diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
index 1f22122ac..d2bb85699 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
@@ -201,19 +201,18 @@ parseFormatSpec = parse formatSpec ""
                         '-'  -> Set.delete ext
                         _    -> Set.insert ext
--- auxiliary function for readers:
-markdown :: ReaderOptions -> String -> IO Pandoc
-markdown o s = do
-  let (doc, warnings) = readMarkdownWithWarnings o s
-  mapM_ warn warnings
-  return doc
 data Reader = StringReader (ReaderOptions -> String -> IO Pandoc)
               | ByteStringReader (ReaderOptions -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Pandoc, MediaBag))
 mkStringReader :: (ReaderOptions -> String -> Pandoc) -> Reader
 mkStringReader r = StringReader (\o s -> return $ r o s)
+mkStringReaderWithWarnings :: (ReaderOptions -> String -> (Pandoc, [String])) -> Reader
+mkStringReaderWithWarnings r  = StringReader $ \o s -> do
+    let (doc, warnings) = r o s
+    mapM_ warn warnings
+    return doc
 mkBSReader :: (ReaderOptions -> BL.ByteString -> (Pandoc, MediaBag)) -> Reader
 mkBSReader r = ByteStringReader (\o s -> return $ r o s)
@@ -221,12 +220,12 @@ mkBSReader r = ByteStringReader (\o s -> return $ r o s)
 readers :: [(String, Reader)]
 readers = [ ("native"       , StringReader $ \_ s -> return $ readNative s)
            ,("json"         , mkStringReader readJSON )
-           ,("markdown"     , StringReader  markdown)
-           ,("markdown_strict" , StringReader markdown)
-           ,("markdown_phpextra" , StringReader markdown)
-           ,("markdown_github" , StringReader markdown)
-           ,("markdown_mmd",  StringReader markdown)
-           ,("rst"          , mkStringReader readRST )
+           ,("markdown"     , mkStringReaderWithWarnings readMarkdownWithWarnings)
+           ,("markdown_strict" , mkStringReaderWithWarnings readMarkdownWithWarnings)
+           ,("markdown_phpextra" , mkStringReaderWithWarnings readMarkdownWithWarnings)
+           ,("markdown_github" , mkStringReaderWithWarnings readMarkdownWithWarnings)
+           ,("markdown_mmd",  mkStringReaderWithWarnings readMarkdownWithWarnings)
+           ,("rst"          , mkStringReaderWithWarnings readRSTWithWarnings )
            ,("mediawiki"    , mkStringReader readMediaWiki)
            ,("docbook"      , mkStringReader readDocBook)
            ,("opml"         , mkStringReader readOPML)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
index 8dfc6dd57..18f38e564 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Parsing ( anyLine,
+                             readWithWarnings,
@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Parsing ( anyLine,
+                             addWarning
@@ -880,6 +882,15 @@ readWith :: Parser [Char] st a
          -> a
 readWith p t inp = runIdentity $ readWithM p t inp
+readWithWarnings :: Parser [Char] ParserState a
+                    -> ParserState
+                    -> String
+                    -> (a, [String])
+readWithWarnings p = readWith $ do
+         doc <- p
+         warnings <- stateWarnings <$> getState
+         return (doc, warnings)
 -- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
 testStringWith :: (Show a, Stream [Char] Identity Char)
                => ParserT [Char] ParserState Identity a
@@ -910,10 +921,9 @@ data ParserState = ParserState
       stateHasChapters     :: Bool,          -- ^ True if \chapter encountered
       stateMacros          :: [Macro],       -- ^ List of macros defined so far
       stateRstDefaultRole  :: String,        -- ^ Current rST default interpreted text role
-      stateRstCustomRoles  :: M.Map String (String, Maybe String, Attr -> (String, Attr)), -- ^ Current rST custom text roles
+      stateRstCustomRoles  :: M.Map String (String, Maybe String, Attr), -- ^ Current rST custom text roles
       -- Triple represents: 1) Base role, 2) Optional format (only for :raw:
-      -- roles), 3) Source language annotation for code (could be used to
-      -- annotate role classes too).
+      -- roles), 3) Additional classes (rest of Attr is unused)).
       stateCaption         :: Maybe Inlines, -- ^ Caption in current environment
       stateInHtmlBlock     :: Maybe String,  -- ^ Tag type of HTML block being parsed
       stateMarkdownAttribute :: Bool,        -- ^ True if in markdown=1 context
@@ -1245,3 +1255,10 @@ applyMacros' target = do
      then do macros <- extractMacros <$> getState
              return $ applyMacros macros target
      else return target
+-- | Append a warning to the log.
+addWarning :: Maybe SourcePos -> String -> Parser [Char] ParserState ()
+addWarning mbpos msg =
+  updateState $ \st -> st{
+    stateWarnings = (msg ++ maybe "" (\pos -> " " ++ show pos) mbpos) :
+                     stateWarnings st }
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index b8487b4e6..2ca3b0eb6 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -79,11 +79,7 @@ readMarkdownWithWarnings :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
                          -> String        -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
                          -> (Pandoc, [String])
 readMarkdownWithWarnings opts s =
-  (readWith parseMarkdownWithWarnings) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
- where parseMarkdownWithWarnings = do
-         doc <- parseMarkdown
-         warnings <- stateWarnings <$> getState
-         return (doc, warnings)
+    (readWithWarnings parseMarkdown) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
 trimInlinesF :: F Inlines -> F Inlines
 trimInlinesF = liftM trimInlines
@@ -343,12 +339,6 @@ parseMarkdown = do
   let Pandoc _ bs = B.doc $ runF blocks st
   return $ Pandoc meta bs
-addWarning :: Maybe SourcePos -> String -> MarkdownParser ()
-addWarning mbpos msg =
-  updateState $ \st -> st{
-    stateWarnings = (msg ++ maybe "" (\pos -> " " ++ show pos) mbpos) :
-                     stateWarnings st }
 referenceKey :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
 referenceKey = try $ do
   pos <- getPosition
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
index 732956981..8bfc6f606 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -29,20 +29,21 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion from reStructuredText to 'Pandoc' document.
 module Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST (
-                                readRST
+                                readRST,
+                                readRSTWithWarnings
                                ) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Builder (setMeta, fromList)
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
 import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
 import Text.Pandoc.Options
-import Control.Monad ( when, liftM, guard, mzero, mplus )
+import Control.Monad ( when, liftM, guard, mzero )
 import Data.List ( findIndex, intersperse, intercalate,
-                   transpose, sort, deleteFirstsBy, isSuffixOf )
+                   transpose, sort, deleteFirstsBy, isSuffixOf , nub, union)
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 import Text.Printf ( printf )
-import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$), (<*), (*>), (<*>))
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$), (<*), (*>), (<*>), pure)
 import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Inlines, Blocks, trimInlines, (<>))
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
 import Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty)
@@ -55,6 +56,9 @@ readRST :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
         -> Pandoc
 readRST opts s = (readWith parseRST) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
+readRSTWithWarnings :: ReaderOptions -> String -> (Pandoc, [String])
+readRSTWithWarnings opts s = (readWithWarnings parseRST) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
 type RSTParser = Parser [Char] ParserState
@@ -608,38 +612,62 @@ directive' = do
                 "" -> block
                 _ -> parseFromString parseBlocks  body'
             return $ B.divWith attrs children
-        _     -> return mempty
+        other     -> do
+            pos <- getPosition
+            addWarning (Just pos) $ "ignoring unknown directive: " ++ other
+            return mempty
 -- TODO:
 --  - Silently ignores illegal fields
---  - Silently drops classes
 --  - Only supports :format: fields with a single format for :raw: roles,
 --    change Text.Pandoc.Definition.Format to fix
 addNewRole :: String -> [(String, String)] -> RSTParser Blocks
 addNewRole roleString fields = do
     (role, parentRole) <- parseFromString inheritedRole roleString
     customRoles <- stateRstCustomRoles <$> getState
-    baseRole <- case M.lookup parentRole customRoles of
-        Just (base, _, _) -> return base
-        Nothing -> return parentRole
-    let fmt = if baseRole == "raw" then lookup "format" fields else Nothing
-        annotate = maybe id addLanguage $
-            if baseRole == "code"
+    let (baseRole, baseFmt, baseAttr) =
+            maybe (parentRole, Nothing, nullAttr) id $
+              M.lookup parentRole customRoles
+        fmt = if parentRole == "raw" then lookup "format" fields else baseFmt
+        annotate :: [String] -> [String]
+        annotate = maybe id (:) $
+            if parentRole == "code"
                then lookup "language" fields
                else Nothing
+        attr = let (ident, classes, keyValues) = baseAttr
+        -- nub in case role name & language class are the same
+               in (ident, nub . (role :) . annotate $ classes, keyValues)
+    -- warn about syntax we ignore
+    flip mapM_ fields $ \(key, _) -> case key of
+        "language" -> when (parentRole /= "code") $ addWarning Nothing $
+            "ignoring :language: field because the parent of role :" ++
+            role ++ ": is :" ++ parentRole ++ ": not :code:"
+        "format" -> when (parentRole /= "raw") $ addWarning Nothing $
+            "ignoring :format: field because the parent of role :" ++
+            role ++ ": is :" ++ parentRole ++ ": not :raw:"
+        _ -> addWarning Nothing $ "ignoring unknown field :" ++ key ++
+             ": in definition of role :" ++ role ++ ": in"
+    when (parentRole == "raw" && countKeys "format" > 1) $
+        addWarning Nothing $
+        "ignoring :format: fields after the first in the definition of role :"
+        ++ role ++": in"
+    when (parentRole == "code" && countKeys "language" > 1) $
+        addWarning Nothing $
+        "ignoring :language: fields after the first in the definition of role :"
+        ++ role ++": in"
     updateState $ \s -> s {
         stateRstCustomRoles =
-          M.insert role (baseRole, fmt, (,) parentRole . annotate) customRoles
+          M.insert role (baseRole, fmt, attr) customRoles
     return $ B.singleton Null
-    addLanguage lang (ident, classes, keyValues) =
-        (ident, "sourceCode" : lang : classes, keyValues)
+    countKeys k = length . filter (== k) . map fst $ fields
     inheritedRole =
-        (,) <$> roleNameEndingIn (char '(') <*> roleNameEndingIn (char ')')
+        (,) <$> roleName <*> ((char '(' *> roleName <* char ')') <|> pure "span")
 -- Can contain character codes as decimal numbers or
 -- hexadecimal numbers, prefixed by 0x, x, \x, U+, u, or \u
@@ -999,21 +1027,23 @@ renderRole contents fmt role attr = case role of
     "RFC" -> return $ rfcLink contents
     "pep-reference" -> return $ pepLink contents
     "PEP" -> return $ pepLink contents
-    "literal" -> return $ B.str contents
+    "literal" -> return $ B.codeWith attr contents
     "math" -> return $ B.math contents
     "title-reference" -> titleRef contents
     "title" -> titleRef contents
     "t" -> titleRef contents
-    "code" -> return $ B.codeWith attr contents
+    "code" -> return $ B.codeWith (addClass "sourceCode" attr) contents
+    "span" -> return $ B.spanWith attr $ B.str contents
     "raw" -> return $ B.rawInline (fromMaybe "" fmt) contents
     custom -> do
-        customRole <- stateRstCustomRoles <$> getState
-        case M.lookup custom customRole of
-            Just (_, newFmt, inherit) -> let
-                fmtStr = fmt `mplus` newFmt
-                (newRole, newAttr) = inherit attr
-                in renderRole contents fmtStr newRole newAttr
-            Nothing -> return $ B.str contents -- Undefined role
+        customRoles <- stateRstCustomRoles <$> getState
+        case M.lookup custom customRoles of
+            Just (newRole, newFmt, newAttr) ->
+                renderRole contents newFmt newRole newAttr
+            Nothing -> do
+                pos <- getPosition
+                addWarning (Just pos) $ "ignoring unknown role :" ++ custom ++ ": in"
+                return $ B.str contents -- Undefined role
    titleRef ref = return $ B.str ref -- FIXME: Not a sensible behaviour
    rfcLink rfcNo = B.link rfcUrl ("RFC " ++ rfcNo) $ B.str ("RFC " ++ rfcNo)
@@ -1022,11 +1052,14 @@ renderRole contents fmt role attr = case role of
      where padNo = replicate (4 - length pepNo) '0' ++ pepNo
            pepUrl = "http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-" ++ padNo ++ "/"
-roleNameEndingIn :: RSTParser Char -> RSTParser String
-roleNameEndingIn end = many1Till (letter <|> char '-') end
+addClass :: String -> Attr -> Attr
+addClass c (ident, classes, keyValues) = (ident, union classes [c], keyValues)
+roleName :: RSTParser String
+roleName = many1 (letter <|> char '-')
 roleMarker :: RSTParser String
-roleMarker = char ':' *> roleNameEndingIn (char ':')
+roleMarker = char ':' *> roleName <* char ':'
 roleBefore :: RSTParser (String,String)
 roleBefore = try $ do
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Readers/RST.hs b/tests/Tests/Readers/RST.hs
index c97dcb149..1aaf4897f 100644
--- a/tests/Tests/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/tests/Tests/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -67,26 +67,45 @@ tests = [ "line block with blank line" =:
                 link "http://foo.bar.baz" "" "http://foo.bar.baz" <> ". " <>
                 link "http://foo.bar/baz_(bam)" "" "http://foo.bar/baz_(bam)"
                 <> " (" <> link "http://foo.bar" "" "http://foo.bar" <> ")")
-        , "indented literal block" =: unlines
-          [ "::"
-          , ""
-          , "  block quotes"
-          , ""
-          , "  can go on for many lines"
-          , "but must stop here"]
-          =?> (doc $
-           codeBlock "block quotes\n\ncan go on for many lines" <>
-           para "but must stop here")
-        , "line block with 3 lines" =: "| a\n| b\n| c"
-          =?> para ("a" <> linebreak <>  "b" <> linebreak <> "c")
+        , testGroup "literal / line / code blocks"
+          [ "indented literal block" =: unlines
+            [ "::"
+            , ""
+            , "  block quotes"
+            , ""
+            , "  can go on for many lines"
+            , "but must stop here"]
+            =?> (doc $
+                 codeBlock "block quotes\n\ncan go on for many lines" <>
+                 para "but must stop here")
+          , "line block with 3 lines" =: "| a\n| b\n| c"
+            =?> para ("a" <> linebreak <>  "b" <> linebreak <> "c")
           , "quoted literal block using >" =: "::\n\n> quoted\n> block\n\nOrdinary paragraph"
             =?> codeBlock "> quoted\n> block" <> para "Ordinary paragraph"
           , "quoted literal block using | (not  a line block)" =: "::\n\n| quoted\n| block\n\nOrdinary paragraph"
             =?> codeBlock "| quoted\n| block" <> para "Ordinary paragraph"
-            , "class directive with single paragraph" =: ".. class:: special\n\nThis is a \"special\" paragraph."
-              =?> divWith ("", ["special"], []) (para "This is a \"special\" paragraph.")
-            , "class directive with two paragraphs" =: ".. class:: exceptional remarkable\n\n    First paragraph.\n\n    Second paragraph."
-              =?> divWith ("", ["exceptional", "remarkable"], []) (para "First paragraph." <> para "Second paragraph.")
-            , "class directive around literal block" =: ".. class:: classy\n\n::\n\n    a\n    b"
-              =?> divWith ("", ["classy"], []) (codeBlock "a\nb")
+          , "class directive with single paragraph" =: ".. class:: special\n\nThis is a \"special\" paragraph."
+            =?> divWith ("", ["special"], []) (para "This is a \"special\" paragraph.")
+          , "class directive with two paragraphs" =: ".. class:: exceptional remarkable\n\n    First paragraph.\n\n    Second paragraph."
+            =?> divWith ("", ["exceptional", "remarkable"], []) (para "First paragraph." <> para "Second paragraph.")
+          , "class directive around literal block" =: ".. class:: classy\n\n::\n\n    a\n    b"
+            =?> divWith ("", ["classy"], []) (codeBlock "a\nb")]
+        , testGroup "interpreted text roles"
+          [ "literal role prefix" =: ":literal:`a`" =?> para (code "a")
+          , "literal role postfix" =: "`a`:literal:" =?> para (code "a")
+          , "literal text" =: "``text``" =?> para (code "text")
+          , "code role" =: ":code:`a`" =?> para (codeWith ("", ["sourceCode"], []) "a")
+          , "inherited code role" =: ".. role:: codeLike(code)\n\n:codeLike:`a`"
+            =?> para (codeWith ("", ["codeLike", "sourceCode"], []) "a")
+          , "custom code role with language field"
+            =: ".. role:: lhs(code)\n    :language: haskell\n\n:lhs:`a`"
+            =?> para (codeWith ("", ["lhs", "haskell","sourceCode"], []) "a")
+          , "custom role with unspecified parent role"
+            =: ".. role:: classy\n\n:classy:`text`"
+            =?> para (spanWith ("", ["classy"], []) "text")
+          , "role with recursive inheritance"
+            =: ".. role:: haskell(code)\n.. role:: lhs(haskell)\n\n:lhs:`text`"
+            =?> para (codeWith ("", ["lhs", "haskell", "sourceCode"], []) "text")
+          , "unknown role" =: ":unknown:`text`" =?> para (str "text")
+          ]
diff --git a/tests/rst-reader.native b/tests/rst-reader.native
index c77d15775..1f402f835 100644
--- a/tests/rst-reader.native
+++ b/tests/rst-reader.native
@@ -322,12 +322,12 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
 ,Para [Str "And",Space,Str "now",Space,Str "with",Space,RawInline (Format "html") "<b>inline</b> <span id=\"test\">HTML</span>",Str "."]
-,Para [Str "And",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "inline",Space,Str "haskell",Space,Code ("",["sourceCode","haskell"],[]) "fmap id [1,2..10]",Str "."]
+,Para [Str "And",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "inline",Space,Str "haskell",Space,Code ("",["haskell","sourceCode"],[]) "fmap id [1,2..10]",Str "."]
-,Para [Str "Indirect",Space,Str "python",Space,Str "role",Space,Code ("",["sourceCode","python"],[]) "[x*x for x in [1,2,3,4,5]]",Str "."]
+,Para [Str "Indirect",Space,Str "python",Space,Str "role",Space,Code ("",["python","indirect","sourceCode"],[]) "[x*x for x in [1,2,3,4,5]]",Str "."]
-,Para [Str "Different",Space,Str "indirect",Space,Str "C",Space,Code ("",["sourceCode","c"],[]) "int x = 15;",Str "."]
+,Para [Str "Different",Space,Str "indirect",Space,Str "C",Space,Code ("",["c","different-indirect","sourceCode"],[]) "int x = 15;",Str "."]
 ,Header 2 ("literal-symbols",[],[]) [Str "Literal",Space,Str "symbols"]
 ,Para [Str "2*2",Space,Str "=",Space,Str "4*1"]]