Roff reader: improved escape parsing.
Closes #5032. This also removes the FontSize constructor from LinePart. We don't need this yet.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 69 additions and 62 deletions
@ -294,7 +294,6 @@ linePartsToInlines = go False
if fontMonospace fs
then break (withFont (not . fontMonospace)) xs
else ([], xs)
go mono (FontSize _fs : xs) = go mono xs
parsePara :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parsePara = para . trimInlines <$> parseInlines
@ -405,7 +404,6 @@ parseCodeBlock = try $ do
, all isFontToken ss -> return Nothing
| otherwise -> return $ Just $ linePartsToString ss
isFontToken FontSize{} = True
isFontToken Font{} = True
isFontToken _ = False
@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ type MacroKind = String
data LinePart = RoffStr String
| Font FontSpec
| FontSize Int
| MacroArg Int
deriving Show
@ -215,58 +214,85 @@ escapeNormal :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escapeNormal = do
c <- anyChar
case c of
'A' -> quoteArg >>= checkDefined
'C' -> quoteArg >>= resolveGlyph '\''
'f' -> escFont
's' -> escFontSize
'*' -> escString
' ' -> return [RoffStr " "]
'"' -> mempty <$ skipMany (satisfy (/='\n')) -- line comment
'#' -> mempty <$ manyTill anyChar newline
'%' -> return mempty -- optional hyphenation
':' -> return mempty -- zero-width break
'{' -> return mempty
'}' -> return mempty
'&' -> return mempty -- nonprintable zero-width
')' -> return mempty -- nonprintable zero-width
'/' -> return mempty -- to fix spacing before roman
'*' -> escString
',' -> return mempty -- to fix spacing after roman
'\n' -> return mempty -- line continuation
'c' -> return mempty -- interrupt text processing
'a' -> return mempty -- "non-interpreted leader character"
'-' -> return [RoffStr "-"]
'.' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'/' -> return mempty -- to fix spacing before roman
'0' -> return [RoffStr "\x2007"] -- digit-width space
':' -> return mempty -- zero-width break
'A' -> quoteArg >>= checkDefined
'B' -> escIgnore 'B' [quoteArg]
'C' -> quoteArg >>= resolveGlyph '\''
'D' -> escIgnore 'D' [quoteArg]
'E' -> do
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
CopyMode -> return mempty
NormalMode -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
'H' -> escIgnore 'H' [quoteArg]
'L' -> escIgnore 'L' [quoteArg]
'M' -> escIgnore 'M' [escapeArg, count 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'N' -> escIgnore 'N' [quoteArg]
'O' -> escIgnore 'O' [count 1 (oneOf ['0','1'])]
'R' -> escIgnore 'R' [quoteArg]
'S' -> escIgnore 'S' [quoteArg]
'V' -> escIgnore 'V' [escapeArg, count 1 alphaNum]
'X' -> escIgnore 'X' [quoteArg]
'Y' -> escIgnore 'Y' [escapeArg, count 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'Z' -> escIgnore 'Z' [quoteArg]
'\'' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'\n' -> return mempty -- line continuation
'^' -> return [RoffStr "\x200A"] -- 1/12 em space
'_' -> return [RoffStr "_"]
' ' -> return [RoffStr " "]
'`' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'a' -> return mempty -- "non-interpreted leader character"
'b' -> escIgnore 'b' [quoteArg]
'c' -> return mempty -- interrupt text processing
'd' -> escIgnore 'd' [] -- forward down 1/2em
'e' -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
'f' -> escFont
'g' -> escIgnore 'g' [escapeArg, count 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'h' -> escIgnore 'h' [quoteArg]
'k' -> escIgnore 'k' [escapeArg, count 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'l' -> escIgnore 'l' [quoteArg]
'm' -> escIgnore 'm' [escapeArg, count 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'n' -> escIgnore 'm' [escapeArg, count 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'o' -> escIgnore 'o' [quoteArg]
'p' -> escIgnore 'p' []
'r' -> escIgnore 'r' []
's' -> escIgnore 's' [escapeArg, signedNumber]
't' -> return [RoffStr "\t"]
'u' -> escIgnore 'u' []
'v' -> escIgnore 'v' [quoteArg]
'w' -> escIgnore 'w' [quoteArg]
'x' -> escIgnore 'x' [quoteArg]
'z' -> escIgnore 'z' [count 1 anyChar]
'{' -> return mempty
'|' -> return [RoffStr "\x2006"] --1/6 em space
'}' -> return mempty
'~' -> return [RoffStr "\160"] -- nonbreaking space
'\\' -> do
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
CopyMode -> char '\\'
NormalMode -> return '\\'
return [RoffStr "\\"]
't' -> return [RoffStr "\t"]
'e' -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
'E' -> do
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
CopyMode -> return mempty
NormalMode -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
'`' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'^' -> return [RoffStr "\x200A"] -- 1/12 em space
'|' -> return [RoffStr "\x2006"] --1/6 em space
'\'' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'.' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'~' -> return [RoffStr "\160"] -- nonbreaking space
'0' -> return [RoffStr "\x2007"] -- digit-width space
_ -> escIgnore c
_ -> fail $ "Unknown escape character \\" ++ [c]
escIgnore :: PandocMonad m => Char -> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escIgnore c = do
escIgnore :: PandocMonad m
=> Char
-> [RoffLexer m String]
-> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escIgnore c argparsers = do
pos <- getPosition
nextc <- lookAhead anyChar
arg <- case nextc of
'[' -> (\x -> "[" ++ x ++ "]") <$> escapeArg
'(' -> ('(':) <$> escapeArg
'\'' -> (\x -> "'" ++ x ++ "'") <$> quoteArg
_ -> count 1 anyChar
arg <- snd <$> withRaw (choice argparsers) <|> return ""
report $ SkippedContent ('\\':c:arg) pos
return mempty
@ -276,34 +302,17 @@ escUnknown s = do
report $ SkippedContent s pos
return [RoffStr "\xFFFD"]
-- \s-1 \s0
escFontSize :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escFontSize = do
let sign = option "" ("-" <$ char '-' <|> "" <$ char '+')
let toFontSize xs =
case safeRead xs of
Nothing -> mzero
Just n -> return [FontSize n]
[ do char '('
s <- sign
ds <- count 2 digit
toFontSize (s ++ ds)
, do char '['
s <- sign
ds <- many1 digit
char ']'
toFontSize (s ++ ds)
, do s <- sign
ds <- count 1 digit
toFontSize (s ++ ds)
signedNumber :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m String
signedNumber = try $ do
sign <- option "" ("-" <$ char '-' <|> "" <$ char '+')
ds <- many1 digit
return (sign ++ ds)
-- Parses: [..] or (..
escapeArg :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m String
escapeArg = choice
[ char '[' *> manyTill (noneOf ['\n',']']) (char ']')
, char '(' *> count 2 anyChar
, char '(' *> count 2 (satisfy (/='\n'))
-- Parses: '..'
Add table
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