineRow tableFooter
 multilineTableHeader = try $ do
-    tableSep 
-    rawContent  <- many1 (do{notFollowedBy' tableSep; 
-                             many1Till anyChar newline})
-    initSp      <- nonindentSpaces
-    dashes      <- many1 (dashedLine '-')
-    newline
-    let (lengths, lines) = unzip dashes
-    let indices  = scanl (+) (length initSp) lines
-    let rawHeadsList = transpose $ map 
-                       (\ln -> tail $ splitByIndices (init indices) ln)
-                       rawContent
-    let rawHeads = map (joinWithSep " ") rawHeadsList
-    let aligns   = zipWith alignType rawHeadsList lengths
-    return $ ((map removeLeadingTrailingSpace rawHeads),
-             aligns, indices)
--- Returns the longest of a list of strings.
-longest :: [String] -> String
-longest [] = ""
-longest [x] = x
-longest (x:xs) =
-    if (length x) >= (maximum $ map length xs)
-      then x
-      else longest xs
+  tableSep 
+  rawContent  <- many1 (notFollowedBy' tableSep >> many1Till anyChar newline)
+  initSp      <- nonindentSpaces
+  dashes      <- many1 (dashedLine '-')
+  newline
+  let (lengths, lines) = unzip dashes
+  let indices  = scanl (+) (length initSp) lines
+  let rawHeadsList = transpose $ map 
+                     (\ln -> tail $ splitByIndices (init indices) ln)
+                     rawContent
+  let rawHeads = map (joinWithSep " ") rawHeadsList
+  let aligns   = zipWith alignType rawHeadsList lengths
+  return ((map removeLeadingTrailingSpace rawHeads), aligns, indices)
 -- Returns an alignment type for a table, based on a list of strings
 -- (the rows of the column header) and a number (the length of the
@@ -684,19 +616,17 @@ longest (x:xs) =
 alignType :: [String] -> Int -> Alignment
 alignType []  len = AlignDefault
 alignType strLst len =
-    let str        = longest $ map removeTrailingSpace strLst
-        leftSpace  = if null str then False else ((str !! 0) `elem` " \t")
-        rightSpace = (length str < len || (str !! (len - 1)) `elem` " \t") in
-    case (leftSpace, rightSpace) of
+  let str        = head $ sortBy (comparing length) $ 
+                          map removeTrailingSpace strLst
+      leftSpace  = if null str then False else (str !! 0) `elem` " \t"
+      rightSpace = length str < len || (str !! (len - 1)) `elem` " \t"
+  in  case (leftSpace, rightSpace) of
         (True,  False)   -> AlignRight
         (False, True)    -> AlignLeft
-        (True, True)     -> AlignCenter
+        (True,  True)    -> AlignCenter
         (False, False)   -> AlignDefault
-table = do
-    failIfStrict
-    result <- simpleTable <|> multilineTable <?> "table"
-    return result
+table = failIfStrict >> (simpleTable <|> multilineTable) <?> "table"
 -- inline
@@ -704,7 +634,7 @@ table = do
 inline = choice [ rawLaTeXInline'
                 , escapedChar
-                , entity
+                , charRef
                 , note
                 , inlineNote
                 , link
@@ -734,80 +664,64 @@ escapedChar = try $ do
   result <- if stateStrict state 
               then oneOf "\\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!~"
               else satisfy (not . isAlphaNum)
-  return (Str [result])
+  return $ Str [result]
-ltSign = try (do
+ltSign = try $ do
   notFollowedBy (noneOf "<")   -- continue only if it's a <
   notFollowedBy' rawHtmlBlocks -- don't return < if it starts html
   char '<'
-  return (Str ['<']))
+  return $ Str ['<']
 specialCharsMinusLt = filter (/= '<') specialChars
 symbol = do 
   result <- oneOf specialCharsMinusLt
-  return (Str [result])
+  return $ Str [result]
 -- parses inline code, between n `s and n `s
-code = try (do 
+code = try $ do 
   starts <- many1 (char '`')
   let num = length starts
   result <- many1Till anyChar (try (count num (char '`')))
   -- get rid of any internal newlines
-  let result' = removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ joinWithSep " " $ lines result
-  return (Code result'))
+  return $ Code $ removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ joinWithSep " " $ lines result
-mathWord = many1 (choice [ (noneOf " \t\n\\$"), 
-                           (try (do
-                                   c <- char '\\'
-                                   notFollowedBy (char '$')
-                                   return c))])
+mathWord = many1 ((noneOf " \t\n\\$") <|>
+                  (try (char '\\') >>~ notFollowedBy (char '$')))
-math = try (do
+math = try $ do
   char '$'
   notFollowedBy space
   words <- sepBy1 mathWord (many1 space)
   char '$'
-  return (TeX ("$" ++ (joinWithSep " " words) ++ "$")))
+  return $ TeX ("$" ++ (joinWithSep " " words) ++ "$")
-emph = do
-  result <- choice [ (enclosed (char '*') (char '*') inline), 
-                     (enclosed (char '_') (char '_') inline) ]
-  return $ Emph (normalizeSpaces result)
+emph = ((enclosed (char '*') (char '*') inline) <|>
+        (enclosed (char '_') (char '_') inline)) >>= 
+        return . Emph . normalizeSpaces
-strong = do
-  result <- (enclosed (string "**") (string "**") inline) <|> 
-            (enclosed (string "__") (string "__") inline)
-  return $ Strong (normalizeSpaces result)
+strong = ((enclosed (string "**") (string "**") inline) <|> 
+          (enclosed (string "__") (string "__") inline)) >>=
+         return . Strong . normalizeSpaces
-strikeout = do
-  failIfStrict
-  result <- enclosed (string "~~") (string "~~") inline
-  return $ Strikeout (normalizeSpaces result)
+strikeout = failIfStrict >> enclosed (string "~~") (string "~~") inline >>=
+            return . Strikeout . normalizeSpaces
-superscript = do
-  failIfStrict
-  result <- enclosed (char '^') (char '^') 
-            (notFollowedBy' whitespace >> inline)  -- may not contain Space
-  return $ Superscript result
+superscript = failIfStrict >> enclosed (char '^') (char '^') 
+              (notFollowedBy' whitespace >> inline) >>= -- may not contain Space
+              return . Superscript
-subscript = do
-  failIfStrict
-  result <- enclosed (char '~') (char '~')
-           (notFollowedBy' whitespace >> inline)   -- may not contain Space
-  return $ Subscript result
+subscript = failIfStrict >> enclosed (char '~') (char '~')
+            (notFollowedBy' whitespace >> inline) >>=  -- may not contain Space
+            return . Subscript 
-smartPunctuation = do
-  failUnlessSmart
-  choice [ quoted, apostrophe, dash, ellipses ]
+smartPunctuation = failUnlessSmart >> 
+                   choice [ quoted, apostrophe, dash, ellipses ]
-apostrophe = do
-  char '\'' <|> char '\8217'
-  return Apostrophe
+apostrophe = (char '\'' <|> char '\8217') >> return Apostrophe
-quoted = do
-  doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted 
+quoted = doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted 
 withQuoteContext context parser = do
   oldState <- getState
@@ -820,15 +734,13 @@ withQuoteContext context parser = do
 singleQuoted = try $ do
-  withQuoteContext InSingleQuote $ do
-    result <- many1Till inline singleQuoteEnd
-    return $ Quoted SingleQuote $ normalizeSpaces result
+  withQuoteContext InSingleQuote $ many1Till inline singleQuoteEnd >>=
+    return . Quoted SingleQuote . normalizeSpaces
 doubleQuoted = try $ do 
-  withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ do
-    result <- many1Till inline doubleQuoteEnd
-    return $ Quoted DoubleQuote $ normalizeSpaces result
+  withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ many1Till inline doubleQuoteEnd >>=
+    return . Quoted DoubleQuote . normalizeSpaces
 failIfInQuoteContext context = do
   st <- getState
@@ -836,88 +748,65 @@ failIfInQuoteContext context = do
     then fail "already inside quotes"
     else return ()
-singleQuoteStart = try $ do 
+singleQuoteStart = do 
   failIfInQuoteContext InSingleQuote
-  char '\8216' <|> do 
-                     char '\''  
-                     notFollowedBy (oneOf ")!],.;:-? \t\n")
-                     notFollowedBy (try (do  -- possessive or contraction
-                                           oneOfStrings ["s","t","m","ve","ll","re"]
-                                           satisfy (not . isAlphaNum)))
-                     return '\''
+  char '\8216' <|> 
+     do char '\''  
+        notFollowedBy (oneOf ")!],.;:-? \t\n")
+        notFollowedBy (try (oneOfStrings ["s","t","m","ve","ll","re"] >>
+                            satisfy (not . isAlphaNum))) -- possess/contraction
+        return '\''
-singleQuoteEnd = try $ do
-  char '\'' <|> char '\8217'
-  notFollowedBy alphaNum
+singleQuoteEnd = (char '\'' <|> char '\8217') >> notFollowedBy alphaNum
-doubleQuoteStart = try $ do
-  failIfInQuoteContext InDoubleQuote
-  char '"' <|> char '\8220'
-  notFollowedBy (oneOf " \t\n")
+doubleQuoteStart = failIfInQuoteContext InDoubleQuote >>
+                   (char '"' <|> char '\8220') >>
+                   notFollowedBy (oneOf " \t\n")
 doubleQuoteEnd = char '"' <|> char '\8221'
-ellipses = try (do
-  oneOfStrings ["...", " . . . ", ". . .", " . . ."]
-  return Ellipses)
+ellipses = try $ oneOfStrings ["...", " . . . ", ". . .", " . . ."] >>
+                 return Ellipses
 dash = enDash <|> emDash
-enDash = try (do
-  char '-'
-  notFollowedBy (noneOf "0123456789")
-  return EnDash) 
+enDash = try $ char '-' >> notFollowedBy (noneOf "0123456789") >> return EnDash
-emDash = try (do
-  skipSpaces
-  oneOfStrings ["---", "--"]
-  skipSpaces
-  return EmDash)
+emDash = try $ skipSpaces >> oneOfStrings ["---", "--"] >>
+               skipSpaces >> return EmDash
-whitespace = do
-  many1 (oneOf spaceChars) <?> "whitespace"
-  return Space
+whitespace = (many1 (oneOf spaceChars) >> return Space) <?> "whitespace"
-tabchar = do
-  tab
-  return (Str "\t")
+tabchar = tab >> return (Str "\t")
 -- hard line break
-linebreak = try (do
-  oneOf spaceChars
-  many1 (oneOf spaceChars) 
-  endline
-  return LineBreak )
+linebreak = try $ oneOf spaceChars >> many1 (oneOf spaceChars) >>
+                  endline >> return LineBreak
 nonEndline = satisfy (/='\n')
-entity = do
-  ent <- characterEntity
-  return $ Str [ent]
 strChar = noneOf (specialChars ++ spaceChars ++ "\n")
-str = do 
-  result <- many1 strChar
-  return (Str result)
+str = many1 strChar >>= return . Str
 -- an endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural break
-endline = try (do
+endline = try $ do
   notFollowedBy blankline
   st <- getState
   if stateStrict st 
     then do
-           notFollowedBy' emailBlockQuoteStart
+           notFollowedBy emailBlockQuoteStart
            notFollowedBy (char '#')  -- atx header
-           notFollowedBy (try (do{manyTill anyChar newline; 
-                                  oneOf setextHChars}))  -- setext header
+           notFollowedBy (manyTill anyChar newline >> oneOf setextHChars) 
+           -- setext header
     else return () 
   -- parse potential list-starts differently if in a list:
-  if (stateParserContext st) == ListItemState
-     then notFollowedBy' $ choice [bulletListStart, anyOrderedListStart >> return ()]
+  if stateParserContext st == ListItemState
+     then notFollowedBy' (bulletListStart <|> 
+                          (anyOrderedListStart >> return ()))
      else return ()
-  return Space)
+  return Space
 -- links
@@ -930,24 +819,23 @@ reference = notFollowedBy' (string "[^") >>  -- footnote reference
 -- source for a link, with optional title
 source = try $ do 
   char '('
-  option ' ' (char '<')
+  optional (char '<')
   src <- many (noneOf ")> \t\n")
-  option ' ' (char '>')
+  optional (char '>')
   tit <- option "" title
   char ')'
   return (removeTrailingSpace src, tit)
-titleWith startChar endChar = try (do
+titleWith startChar endChar = try $ do
   leadingSpace <- many1 (oneOf " \t\n")
   if length (filter (=='\n') leadingSpace) > 1
     then fail "title must be separated by space and on same or next line"
     else return ()
   char startChar
-  tit <- manyTill anyChar (try (do char endChar
-                                   skipSpaces
-                                   notFollowedBy (noneOf ")\n")))
-  return $ decodeEntities tit)
+  tit <- manyTill anyChar (try (char endChar >> skipSpaces >>
+                                notFollowedBy (noneOf ")\n")))
+  return $ decodeCharacterReferences tit
 title = choice [ titleWith '(' ')', 
                  titleWith '"' '"', 
@@ -955,22 +843,20 @@ title = choice [ titleWith '(' ')',
 link = choice [explicitLink, referenceLink] <?> "link"
-explicitLink = try (do
+explicitLink = try $ do
   label <- reference
   src <- source 
-  return (Link label src)) 
+  return $ Link label src
 -- a link like [this][ref] or [this][] or [this]
 referenceLink = try $ do
   label <- reference
-  ref <- option [] (try (do skipSpaces
-                            option ' ' newline
-                            skipSpaces
-                            reference))
+  ref <- option [] (try (skipSpaces >> optional newline >>
+                         skipSpaces >> reference))
   let ref' = if null ref then label else ref
   state <- getState
   case lookupKeySrc (stateKeys state) ref' of
-     Nothing -> fail "no corresponding key" 
+     Nothing     -> fail "no corresponding key" 
      Just target -> return (Link label target)
 autoLink = autoLinkEmail <|> autoLinkRegular
@@ -992,10 +878,10 @@ autoLinkRegular = try $ do
   let src = prot ++ rest
   return $ Link [Code src] (src, "")
-image = try (do
+image = try $ do
   char '!'
   (Link label src) <- link
-  return (Image label src)) 
+  return $ Image label src
 note = try $ do
@@ -1003,23 +889,21 @@ note = try $ do
   state <- getState
   let notes = stateNotes state
   case lookup ref notes of
-    Nothing -> fail "note not found"
-    Just contents -> return (Note contents)
+    Nothing       -> fail "note not found"
+    Just contents -> return $ Note contents
 inlineNote = try $ do
   char '^'
   contents <- inlinesInBalanced "[" "]"
-  return (Note [Para contents])
+  return $ Note [Para contents]
-rawLaTeXInline' = do
-  failIfStrict
-  rawLaTeXInline
+rawLaTeXInline' = failIfStrict >> rawLaTeXInline
 rawHtmlInline' = do
   st <- getState
-  result <- if stateStrict st
-              then choice [htmlBlockElement, anyHtmlTag, anyHtmlEndTag] 
-              else choice [htmlBlockElement, anyHtmlInlineTag]
-  return (HtmlInline result)
+  result <- choice $ if stateStrict st
+                        then [htmlBlockElement, anyHtmlTag, anyHtmlEndTag] 
+                        else [htmlBlockElement, anyHtmlInlineTag]
+  return $ HtmlInline result
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
index a36c33d92..ce8fedf02 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -31,23 +31,14 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST (
                                ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( anyHtmlBlockTag, anyHtmlInlineTag )
-import Text.Regex ( matchRegex, mkRegex )
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
 import Data.List ( findIndex, delete )
-import Data.Char ( toUpper )
 -- | Parse reStructuredText string and return Pandoc document.
 readRST :: ParserState -> String -> Pandoc
 readRST state str = (readWith parseRST) state (str ++ "\n\n")
--- | Parse a string and print result (for testing).
-testString :: String -> IO ()
-testString = testStringWith parseRST
 -- Constants and data structure definitions
@@ -62,15 +53,11 @@ specialChars = "\\`|*_<>$:[-"
 -- parsing documents
-isAnonKey (ref, src) = (ref == [Str "_"])
+isAnonKey (ref, src) = ref == [Str "_"]
-isHeader1 :: Block -> Bool
-isHeader1 (Header 1 _) = True
-isHeader1 _ = False
-isHeader2 :: Block -> Bool
-isHeader2 (Header 2 _) = True
-isHeader2 _ = False
+isHeader :: Int -> Block -> Bool
+isHeader n (Header x _) = x == n
+isHeader _ _ = False
 -- | Promote all headers in a list of blocks.  (Part of
 -- title transformation for RST.)
@@ -86,23 +73,23 @@ promoteHeaders num [] = []
 titleTransform :: [Block]              -- ^ list of blocks
                -> ([Block], [Inline])  -- ^ modified list of blocks, title
 titleTransform ((Header 1 head1):(Header 2 head2):rest) =  -- title subtitle
-    if (any isHeader1 rest) || (any isHeader2 rest)
+    if (any (isHeader 1) rest) || (any (isHeader 2) rest)
        then ((Header 1 head1):(Header 2 head2):rest, [])
        else ((promoteHeaders 2 rest), head1 ++ [Str ":", Space] ++ head2)
 titleTransform ((Header 1 head1):rest) =       -- title, no subtitle
-    if (any isHeader1 rest)
+    if (any (isHeader 1) rest)
        then ((Header 1 head1):rest, [])
        else ((promoteHeaders 1 rest), head1)
 titleTransform blocks = (blocks, [])
 parseRST = do
-  -- first pass: get anonymous keys
-  refs <- manyTill (referenceKey <|> (do l <- lineClump
-                                         return (LineClump l))) eof
+  -- first pass: get keys
+  refs <- manyTill (referenceKey <|> (lineClump >>= return . LineClump)) eof
   let keys = map (\(KeyBlock label target) -> (label, target)) $
                  filter isKeyBlock refs
+  -- second pass, with keys stripped out
   let rawlines = map (\(LineClump ln) -> ln) $ filter isLineClump refs
-  setInput $ concat rawlines -- with keys stripped out
+  setInput $ concat rawlines 
   updateState (\state -> state { stateKeys = keys })
   blocks <- parseBlocks
   let blocks' = filter (/= Null) blocks
@@ -113,7 +100,7 @@ parseRST = do
   let authors = stateAuthors state
   let date = stateDate state
   let title' = if (null title) then (stateTitle state) else title
-  return (Pandoc (Meta title' authors date) blocks'')
+  return $ Pandoc (Meta title' authors date) blocks''
 -- parsing blocks
@@ -121,32 +108,39 @@ parseRST = do
 parseBlocks = manyTill block eof
-block = choice [ codeBlock, rawHtmlBlock, rawLaTeXBlock, blockQuote, 
-                 imageBlock, unknownDirective, header,
-                 hrule, list, fieldList, lineBlock, para, plain,
-                 nullBlock ] <?> "block"
+block = choice [ codeBlock
+               , rawHtmlBlock
+               , rawLaTeXBlock
+               , blockQuote
+               , imageBlock
+               , unknownDirective
+               , header
+               , hrule
+               , list
+               , fieldList
+               , lineBlock
+               , para
+               , plain
+               , nullBlock ] <?> "block"
 -- field list
-fieldListItem = try (do
+fieldListItem = try $ do
   char ':'
   name <- many1 alphaNum
   string ": "
   first <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  rest <- many (do
-                  notFollowedBy (char ':')
-                  notFollowedBy blankline 
-                  skipSpaces
-                  manyTill anyChar newline )
-  return (name, (joinWithSep " " (first:rest)))) 
+  rest <- many (notFollowedBy ((char ':') <|> blankline)  >>
+                skipSpaces >> manyTill anyChar newline)
+  return $ (name, (joinWithSep " " (first:rest)))
-fieldList = try (do
+fieldList = try $ do
   items <- many1 fieldListItem
-  let authors = case (lookup "Authors" items) of
+  let authors = case lookup "Authors" items of
                   Just auth -> [auth]
                   Nothing  -> map snd (filter (\(x,y) -> x == "Author") items)
   let date = case (lookup "Date" items) of
@@ -162,82 +156,74 @@ fieldList = try (do
   updateState (\st -> st { stateAuthors = authors, 
                            stateDate = date, 
                            stateTitle = title })
-  return (BlockQuote result))
+  return $ BlockQuote result
 -- line block
-lineBlockLine = try (do
+lineBlockLine = try $ do
   string "| "
   white <- many (oneOf " \t")
   line <- manyTill inline newline
-  let line' = (if null white then [] else [Str white]) ++ line ++ [LineBreak]
-  return line')
+  return $ (if null white then [] else [Str white]) ++ line ++ [LineBreak]
-lineBlock = try (do
+lineBlock = try $ do
   lines <- many1 lineBlockLine
-  return $ Para (concat lines))
+  return $ Para (concat lines)
 -- paragraph block
-para = choice [ paraBeforeCodeBlock, paraNormal ] <?> "paragraph"
+para = paraBeforeCodeBlock <|> paraNormal <?> "paragraph"
-codeBlockStart = try (do
-  string "::"
-  blankline
-  blankline)
+codeBlockStart = try $ string "::" >> blankline >> blankline
 -- paragraph that ends in a :: starting a code block
-paraBeforeCodeBlock = try (do
-  result <- many1 (do {notFollowedBy' codeBlockStart; inline})
+paraBeforeCodeBlock = try $ do
+  result <- many1 (notFollowedBy' codeBlockStart >> inline)
   lookAhead (string "::")
-  return (Para (if (last result == Space)
-                   then normalizeSpaces result
-                   else (normalizeSpaces result) ++ [Str ":"])))
+  return $ Para $ if last result == Space
+                     then normalizeSpaces result
+                     else (normalizeSpaces result) ++ [Str ":"]
 -- regular paragraph
-paraNormal = try (do 
+paraNormal = try $ do 
   result <- many1 inline
-  let result' = normalizeSpaces result
-  return (Para result'))
+  return $ Para $ normalizeSpaces result
-plain = do
-  result <- many1 inline
-  let result' = normalizeSpaces result
-  return (Plain result')
+plain = many1 inline >>= return . Plain . normalizeSpaces 
 -- image block
-imageBlock = try (do
+imageBlock = try $ do
   string ".. image:: "
   src <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  return (Plain [Image [Str "image"] (src, "")]))
+  return $ Plain [Image [Str "image"] (src, "")]
 -- header blocks
-header = choice [ doubleHeader, singleHeader ] <?> "header"
+header = doubleHeader <|> singleHeader <?> "header"
 -- a header with lines on top and bottom
-doubleHeader = try (do
+doubleHeader = try $ do
   c <- oneOf underlineChars
   rest <- many (char c)  -- the top line
   let lenTop = length (c:rest)
-  txt <- many1 (do {notFollowedBy blankline; inline})
-  pos <- getPosition  
+  txt <- many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> inline)
+  pos <- getPosition
   let len = (sourceColumn pos) - 1
-  if (len > lenTop) then fail "title longer than border" else (do {return ()})
+  if (len > lenTop) then fail "title longer than border" else return ()
   blankline              -- spaces and newline
   count lenTop (char c)  -- the bottom line
@@ -249,10 +235,10 @@ doubleHeader = try (do
         Just ind -> (headerTable, ind + 1)
         Nothing -> (headerTable ++ [DoubleHeader c], (length headerTable) + 1)
   setState (state { stateHeaderTable = headerTable' })
-  return (Header level (normalizeSpaces txt)))
+  return $ Header level (normalizeSpaces txt)
 -- a header with line on the bottom only
-singleHeader = try (do 
+singleHeader = try $ do 
   notFollowedBy' whitespace
   txt <- many1 (do {notFollowedBy blankline; inline})
   pos <- getPosition
@@ -268,19 +254,19 @@ singleHeader = try (do
         Just ind -> (headerTable, ind + 1)
         Nothing -> (headerTable ++ [SingleHeader c], (length headerTable) + 1)
   setState (state { stateHeaderTable = headerTable' })
-  return (Header level (normalizeSpaces txt)))
+  return $ Header level (normalizeSpaces txt)
 -- hrule block
-hruleWith chr = try (do
+hruleWith chr = try $ do
   count 4 (char chr)
   skipMany (char chr)
-  return HorizontalRule)
+  return HorizontalRule
 hrule = choice (map hruleWith underlineChars) <?> "hrule"
@@ -289,15 +275,16 @@ hrule = choice (map hruleWith underlineChars) <?> "hrule"
 -- read a line indented by a given string
-indentedLine indents = try (do
+indentedLine indents = try $ do
   string indents
   result <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  return (result ++ "\n"))
+  return $ result ++ "\n"
--- two or more indented lines, possibly separated by blank lines
--- if variable = True, then any indent will work, but it must be consistent through the block
--- if variable = False, indent should be one tab or equivalent in spaces
-indentedBlock variable = try (do 
+-- two or more indented lines, possibly separated by blank lines.
+-- if variable = True, then any indent will work, but it must be
+-- consistent through the block.
+-- if variable = False, indent should be one tab or equivalent in spaces.
+indentedBlock variable = try $ do 
   state <- getState
   let tabStop = stateTabStop state
   indents <- if variable
@@ -305,51 +292,47 @@ indentedBlock variable = try (do
                 else oneOfStrings ["\t", (replicate tabStop ' ')]
   firstline <- manyTill anyChar newline
   rest <- many (choice [ indentedLine indents, 
-                         try (do 
-                                b <- blanklines
-                                l <- indentedLine indents
-                                return (b ++ l))])
-  option "" blanklines
-  return (firstline ++ "\n" ++ (concat rest)))
+                         try (do b <- blanklines
+                                 l <- indentedLine indents
+                                 return (b ++ l))])
+  optional blanklines
+  return $ firstline ++ "\n" ++ concat rest
-codeBlock = try (do
+codeBlock = try $ do
   result <- indentedBlock False
   -- the False means we want one tab stop indent on each line
-  return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines result)))
+  return $ CodeBlock $ stripTrailingNewlines result
 -- raw html
-rawHtmlBlock = try (do
-  string ".. raw:: html"
-  blanklines
-  result <- indentedBlock True
-  return (RawHtml result))
+rawHtmlBlock = try $ string ".. raw:: html" >> blanklines >>
+                     indentedBlock True >>= return . RawHtml
 -- raw latex
-rawLaTeXBlock = try (do
+rawLaTeXBlock = try $ do
   string ".. raw:: latex"
   result <- indentedBlock True
-  return (Para [(TeX result)]))
+  return $ Para [(TeX result)]
 -- block quotes
-blockQuote = try (do
+blockQuote = try $ do
   raw <- indentedBlock True
   -- parse the extracted block, which may contain various block elements:
   rest <- getInput
   setInput $ raw ++ "\n\n"
   contents <- parseBlocks
   setInput rest
-  return (BlockQuote contents))
+  return $ BlockQuote contents
 -- list blocks
@@ -369,15 +352,14 @@ definitionListItem = try $ do
 definitionList = try $ do
   items <- many1 definitionListItem 
-  return (DefinitionList items)
+  return $ DefinitionList items
 -- parses bullet list start and returns its length (inc. following whitespace)
-bulletListStart = try (do
+bulletListStart = try $ do
   notFollowedBy' hrule  -- because hrules start out just like lists
   marker <- oneOf bulletListMarkers
   white <- many1 spaceChar
-  let len = length (marker:white)
-  return len) 
+  return $ length (marker:white)
 -- parses ordered list start and returns its length (inc following whitespace)
 orderedListStart style delim = try $ do
@@ -386,11 +368,11 @@ orderedListStart style delim = try $ do
   return $ markerLen + length white
 -- parse a line of a list item
-listLine markerLength = try (do
+listLine markerLength = try $ do
   notFollowedBy blankline
   indentWith markerLength
   line <- manyTill anyChar newline
-  return (line ++ "\n"))
+  return $ line ++ "\n"
 -- indent by specified number of spaces (or equiv. tabs)
 indentWith num = do
@@ -399,7 +381,7 @@ indentWith num = do
   if (num < tabStop)
      then count num  (char ' ')
      else choice [ try (count num (char ' ')), 
-                   (try (do {char '\t'; count (num - tabStop) (char ' ')})) ] 
+                   (try (char '\t' >> count (num - tabStop) (char ' '))) ] 
 -- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
 rawListItem start = try $ do
@@ -411,19 +393,16 @@ rawListItem start = try $ do
 -- continuation of a list item - indented and separated by blankline or 
 -- (in compact lists) endline.  
 -- Note: nested lists are parsed as continuations.
-listContinuation markerLength = try (do
+listContinuation markerLength = try $ do
   blanks <- many1 blankline
   result <- many1 (listLine markerLength)
-  return (blanks ++ (concat result)))
+  return $ blanks ++ concat result
-listItem start = try (do 
+listItem start = try $ do 
   (markerLength, first) <- rawListItem start
   rest <- many (listContinuation markerLength)
-  blanks <- choice [ try (do 
-                            b <- many blankline
-                            lookAhead start
-                            return b), 
-                     many1 blankline ]  -- whole list must end with blank
+  blanks <- choice [ try (many blankline >>~ lookAhead start),
+                     many1 blankline ]  -- whole list must end with blank.
   -- parsing with ListItemState forces markers at beginning of lines to
   -- count as list item markers, even if not separated by blank space.
   -- see definition of "endline"
@@ -436,52 +415,44 @@ listItem start = try (do
   parsed <- parseBlocks
   setInput remaining 
   updateState (\st -> st {stateParserContext = oldContext})
-  return parsed)
+  return parsed
 orderedList = try $ do
   (start, style, delim) <- lookAhead anyOrderedListMarker 
   items <- many1 (listItem (orderedListStart style delim))
   let items' = compactify items
-  return (OrderedList (start, style, delim) items')
+  return $ OrderedList (start, style, delim) items'
-bulletList = try (do
+bulletList = try $ do
   items <- many1 (listItem bulletListStart)
   let items' = compactify items
-  return (BulletList items'))
+  return $ BulletList items'
 -- unknown directive (e.g. comment)
-unknownDirective = try (do
+unknownDirective = try $ do
   string ".. "
   manyTill anyChar newline
-  many (do
-          string "   "
-          char ':'
-          many1 (noneOf "\n:") 
-          char ':'
-          many1 (noneOf "\n")
-          newline)
-  option "" blanklines
-  return Null)
+  many (string "   :" >> many1 (noneOf "\n:") >> char ':' >>
+        many1 (noneOf "\n") >> newline)
+  optional blanklines
+  return Null
 -- reference key
-referenceKey = do
-  result <- choice [imageKey, anonymousKey, regularKeyQuoted, regularKey]
-  option "" blanklines
-  return result
+referenceKey = 
+  choice [imageKey, anonymousKey, regularKeyQuoted, regularKey] >>~ 
+  optional blanklines
 targetURI = try $ do
-  option ' ' newline
-  contents <- many1 (try (do many spaceChar
-                             newline
-                             many1 spaceChar
-                             noneOf " \t\n") <|> noneOf "\n")
+  optional newline
+  contents <- many1 (try (many spaceChar >> newline >> 
+                          many1 spaceChar >> noneOf " \t\n") <|> noneOf "\n")
   return contents
@@ -516,71 +487,73 @@ regularKey = try $ do
  -- inline
-inline = choice [ superscript, subscript,
-                  escapedChar, link, image, hyphens, strong, emph, code,
-                  str, tabchar, whitespace, endline, symbol ] <?> "inline"
+inline = choice [ superscript
+                , subscript
+                , escapedChar
+                , link
+                , image
+                , hyphens
+                , strong
+                , emph
+                , code
+                , str
+                , tabchar
+                , whitespace
+                , endline
+                , symbol ] <?> "inline"
-hyphens = try (do
+hyphens = try $ do
   result <- many1 (char '-')
   option Space endline 
   -- don't want to treat endline after hyphen or dash as a space
-  return (Str result))
+  return $ Str result
 escapedChar = escaped anyChar
 symbol = do 
   result <- oneOf specialChars
-  return (Str [result])
+  return $ Str [result]
 -- parses inline code, between codeStart and codeEnd
-code = try (do 
+code = try $ do 
   string "``"
   result <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "``"))
-  let result' = removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ joinWithSep " " $ lines result
-  return (Code result'))
+  return $ Code $ removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ joinWithSep " " $ lines result
-emph = do
-  result <- enclosed (char '*') (char '*') inline
-  return (Emph (normalizeSpaces result))
+emph = enclosed (char '*') (char '*') inline >>= 
+       return . Emph . normalizeSpaces
-strong = do
-  result <- enclosed (string "**") (string "**") inline
-  return (Strong (normalizeSpaces result))
+strong = enclosed (string "**") (string "**") inline >>= 
+         return . Strong . normalizeSpaces
 interpreted role = try $ do
-  option "" (try $ string "\\ ")
+  optional $ try $ string "\\ "
   result <- enclosed (string $ ":" ++ role ++ ":`") (char '`') anyChar
   nextChar <- lookAhead anyChar
   try (string "\\ ") <|> lookAhead (count 1 $ oneOf " \t\n") <|> (eof >> return "")
   return [Str result]
 superscript = interpreted "sup" >>= (return . Superscript)
 subscript = interpreted "sub" >>= (return . Subscript)
-whitespace = do
-  many1 spaceChar <?> "whitespace"
-  return Space
+whitespace = many1 spaceChar >> return Space <?> "whitespace"
-tabchar = do
-  tab
-  return (Str "\t")
+tabchar = tab >> return (Str "\t")
-str = do 
-  notFollowedBy' oneWordReference
-  result <- many1 (noneOf (specialChars ++ "\t\n "))
-  return (Str result)
+str = notFollowedBy' oneWordReference >> 
+      many1 (noneOf (specialChars ++ "\t\n ")) >>= return . Str
 -- an endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural break
-endline = try (do
+endline = try $ do
   notFollowedBy blankline
   -- parse potential list-starts at beginning of line differently in a list:
   st <- getState
   if ((stateParserContext st) == ListItemState)
-     then do notFollowedBy' anyOrderedListMarker
-             notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
-     else option () pzero
-  return Space)
+     then notFollowedBy' anyOrderedListMarker >> notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
+     else return ()
+  return Space
 -- links
@@ -628,10 +601,10 @@ referenceLink = try $ do
 uriScheme = oneOfStrings [ "http://", "https://", "ftp://", "file://", 
                            "mailto:", "news:", "telnet:" ]
-uri = try (do
+uri = try $ do
   scheme <- uriScheme
   identifier <- many1 (noneOf " \t\n")
-  return (scheme ++ identifier))
+  return $ scheme ++ identifier
 autoURI = try $ do
   src <- uri
@@ -639,20 +612,20 @@ autoURI = try $ do
 emailChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-+_."
-emailAddress = try (do
+emailAddress = try $ do
   firstLetter <- alphaNum
   restAddr <- many emailChar
   let addr = firstLetter:restAddr
   char '@'
   dom <- domain
-  return (addr ++ '@':dom))
+  return $ addr ++ '@':dom
 domainChar = alphaNum <|> char '-'
-domain = try (do
+domain = try $ do
   first <- many1 domainChar
   dom <- many1 (try (do{ char '.'; many1 domainChar }))
-  return (joinWithSep "." (first:dom)))
+  return $ joinWithSep "." (first:dom)
 autoEmail = try $ do
   src <- emailAddress
@@ -669,5 +642,5 @@ image = try $ do
   src <- case lookupKeySrc keyTable ref of
            Nothing     -> fail "no corresponding key"
            Just target -> return target
-  return (Image (normalizeSpaces ref) src)
+  return $ Image (normalizeSpaces ref) src
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index 587e3891a..31ce1c348 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -32,12 +32,11 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
-                     -- * Text processing
+                     -- * Text processing
-                     endsWith,
@@ -46,8 +45,33 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
                      -- * Parsing
+                     (>>~),
+                     anyLine,
+                     many1Till,
+                     notFollowedBy',
+                     oneOfStrings,
+                     spaceChar,
+                     skipSpaces,
+                     blankline,
+                     blanklines,
+                     enclosed,
+                     stringAnyCase,
+                     parseFromString,
+                     lineClump,
+                     charsInBalanced,
+                     charsInBalanced',
+                     romanNumeral,
+                     withHorizDisplacement,
+                     nullBlock,
+                     failIfStrict,
+                     escaped,
+                     anyOrderedListMarker,
+                     orderedListMarker,
+                     charRef,
+                     ParserState (..),
+                     defaultParserState,
                      Reference (..),
@@ -55,14 +79,10 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
                      HeaderType (..),
                      ParserContext (..),
                      QuoteContext (..),
-                     ParserState (..),
-                     defaultParserState,
-                     nullBlock,
-                     failIfStrict,
-                     escaped,
-                     anyOrderedListMarker,
-                     orderedListMarker,
+                     KeyTable,
+                     lookupKeySrc,
+                     refsMatch,
                      -- * Native format prettyprinting
                      -- * Pandoc block and inline list processing
@@ -74,304 +94,74 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
                      -- * Writer options
                      WriterOptions (..),
-                     defaultWriterOptions,
-                     -- * Reference key lookup functions
-                     KeyTable,
-                     lookupKeySrc,
-                     refsMatch,
+                     defaultWriterOptions
                     ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.Pandoc.ParserCombinators
-import Text.Pandoc.Entities ( decodeEntities, escapeStringForXML )
+import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( characterReference )
 import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper, ord, chr, isLower, isUpper )
-import Data.List ( find, groupBy, isPrefixOf )
+import Data.List ( find, groupBy, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
--- | Parse a string with a given parser and state.
-readWith :: GenParser Char ParserState a      -- ^ parser
-            -> ParserState                    -- ^ initial state
-            -> String                         -- ^ input string
-            -> a
-readWith parser state input = 
-    case runParser parser state "source" input of
-      Left err     -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
-      Right result -> result
+-- List processing
--- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
-testStringWith :: (Show a) =>
-                  GenParser Char ParserState a
-                  -> String
-                  -> IO ()
-testStringWith parser str = putStrLn $ show $ 
-                            readWith parser defaultParserState str
+-- | Split list by groups of one or more sep.
+splitBy :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
+splitBy _ [] = []
+splitBy sep lst = 
+  let (first, rest) = break (== sep) lst
+      rest'         = dropWhile (== sep) rest
+  in  first:(splitBy sep rest')
-data HeaderType 
-    = SingleHeader Char  -- ^ Single line of characters underneath
-    | DoubleHeader Char  -- ^ Lines of characters above and below
-    deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Split list into chunks divided at specified indices.
+splitByIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
+splitByIndices [] lst = [lst]
+splitByIndices (x:xs) lst =
+    let (first, rest) = splitAt x lst in
+    first:(splitByIndices (map (\y -> y - x)  xs) rest)
-data ParserContext 
-    = ListItemState   -- ^ Used when running parser on list item contents
-    | NullState       -- ^ Default state
-    deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Replace each occurrence of one sublist in a list with another.
+substitute :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+substitute _ _ [] = []
+substitute [] _ lst = lst
+substitute target replacement lst = 
+    if target `isPrefixOf` lst
+       then replacement ++ (substitute target replacement $ drop (length target) lst)
+       else (head lst):(substitute target replacement $ tail lst)
-data QuoteContext
-    = InSingleQuote   -- ^ Used when we're parsing inside single quotes
-    | InDoubleQuote   -- ^ Used when we're parsing inside double quotes
-    | NoQuote         -- ^ Used when we're not parsing inside quotes
-    deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Joins a list of lists, separated by another list.
+joinWithSep :: [a]    -- ^ List to use as separator
+            -> [[a]]  -- ^ Lists to join
+            -> [a]
+joinWithSep sep [] = []
+joinWithSep sep lst = foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ sep ++ b) lst
-type KeyTable = [([Inline], Target)]
-type NoteTable = [(String, [Block])]
--- | References from preliminary parsing
-data Reference
-  = KeyBlock [Inline] Target  -- ^ Key for reference-style link (label URL title)
-  | NoteBlock String [Block]  -- ^ Footnote reference and contents
-  | LineClump String          -- ^ Raw clump of lines with blanks at end
-  deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
--- | Auxiliary functions used in preliminary parsing
-isNoteBlock :: Reference -> Bool
-isNoteBlock (NoteBlock _ _) = True
-isNoteBlock _ = False
-isKeyBlock :: Reference -> Bool
-isKeyBlock (KeyBlock _ _) = True
-isKeyBlock _ = False
-isLineClump :: Reference -> Bool
-isLineClump (LineClump _) = True
-isLineClump _ = False
-data ParserState = ParserState
-    { stateParseRaw        :: Bool,          -- ^ Parse untranslatable HTML 
-                                             -- and LaTeX?
-      stateParserContext   :: ParserContext, -- ^ What are we parsing?  
-      stateQuoteContext    :: QuoteContext,  -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
-      stateKeys            :: KeyTable,      -- ^ List of reference keys
-      stateNotes           :: NoteTable,     -- ^ List of notes
-      stateTabStop         :: Int,           -- ^ Tab stop
-      stateStandalone      :: Bool,          -- ^ If @True@, parse 
-                                             -- bibliographic info
-      stateTitle           :: [Inline],      -- ^ Title of document
-      stateAuthors         :: [String],      -- ^ Authors of document
-      stateDate            :: String,        -- ^ Date of document
-      stateStrict          :: Bool,          -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
-      stateSmart           :: Bool,          -- ^ Use smart typography
-      stateColumns         :: Int,           -- ^ Number of columns in
-                                             -- terminal (used for tables)
-      stateHeaderTable     :: [HeaderType]   -- ^ List of header types used,
-                                             -- in what order (rst only)
-    }
-    deriving Show
-defaultParserState :: ParserState
-defaultParserState = 
-    ParserState { stateParseRaw        = False,
-                  stateParserContext   = NullState,
-                  stateQuoteContext    = NoQuote,
-                  stateKeys            = [],
-                  stateNotes           = [],
-                  stateTabStop         = 4,
-                  stateStandalone      = False,
-                  stateTitle           = [],
-                  stateAuthors         = [],
-                  stateDate            = [],
-                  stateStrict          = False,
-                  stateSmart           = False,
-                  stateColumns         = 80,
-                  stateHeaderTable     = [] }
--- | Parses a character and returns 'Null' (so that the parser can move on
--- if it gets stuck).
-nullBlock :: GenParser Char st Block
-nullBlock = do
-  anyChar 
-  return Null
--- | Fail if reader is in strict markdown syntax mode.
-failIfStrict :: GenParser Char ParserState ()
-failIfStrict = do
-    state <- getState
-    if stateStrict state then fail "Strict mode" else return ()
--- | Parses backslash, then applies character parser.
-escaped :: GenParser Char st Char  -- ^ Parser for character to escape
-        -> GenParser Char st Inline
-escaped parser = try (do
-                        char '\\'
-                        result <- parser
-                        return (Str [result]))
--- | Parses an uppercase roman numeral and returns (UpperRoman, number).
-upperRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-upperRoman = do
-    num <- romanNumeral True
-    return (UpperRoman, num)
--- | Parses a lowercase roman numeral and returns (LowerRoman, number).
-lowerRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-lowerRoman = do
-    num <- romanNumeral False
-    return (LowerRoman, num)
--- | Parses a decimal numeral and returns (Decimal, number).
-decimal :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-decimal = do
-    num <- many1 digit
-    return (Decimal, read num)
--- | Parses a '#' returns (DefaultStyle, 1).
-defaultNum :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-defaultNum = do
-    char '#'
-    return (DefaultStyle, 1)
--- | Parses a lowercase letter and returns (LowerAlpha, number).
-lowerAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-lowerAlpha = do
-    ch <- oneOf ['a'..'z']
-    return (LowerAlpha, ord ch - ord 'a' + 1)
--- | Parses an uppercase letter and returns (UpperAlpha, number).
-upperAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-upperAlpha = do
-    ch <- oneOf ['A'..'Z']
-    return (UpperAlpha, ord ch - ord 'A' + 1)
--- | Parses a roman numeral i or I
-romanOne :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-romanOne = (do char 'i'
-               return (LowerRoman, 1)) <|>
-           (do char 'I'
-               return (UpperRoman, 1))
--- | Parses an ordered list marker and returns list attributes.
-anyOrderedListMarker :: GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
-anyOrderedListMarker = choice $ [delimParser numParser | delimParser <- 
-                                 [inPeriod, inOneParen, inTwoParens],
-                                 numParser <- [decimal, defaultNum, romanOne,
-                                 lowerAlpha, lowerRoman, upperAlpha, upperRoman]]
--- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a period, returns list attributes.
-inPeriod :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-         -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
-inPeriod num = try $ do
-    (style, start) <- num
-    char '.'
-    let delim = if style == DefaultStyle
-                   then DefaultDelim
-                   else Period
-    return (start, style, delim)
--- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a paren, returns list attributes.
-inOneParen :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-           -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
-inOneParen num = try $ do
-   (style, start) <- num
-   char ')'
-   return (start, style, OneParen)
--- | Parses a list number (num) enclosed in parens, returns list attributes.
-inTwoParens :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-            -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
-inTwoParens num = try $ do
-    char '('
-    (style, start) <- num
-    char ')'
-    return (start, style, TwoParens)
--- | Parses an ordered list marker with a given style and delimiter,
--- returns number.
-orderedListMarker :: ListNumberStyle 
-                  -> ListNumberDelim 
-                  -> GenParser Char st Int
-orderedListMarker style delim = do
-    let num = case style of
-                 DefaultStyle -> decimal <|> defaultNum
-                 Decimal      -> decimal
-                 UpperRoman   -> upperRoman
-                 LowerRoman   -> lowerRoman
-                 UpperAlpha   -> upperAlpha
-                 LowerAlpha   -> lowerAlpha
-    let context = case delim of
-                 DefaultDelim -> inPeriod
-                 Period       -> inPeriod
-                 OneParen     -> inOneParen
-                 TwoParens    -> inTwoParens
-    (start, style, delim) <- context num
-    return start
--- | Indent string as a block.
-indentBy :: Int    -- ^ Number of spaces to indent the block 
-         -> Int    -- ^ Number of spaces (rel to block) to indent first line
-         -> String -- ^ Contents of block to indent
-         -> String
-indentBy num first [] = ""
-indentBy num first str = 
-    let (firstLine:restLines) = lines str 
-        firstLineIndent = num + first in
-    (replicate firstLineIndent ' ') ++ firstLine ++ "\n" ++ (joinWithSep "\n" $ map (\line -> (replicate num ' ') ++ line) restLines)
--- | Prettyprint list of Pandoc blocks elements.
-prettyBlockList :: Int       -- ^ Number of spaces to indent list of blocks
-                -> [Block]   -- ^ List of blocks
-                -> String
-prettyBlockList indent [] = indentBy indent 0 "[]"
-prettyBlockList indent blocks = indentBy indent (-2) $ "[ " ++ 
-                        (joinWithSep "\n, " (map prettyBlock blocks)) ++ " ]"
--- | Prettyprint Pandoc block element.
-prettyBlock :: Block -> String
-prettyBlock (BlockQuote blocks) = "BlockQuote\n  " ++ 
-                                  (prettyBlockList 2 blocks) 
-prettyBlock (OrderedList attribs blockLists) = 
-   "OrderedList " ++ show attribs ++ "\n" ++ indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ 
-   (joinWithSep ", " $ map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) 
-   blockLists)) ++ " ]"
-prettyBlock (BulletList blockLists) = "BulletList\n" ++ 
-   indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (joinWithSep ", " 
-   (map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) blockLists))) ++ " ]" 
-prettyBlock (DefinitionList blockLists) = "DefinitionList\n" ++ 
-   indentBy 2 0 ("[" ++ (joinWithSep ",\n" 
-   (map (\(term, blocks) -> "  (" ++ show term ++ ",\n" ++ 
-   indentBy 1 2 (prettyBlockList 2 blocks) ++ "  )") blockLists))) ++ " ]" 
-prettyBlock (Table caption aligns widths header rows) = 
-   "Table " ++ show caption ++ " " ++ show aligns ++ " " ++ 
-   show widths ++ "\n" ++ prettyRow header ++ " [\n" ++  
-   (joinWithSep ",\n" (map prettyRow rows)) ++ " ]"
-   where prettyRow cols = indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (joinWithSep ", "
-                          (map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) 
-                          cols))) ++ " ]"
-prettyBlock block = show block
--- | Prettyprint Pandoc document.
-prettyPandoc :: Pandoc -> String
-prettyPandoc (Pandoc meta blocks) = "Pandoc " ++ "(" ++ (show meta) ++ 
-    ")\n" ++ (prettyBlockList 0 blocks) ++ "\n"
+-- Text processing
 -- | Convert tabs to spaces (with adjustable tab stop).
 tabsToSpaces :: Int     -- ^ Tabstop
              -> String  -- ^ String to convert
              -> String
 tabsToSpaces tabstop str =
-    unlines (map (tabsInLine tabstop tabstop) (lines str))
+  unlines $ map (tabsInLine tabstop tabstop) (lines str)
 -- | Convert tabs to spaces in one line.
 tabsInLine :: Int      -- ^ Number of spaces to next tab stop
            -> Int      -- ^ Tabstop
            -> String   -- ^ Line to convert
            -> String
-tabsInLine num tabstop "" = ""
+tabsInLine num tabstop [] = ""
 tabsInLine num tabstop (c:cs) = 
-    let replacement = (if (c == '\t') then (replicate num ' ') else [c]) in
-    let nextnumraw = (num - (length replacement)) in
-    let nextnum = if (nextnumraw < 1)
-                     then (nextnumraw + tabstop)
-                     else nextnumraw in
-    replacement ++ (tabsInLine nextnum tabstop cs)
+  let (replacement, nextnum) = if c == '\t'
+                                  then (replicate num ' ', tabstop)
+                                  else if num > 1
+                                          then ([c], num - 1)
+                                          else ([c], tabstop)
+  in  replacement ++ tabsInLine nextnum tabstop cs
 -- | Returns an association list of backslash escapes for the
 -- designated characters.
@@ -382,32 +172,16 @@ backslashEscapes = map (\ch -> (ch, ['\\',ch]))
 -- | Escape a string of characters, using an association list of
 -- characters and strings.
 escapeStringUsing :: [(Char, String)] -> String -> String
-escapeStringUsing escapeTable "" = ""
+escapeStringUsing escapeTable [] = ""
 escapeStringUsing escapeTable (x:xs) = 
   case (lookup x escapeTable) of
        Just str  -> str ++ rest
        Nothing   -> x:rest
   where rest = escapeStringUsing escapeTable xs
--- | Returns @True@ if string ends with given character.
-endsWith :: Char -> [Char] -> Bool
-endsWith char [] = False
-endsWith char str = (char == last str)
--- | Joins a list of lists, separated by another list.
-joinWithSep :: [a]    -- ^ List to use as separator
-            -> [[a]]  -- ^ Lists to join
-            -> [a]
-joinWithSep sep [] = []
-joinWithSep sep lst = foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ sep ++ b) lst
 -- | Strip trailing newlines from string.
 stripTrailingNewlines :: String -> String
-stripTrailingNewlines "" = ""
-stripTrailingNewlines str = 
-    if (last str) == '\n'
-       then stripTrailingNewlines (init str)
-       else str
+stripTrailingNewlines = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse
 -- | Remove leading and trailing space (including newlines) from string.
 removeLeadingTrailingSpace :: String -> String
@@ -415,8 +189,7 @@ removeLeadingTrailingSpace = removeLeadingSpace . removeTrailingSpace
 -- | Remove leading space (including newlines) from string.
 removeLeadingSpace :: String -> String
-removeLeadingSpace = dropWhile (\x -> (x == ' ') || (x == '\n') || 
-                                (x == '\t')) 
+removeLeadingSpace = dropWhile (`elem` " \n\t")
 -- | Remove trailing space (including newlines) from string.
 removeTrailingSpace :: String -> String
@@ -429,54 +202,11 @@ stripFirstAndLast str =
 -- | Change CamelCase word to hyphenated lowercase (e.g., camel-case). 
 camelCaseToHyphenated :: String -> String
-camelCaseToHyphenated "" = ""
+camelCaseToHyphenated [] = ""
 camelCaseToHyphenated (a:b:rest) | isLower a && isUpper b =
   a:'-':(toLower b):(camelCaseToHyphenated rest)
 camelCaseToHyphenated (a:rest) = (toLower a):(camelCaseToHyphenated rest)
--- | Replace each occurrence of one sublist in a list with another.
-substitute :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-substitute _ _ [] = []
-substitute [] _ lst = lst
-substitute target replacement lst = 
-    if isPrefixOf target lst
-       then replacement ++ (substitute target replacement $ drop (length target) lst)
-       else (head lst):(substitute target replacement $ tail lst)
--- | Split list into groups separated by sep.
-splitBy :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
-splitBy _ [] = []
-splitBy sep lst = 
-  let (first, rest) = break (== sep) lst
-      rest'         = dropWhile (== sep) rest in
-  first:(splitBy sep rest')
--- | Split list into chunks divided at specified indices.
-splitByIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
-splitByIndices [] lst = [lst]
-splitByIndices (x:xs) lst =
-    let (first, rest) = splitAt x lst in
-    first:(splitByIndices (map (\y -> y - x)  xs) rest)
--- | Generate infinite lazy list of markers for an ordered list,
--- depending on list attributes.
-orderedListMarkers :: (Int, ListNumberStyle, ListNumberDelim) -> [String]
-orderedListMarkers (start, numstyle, numdelim) = 
-  let singleton c = [c]
-      seq = case numstyle of
-                    DefaultStyle -> map show [start..]
-                    Decimal      -> map show [start..]
-                    UpperAlpha   -> drop (start - 1) $ cycle $ map singleton ['A'..'Z']
-                    LowerAlpha   -> drop (start - 1) $ cycle $ map singleton ['a'..'z']
-                    UpperRoman   -> map toRomanNumeral [start..]
-                    LowerRoman   -> map (map toLower . toRomanNumeral) [start..]
-      inDelim str = case numdelim of
-                            DefaultDelim -> str ++ "."
-                            Period       -> str ++ "."
-                            OneParen     -> str ++ ")"
-                            TwoParens    -> "(" ++ str ++ ")"
-  in  map inDelim seq
 -- | Convert number < 4000 to uppercase roman numeral.
 toRomanNumeral :: Int -> String
 toRomanNumeral x =
@@ -498,125 +228,381 @@ toRomanNumeral x =
               x | x >= 1    -> "I" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 1)
               0             -> ""
--- | Normalize a list of inline elements: remove leading and trailing
--- @Space@ elements, collapse double @Space@s into singles, and
--- remove empty Str elements.
-normalizeSpaces :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
-normalizeSpaces [] = []
-normalizeSpaces list = 
-    let removeDoubles [] = []
-        removeDoubles (Space:Space:rest) = removeDoubles (Space:rest)
-        removeDoubles ((Str ""):rest) = removeDoubles rest 
-        removeDoubles (x:rest) = x:(removeDoubles rest) in
-    let removeLeading [] = []
-        removeLeading lst = if ((head lst) == Space)
-                               then tail lst
-                               else lst in
-    let removeTrailing [] = []
-        removeTrailing lst = if ((last lst) == Space)
-                               then init lst
-                               else lst in
-    removeLeading $ removeTrailing $ removeDoubles list
--- | Change final list item from @Para@ to @Plain@ if the list should 
--- be compact.
-compactify :: [[Block]]  -- ^ List of list items (each a list of blocks)
-           -> [[Block]]
-compactify [] = []
-compactify items =
-    let final = last items
-        others = init items in
-    case final of
-      [Para a]  -> if any containsPara others
-                      then items
-                      else others ++ [[Plain a]]
-      otherwise -> items
-containsPara :: [Block] -> Bool
-containsPara [] = False
-containsPara ((Para a):rest) = True
-containsPara ((BulletList items):rest) =  (any containsPara items) ||
-                                          (containsPara rest)
-containsPara ((OrderedList _ items):rest) = (any containsPara items) ||
-                                            (containsPara rest)
-containsPara (x:rest) = containsPara rest
--- | Data structure for defining hierarchical Pandoc documents
-data Element = Blk Block 
-             | Sec [Inline] [Element] deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
--- | Returns true on Header block with level at least 'level'
-headerAtLeast :: Int -> Block -> Bool
-headerAtLeast level (Header x _) = x <= level
-headerAtLeast level _ = False
--- | Convert list of Pandoc blocks into list of Elements (hierarchical) 
-hierarchicalize :: [Block] -> [Element]
-hierarchicalize [] = []
-hierarchicalize (block:rest) = 
-  case block of
-    (Header level title) -> let (thisSection, rest') = break (headerAtLeast 
-                                                       level) rest in
-                            (Sec title (hierarchicalize thisSection)):
-                            (hierarchicalize rest') 
-    x                    -> (Blk x):(hierarchicalize rest)
--- | True if block is a Header block.
-isHeaderBlock :: Block -> Bool
-isHeaderBlock (Header _ _) = True
-isHeaderBlock _ = False
--- | Options for writers
-data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
-    { writerStandalone      :: Bool   -- ^ Include header and footer
-    , writerTitlePrefix     :: String -- ^ Prefix for HTML titles
-    , writerHeader          :: String -- ^ Header for the document
-    , writerIncludeBefore   :: String -- ^ String to include before the  body
-    , writerIncludeAfter    :: String -- ^ String to include after the body
-    , writerTableOfContents :: Bool   -- ^ Include table of contents
-    , writerS5              :: Bool   -- ^ We're writing S5 
-    , writerUseASCIIMathML  :: Bool   -- ^ Use ASCIIMathML
-    , writerASCIIMathMLURL  :: Maybe String -- ^ URL to asciiMathML.js 
-    , writerIgnoreNotes     :: Bool   -- ^ Ignore footnotes (used in making toc)
-    , writerIncremental     :: Bool   -- ^ Incremental S5 lists
-    , writerNumberSections  :: Bool   -- ^ Number sections in LaTeX
-    , writerStrictMarkdown  :: Bool   -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
-    , writerReferenceLinks  :: Bool   -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
-    , writerTabStop         :: Int    -- ^ Tabstop for conversion between 
-                                      -- spaces and tabs
-    } deriving Show
--- | Default writer options.
-defaultWriterOptions = 
-    WriterOptions { writerStandalone      = False,
-                    writerHeader          = "",
-                    writerTitlePrefix     = "",
-                    writerTabStop         = 4,
-                    writerTableOfContents = False,
-                    writerS5              = False,
-                    writerUseASCIIMathML  = False,
-                    writerASCIIMathMLURL  = Nothing,
-                    writerIgnoreNotes     = False,
-                    writerIncremental     = False,
-                    writerNumberSections  = False,
-                    writerIncludeBefore   = "",
-                    writerIncludeAfter    = "",
-                    writerStrictMarkdown  = False,
-                    writerReferenceLinks  = False }
--- code to lookup reference keys in key table
+-- Parsing
+-- | Like >>, but returns the operation on the left.
+-- (Suggested by Tillmann Rendel on Haskell-cafe list.)
+(>>~) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m a
+a >>~ b = a >>= \x -> b >> return x
+-- | Parse any line of text
+anyLine :: GenParser Char st [Char]
+anyLine = try (manyTill anyChar newline) <|> many1 anyChar
+          -- second alternative is for a line ending with eof
+-- | Like @manyTill@, but reads at least one item.
+many1Till :: GenParser tok st a
+	     -> GenParser tok st end
+	     -> GenParser tok st [a]
+many1Till p end = do
+         first <- p
+         rest <- manyTill p end
+         return (first:rest)
+-- | A more general form of @notFollowedBy@.  This one allows any 
+-- type of parser to be specified, and succeeds only if that parser fails.
+-- It does not consume any input.
+notFollowedBy' :: Show b => GenParser a st b -> GenParser a st ()
+notFollowedBy' parser = try $     (do result <- try parser
+                                      unexpected (show result))
+                              <|> return ()
+-- | Parses one of a list of strings (tried in order).  
+oneOfStrings :: [String] -> GenParser Char st String
+oneOfStrings listOfStrings = choice $ map (try . string) listOfStrings
+-- | Parses a space or tab.
+spaceChar :: CharParser st Char
+spaceChar = oneOf " \t"
+-- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs.
+skipSpaces :: GenParser Char st ()
+skipSpaces = skipMany spaceChar
+-- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs, then reads a newline.
+blankline :: GenParser Char st Char
+blankline = try $ skipSpaces >> newline
+-- | Parses one or more blank lines and returns a string of newlines.
+blanklines :: GenParser Char st [Char]
+blanklines = many1 blankline
+-- | Parses material enclosed between start and end parsers.
+enclosed :: GenParser Char st t   -- ^ start parser
+	    -> GenParser Char st end  -- ^ end parser
+	    -> GenParser Char st a    -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
+	    -> GenParser Char st [a]
+enclosed start end parser = try $ 
+  start >> notFollowedBy space >> many1Till parser (try end)
+-- | Parse string, case insensitive.
+stringAnyCase :: [Char] -> CharParser st String
+stringAnyCase [] = string ""
+stringAnyCase (x:xs) = try $ do
+  firstChar <- choice [ char (toUpper x), char (toLower x) ]
+  rest <- stringAnyCase xs
+  return (firstChar:rest)
+-- | Parse contents of 'str' using 'parser' and return result.
+parseFromString :: GenParser tok st a -> [tok] -> GenParser tok st a
+parseFromString parser str = try $ do
+  oldInput <- getInput
+  setInput str
+  result <- parser
+  setInput oldInput
+  return result
+-- | Parse raw line block up to and including blank lines.
+lineClump :: GenParser Char st String
+lineClump = do
+  lines <- many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> anyLine)
+  blanks <- blanklines <|> (eof >> return "\n")
+  return $ (unlines lines) ++ blanks
+-- | Parse a string of characters between an open character
+-- and a close character, including text between balanced
+-- pairs of open and close. For example,
+-- @charsInBalanced '(' ')'@ will parse "(hello (there))"
+-- and return "hello (there)".  Stop if a blank line is
+-- encountered.
+charsInBalanced :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
+charsInBalanced open close = try $ do
+  char open
+  raw <- manyTill (   (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
+                          return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
+                  <|> (do notFollowedBy' (blankline >> blanklines)
+                          count 1 anyChar))
+                  (char close)
+  return $ concat raw
+-- | Like @charsInBalanced@, but allow blank lines in the content.
+charsInBalanced' :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
+charsInBalanced' open close = try $ do
+  char open
+  raw <- manyTill (   (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
+                          return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
+                  <|> count 1 anyChar)
+                  (char close)
+  return $ concat raw
+-- | Parses a roman numeral (uppercase or lowercase), returns number.
+romanNumeral :: Bool                  -- ^ Uppercase if true
+             -> GenParser Char st Int
+romanNumeral upper = try $ do
+    let charAnyCase c = char (if upper then toUpper c else c)
+    let one = charAnyCase 'i'
+    let five = charAnyCase 'v'
+    let ten = charAnyCase 'x'
+    let fifty = charAnyCase 'l'
+    let hundred = charAnyCase 'c'
+    let fivehundred = charAnyCase 'd'
+    let thousand = charAnyCase 'm'
+    thousands <- many thousand >>= (return . (1000 *) . length)
+    ninehundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> thousand >> return 900
+    fivehundreds <- many fivehundred >>= (return . (500 *) . length)
+    fourhundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> fivehundred >> return 400
+    hundreds <- many hundred >>= (return . (100 *) . length)
+    nineties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> hundred >> return 90
+    fifties <- many fifty >>= (return . (50 *) . length)
+    forties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> fifty >> return 40
+    tens <- many ten >>= (return . (10 *) . length)
+    nines <- option 0 $ try $ one >> ten >> return 9
+    fives <- many five >>= (return . (5 *) . length)
+    fours <- option 0 $ try $ one >> five >> return 4
+    ones <- many one >>= (return . length)
+    let total = thousands + ninehundreds + fivehundreds + fourhundreds +
+                hundreds + nineties + fifties + forties + tens + nines +
+                fives + fours + ones
+    if total == 0
+       then fail "not a roman numeral"
+       else return total
+-- | Applies a parser, returns tuple of its results and its horizontal
+-- displacement (the difference between the source column at the end
+-- and the source column at the beginning). Vertical displacement
+-- (source row) is ignored.
+withHorizDisplacement :: GenParser Char st a  -- ^ Parser to apply
+                      -> GenParser Char st (a, Int) -- ^ (result, displacement)
+withHorizDisplacement parser = do
+  pos1 <- getPosition
+  result <- parser
+  pos2 <- getPosition
+  return (result, sourceColumn pos2 - sourceColumn pos1)
+-- | Parses a character and returns 'Null' (so that the parser can move on
+-- if it gets stuck).
+nullBlock :: GenParser Char st Block
+nullBlock = anyChar >> return Null
+-- | Fail if reader is in strict markdown syntax mode.
+failIfStrict :: GenParser Char ParserState ()
+failIfStrict = do
+    state <- getState
+    if stateStrict state then fail "strict mode" else return ()
+-- | Parses backslash, then applies character parser.
+escaped :: GenParser Char st Char  -- ^ Parser for character to escape
+        -> GenParser Char st Inline
+escaped parser = try $ do
+  char '\\'
+  result <- parser
+  return (Str [result])
+-- | Parses an uppercase roman numeral and returns (UpperRoman, number).
+upperRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+upperRoman = do
+  num <- romanNumeral True
+  return (UpperRoman, num)
+-- | Parses a lowercase roman numeral and returns (LowerRoman, number).
+lowerRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+lowerRoman = do
+  num <- romanNumeral False
+  return (LowerRoman, num)
+-- | Parses a decimal numeral and returns (Decimal, number).
+decimal :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+decimal = do
+  num <- many1 digit
+  return (Decimal, read num)
+-- | Parses a '#' returns (DefaultStyle, 1).
+defaultNum :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+defaultNum = do
+  char '#'
+  return (DefaultStyle, 1)
+-- | Parses a lowercase letter and returns (LowerAlpha, number).
+lowerAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+lowerAlpha = do
+  ch <- oneOf ['a'..'z']
+  return (LowerAlpha, ord ch - ord 'a' + 1)
+-- | Parses an uppercase letter and returns (UpperAlpha, number).
+upperAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+upperAlpha = do
+  ch <- oneOf ['A'..'Z']
+  return (UpperAlpha, ord ch - ord 'A' + 1)
+-- | Parses a roman numeral i or I
+romanOne :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+romanOne = (char 'i' >> return (LowerRoman, 1)) <|>
+           (char 'I' >> return (UpperRoman, 1))
+-- | Parses an ordered list marker and returns list attributes.
+anyOrderedListMarker :: GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
+anyOrderedListMarker = choice $ 
+  [delimParser numParser | delimParser <- [inPeriod, inOneParen, inTwoParens],
+                           numParser <- [decimal, defaultNum, romanOne,
+                           lowerAlpha, lowerRoman, upperAlpha, upperRoman]]
+-- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a period, returns list attributes.
+inPeriod :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+         -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
+inPeriod num = try $ do
+  (style, start) <- num
+  char '.'
+  let delim = if style == DefaultStyle
+                 then DefaultDelim
+                 else Period
+  return (start, style, delim)
+-- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a paren, returns list attributes.
+inOneParen :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+           -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
+inOneParen num = try $ do
+  (style, start) <- num
+  char ')'
+  return (start, style, OneParen)
+-- | Parses a list number (num) enclosed in parens, returns list attributes.
+inTwoParens :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+            -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes 
+inTwoParens num = try $ do
+  char '('
+  (style, start) <- num
+  char ')'
+  return (start, style, TwoParens)
+-- | Parses an ordered list marker with a given style and delimiter,
+-- returns number.
+orderedListMarker :: ListNumberStyle 
+                  -> ListNumberDelim 
+                  -> GenParser Char st Int
+orderedListMarker style delim = do
+  let num = case style of
+               DefaultStyle -> decimal <|> defaultNum
+               Decimal      -> decimal
+               UpperRoman   -> upperRoman
+               LowerRoman   -> lowerRoman
+               UpperAlpha   -> upperAlpha
+               LowerAlpha   -> lowerAlpha
+  let context = case delim of
+               DefaultDelim -> inPeriod
+               Period       -> inPeriod
+               OneParen     -> inOneParen
+               TwoParens    -> inTwoParens
+  (start, style, delim) <- context num
+  return start
+-- | Parses a character reference and returns a Str element.
+charRef :: GenParser Char st Inline
+charRef = do
+  c <- characterReference
+  return $ Str [c]
+-- | Parse a string with a given parser and state.
+readWith :: GenParser Char ParserState a      -- ^ parser
+         -> ParserState                    -- ^ initial state
+         -> String                         -- ^ input string
+         -> a
+readWith parser state input = 
+    case runParser parser state "source" input of
+      Left err     -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
+      Right result -> result
+-- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
+testStringWith :: (Show a) => GenParser Char ParserState a
+               -> String
+               -> IO ()
+testStringWith parser str = putStrLn $ show $ 
+                            readWith parser defaultParserState str
+-- | Parsing options.
+data ParserState = ParserState
+    { stateParseRaw        :: Bool,          -- ^ Parse raw HTML and LaTeX?
+      stateParserContext   :: ParserContext, -- ^ Inside list?
+      stateQuoteContext    :: QuoteContext,  -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
+      stateKeys            :: KeyTable,      -- ^ List of reference keys
+      stateNotes           :: NoteTable,     -- ^ List of notes
+      stateTabStop         :: Int,           -- ^ Tab stop
+      stateStandalone      :: Bool,          -- ^ Parse bibliographic info?
+      stateTitle           :: [Inline],      -- ^ Title of document
+      stateAuthors         :: [String],      -- ^ Authors of document
+      stateDate            :: String,        -- ^ Date of document
+      stateStrict          :: Bool,          -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax?
+      stateSmart           :: Bool,          -- ^ Use smart typography?
+      stateColumns         :: Int,           -- ^ Number of columns in terminal
+      stateHeaderTable     :: [HeaderType]   -- ^ Ordered list of header types used
+    }
+    deriving Show
+defaultParserState :: ParserState
+defaultParserState = 
+    ParserState { stateParseRaw        = False,
+                  stateParserContext   = NullState,
+                  stateQuoteContext    = NoQuote,
+                  stateKeys            = [],
+                  stateNotes           = [],
+                  stateTabStop         = 4,
+                  stateStandalone      = False,
+                  stateTitle           = [],
+                  stateAuthors         = [],
+                  stateDate            = [],
+                  stateStrict          = False,
+                  stateSmart           = False,
+                  stateColumns         = 80,
+                  stateHeaderTable     = [] }
+-- | References from preliminary parsing.
+data Reference
+  = KeyBlock [Inline] Target  -- ^ Key for reference-style link (label URL title)
+  | NoteBlock String [Block]  -- ^ Footnote reference and contents
+  | LineClump String          -- ^ Raw clump of lines with blanks at end
+  deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+-- | Auxiliary functions used in preliminary parsing.
+isNoteBlock :: Reference -> Bool
+isNoteBlock (NoteBlock _ _) = True
+isNoteBlock _ = False
+isKeyBlock :: Reference -> Bool
+isKeyBlock (KeyBlock _ _) = True
+isKeyBlock _ = False
+isLineClump :: Reference -> Bool
+isLineClump (LineClump _) = True
+isLineClump _ = False
+data HeaderType 
+    = SingleHeader Char  -- ^ Single line of characters underneath
+    | DoubleHeader Char  -- ^ Lines of characters above and below
+    deriving (Eq, Show)
+data ParserContext 
+    = ListItemState   -- ^ Used when running parser on list item contents
+    | NullState       -- ^ Default state
+    deriving (Eq, Show)
+data QuoteContext
+    = InSingleQuote   -- ^ Used when parsing inside single quotes
+    | InDoubleQuote   -- ^ Used when parsing inside double quotes
+    | NoQuote         -- ^ Used when not parsing inside quotes
+    deriving (Eq, Show)
+type NoteTable = [(String, [Block])]
+type KeyTable = [([Inline], Target)]
 -- | Look up key in key table and return target object.
 lookupKeySrc :: KeyTable  -- ^ Key table
              -> [Inline]  -- ^ Key
              -> Maybe Target
-lookupKeySrc table key = case table of
-                           []            -> Nothing
-                           (k, src):rest -> if (refsMatch k key) 
-                                               then Just src
-                                               else lookupKeySrc rest key
+lookupKeySrc table key = case find (refsMatch key . fst) table of
+                           Nothing       -> Nothing
+                           Just (_, src) -> Just src
 -- | Returns @True@ if keys match (case insensitive).
 refsMatch :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> Bool
@@ -643,3 +629,189 @@ refsMatch ((HtmlInline x):restx) ((HtmlInline y):resty) =
 refsMatch (x:restx) (y:resty) = (x == y) && refsMatch restx resty
 refsMatch [] x = null x
 refsMatch x [] = null x
+-- Native format prettyprinting
+-- | Indent string as a block.
+indentBy :: Int    -- ^ Number of spaces to indent the block 
+         -> Int    -- ^ Number of spaces (rel to block) to indent first line
+         -> String -- ^ Contents of block to indent
+         -> String
+indentBy num first [] = ""
+indentBy num first str = 
+  let (firstLine:restLines) = lines str 
+      firstLineIndent = num + first
+  in  (replicate firstLineIndent ' ') ++ firstLine ++ "\n" ++ 
+      (joinWithSep "\n" $ map ((replicate num ' ') ++ ) restLines)
+-- | Prettyprint list of Pandoc blocks elements.
+prettyBlockList :: Int       -- ^ Number of spaces to indent list of blocks
+                -> [Block]   -- ^ List of blocks
+                -> String
+prettyBlockList indent [] = indentBy indent 0 "[]"
+prettyBlockList indent blocks = indentBy indent (-2) $ "[ " ++ 
+  (joinWithSep "\n, " (map prettyBlock blocks)) ++ " ]"
+-- | Prettyprint Pandoc block element.
+prettyBlock :: Block -> String
+prettyBlock (BlockQuote blocks) = "BlockQuote\n  " ++ 
+                                  (prettyBlockList 2 blocks) 
+prettyBlock (OrderedList attribs blockLists) = 
+  "OrderedList " ++ show attribs ++ "\n" ++ indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ 
+  (joinWithSep ", " $ map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) 
+  blockLists)) ++ " ]"
+prettyBlock (BulletList blockLists) = "BulletList\n" ++ 
+  indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (joinWithSep ", " 
+  (map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) blockLists))) ++ " ]" 
+prettyBlock (DefinitionList blockLists) = "DefinitionList\n" ++ 
+  indentBy 2 0 ("[" ++ (joinWithSep ",\n" 
+  (map (\(term, blocks) -> "  (" ++ show term ++ ",\n" ++ 
+  indentBy 1 2 (prettyBlockList 2 blocks) ++ "  )") blockLists))) ++ " ]" 
+prettyBlock (Table caption aligns widths header rows) = 
+  "Table " ++ show caption ++ " " ++ show aligns ++ " " ++ 
+  show widths ++ "\n" ++ prettyRow header ++ " [\n" ++  
+  (joinWithSep ",\n" (map prettyRow rows)) ++ " ]"
+  where prettyRow cols = indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (joinWithSep ", "
+                         (map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) 
+                         cols))) ++ " ]"
+prettyBlock block = show block
+-- | Prettyprint Pandoc document.
+prettyPandoc :: Pandoc -> String
+prettyPandoc (Pandoc meta blocks) = "Pandoc " ++ "(" ++ show meta ++ 
+  ")\n" ++ (prettyBlockList 0 blocks) ++ "\n"
+-- Pandoc block and inline list processing
+-- | Generate infinite lazy list of markers for an ordered list,
+-- depending on list attributes.
+orderedListMarkers :: (Int, ListNumberStyle, ListNumberDelim) -> [String]
+orderedListMarkers (start, numstyle, numdelim) = 
+  let singleton c = [c]
+      seq = case numstyle of
+                    DefaultStyle -> map show [start..]
+                    Decimal      -> map show [start..]
+                    UpperAlpha   -> drop (start - 1) $ cycle $ 
+                                    map singleton ['A'..'Z']
+                    LowerAlpha   -> drop (start - 1) $ cycle $
+                                    map singleton ['a'..'z']
+                    UpperRoman   -> map toRomanNumeral [start..]
+                    LowerRoman   -> map (map toLower . toRomanNumeral) [start..]
+      inDelim str = case numdelim of
+                            DefaultDelim -> str ++ "."
+                            Period       -> str ++ "."
+                            OneParen     -> str ++ ")"
+                            TwoParens    -> "(" ++ str ++ ")"
+  in  map inDelim seq
+-- | Normalize a list of inline elements: remove leading and trailing
+-- @Space@ elements, collapse double @Space@s into singles, and
+-- remove empty Str elements.
+normalizeSpaces :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
+normalizeSpaces [] = []
+normalizeSpaces list = 
+    let removeDoubles [] = []
+        removeDoubles (Space:Space:rest) = removeDoubles (Space:rest)
+        removeDoubles ((Str ""):rest) = removeDoubles rest 
+        removeDoubles (x:rest) = x:(removeDoubles rest)
+        removeLeading (Space:xs) = removeLeading xs
+        removeLeading x = x
+        removeTrailing [] = []
+        removeTrailing lst = if (last lst == Space)
+                                then init lst
+                                else lst
+    in  removeLeading $ removeTrailing $ removeDoubles list
+-- | Change final list item from @Para@ to @Plain@ if the list should 
+-- be compact.
+compactify :: [[Block]]  -- ^ List of list items (each a list of blocks)
+           -> [[Block]]
+compactify [] = []
+compactify items =
+    let final  = last items
+        others = init items
+    in  case final of
+          [Para a]  -> if any containsPara others
+                          then items
+                          else others ++ [[Plain a]]
+          otherwise -> items
+containsPara :: [Block] -> Bool
+containsPara [] = False
+containsPara ((Para a):rest) = True
+containsPara ((BulletList items):rest) =  any containsPara items ||
+                                          containsPara rest
+containsPara ((OrderedList _ items):rest) = any containsPara items ||
+                                            containsPara rest
+containsPara ((DefinitionList items):rest) = any containsPara (map snd items) ||
+                                             containsPara rest
+containsPara (x:rest) = containsPara rest
+-- | Data structure for defining hierarchical Pandoc documents
+data Element = Blk Block 
+             | Sec [Inline] [Element] deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+-- | Returns @True@ on Header block with at least the specified level
+headerAtLeast :: Int -> Block -> Bool
+headerAtLeast level (Header x _) = x <= level
+headerAtLeast level _ = False
+-- | Convert list of Pandoc blocks into (hierarchical) list of Elements
+hierarchicalize :: [Block] -> [Element]
+hierarchicalize [] = []
+hierarchicalize (block:rest) = 
+  case block of
+    (Header level title) -> 
+         let (thisSection, rest') = break (headerAtLeast level) rest
+         in  (Sec title (hierarchicalize thisSection)):(hierarchicalize rest') 
+    x -> (Blk x):(hierarchicalize rest)
+-- | True if block is a Header block.
+isHeaderBlock :: Block -> Bool
+isHeaderBlock (Header _ _) = True
+isHeaderBlock _ = False
+-- Writer options
+-- | Options for writers
+data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
+  { writerStandalone      :: Bool   -- ^ Include header and footer
+  , writerHeader          :: String -- ^ Header for the document
+  , writerTitlePrefix     :: String -- ^ Prefix for HTML titles
+  , writerTabStop         :: Int    -- ^ Tabstop for conversion btw spaces and tabs
+  , writerTableOfContents :: Bool   -- ^ Include table of contents
+  , writerS5              :: Bool   -- ^ We're writing S5 
+  , writerUseASCIIMathML  :: Bool   -- ^ Use ASCIIMathML
+  , writerASCIIMathMLURL  :: Maybe String -- ^ URL to asciiMathML.js 
+  , writerIgnoreNotes     :: Bool   -- ^ Ignore footnotes (used in making toc)
+  , writerIncremental     :: Bool   -- ^ Incremental S5 lists
+  , writerNumberSections  :: Bool   -- ^ Number sections in LaTeX
+  , writerIncludeBefore   :: String -- ^ String to include before the body
+  , writerIncludeAfter    :: String -- ^ String to include after the body
+  , writerStrictMarkdown  :: Bool   -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
+  , writerReferenceLinks  :: Bool   -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
+  } deriving Show
+-- | Default writer options.
+defaultWriterOptions = 
+  WriterOptions { writerStandalone      = False,
+                  writerHeader          = "",
+                  writerTitlePrefix     = "",
+                  writerTabStop         = 4,
+                  writerTableOfContents = False,
+                  writerS5              = False,
+                  writerUseASCIIMathML  = False,
+                  writerASCIIMathMLURL  = Nothing,
+                  writerIgnoreNotes     = False,
+                  writerIncremental     = False,
+                  writerNumberSections  = False,
+                  writerIncludeBefore   = "",
+                  writerIncludeAfter    = "",
+                  writerStrictMarkdown  = False,
+                  writerReferenceLinks  = False }
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index 1f93787b0..13912a9f3 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 {- |
    Module      : Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt
-   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane
+   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2007 John MacFarlane
    License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
    Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion of 'Pandoc' format into ConTeXt.
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt ( 
-                                  writeConTeXt 
-                                 ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt ( writeConTeXt ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
 import Text.Printf ( printf )
@@ -40,8 +38,7 @@ type WriterState = Int -- number of next URL reference
 -- | Convert Pandoc to ConTeXt.
 writeConTeXt :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
-writeConTeXt options document = 
-  evalState (pandocToConTeXt options document) 1 
+writeConTeXt options document = evalState (pandocToConTeXt options document) 1 
 pandocToConTeXt :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
 pandocToConTeXt options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
@@ -111,8 +108,8 @@ stringToConTeXt = concatMap escapeCharForConTeXt
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to ConTeXt.
 blockToConTeXt :: Block -> State WriterState String 
 blockToConTeXt Null = return ""
-blockToConTeXt (Plain lst) = inlineListToConTeXt lst >>= (return . (++ "\n"))
-blockToConTeXt (Para lst) = inlineListToConTeXt lst >>= (return . (++ "\n\n"))
+blockToConTeXt (Plain lst) = inlineListToConTeXt lst >>= return . (++ "\n")
+blockToConTeXt (Para lst) = inlineListToConTeXt lst >>= return . (++ "\n\n")
 blockToConTeXt (BlockQuote lst) = do
   contents <- blockListToConTeXt lst
   return $ "\\startblockquote\n" ++ contents ++ "\\stopblockquote\n\n"
@@ -137,12 +134,12 @@ blockToConTeXt (OrderedList attribs lst) = case attribs of
     return $ "\\startitemize" ++ markerWidth' ++ "\n" ++ concat contents ++ 
 blockToConTeXt (DefinitionList lst) =
-  mapM defListItemToConTeXt lst >>= (return . (++ "\n") . concat)
+  mapM defListItemToConTeXt lst >>= return . (++ "\n") . concat
 blockToConTeXt HorizontalRule = return "\\thinrule\n\n"
 blockToConTeXt (Header level lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToConTeXt lst
-  return $ if (level > 0) && (level <= 3)
-              then "\\" ++ (concat (replicate (level - 1) "sub")) ++ 
+  return $ if level > 0 && level <= 3
+              then "\\" ++ concat (replicate (level - 1) "sub") ++ 
                    "section{" ++ contents ++ "}\n\n"
               else contents ++ "\n\n"
 blockToConTeXt (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
@@ -186,12 +183,12 @@ defListItemToConTeXt (term, def) = do
 -- | Convert list of block elements to ConTeXt.
 blockListToConTeXt :: [Block] -> State WriterState String
-blockListToConTeXt lst = mapM blockToConTeXt lst >>= (return . concat)
+blockListToConTeXt lst = mapM blockToConTeXt lst >>= return . concat
 -- | Convert list of inline elements to ConTeXt.
 inlineListToConTeXt :: [Inline]  -- ^ Inlines to convert
                     -> State WriterState String
-inlineListToConTeXt lst = mapM inlineToConTeXt lst >>= (return . concat)
+inlineListToConTeXt lst = mapM inlineToConTeXt lst >>= return . concat
 isQuoted :: Inline -> Bool
 isQuoted (Quoted _ _) = True
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
index ecd27ee0c..e34b1959c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
@@ -30,16 +30,35 @@ Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to Docbook XML.
 module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docbook ( writeDocbook) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
-import Text.Pandoc.Entities ( escapeStringForXML )
-import Data.Char ( toLower, ord )
-import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, partition, drop )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, drop )
 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str )
 -- code to format XML
+-- | Escape one character as needed for XML.
+escapeCharForXML :: Char -> String
+escapeCharForXML x = case x of
+                       '&'  -> "&amp;"
+                       '<'  -> "&lt;"
+                       '>'  -> "&gt;"
+                       '"'  -> "&quot;"
+                       '\160' -> "&nbsp;"
+                       c    -> [c] 
+-- | True if the character needs to be escaped.
+needsEscaping :: Char -> Bool
+needsEscaping c = c `elem` "&<>\"\160"
+-- | Escape string as needed for XML.  Entity references are not preserved.
+escapeStringForXML :: String -> String
+escapeStringForXML ""  = ""
+escapeStringForXML str = 
+  case break needsEscaping str of
+    (okay, "")     -> okay
+    (okay, (c:cs)) -> okay ++ escapeCharForXML c ++ escapeStringForXML cs 
 -- | Return a text object with a string of formatted XML attributes. 
 attributeList :: [(String, String)] -> Doc
 attributeList = text .  concatMap 
@@ -52,10 +71,10 @@ inTags:: Bool -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc -> Doc
 inTags isIndented tagType attribs contents = 
   let openTag = char '<' <> text tagType <> attributeList attribs <> 
                 char '>'
-      closeTag  = text "</" <> text tagType <> char '>' in
-  if isIndented
-    then openTag $$ nest 2 contents $$ closeTag
-    else openTag <> contents <> closeTag
+      closeTag  = text "</" <> text tagType <> char '>'
+  in  if isIndented
+         then openTag $$ nest 2 contents $$ closeTag
+         else openTag <> contents <> closeTag
 -- | Return a self-closing tag of tagType with specified attributes
 selfClosingTag :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc
@@ -79,42 +98,42 @@ authorToDocbook :: [Char] -> Doc
 authorToDocbook name = inTagsIndented "author" $ 
   if ',' `elem` name
     then -- last name first
-      let (lastname, rest) = break (==',') name 
-          firstname = removeLeadingSpace rest in
-      inTagsSimple "firstname" (text $ escapeStringForXML firstname) <> 
-      inTagsSimple "surname" (text $ escapeStringForXML lastname) 
+         let (lastname, rest) = break (==',') name 
+             firstname = removeLeadingSpace rest in
+         inTagsSimple "firstname" (text $ escapeStringForXML firstname) <> 
+         inTagsSimple "surname" (text $ escapeStringForXML lastname) 
     else -- last name last
-      let namewords = words name
-          lengthname = length namewords 
-          (firstname, lastname) = case lengthname of
-            0  -> ("","") 
-            1  -> ("", name)
-            n  -> (joinWithSep " " (take (n-1) namewords), last namewords) in
-       inTagsSimple "firstname" (text $ escapeStringForXML firstname) $$ 
-       inTagsSimple "surname" (text $ escapeStringForXML lastname) 
+         let namewords = words name
+             lengthname = length namewords 
+             (firstname, lastname) = case lengthname of
+               0  -> ("","") 
+               1  -> ("", name)
+               n  -> (joinWithSep " " (take (n-1) namewords), last namewords)
+          in inTagsSimple "firstname" (text $ escapeStringForXML firstname) $$ 
+             inTagsSimple "surname" (text $ escapeStringForXML lastname) 
 -- | Convert Pandoc document to string in Docbook format.
 writeDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
 writeDocbook opts (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = 
-  let head = if (writerStandalone opts)
-                then text (writerHeader opts)
-                else empty
-      meta = if (writerStandalone opts)
-                then inTagsIndented "articleinfo" $
-                     (inTagsSimple "title" (wrap opts title)) $$ 
-                     (vcat (map authorToDocbook authors)) $$ 
-                     (inTagsSimple "date" (text $ escapeStringForXML date)) 
-                else empty
+  let head     = if writerStandalone opts
+                    then text (writerHeader opts)
+                    else empty
+      meta     = if writerStandalone opts
+                    then inTagsIndented "articleinfo" $
+                         (inTagsSimple "title" (wrap opts title)) $$ 
+                         (vcat (map authorToDocbook authors)) $$ 
+                         (inTagsSimple "date" (text $ escapeStringForXML date)) 
+                    else empty
       elements = hierarchicalize blocks
-      before = writerIncludeBefore opts
-      after = writerIncludeAfter opts
-      body = (if null before then empty else text before) $$
-             vcat (map (elementToDocbook opts) elements) $$
-             (if null after then empty else text after)
-      body' = if writerStandalone opts
-                then inTagsIndented "article" (meta $$ body)
-                else body in  
-  render $ head $$ body' $$ text ""
+      before   = writerIncludeBefore opts
+      after    = writerIncludeAfter opts
+      body     = (if null before then empty else text before) $$
+                 vcat (map (elementToDocbook opts) elements) $$
+                 (if null after then empty else text after)
+      body'    = if writerStandalone opts
+                   then inTagsIndented "article" (meta $$ body)
+                   else body 
+  in  render $ head $$ body' $$ text ""
 -- | Convert an Element to Docbook.
 elementToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Element -> Doc
@@ -123,10 +142,10 @@ elementToDocbook opts (Sec title elements) =
   -- Docbook doesn't allow sections with no content, so insert some if needed
   let elements' = if null elements
                     then [Blk (Para [])]
-                    else elements in 
-  inTagsIndented "section" $
-  inTagsSimple "title" (wrap opts title) $$
-  vcat (map (elementToDocbook opts) elements') 
+                    else elements
+  in  inTagsIndented "section" $
+      inTagsSimple "title" (wrap opts title) $$
+      vcat (map (elementToDocbook opts) elements') 
 -- | Convert a list of Pandoc blocks to Docbook.
 blocksToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Doc
@@ -145,30 +164,27 @@ deflistItemsToDocbook opts items =
 -- | Convert a term and a list of blocks into a Docbook varlistentry.
 deflistItemToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [Block] -> Doc
 deflistItemToDocbook opts term def =
-  let def' = map plainToPara def in
-  inTagsIndented "varlistentry" $
-  inTagsIndented "term" (inlinesToDocbook opts term) $$
-  inTagsIndented "listitem" (blocksToDocbook opts def')
+  let def' = map plainToPara def
+  in  inTagsIndented "varlistentry" $
+      inTagsIndented "term" (inlinesToDocbook opts term) $$
+      inTagsIndented "listitem" (blocksToDocbook opts def')
 -- | Convert a list of lists of blocks to a list of Docbook list items.
 listItemsToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> Doc
-listItemsToDocbook opts items = 
-  vcat $ map (listItemToDocbook opts) items
+listItemsToDocbook opts items = vcat $ map (listItemToDocbook opts) items
 -- | Convert a list of blocks into a Docbook list item.
 listItemToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Doc
 listItemToDocbook opts item =
-  let item' = map plainToPara item in
-  inTagsIndented "listitem" (blocksToDocbook opts item')
+  inTagsIndented "listitem" $ blocksToDocbook opts $ map plainToPara item
 -- | Convert a Pandoc block element to Docbook.
 blockToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Block -> Doc
 blockToDocbook opts Null = empty
 blockToDocbook opts (Plain lst) = wrap opts lst
-blockToDocbook opts (Para lst) = 
-  inTagsIndented "para" (wrap opts lst)
+blockToDocbook opts (Para lst) = inTagsIndented "para" $ wrap opts lst
 blockToDocbook opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
-  inTagsIndented "blockquote" (blocksToDocbook opts blocks)
+  inTagsIndented "blockquote" $ blocksToDocbook opts blocks
 blockToDocbook opts (CodeBlock str) = 
   text "<screen>\n" <> text (escapeStringForXML str) <> text "\n</screen>"
 blockToDocbook opts (BulletList lst) = 
@@ -198,16 +214,16 @@ blockToDocbook opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =
                       then empty
                       else inTagsIndented "caption" 
                            (inlinesToDocbook opts caption)
-      tableType   = if isEmpty captionDoc then "informaltable" else "table" in
-  inTagsIndented tableType $ captionDoc $$
-  (colHeadsToDocbook opts alignStrings widths headers) $$ 
-  (vcat $ map (tableRowToDocbook opts alignStrings) rows)
+      tableType    = if isEmpty captionDoc then "informaltable" else "table"
+  in  inTagsIndented tableType $ captionDoc $$
+     (colHeadsToDocbook opts alignStrings widths headers) $$ 
+     (vcat $ map (tableRowToDocbook opts alignStrings) rows)
 colHeadsToDocbook opts alignStrings widths headers =
-  let heads = zipWith3
-              (\align width item -> tableItemToDocbook opts "th" align width item) 
-              alignStrings widths headers in
-  inTagsIndented "tr" $ vcat heads
+  let heads = zipWith3 (\align width item -> 
+              tableItemToDocbook opts "th" align width item) 
+              alignStrings widths headers
+  in  inTagsIndented "tr" $ vcat heads
 alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
                                  AlignLeft -> "left"
@@ -215,20 +231,16 @@ alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
                                  AlignCenter -> "center"
                                  AlignDefault -> "left"
-tableRowToDocbook opts aligns cols =
-  inTagsIndented "tr" $ vcat $ zipWith3 (tableItemToDocbook opts "td") aligns (repeat 0) cols
+tableRowToDocbook opts aligns cols = inTagsIndented "tr" $ 
+  vcat $ zipWith3 (tableItemToDocbook opts "td") aligns (repeat 0) cols
 tableItemToDocbook opts tag align width item =
   let attrib = [("align", align)] ++ 
-               if (width /= 0) 
-                 then [("style", "{width: " ++ 
-                                 show (truncate (100*width)) ++ "%;}")]
-                 else [] in 
-  inTags True tag attrib $ vcat $ map (blockToDocbook opts) item
--- | Put string in CDATA section
-cdata :: String -> Doc
-cdata str = text $ "<![CDATA[" ++ str ++ "]]>"
+               if width /= 0
+                  then [("style", "{width: " ++ 
+                        show (truncate (100*width)) ++ "%;}")]
+                  else [] 
+  in  inTags True tag attrib $ vcat $ map (blockToDocbook opts) item
 -- | Take list of inline elements and return wrapped doc.
 wrap :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> Doc
@@ -236,25 +248,24 @@ wrap opts lst = fsep $ map (inlinesToDocbook opts) (splitBy Space lst)
 -- | Convert a list of inline elements to Docbook.
 inlinesToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> Doc
-inlinesToDocbook opts lst = hcat (map (inlineToDocbook opts) lst)
+inlinesToDocbook opts lst = hcat $ map (inlineToDocbook opts) lst
 -- | Convert an inline element to Docbook.
 inlineToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> Doc
 inlineToDocbook opts (Str str) = text $ escapeStringForXML str 
 inlineToDocbook opts (Emph lst) = 
-  inTagsSimple "emphasis" (inlinesToDocbook opts lst)
+  inTagsSimple "emphasis" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
 inlineToDocbook opts (Strong lst) = 
-  inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strong")] 
-  (inlinesToDocbook opts lst)
+  inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strong")] $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
 inlineToDocbook opts (Strikeout lst) = 
-  inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strikethrough")] 
-  (inlinesToDocbook opts lst)
+  inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strikethrough")] $
+  inlinesToDocbook opts lst
 inlineToDocbook opts (Superscript lst) = 
-  inTagsSimple "superscript" (inlinesToDocbook opts lst)
+  inTagsSimple "superscript" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
 inlineToDocbook opts (Subscript lst) = 
-  inTagsSimple "subscript" (inlinesToDocbook opts lst)
+  inTagsSimple "subscript" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
 inlineToDocbook opts (Quoted _ lst) = 
-  inTagsSimple "quote" (inlinesToDocbook opts lst)
+  inTagsSimple "quote" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
 inlineToDocbook opts Apostrophe = char '\''
 inlineToDocbook opts Ellipses = text "&#8230;"
 inlineToDocbook opts EmDash = text "&#8212;" 
@@ -263,26 +274,24 @@ inlineToDocbook opts (Code str) =
   inTagsSimple "literal" $ text (escapeStringForXML str)
 inlineToDocbook opts (TeX str) = inlineToDocbook opts (Code str)
 inlineToDocbook opts (HtmlInline str) = empty
-inlineToDocbook opts LineBreak = 
-  text $ "<literallayout></literallayout>" 
+inlineToDocbook opts LineBreak = text $ "<literallayout></literallayout>" 
 inlineToDocbook opts Space = char ' '
 inlineToDocbook opts (Link txt (src, tit)) =
   if isPrefixOf "mailto:" src
-    then let src' = drop 7 src
-             emailLink = inTagsSimple "email" $ text (escapeStringForXML $ src')
-         in  if txt == [Code src']
-                then emailLink
-                else inlinesToDocbook opts txt <+> char '(' <> emailLink <> 
-                     char ')'
-    else inTags False "ulink" [("url", src)] $ inlinesToDocbook opts txt
+     then let src' = drop 7 src
+              emailLink = inTagsSimple "email" $ text $ 
+                          escapeStringForXML $ src'
+          in  if txt == [Code src']
+                 then emailLink
+                 else inlinesToDocbook opts txt <+> char '(' <> emailLink <> 
+                      char ')'
+     else inTags False "ulink" [("url", src)] $ inlinesToDocbook opts txt
 inlineToDocbook opts (Image alt (src, tit)) = 
   let titleDoc = if null tit
                    then empty
                    else inTagsIndented "objectinfo" $
-                        inTagsIndented "title" 
-                        (text $ escapeStringForXML tit) in
-  inTagsIndented "inlinemediaobject" $ 
-  inTagsIndented "imageobject" $
-  titleDoc $$ selfClosingTag "imagedata" [("fileref", src)] 
+                        inTagsIndented "title" (text $ escapeStringForXML tit)
+  in  inTagsIndented "inlinemediaobject" $ inTagsIndented "imageobject" $
+      titleDoc $$ selfClosingTag "imagedata" [("fileref", src)] 
 inlineToDocbook opts (Note contents) = 
   inTagsIndented "footnote" $ blocksToDocbook opts contents
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
index 34c59f334..ace5cfe5f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to HTML.
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML ( writeHtml, writeHtmlString ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML ( writeHtml , writeHtmlString ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.ASCIIMathML
+import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( decodeCharacterReferences )
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
-import Text.Pandoc.Entities (decodeEntities)
 import Text.Regex ( mkRegex, matchRegex )
 import Numeric ( showHex )
 import Data.Char ( ord, toLower )
-import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, partition, intersperse )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intersperse )
 import qualified Data.Set as S
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Text.XHtml.Transitional
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState {stNotes= [], stIds = [],
 writeHtmlString :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
 writeHtmlString opts = 
   if writerStandalone opts
-     then renderHtml . (writeHtml opts)
-     else renderHtmlFragment . (writeHtml opts)
+     then renderHtml . writeHtml opts
+     else renderHtmlFragment . writeHtml opts
 -- | Convert Pandoc document to Html structure.
 writeHtml :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> Html
@@ -74,49 +74,51 @@ writeHtml opts (Pandoc (Meta tit authors date) blocks) =
                     map (\a -> meta ! [name "author", content a]) authors) +++
                     (if null date
                        then noHtml
-                       else meta ! [name "date", content date]) 
-      titleHeader = if (writerStandalone opts) && (not (null tit)) && 
-                    (not (writerS5 opts))
+                       else meta ! [name "date", content date])
+      titleHeader = if writerStandalone opts && not (null tit) && 
+                    not (writerS5 opts)
                         then h1 ! [theclass "title"] $ topTitle
                         else noHtml
       headerBlocks = filter isHeaderBlock blocks
-      ids = uniqueIdentifiers $ map (\(Header _ lst) -> lst) headerBlocks
-      toc = if writerTableOfContents opts 
-               then tableOfContents opts headerBlocks ids
-               else noHtml
+      ids          = uniqueIdentifiers $ 
+                     map (\(Header _ lst) -> lst) headerBlocks
+      toc          = if writerTableOfContents opts 
+                        then tableOfContents opts headerBlocks ids
+                        else noHtml
       (blocks', newstate) = 
-                    runState (blockListToHtml opts blocks)
-                    (defaultWriterState {stIds = ids})
-      cssLines    = stCSS newstate
-      css         = if S.null cssLines
-                       then noHtml
-                       else style ! [thetype "text/css"] $ primHtml $
-                            '\n':(unlines $ S.toList cssLines)
-      math        = if stMath newstate
-                       then case writerASCIIMathMLURL opts of
-                                  Just path -> script !  [src path, 
-                                               thetype "text/javascript"] $ noHtml
-                                  Nothing   -> primHtml asciiMathMLScript
-                       else noHtml
-      head        = header $ metadata +++ math +++ css +++ 
-                             primHtml (writerHeader opts)
-      notes       = reverse (stNotes newstate)
-      before      = primHtml $ writerIncludeBefore opts
-      after       = primHtml $ writerIncludeAfter opts
-      thebody     = before +++ titleHeader +++ toc +++ blocks' +++
-                    footnoteSection opts notes +++ after
+                     runState (blockListToHtml opts blocks)
+                     (defaultWriterState {stIds = ids})
+      cssLines     = stCSS newstate
+      css          = if S.null cssLines
+                        then noHtml
+                        else style ! [thetype "text/css"] $ primHtml $
+                             '\n':(unlines $ S.toList cssLines)
+      math         = if stMath newstate
+                        then case writerASCIIMathMLURL opts of
+                                   Just path -> script !  [src path, 
+                                                thetype "text/javascript"] $
+                                                noHtml
+                                   Nothing   -> primHtml asciiMathMLScript
+                        else noHtml
+      head         = header $ metadata +++ math +++ css +++ 
+                              primHtml (writerHeader opts)
+      notes        = reverse (stNotes newstate)
+      before       = primHtml $ writerIncludeBefore opts
+      after        = primHtml $ writerIncludeAfter opts
+      thebody      = before +++ titleHeader +++ toc +++ blocks' +++
+                     footnoteSection opts notes +++ after
   in  if writerStandalone opts
-         then head +++ (body thebody)
+         then head +++ body thebody
          else thebody
 -- | Construct table of contents from list of header blocks and identifiers.
 -- Assumes there are as many identifiers as header blocks.
 tableOfContents :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> [String] -> Html
 tableOfContents opts headers ids =
-  let opts' = opts { writerIgnoreNotes = True }
+  let opts'        = opts { writerIgnoreNotes = True }
       contentsTree = hierarchicalize headers
-      contents = evalState (mapM (elementToListItem opts') contentsTree) 
-                 (defaultWriterState {stIds = ids})
+      contents     = evalState (mapM (elementToListItem opts') contentsTree) 
+                     (defaultWriterState {stIds = ids})
   in  thediv ! [identifier "toc"] $ unordList contents
 -- | Converts an Element to a list item for a table of contents,
@@ -135,7 +137,8 @@ elementToListItem opts (Sec headerText subsecs) = do
   let subList = if null subHeads
                    then noHtml
                    else unordList subHeads 
-  return $ (anchor ! [href ("#" ++ id), identifier ("TOC-" ++ id)] $ txt) +++ subList
+  return $ (anchor ! [href ("#" ++ id), identifier ("TOC-" ++ id)] $ txt) +++ 
+           subList
 -- | Convert list of Note blocks to a footnote <div>.
 -- Assumes notes are sorted.
@@ -143,62 +146,61 @@ footnoteSection :: WriterOptions -> [Html] -> Html
 footnoteSection opts notes =
   if null notes 
      then noHtml
-     else thediv ! [theclass "footnotes"] $
-                   hr +++ (olist << notes)
+     else thediv ! [theclass "footnotes"] $ hr +++ (olist << notes)
 -- | Obfuscate a "mailto:" link using Javascript.
 obfuscateLink :: WriterOptions -> String -> String -> Html
 obfuscateLink opts text src =
   let emailRegex = mkRegex "^mailto:([^@]*)@(.*)$"
-      src'  = map toLower src in
-  case (matchRegex emailRegex src') of
-    (Just [name, domain]) ->
-      let domain'  = substitute "." " dot " domain
-          at'      = obfuscateChar '@'
-          (linkText, altText) = 
-             if text == drop 7 src' -- autolink
-                then ("'<code>'+e+'</code>'", name ++ " at " ++ domain')
-                else ("'" ++ text ++ "'", text ++ " (" ++ name ++ " at " ++ 
-                      domain' ++ ")") in 
-      if writerStrictMarkdown opts
-        then -- need to use primHtml or &'s are escaped to &amp; in URL
-             primHtml $ "<a href=\"" ++ (obfuscateString src')
-             ++ "\">" ++ (obfuscateString text) ++ "</a>"
-        else (script ! [thetype "text/javascript"] $
-             primHtml ("\n<!--\nh='" ++ 
-             obfuscateString domain ++ "';a='" ++ at' ++ "';n='" ++ 
-             obfuscateString name ++ "';e=n+a+h;\n" ++
-             "document.write('<a h'+'ref'+'=\"ma'+'ilto'+':'+e+'\">'+" ++ 
-             linkText  ++ "+'<\\/'+'a'+'>');\n// -->\n")) +++  
-             noscript (primHtml $ obfuscateString altText)
-    _ -> anchor ! [href src] $ primHtml text  -- malformed email
+      src'       = map toLower src
+  in  case (matchRegex emailRegex src') of
+        (Just [name, domain]) ->
+          let domain'  = substitute "." " dot " domain
+              at'      = obfuscateChar '@'
+              (linkText, altText) = 
+                 if text == drop 7 src' -- autolink
+                    then ("'<code>'+e+'</code>'", name ++ " at " ++ domain')
+                    else ("'" ++ text ++ "'", text ++ " (" ++ name ++ " at " ++ 
+                          domain' ++ ")")
+          in  if writerStrictMarkdown opts
+                then -- need to use primHtml or &'s are escaped to &amp; in URL
+                     primHtml $ "<a href=\"" ++ (obfuscateString src')
+                     ++ "\">" ++ (obfuscateString text) ++ "</a>"
+                else (script ! [thetype "text/javascript"] $
+                     primHtml ("\n<!--\nh='" ++ 
+                     obfuscateString domain ++ "';a='" ++ at' ++ "';n='" ++ 
+                     obfuscateString name ++ "';e=n+a+h;\n" ++
+                     "document.write('<a h'+'ref'+'=\"ma'+'ilto'+':'+e+'\">'+" ++ 
+                     linkText  ++ "+'<\\/'+'a'+'>');\n// -->\n")) +++  
+                     noscript (primHtml $ obfuscateString altText)
+        _ -> anchor ! [href src] $ primHtml text  -- malformed email
 -- | Obfuscate character as entity.
 obfuscateChar :: Char -> String
 obfuscateChar char = 
-  let num = ord char in
-  let numstr = if even num then (show num) else ("x" ++ (showHex num "")) in
-  "&#" ++ numstr ++ ";"
+  let num    = ord char
+      numstr = if even num then show num else "x" ++ showHex num ""
+  in  "&#" ++ numstr ++ ";"
 -- | Obfuscate string using entities.
 obfuscateString :: String -> String
-obfuscateString = (concatMap obfuscateChar) . decodeEntities
+obfuscateString = concatMap obfuscateChar . decodeCharacterReferences
 -- | True if character is a punctuation character (unicode).
 isPunctuation :: Char -> Bool
 isPunctuation c =
-  let c' = ord c in
-  if (c `elem` "!\"'()*,-./:;<>?[\\]`{|}~") || (c' >= 0x2000 && c' <= 0x206F) ||
-     (c' >= 0xE000 && c' <= 0xE0FF)
-     then True
-     else False
+  let c' = ord c
+  in  if c `elem` "!\"'()*,-./:;<>?[\\]`{|}~" || c' >= 0x2000 && c' <= 0x206F ||
+         c' >= 0xE000 && c' <= 0xE0FF
+         then True
+         else False
 -- | Add CSS for document header.
 addToCSS :: String -> State WriterState ()
 addToCSS item = do
   st <- get
   let current = stCSS st
-  put $ st {stCSS = (S.insert item current)}
+  put $ st {stCSS = S.insert item current}
 -- | Convert Pandoc inline list to plain text identifier.
 inlineListToIdentifier :: [Inline] -> String
@@ -206,27 +208,26 @@ inlineListToIdentifier [] = ""
 inlineListToIdentifier (x:xs) = 
   xAsText ++ inlineListToIdentifier xs
   where xAsText = case x of
-                       Str s          -> filter 
-                                         (\c -> (c == '-') || not (isPunctuation c)) $
-                                         concat $ intersperse "-" $ words $ map toLower s
-                       Emph lst       -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Strikeout lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Superscript lst -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Subscript lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Strong lst     -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Quoted _ lst   -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Code s         -> s
-                       Space          -> "-"
-                       EmDash         -> "-"
-                       EnDash         -> "-"
-                       Apostrophe     -> ""
-                       Ellipses       -> ""
-                       LineBreak      -> "-"
-                       TeX _          -> ""
-                       HtmlInline _   -> ""
-                       Link lst _     -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Image lst _    -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
-                       Note _         -> ""
+          Str s          -> filter (\c -> c == '-' || not (isPunctuation c)) $
+                            concat $ intersperse "-" $ words $ map toLower s
+          Emph lst       -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Strikeout lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Superscript lst -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Subscript lst  -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Strong lst     -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Quoted _ lst   -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Code s         -> s
+          Space          -> "-"
+          EmDash         -> "-"
+          EnDash         -> "-"
+          Apostrophe     -> ""
+          Ellipses       -> ""
+          LineBreak      -> "-"
+          TeX _          -> ""
+          HtmlInline _   -> ""
+          Link lst _     -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Image lst _    -> inlineListToIdentifier lst
+          Note _         -> ""
 -- | Return unique identifiers for list of inline lists.
 uniqueIdentifiers :: [[Inline]] -> [String]
@@ -236,102 +237,99 @@ uniqueIdentifiers ls =
             matches = length $ filter (== new) nonuniqueIds
             new' = new ++ if matches > 0 then ("-" ++ show matches) else ""
         in  (new:nonuniqueIds, new':uniqueIds)
-  in  reverse $ snd (foldl addIdentifier ([],[]) $ ls)
+  in  reverse $ snd $ foldl addIdentifier ([],[]) ls
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to HTML.
 blockToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Block -> State WriterState Html
-blockToHtml opts block = 
-  case block of
-    (Null)            -> return $ noHtml
-    (Plain lst)       -> inlineListToHtml opts lst
-    (Para lst)        -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= (return . paragraph)
-    (RawHtml str)     -> return $ primHtml str
-    (HorizontalRule)  -> return $ hr
-    (CodeBlock str)   -> return $ pre $ thecode << (str ++ "\n") 
+blockToHtml opts Null = return $ noHtml 
+blockToHtml opts (Plain lst) = inlineListToHtml opts lst
+blockToHtml opts (Para lst) = inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= (return . paragraph)
+blockToHtml opts (RawHtml str) = return $ primHtml str
+blockToHtml opts (HorizontalRule) = return $ hr
+blockToHtml opts (CodeBlock str) = return $ pre $ thecode << (str ++ "\n") 
                        -- the final \n for consistency with Markdown.pl
-    (BlockQuote blocks) ->  -- in S5, treat list in blockquote specially
-                            -- if default is incremental, make it nonincremental; 
-                            -- otherwise incremental
-       if writerS5 opts
-          then let inc = not (writerIncremental opts) in
-               case blocks of 
-                  [BulletList lst]  -> blockToHtml (opts {writerIncremental = inc})
-                                       (BulletList lst)
-                  [OrderedList attribs lst] -> 
-                                       blockToHtml (opts {writerIncremental = inc})
-                                       (OrderedList attribs lst)
-                  otherwise         -> blockListToHtml opts blocks >>= 
-                                       (return . blockquote)
-          else blockListToHtml opts blocks >>= (return . blockquote)
-    (Header level lst) -> do contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
-                             st <- get
-                             let ids = stIds st
-                             let (id, rest) = if null ids
-                                                 then ("", [])
-                                                 else (head ids, tail ids)
-                             put $ st {stIds = rest}
-                             let attribs = [identifier id]
-                             let headerHtml = case level of
-                                         1 -> h1 contents ! attribs
-                                         2 -> h2 contents ! attribs
-                                         3 -> h3 contents ! attribs
-                                         4 -> h4 contents ! attribs
-                                         5 -> h5 contents ! attribs
-                                         6 -> h6 contents ! attribs
-                                         _ -> paragraph contents ! attribs
-                             let headerHtml' = if writerTableOfContents opts
-                                                  then anchor ! [href ("#TOC-" ++ id)] $
-                                                       headerHtml
-                                                  else headerHtml
-                             return headerHtml'
-    (BulletList lst)   -> do contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
-                             let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
-                                              then [theclass "incremental"]
-                                              else []
-                             return $ unordList ! attribs $ contents
-    (OrderedList (startnum, numstyle, _) lst)  -> do
-                             contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
-                             let numstyle' = camelCaseToHyphenated $ show numstyle
-                             let attribs = (if writerIncremental opts
-                                              then [theclass "incremental"]
-                                              else []) ++
-                                           (if startnum /= 1
-                                              then [start startnum]
-                                              else []) ++
-                                           (if numstyle /= DefaultStyle
-                                              then [theclass numstyle']
-                                              else [])
-                             if numstyle /= DefaultStyle
-                                then addToCSS $ "ol." ++ numstyle' ++ 
-                                                " { list-style-type: " ++ 
-                                                numstyle' ++ "; }"
-                                else return ()
-                             return $ ordList ! attribs $ contents
-    (DefinitionList lst) -> do contents <- mapM (\(term, def) ->
-                                                 do term' <- inlineListToHtml opts term
-                                                    def' <- blockListToHtml opts def
-                                                    return $ (term', def'))
-                                                 lst
-                               let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
-                                                then [theclass "incremental"]
-                                                else []
-                               return $ defList ! attribs $ contents
-    (Table capt aligns widths headers rows) ->
-                            do let alignStrings = map alignmentToString aligns
-                               captionDoc <- if null capt
-                                                then return noHtml
-                                                else inlineListToHtml opts capt >>=
-                                                     (return . caption)
-                               colHeads <- colHeadsToHtml opts alignStrings 
-                                                          widths headers
-                               rows' <- mapM (tableRowToHtml opts alignStrings) rows
-                               return $ table $ captionDoc +++ colHeads +++ rows'
+blockToHtml opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
+  -- in S5, treat list in blockquote specially
+  -- if default is incremental, make it nonincremental; 
+  -- otherwise incremental
+  if writerS5 opts
+     then let inc = not (writerIncremental opts) in
+          case blocks of 
+             [BulletList lst]  -> blockToHtml (opts {writerIncremental = inc})
+                                  (BulletList lst)
+             [OrderedList attribs lst] -> 
+                                  blockToHtml (opts {writerIncremental = inc})
+                                  (OrderedList attribs lst)
+             otherwise         -> blockListToHtml opts blocks >>= 
+                                  (return . blockquote)
+     else blockListToHtml opts blocks >>= (return . blockquote)
+blockToHtml opts (Header level lst) = do 
+  contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
+  st <- get
+  let ids = stIds st
+  let (id, rest) = if null ids
+                      then ("", [])
+                      else (head ids, tail ids)
+  put $ st {stIds = rest}
+  let attribs = [identifier id]
+  let headerHtml = case level of
+              1 -> h1 contents ! attribs
+              2 -> h2 contents ! attribs
+              3 -> h3 contents ! attribs
+              4 -> h4 contents ! attribs
+              5 -> h5 contents ! attribs
+              6 -> h6 contents ! attribs
+              _ -> paragraph contents ! attribs
+  return $ if writerTableOfContents opts
+              then anchor ! [href ("#TOC-" ++ id)] $ headerHtml
+              else headerHtml
+blockToHtml opts (BulletList lst) = do
+  contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
+  let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
+                   then [theclass "incremental"]
+                   else []
+  return $ unordList ! attribs $ contents
+blockToHtml opts (OrderedList (startnum, numstyle, _) lst) = do
+  contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
+  let numstyle' = camelCaseToHyphenated $ show numstyle
+  let attribs = (if writerIncremental opts
+                   then [theclass "incremental"]
+                   else []) ++
+                (if startnum /= 1
+                   then [start startnum]
+                   else []) ++
+                (if numstyle /= DefaultStyle
+                   then [theclass numstyle']
+                   else [])
+  if numstyle /= DefaultStyle
+     then addToCSS $ "ol." ++ numstyle' ++ 
+                     " { list-style-type: " ++ 
+                     numstyle' ++ "; }"
+     else return ()
+  return $ ordList ! attribs $ contents
+blockToHtml opts (DefinitionList lst) = do
+  contents <- mapM (\(term, def) -> do term' <- inlineListToHtml opts term
+                                       def' <- blockListToHtml opts def
+                                       return $ (term', def')) lst
+  let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
+                   then [theclass "incremental"]
+                   else []
+  return $ defList ! attribs $ contents
+blockToHtml opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows) = do
+  let alignStrings = map alignmentToString aligns
+  captionDoc <- if null capt
+                   then return noHtml
+                   else inlineListToHtml opts capt >>= return . caption
+  colHeads <- colHeadsToHtml opts alignStrings 
+                             widths headers
+  rows' <- mapM (tableRowToHtml opts alignStrings) rows
+  return $ table $ captionDoc +++ colHeads +++ rows'
-colHeadsToHtml opts alignStrings widths headers =
-  do heads <- sequence $ zipWith3 
-                         (\align width item -> tableItemToHtml opts th align width item) 
-                         alignStrings widths headers
-     return $ tr $ toHtmlFromList heads
+colHeadsToHtml opts alignStrings widths headers = do
+  heads <- sequence $ zipWith3 
+           (\align width item -> tableItemToHtml opts th align width item) 
+           alignStrings widths headers
+  return $ tr $ toHtmlFromList heads
 alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
                                  AlignLeft    -> "left"
@@ -339,24 +337,27 @@ alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
                                  AlignCenter  -> "center"
                                  AlignDefault -> "left"
-tableRowToHtml opts aligns cols =
-  do contents <- sequence $ zipWith3 (tableItemToHtml opts td) aligns (repeat 0) cols 
-     return $ tr $ toHtmlFromList contents
+tableRowToHtml opts aligns cols = 
+  (sequence $ zipWith3 (tableItemToHtml opts td) aligns (repeat 0) cols) >>=
+  return . tr . toHtmlFromList
-tableItemToHtml opts tag align' width item =
-  do contents <- blockListToHtml opts item
-     let attrib = [align align'] ++ 
-                  if (width /= 0) 
-                    then [thestyle ("{width: " ++ show (truncate (100*width)) ++ "%;}")]
-                    else [] 
-     return $ tag ! attrib $ contents
+tableItemToHtml opts tag align' width item = do
+  contents <- blockListToHtml opts item
+  let attrib = [align align'] ++ 
+               if width /= 0 
+                  then [thestyle ("{width: " ++ show (truncate (100*width)) ++ 
+                        "%;}")]
+                  else [] 
+  return $ tag ! attrib $ contents
 blockListToHtml :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState Html
-blockListToHtml opts lst = mapM (blockToHtml opts) lst >>= (return . toHtmlFromList)
+blockListToHtml opts lst = 
+  mapM (blockToHtml opts) lst >>= return . toHtmlFromList
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to HTML.
 inlineListToHtml :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Html
-inlineListToHtml opts lst = mapM (inlineToHtml opts) lst >>= (return . toHtmlFromList)
+inlineListToHtml opts lst = 
+  mapM (inlineToHtml opts) lst >>= return . toHtmlFromList
 -- | Convert Pandoc inline element to HTML.
 inlineToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Html
@@ -369,52 +370,58 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
     (EnDash)         -> return $ primHtmlChar "ndash"
     (Ellipses)       -> return $ primHtmlChar "hellip"
     (Apostrophe)     -> return $ primHtmlChar "rsquo"
-    (Emph lst)       -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= (return . emphasize)
-    (Strong lst)     -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= (return . strong)
+    (Emph lst)       -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= return . emphasize
+    (Strong lst)     -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= return . strong
     (Code str)       -> return $ thecode << str
-    (Strikeout lst)  -> addToCSS ".strikeout { text-decoration: line-through; }" >> 
+    (Strikeout lst)  -> addToCSS 
+                        ".strikeout { text-decoration: line-through; }" >> 
                         inlineListToHtml opts lst >>=
-                        (return . (thespan ! [theclass "strikeout"]))
-    (Superscript lst) -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= (return . sup)
-    (Subscript lst)   -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= (return . sub)
+                        return . (thespan ! [theclass "strikeout"])
+    (Superscript lst) -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= return . sup
+    (Subscript lst)   -> inlineListToHtml opts lst >>= return . sub
     (Quoted quoteType lst) ->
                         let (leftQuote, rightQuote) = case quoteType of
                               SingleQuote -> (primHtmlChar "lsquo", 
                                               primHtmlChar "rsquo")
                               DoubleQuote -> (primHtmlChar "ldquo", 
-                                              primHtmlChar "rdquo") in 
-                        do contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
-                           return $ leftQuote +++ contents +++ rightQuote
-    (TeX str)        -> do if writerUseASCIIMathML opts
-                              then modify (\st -> st {stMath = True})
-                              else return ()
-                           return $ stringToHtml str
+                                              primHtmlChar "rdquo")
+                        in  do contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
+                               return $ leftQuote +++ contents +++ rightQuote
+    (TeX str)        -> (if writerUseASCIIMathML opts
+                            then modify (\st -> st {stMath = True})
+                            else return ()) >> return (stringToHtml str)
     (HtmlInline str) -> return $ primHtml str 
     (Link [Code str] (src,tit)) | "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` src ->
-                        do return $ obfuscateLink opts str src
-    (Link txt (src,tit)) | "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` src ->
-                        do linkText <- inlineListToHtml opts txt  
-                           return $ obfuscateLink opts (show linkText) src
-    (Link txt (src,tit)) ->
-                        do linkText <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
-                           return $ anchor ! ([href src] ++ 
-                                    if null tit then [] else [title tit]) $ linkText
-    (Image txt (source,tit)) ->
-                        do alternate <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
-                           let alternate' = renderHtmlFragment alternate
-                           let attributes = [src source, title tit] ++ 
-                                            if null txt then [] else [alt alternate']
-                           return $ image ! attributes 
-                           -- note:  null title included, as in Markdown.pl 
-    (Note contents)  -> do st <- get
-                           let notes = stNotes st
-                           let number = (length notes) + 1
-                           let ref = show number
-                           htmlContents <- blockListToNote opts ref contents 
-                           put $ st {stNotes = (htmlContents:notes)} -- push contents onto front of notes
-                           return $ anchor ! [href ("#fn" ++ ref),
-                                              theclass "footnoteRef",
-                                              identifier ("fnref" ++ ref)] << sup << ref
+                        return $ obfuscateLink opts str src
+    (Link txt (src,tit)) | "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` src -> do
+                        linkText <- inlineListToHtml opts txt  
+                        return $ obfuscateLink opts (show linkText) src
+    (Link txt (src,tit)) -> do
+                        linkText <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
+                        return $ anchor ! ([href src] ++ 
+                                 if null tit then [] else [title tit]) $ 
+                                 linkText
+    (Image txt (source,tit)) -> do
+                        alternate <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
+                        let alternate' = renderHtmlFragment alternate
+                        let attributes = [src source, title tit] ++ 
+                                         if null txt 
+                                            then [] 
+                                            else [alt alternate']
+                        return $ image ! attributes 
+                        -- note:  null title included, as in Markdown.pl 
+    (Note contents)          -> do 
+                        st <- get
+                        let notes = stNotes st
+                        let number = (length notes) + 1
+                        let ref = show number
+                        htmlContents <- blockListToNote opts ref contents 
+                        -- push contents onto front of notes
+                        put $ st {stNotes = (htmlContents:notes)} 
+                        return $ anchor ! [href ("#fn" ++ ref),
+                                          theclass "footnoteRef",
+                                          identifier ("fnref" ++ ref)] << 
+                                          sup << ref
 blockListToNote :: WriterOptions -> String -> [Block] -> State WriterState Html
 blockListToNote opts ref blocks =
@@ -434,6 +441,6 @@ blockListToNote opts ref blocks =
                                                  [Plain (lst ++ backlink)]
                                   _           -> otherBlocks ++ [lastBlock,
                                                  Plain backlink]
-  in do contents <- blockListToHtml opts blocks'
-        return $ li ! [identifier ("fn" ++ ref)] $ contents
+  in  do contents <- blockListToHtml opts blocks'
+         return $ li ! [identifier ("fn" ++ ref)] $ contents
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index 3d0c66e45..ad1f3e45f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -27,16 +27,14 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion of 'Pandoc' format into LaTeX.
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX ( 
-                                  writeLaTeX 
-                                 ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX ( writeLaTeX ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
 import Text.Printf ( printf )
 import Data.List ( (\\), isInfixOf )
+import Data.Char ( toLower )
 import qualified Data.Set as S
 import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Char ( toLower )
 data WriterState = 
   WriterState { stIncludes :: S.Set String -- strings to include in header
@@ -77,16 +75,16 @@ latexHeader :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options, including LaTeX header
             -> Meta          -- ^ Meta with bibliographic information
             -> State WriterState String
 latexHeader options (Meta title authors date) = do
-  titletext    <- if null title
-                     then return "" 
-                     else do title' <- inlineListToLaTeX title
-                             return $ "\\title{" ++ title' ++ "}\n"
-  extras       <- get >>= (return . unlines . S.toList. stIncludes)
+  titletext <- if null title
+                  then return "" 
+                  else do title' <- inlineListToLaTeX title
+                          return $ "\\title{" ++ title' ++ "}\n"
+  extras <- get >>= (return . unlines . S.toList. stIncludes)
   let verbatim  = if "\\usepackage{fancyvrb}" `isInfixOf` extras
                      then "\\VerbatimFootnotes % allows verbatim text in footnotes\n"
                      else ""
-  let authorstext = "\\author{" ++ (joinWithSep "\\\\" 
-                                   (map stringToLaTeX authors)) ++ "}\n"
+  let authorstext = "\\author{" ++ 
+                    joinWithSep "\\\\" (map stringToLaTeX authors) ++ "}\n"
   let datetext  = if date == ""
                      then "" 
                      else "\\date{" ++ stringToLaTeX date ++ "}\n"
@@ -124,8 +122,8 @@ deVerb (other:rest) = other:(deVerb rest)
 blockToLaTeX :: Block     -- ^ Block to convert
              -> State WriterState String 
 blockToLaTeX Null = return ""
-blockToLaTeX (Plain lst) = (inlineListToLaTeX lst) >>= (return . (++ "\n"))
-blockToLaTeX (Para lst) = (inlineListToLaTeX lst) >>= (return . (++ "\n\n"))
+blockToLaTeX (Plain lst) = inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . (++ "\n")
+blockToLaTeX (Para lst) = inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . (++ "\n\n")
 blockToLaTeX (BlockQuote lst) = do
   contents <- blockListToLaTeX lst
   return $ "\\begin{quote}\n" ++ contents ++ "\\end{quote}\n"
@@ -184,22 +182,22 @@ blockToLaTeX (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
                                 colWidths aligns
   let tableBody = "\\begin{tabular}{" ++ colDescriptors ++ "}\n" ++
                   headers ++ "\\hline\n" ++ concat rows' ++ "\\end{tabular}\n" 
-  let centered str   = "\\begin{center}\n" ++ str ++ "\\end{center}\n"
+  let centered str = "\\begin{center}\n" ++ str ++ "\\end{center}\n"
   addToHeader "\\usepackage{array}\n\
-      \% This is needed because raggedright in table elements redefines \\\\:\n\
-      \\\newcommand{\\PreserveBackslash}[1]{\\let\\temp=\\\\#1\\let\\\\=\\temp}\n\
-      \\\let\\PBS=\\PreserveBackslash"
+    \% This is needed because raggedright in table elements redefines \\\\:\n\
+    \\\newcommand{\\PreserveBackslash}[1]{\\let\\temp=\\\\#1\\let\\\\=\\temp}\n\
+    \\\let\\PBS=\\PreserveBackslash"
   return $ if null captionText
               then centered tableBody ++ "\n"
-              else "\\begin{table}[h]\n" ++ centered tableBody ++ "\\caption{" ++
-                   captionText ++ "}\n" ++ "\\end{table}\n\n" 
+              else "\\begin{table}[h]\n" ++ centered tableBody ++ 
+                   "\\caption{" ++ captionText ++ "}\n" ++ "\\end{table}\n\n" 
-blockListToLaTeX lst = mapM blockToLaTeX lst >>= (return . concat)
+blockListToLaTeX lst = mapM blockToLaTeX lst >>= return . concat
 tableRowToLaTeX cols = 
-  mapM blockListToLaTeX cols >>= (return . (++ "\\\\\n") . (joinWithSep " & "))
+  mapM blockListToLaTeX cols >>= return . (++ "\\\\\n") . (joinWithSep " & ")
-listItemToLaTeX lst = blockListToLaTeX lst >>= (return . ("\\item "++)) 
+listItemToLaTeX lst = blockListToLaTeX lst >>= return . ("\\item "++)
 defListItemToLaTeX (term, def) = do
     term' <- inlineListToLaTeX $ deVerb term
@@ -209,8 +207,7 @@ defListItemToLaTeX (term, def) = do
 -- | Convert list of inline elements to LaTeX.
 inlineListToLaTeX :: [Inline]  -- ^ Inlines to convert
                   -> State WriterState String
-inlineListToLaTeX lst = 
-  mapM inlineToLaTeX lst >>= (return . concat)
+inlineListToLaTeX lst = mapM inlineToLaTeX lst >>= return . concat
 isQuoted :: Inline -> Bool
 isQuoted (Quoted _ _) = True
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
index 3232a454a..b9596dc2d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
@@ -28,14 +28,11 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to groff man page format.
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man (
-                                     writeMan
-                                    ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man ( writeMan) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
 import Text.Printf ( printf )
-import Data.Char ( toUpper )
-import Data.List ( group, isPrefixOf, drop, find, nub, intersperse )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, drop, nub, intersperse )
 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str )
 import Control.Monad.State
@@ -45,16 +42,15 @@ type WriterState = (Notes, Preprocessors)
 -- | Convert Pandoc to Man.
 writeMan :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
-writeMan opts document = 
-  render $ evalState (pandocToMan opts document) ([],[]) 
+writeMan opts document = render $ evalState (pandocToMan opts document) ([],[]) 
 -- | Return groff man representation of document.
 pandocToMan :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState Doc
 pandocToMan opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
   let before  = writerIncludeBefore opts
   let after   = writerIncludeAfter opts
-      before' = if null before then empty else text before
-      after'  = if null after then empty else text after
+  let before' = if null before then empty else text before
+  let after'  = if null after then empty else text after
   (head, foot) <- metaToMan opts meta
   body <- blockListToMan opts blocks
   (notes, preprocessors) <- get
@@ -84,8 +80,8 @@ metaToMan options (Meta title authors date) = do
                 1 -> text ".SH AUTHOR" $$ (text $ joinWithSep ", " authors)
                 2 -> text ".SH AUTHORS" $$ (text $ joinWithSep ", " authors)
   return $ if writerStandalone options
-     then (head, foot)
-     else (empty, empty)
+              then (head, foot)
+              else (empty, empty)
 -- | Return man representation of notes.
 notesToMan :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -93,7 +89,7 @@ notesToMan opts notes =
   if null notes
      then return empty
      else mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToMan opts num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>= 
-          (return . (text ".SH NOTES" $$) . vcat)
+          return . (text ".SH NOTES" $$) . vcat
 -- | Return man representation of a note.
 noteToMan :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -110,8 +106,7 @@ wrappedMan opts sect = do
 -- | Association list of characters to escape.
 manEscapes :: [(Char, String)]
-manEscapes = [('\160', "\\ "), ('\'', "\\[aq]")] ++
-  backslashEscapes "\".@\\"
+manEscapes = [('\160', "\\ "), ('\'', "\\[aq]")] ++ backslashEscapes "\".@\\"
 -- | Escape special characters for Man.
 escapeString :: String -> String
@@ -140,8 +135,7 @@ blockToMan opts (Header level inlines) = do
   return $ text heading <> contents 
 blockToMan opts (CodeBlock str) = return $
   text ".PP" $$ text "\\f[CR]" $$ 
-  text ((unlines . map ("      " ++) . lines) (escapeCode str)) <>
-  text "\\f[]"
+  text ((unlines . map ("      " ++) . lines) (escapeCode str)) <> text "\\f[]"
 blockToMan opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do  
   contents <- blockListToMan opts blocks
   return $ text ".RS" $$ contents $$ text ".RE"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index eb633166d..e7acd762c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to markdown-formatted plain text.
 Markdown:  <http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/>
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown (
-                                     writeMarkdown
-                                    ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown ( writeMarkdown) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
 import Text.Pandoc.Blocks
@@ -53,10 +51,10 @@ pandocToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState Doc
 pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
   let before  = writerIncludeBefore opts
   let after   = writerIncludeAfter opts
-      before' = if null before then empty else text before
-      after'  = if null after then empty else text after
+  let before' = if null before then empty else text before
+  let after'  = if null after then empty else text after
   metaBlock <- metaToMarkdown opts meta
-  let head = if (writerStandalone opts)
+  let head = if writerStandalone opts
                 then metaBlock $+$ text (writerHeader opts)
                 else empty
   let headerBlocks = filter isHeaderBlock blocks
@@ -73,8 +71,7 @@ pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
 -- | Return markdown representation of reference key table.
 keyTableToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> KeyTable -> State WriterState Doc
-keyTableToMarkdown opts refs = 
-  mapM (keyToMarkdown opts) refs >>= (return . vcat)
+keyTableToMarkdown opts refs = mapM (keyToMarkdown opts) refs >>= return . vcat
 -- | Return markdown representation of a reference key. 
 keyToMarkdown :: WriterOptions 
@@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ keyToMarkdown opts (label, (src, tit)) = do
 notesToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
 notesToMarkdown opts notes = 
   mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToMarkdown opts num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>= 
-  (return . vcat)
+  return . vcat
 -- | Return markdown representation of a note.
 noteToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -143,8 +140,7 @@ tableOfContents opts headers =
 -- | Converts an Element to a list item for a table of contents,
 elementToListItem :: Element -> [Block]
 elementToListItem (Blk _) = []
-elementToListItem (Sec headerText subsecs) =
-  [Plain headerText] ++ 
+elementToListItem (Sec headerText subsecs) = [Plain headerText] ++ 
   if null subsecs
      then []
      else [BulletList $ map elementToListItem subsecs]
@@ -184,9 +180,8 @@ blockToMarkdown opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =  do
   let makeRow = hsepBlocks . (zipWith alignHeader aligns) . 
                 (zipWith docToBlock widthsInChars)
   let head = makeRow headers'
-  rows' <- mapM (\row -> do 
-                           cols <- mapM (blockListToMarkdown opts) row
-                           return $ makeRow cols) rows
+  rows' <- mapM (\row -> do cols <- mapM (blockListToMarkdown opts) row
+                            return $ makeRow cols) rows
   let tableWidth = sum widthsInChars
   let maxRowHeight = maximum $ map heightOfBlock (head:rows')
   let isMultilineTable = maxRowHeight > 1
@@ -208,8 +203,7 @@ blockToMarkdown opts (OrderedList attribs items) = do
   let markers  = orderedListMarkers attribs
   let markers' = map (\m -> if length m < 3
                                then m ++ replicate (3 - length m) ' '
-                               else m) 
-                     markers 
+                               else m) markers 
   contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToMarkdown opts item num) $
               zip markers' items  
   return $ (vcat contents) <> text "\n"
@@ -241,8 +235,8 @@ definitionListItemToMarkdown opts (label, items) = do
   let tabStop = writerTabStop opts
   let leader  = char ':'
   contents <- mapM (\item -> blockToMarkdown opts item >>= 
-              (\txt -> return (leader $$ nest tabStop txt)))
-              items >>= (return . vcat)
+                   (\txt -> return (leader $$ nest tabStop txt)))
+                   items >>= return . vcat
   return $ labelText $+$ contents
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to markdown.
@@ -250,29 +244,30 @@ blockListToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
                     -> [Block]       -- ^ List of block elements
                     -> State WriterState Doc 
 blockListToMarkdown opts blocks =
-  mapM (blockToMarkdown opts) blocks >>= (return . vcat)
+  mapM (blockToMarkdown opts) blocks >>= return . vcat
 -- | Get reference for target; if none exists, create unique one and return.
 --   Prefer label if possible; otherwise, generate a unique key.
 getReference :: [Inline] -> Target -> State WriterState [Inline]
 getReference label (src, tit) = do
-    (_,refs) <- get
-    case find ((== (src, tit)) . snd) refs of
-      Just (ref, _) -> return ref
-      Nothing       -> do
-        let label' = case find ((== label) . fst) refs of
-                        Just _ -> -- label is used; generate numerical label
-                                   case find (\n -> not (any (== [Str (show n)])
-                                             (map fst refs))) [1..10000] of
-                                        Just x  -> [Str (show x)]
-                                        Nothing -> error "no unique label"
-                        Nothing -> label
-        modify (\(notes, refs) -> (notes, (label', (src,tit)):refs))
-        return label'
+  (_,refs) <- get
+  case find ((== (src, tit)) . snd) refs of
+    Just (ref, _) -> return ref
+    Nothing       -> do
+      let label' = case find ((== label) . fst) refs of
+                      Just _ -> -- label is used; generate numerical label
+                                 case find (\n -> not (any (== [Str (show n)])
+                                           (map fst refs))) [1..10000] of
+                                      Just x  -> [Str (show x)]
+                                      Nothing -> error "no unique label"
+                      Nothing -> label
+      modify (\(notes, refs) -> (notes, (label', (src,tit)):refs))
+      return label'
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to markdown.
 inlineListToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
-inlineListToMarkdown opts lst = mapM (inlineToMarkdown opts) lst >>= (return . hcat)
+inlineListToMarkdown opts lst =
+  mapM (inlineToMarkdown opts) lst >>= return . hcat
 -- | Convert Pandoc inline element to markdown.
 inlineToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -327,13 +322,13 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
   return $ if useAuto
               then char '<' <> text srcSuffix <> char '>' 
               else if useRefLinks
-                  then let first  = char '[' <> linktext <> char ']'
-                           second = if txt == ref
-                                      then text "[]"
-                                      else char '[' <> reftext <> char ']'
-                       in  first <> second
-                  else char '[' <> linktext <> char ']' <> 
-                       char '(' <> text src <> linktitle <> char ')' 
+                      then let first  = char '[' <> linktext <> char ']'
+                               second = if txt == ref
+                                           then text "[]"
+                                           else char '[' <> reftext <> char ']'
+                           in  first <> second
+                      else char '[' <> linktext <> char ']' <> 
+                           char '(' <> text src <> linktitle <> char ')' 
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
   let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""]) || 
                (alternate == [Str source]) -- to prevent autolinks
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
index c39f7bdab..70df479b5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
@@ -29,13 +29,11 @@ Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to reStructuredText.
 reStructuredText:  <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html>
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST (
-                                     writeRST
-                                    ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST ( writeRST) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
 import Text.Pandoc.Blocks
-import Data.List ( group, isPrefixOf, drop, find, intersperse )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, drop, intersperse )
 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str )
 import Control.Monad.State
@@ -70,8 +68,7 @@ pandocToRST opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
 -- | Return RST representation of reference key table.
 keyTableToRST :: WriterOptions -> KeyTable -> State WriterState Doc
-keyTableToRST opts refs = 
-  mapM (keyToRST opts) refs >>= (return . vcat)
+keyTableToRST opts refs = mapM (keyToRST opts) refs >>= return . vcat
 -- | Return RST representation of a reference key. 
 keyToRST :: WriterOptions 
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ keyToRST opts (label, (src, tit)) = do
 notesToRST :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
 notesToRST opts notes = 
   mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToRST opts num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>= 
-  (return . vcat)
+  return . vcat
 -- | Return RST representation of a note.
 noteToRST :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -96,8 +93,7 @@ noteToRST opts num note = do
 -- | Return RST representation of picture reference table.
 pictTableToRST :: WriterOptions -> KeyTable -> State WriterState Doc
-pictTableToRST opts refs = 
-  mapM (pictToRST opts) refs >>= (return . vcat)
+pictTableToRST opts refs = mapM (pictToRST opts) refs >>= return . vcat
 -- | Return RST representation of a picture substitution reference. 
 pictToRST :: WriterOptions 
@@ -112,7 +108,7 @@ pictToRST opts (label, (src, _)) = do
 wrappedRST :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
 wrappedRST opts inlines = 
   mapM (wrappedRSTSection opts) (splitBy LineBreak inlines) >>= 
-  (return . vcat)
+  return . vcat
 wrappedRSTSection :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
 wrappedRSTSection opts sect = do
@@ -160,21 +156,19 @@ blockToRST :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
 blockToRST opts Null = return empty
 blockToRST opts (Plain inlines) = wrappedRST opts inlines
 blockToRST opts (Para [TeX str]) =
-  let str' = if (endsWith '\n' str) then (str ++ "\n") else (str ++ "\n\n") in
-  return $ hang (text "\n.. raw:: latex\n") 3 
-                (vcat $ map text (lines str'))
+  let str' = if "\n" `isSuffixOf` str then str ++ "\n" else str ++ "\n\n" in
+  return $ hang (text "\n.. raw:: latex\n") 3 $ vcat $ map text (lines str')
 blockToRST opts (Para inlines) = do
   contents <- wrappedRST opts inlines
   return $ contents <> text "\n"
 blockToRST opts (RawHtml str) = 
-  let str' = if (endsWith '\n' str) then (str ++ "\n") else (str ++ "\n\n") in
-  return $ hang (text "\n.. raw:: html\n") 3 
-                (vcat $ map text (lines str'))
+  let str' = if "\n" `isSuffixOf` str then str ++ "\n" else str ++ "\n\n" in
+  return $ hang (text "\n.. raw:: html\n") 3 $ vcat $ map text (lines str')
 blockToRST opts HorizontalRule = return $ text "--------------\n"
 blockToRST opts (Header level inlines) = do
   contents <- inlineListToRST opts inlines
   let headerLength = length $ render contents
-  let headerChar = if (level > 5) then ' ' else "=-~^'" !! (level - 1)
+  let headerChar = if level > 5 then ' ' else "=-~^'" !! (level - 1)
   let border = text $ replicate headerLength headerChar
   return $ contents $+$ border <> text "\n"
 blockToRST opts (CodeBlock str) = return $ (text "::\n") $+$ 
@@ -200,11 +194,10 @@ blockToRST opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =  do
               beg    = TextBlock 2 height (replicate height "| ")
               end    = TextBlock 2 height (replicate height " |")
               middle = hcatBlocks $ intersperse sep blocks
-  let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . (zipWith docToBlock widthsInChars)
+  let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . zipWith docToBlock widthsInChars
   let head = makeRow headers'
-  rows' <- mapM (\row -> do 
-                           cols <- mapM (blockListToRST opts) row
-                           return $ makeRow cols) rows
+  rows' <- mapM (\row -> do cols <- mapM (blockListToRST opts) row
+                            return $ makeRow cols) rows
   let tableWidth = sum widthsInChars
   let maxRowHeight = maximum $ map heightOfBlock (head:rows')
   let border ch = char '+' <> char ch <>
@@ -225,8 +218,7 @@ blockToRST opts (OrderedList (start, style, delim) items) = do
                                               (start, style, delim)
   let maxMarkerLength = maximum $ map length markers
   let markers' = map (\m -> let s = maxMarkerLength - length m
-                            in  m ++ replicate s ' ')
-                     markers
+                            in  m ++ replicate s ' ') markers
   contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToRST opts item num) $
               zip markers' items  
   -- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
@@ -262,11 +254,11 @@ blockListToRST :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
                     -> [Block]       -- ^ List of block elements
                     -> State WriterState Doc 
 blockListToRST opts blocks =
-  mapM (blockToRST opts) blocks >>= (return . vcat)
+  mapM (blockToRST opts) blocks >>= return . vcat
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to RST.
 inlineListToRST :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
-inlineListToRST opts lst = mapM (inlineToRST opts) lst >>= (return . hcat)
+inlineListToRST opts lst = mapM (inlineToRST opts) lst >>= return . hcat
 -- | Convert Pandoc inline element to RST.
 inlineToRST :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -319,8 +311,8 @@ inlineToRST opts (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
 inlineToRST opts (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
   (notes, refs, pics) <- get
   let labelsUsed = map fst pics 
-  let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""]) || 
-               (alternate `elem` labelsUsed)
+  let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str ""] || 
+               alternate `elem` labelsUsed
                then [Str $ "image" ++ show (length refs)]
                else alternate
   let pics' = if (txt, (source, tit)) `elem` pics
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
index 9b3d6662c..3bd5c63b2 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to RTF (rich text format).
-module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF ( writeRTF) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF ( writeRTF ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
 import Text.Regex ( matchRegexAll, mkRegex )
 import Data.List ( isSuffixOf )
-import Data.Char ( ord, chr )
+import Data.Char ( ord )
 -- | Convert Pandoc to a string in rich text format.
 writeRTF :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
@@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ writeRTF options (Pandoc meta blocks) =
                 then tableOfContents $ filter isHeaderBlock blocks
                 else "" 
       foot = if writerStandalone options then "\n}\n" else "" 
-      body = (writerIncludeBefore options) ++ 
+      body = writerIncludeBefore options ++ 
              concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) blocks ++ 
-             (writerIncludeAfter options) in
-  head ++ toc ++ body ++ foot
+             writerIncludeAfter options
+  in  head ++ toc ++ body ++ foot
 -- | Construct table of contents from list of header blocks.
 tableOfContents :: [Block] -> String 
 tableOfContents headers =
   let contentsTree = hierarchicalize headers
-  in  concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) $ [Header 1 [Str "Contents"], 
-                                               BulletList (map elementToListItem contentsTree)]
+  in  concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) $ 
+      [Header 1 [Str "Contents"], 
+       BulletList (map elementToListItem contentsTree)]
 elementToListItem :: Element -> [Block]
 elementToListItem (Blk _) = []
-elementToListItem (Sec sectext subsecs) = 
-  [Plain sectext] ++
+elementToListItem (Sec sectext subsecs) = [Plain sectext] ++
   if null subsecs
      then []
      else [BulletList (map elementToListItem subsecs)]
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ elementToListItem (Sec sectext subsecs) =
 -- | Convert unicode characters (> 127) into rich text format representation.
 handleUnicode :: String -> String
 handleUnicode [] = []
-handleUnicode (c:cs) = if (ord c) > 127 
-                          then '\\':'u':(show (ord c)) ++ "?" ++ 
-                               (handleUnicode cs)
-                          else c:(handleUnicode cs)
+handleUnicode (c:cs) =
+  if ord c > 127 
+     then '\\':'u':(show (ord c)) ++ "?" ++ handleUnicode cs
+     else c:(handleUnicode cs)
 -- | Escape special characters.
 escapeSpecial :: String -> String
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ listIncrement = 360
 -- | Returns appropriate bullet list marker for indent level.
 bulletMarker :: Int -> String
-bulletMarker indent = case (indent `mod` 720) of
+bulletMarker indent = case indent `mod` 720 of
                              0         -> "\\bullet "
                              otherwise -> "\\endash "
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ bulletMarker indent = case (indent `mod` 720) of
 orderedMarkers :: Int -> ListAttributes -> [String]
 orderedMarkers indent (start, style, delim) = 
   if style == DefaultStyle && delim == DefaultDelim
-     then case (indent `mod` 720) of
+     then case indent `mod` 720 of
               0         -> orderedListMarkers (start, Decimal, Period)
               otherwise -> orderedListMarkers (start, LowerAlpha, Period)
      else orderedListMarkers (start, style, delim)
@@ -145,21 +145,21 @@ rtfHeader :: String    -- ^ header text
           -> Meta      -- ^ bibliographic information
           -> String
 rtfHeader headerText (Meta title authors date) =
-    let titletext = if null title
+  let titletext = if null title
+                     then "" 
+                     else rtfPar 0 0 AlignCenter $
+                          "\\b \\fs36 " ++ inlineListToRTF title
+      authorstext = if null authors
                        then "" 
-                       else rtfPar 0 0 AlignCenter ("\\b \\fs36 " ++ 
-                                                   inlineListToRTF title)
-        authorstext = if null authors
-                         then "" 
-                         else rtfPar 0 0 AlignCenter (" " ++ (joinWithSep "\\" 
-                                                      (map stringToRTF authors))) 
-        datetext = if date == "" 
-                      then ""
-                      else rtfPar 0 0 AlignCenter (" " ++ stringToRTF date) in
-    let spacer = if null (titletext ++ authorstext ++ datetext)
+                       else rtfPar 0 0 AlignCenter (" " ++ (joinWithSep "\\" $
+                                                    map stringToRTF authors))
+      datetext = if date == "" 
                     then ""
-                    else rtfPar 0 0 AlignDefault "" in
-    headerText ++ titletext ++ authorstext ++ datetext ++ spacer
+                    else rtfPar 0 0 AlignCenter (" " ++ stringToRTF date) in
+  let spacer = if null (titletext ++ authorstext ++ datetext)
+                  then ""
+                  else rtfPar 0 0 AlignDefault "" in
+  headerText ++ titletext ++ authorstext ++ datetext ++ spacer
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to RTF.
 blockToRTF :: Int       -- ^ indent level
@@ -168,31 +168,27 @@ blockToRTF :: Int       -- ^ indent level
            -> String
 blockToRTF _ _ Null = ""
 blockToRTF indent alignment (Plain lst) = 
-  rtfCompact indent 0 alignment (inlineListToRTF lst)
+  rtfCompact indent 0 alignment $ inlineListToRTF lst
 blockToRTF indent alignment (Para lst) = 
-  rtfPar indent 0 alignment (inlineListToRTF lst)
+  rtfPar indent 0 alignment $ inlineListToRTF lst
 blockToRTF indent alignment (BlockQuote lst) = 
   concatMap (blockToRTF (indent + indentIncrement) alignment) lst 
 blockToRTF indent _ (CodeBlock str) =
   rtfPar indent 0 AlignLeft ("\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str))
 blockToRTF _ _ (RawHtml str) = ""
-blockToRTF indent alignment (BulletList lst) = 
-  spaceAtEnd $ 
+blockToRTF indent alignment (BulletList lst) = spaceAtEnd $ 
   concatMap (listItemToRTF alignment indent (bulletMarker indent)) lst
-blockToRTF indent alignment (OrderedList attribs lst) = 
-  spaceAtEnd $ concat $ 
+blockToRTF indent alignment (OrderedList attribs lst) = spaceAtEnd $ concat $ 
   zipWith (listItemToRTF alignment indent) (orderedMarkers indent attribs) lst
-blockToRTF indent alignment (DefinitionList lst) = 
-  spaceAtEnd $ 
+blockToRTF indent alignment (DefinitionList lst) = spaceAtEnd $ 
   concatMap (definitionListItemToRTF alignment indent) lst
 blockToRTF indent _ HorizontalRule = 
   rtfPar indent 0 AlignCenter "\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash"
-blockToRTF indent alignment (Header level lst) = 
-  rtfPar indent 0 alignment ("\\b \\fs" ++ (show (40 - (level * 4))) ++ " " ++ 
-  (inlineListToRTF lst))
+blockToRTF indent alignment (Header level lst) = rtfPar indent 0 alignment $
+  "\\b \\fs" ++ (show (40 - (level * 4))) ++ " " ++ inlineListToRTF lst
 blockToRTF indent alignment (Table caption aligns sizes headers rows) = 
-  (tableRowToRTF True indent aligns sizes headers) ++ (concatMap
-  (tableRowToRTF False indent aligns sizes) rows) ++
+  tableRowToRTF True indent aligns sizes headers ++ 
+  concatMap (tableRowToRTF False indent aligns sizes) rows ++
   rtfPar indent 0 alignment (inlineListToRTF caption)
 tableRowToRTF :: Bool -> Int -> [Alignment] -> [Float] -> [[Block]] -> String 
@@ -201,8 +197,10 @@ tableRowToRTF header indent aligns sizes cols =
       totalTwips = 6 * 1440 -- 6 inches
       rightEdges = tail $ scanl (\sofar new -> sofar + floor (new * totalTwips))
                                 0 sizes
-      cellDefs = map (\edge -> (if header then "\\clbrdrb\\brdrs"
-                      else "") ++ "\\cellx" ++ show edge) rightEdges
+      cellDefs = map (\edge -> (if header
+                                   then "\\clbrdrb\\brdrs"
+                                   else "") ++ "\\cellx" ++ show edge)
+                     rightEdges
       start = "{\n\\trowd \\trgaph120\n" ++ concat cellDefs ++ "\n" ++
       end = "}\n\\intbl\\row}\n"
@@ -234,11 +232,12 @@ listItemToRTF alignment indent marker list =
   let (first:rest) = map (blockToRTF (indent + listIncrement) alignment) list in
   -- insert the list marker into the (processed) first block
   let modFirst = case matchRegexAll (mkRegex "\\\\fi-?[0-9]+") first of
-                    Just (before, matched, after, _) -> before ++ "\\fi" ++
-                               show (0 - listIncrement) ++ " " ++ marker ++ "\\tx" ++ 
-                               show listIncrement ++ "\\tab" ++ after
+                    Just (before, matched, after, _) -> 
+                                before ++ "\\fi" ++ show (0 - listIncrement) ++ 
+                                " " ++ marker ++ "\\tx" ++ 
+                                show listIncrement ++ "\\tab" ++ after
                     Nothing -> first in
-  modFirst ++ (concat rest)
+  modFirst ++ concat rest
 -- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to RTF.
 definitionListItemToRTF :: Alignment          -- ^ alignment
@@ -285,4 +284,3 @@ inlineToRTF (Image alternate (source, tit)) =
 inlineToRTF (Note contents) =
   "{\\super\\chftn}{\\*\\footnote\\chftn\\~\\plain\\pard " ++ 
   (concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) contents) ++ "}"
diff --git a/src/templates/DefaultHeaders.hs b/src/templates/DefaultHeaders.hs
index d7815fb8a..1bd9fe1d2 100644
--- a/src/templates/DefaultHeaders.hs
+++ b/src/templates/DefaultHeaders.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,32 @@
--- | Default headers for Pandoc writers.
+Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+{- |
+   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Writers.DefaultHeaders
+   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane
+   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
+   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+   Stability   : alpha
+   Portability : portable
+Default headers for Pandoc writers.
 module Text.Pandoc.Writers.DefaultHeaders  (
diff --git a/src/templates/S5.hs b/src/templates/S5.hs
index b015d8ca6..a0b69b132 100644
--- a/src/templates/S5.hs
+++ b/src/templates/S5.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,33 @@
--- | Definitions for creation of S5 powerpoint-like HTML.
--- (See <http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/>.)
+Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+{- |
+   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Writers.S5
+   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2006-7 John MacFarlane
+   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
+   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+   Stability   : alpha
+   Portability : portable
+Definitions for creation of S5 powerpoint-like HTML.
+(See <http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/>.)
 module Text.Pandoc.Writers.S5 (
                 -- * Strings
@@ -60,13 +88,13 @@ layoutDiv :: [Inline]  -- ^ Title of document (for header or footer)
           -> [Block]   -- ^ List of block elements returned
 layoutDiv title date = [(RawHtml "<div class=\"layout\">\n<div id=\"controls\"></div>\n<div id=\"currentSlide\"></div>\n<div id=\"header\"></div>\n<div id=\"footer\">\n"), (Header 1 [Str date]), (Header 2 title), (RawHtml "</div>\n</div>\n")]
-presentationStart = (RawHtml "<div class=\"presentation\">\n\n")
+presentationStart = RawHtml "<div class=\"presentation\">\n\n"
-presentationEnd = (RawHtml "</div>\n")
+presentationEnd = RawHtml "</div>\n"
-slideStart = (RawHtml "<div class=\"slide\">\n")
+slideStart = RawHtml "<div class=\"slide\">\n"
-slideEnd = (RawHtml "</div>\n") 
+slideEnd = RawHtml "</div>\n"
 -- | Returns 'True' if block is a Header 1.
 isH1 :: Block -> Bool
@@ -84,15 +112,22 @@ insertSlides beginning blocks =
             beforeHead ++ [slideEnd]
         if beginning then
-            beforeHead ++ slideStart:(head rest):(insertSlides False (tail rest))
+            beforeHead ++ 
+            slideStart:(head rest):(insertSlides False (tail rest))
-            beforeHead ++ slideEnd:slideStart:(head rest):(insertSlides False (tail rest)) 
+            beforeHead ++ 
+            slideEnd:slideStart:(head rest):(insertSlides False (tail rest)) 
 -- | Insert blocks into 'Pandoc' for slide structure.
 insertS5Structure :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
 insertS5Structure (Pandoc meta []) = Pandoc meta []
 insertS5Structure (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = 
-    let slides = insertSlides True blocks 
-        firstSlide = if (not (null title)) then [slideStart, (Header 1 title), (Header 3 [Str (joinWithSep ", " authors)]), (Header 4 [Str date]), slideEnd] else [] in
-    let newBlocks = (layoutDiv title date) ++ presentationStart:firstSlide ++ slides ++ [presentationEnd] in
-    Pandoc (Meta title authors date) newBlocks
+    let slides     = insertSlides True blocks 
+        firstSlide = if not (null title)
+                        then [slideStart, (Header 1 title), 
+                              (Header 3 [Str (joinWithSep ", " authors)]),
+                              (Header 4 [Str date]), slideEnd]
+                        else []
+        newBlocks  = (layoutDiv title date) ++ presentationStart:firstSlide ++
+                     slides ++ [presentationEnd]
+    in  Pandoc (Meta title authors date) newBlocks