Shared: Added findFirstFile, findDataFile, refactored readDataFile.

This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2010-11-19 22:13:30 -08:00
parent 6390103509
commit 9cb0581de6

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@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
-- * File handling
) where
@ -538,11 +540,28 @@ inDirectory path action = do
setCurrentDirectory oldDir
return result
-- | Get full file path for the first of a list of files found in the
-- specified directory.
findFirstFile :: (Maybe FilePath) -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFirstFile Nothing _ = return Nothing
findFirstFile (Just _) [] = return Nothing
findFirstFile (Just dir) (f:fs) = do
ex <- doesFileExist (dir </> f)
if ex
then return $ Just (dir </> f)
else findFirstFile (Just dir) fs
-- | Get file path for data file, either from specified user data directory,
-- or, if not found there, from Cabal data directory.
findDataFile :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
findDataFile Nothing f = getDataFileName f
findDataFile (Just u) f = do
ex <- doesFileExist (u </> f)
if ex
then return (u </> f)
else getDataFileName f
-- | Read file from specified user data directory or, if not found there, from
-- Cabal data directory.
readDataFile :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO String
readDataFile userDir fname =
case userDir of
Nothing -> getDataFileName fname >>= UTF8.readFile
Just u -> catch (UTF8.readFile $ u </> fname)
(\_ -> getDataFileName fname >>= UTF8.readFile)
readDataFile userDir fname = findDataFile userDir fname >>= UTF8.readFile