diff --git a/README b/README index 9e628d090..aaf87c8bf 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -776,43 +776,60 @@ as `title`, `author`, and `date`) as well as the following: `header-includes` : contents specified by `-H/--include-in-header` (may have multiple values) + `toc` : non-null value if `--toc/--table-of-contents` was specified + `include-before` : contents specified by `-B/--include-before-body` (may have multiple values) + `include-after` : contents specified by `-A/--include-after-body` (may have multiple values) + `body` : body of document + `lang` : language code for HTML or LaTeX documents + `slidy-url` : base URL for Slidy documents (defaults to `http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2`) + `slideous-url` : base URL for Slideous documents (defaults to `slideous`) + `s5-url` : base URL for S5 documents (defaults to `s5/default`) + `revealjs-url` : base URL for reveal.js documents (defaults to `reveal.js`) + `theme` : reveal.js or LaTeX beamer theme + `transition` : reveal.js transition + `fontsize` : font size (10pt, 11pt, 12pt) for LaTeX documents + `documentclass` : document class for LaTeX documents + `classoption` : option for LaTeX documentclass, e.g. `oneside`; may be repeated for multiple options + `geometry` : options for LaTeX `geometry` class, e.g. `margin=1in`; may be repeated for multiple options + `linestretch` : adjusts line spacing (requires the `setspace` package) + `fontfamily` : font package to use for LaTeX documents (with pdflatex): TeXLive has `bookman` (Bookman), `utopia` or `fourier` (Utopia), @@ -820,38 +837,54 @@ as `title`, `author`, and `date`) as well as the following: `mathpazo` or `pxfonts` or `mathpple` (Palatino), `libertine` (Linux Libertine), `arev` (Arev Sans), and the default `lmodern`, among others. + `mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont` : fonts for LaTeX documents (works only with xelatex and lualatex) + `colortheme` : colortheme for LaTeX beamer documents + `fonttheme` : fonttheme for LaTeX beamer documents + `linkcolor` : color for internal links in LaTeX documents (`red`, `green`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `blue`, `black`) + `urlcolor` : color for external links in LaTeX documents + `citecolor` : color for citation links in LaTeX documents + `links-as-notes` : causes links to be printed as footnotes in LaTeX documents + `toc` : include table of contents in LaTeX documents + `toc-depth` : level of section to include in table of contents in LaTeX documents + `lof` : include list of figures in LaTeX documents + `lot` : include list of tables in LaTeX documents + `biblio-style` : bibliography style in LaTeX, when used with `--natbib` + `biblio-files` : bibliography files to use in LaTeX, with `--natbib` or `--biblatex` + `section` : section number in man pages + `header` : header in man pages + `footer` : footer in man pages