diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX/Table.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX/Table.hs
index 9dd66c8a3..8411d9f80 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX/Table.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX/Table.hs
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ rowToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
            -> LW m (Doc Text)
 rowToLaTeX blocksWriter celltype row = do
   cellsDocs <- mapM (cellToLaTeX blocksWriter celltype) (fillRow row)
-  return $ hsep (intersperse "&" cellsDocs) <> " \\\\ \\addlinespace"
+  return $ hsep (intersperse "&" cellsDocs) <> " \\\\"
 -- | Pads row with empty cells to adjust for rowspans above this row.
 fillRow :: [Ann.Cell] -> [Ann.Cell]
diff --git a/test/command/2378.md b/test/command/2378.md
index e81855367..59359c653 100644
--- a/test/command/2378.md
+++ b/test/command/2378.md
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ is used.
 \caption{a table}\tabularnewline
-x & y\footnote{a footnote} \\ \addlinespace
+x & y\footnote{a footnote} \\
-x & y{} \\ \addlinespace
+x & y{} \\
-1 & 2 \\ \addlinespace
+1 & 2 \\
diff --git a/test/command/5367.md b/test/command/5367.md
index 4dbcca771..2d3a5e52e 100644
--- a/test/command/5367.md
+++ b/test/command/5367.md
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ hello\footnote{doc footnote}
   >{\centering\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 0\tabcolsep) * \real{0.17}}@{}}
 \caption[Sample table.]{Sample table.\footnote{caption footnote}}\tabularnewline
-Fruit\footnote{header footnote} \\ \addlinespace
+Fruit\footnote{header footnote} \\
-Fruit{} \\ \addlinespace
+Fruit{} \\
-Bans\footnote{table cell footnote} \\ \addlinespace
+Bans\footnote{table cell footnote} \\
diff --git a/test/tables.latex b/test/tables.latex
index 38c571ba6..afa14d845 100644
--- a/test/tables.latex
+++ b/test/tables.latex
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ Simple table with caption:
 \caption{Demonstration of simple table syntax.}\tabularnewline
-Right & Left & Center & Default \\ \addlinespace
+Right & Left & Center & Default \\
-Right & Left & Center & Default \\ \addlinespace
+Right & Left & Center & Default \\
-12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\ \addlinespace
-123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\ \addlinespace
-1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \addlinespace
+12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\
+123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\
+1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ Simple table without caption:
-Right & Left & Center & Default \\ \addlinespace
+Right & Left & Center & Default \\
-12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\ \addlinespace
-123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\ \addlinespace
-1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \addlinespace
+12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\
+123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\
+1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ Simple table indented two spaces:
 \caption{Demonstration of simple table syntax.}\tabularnewline
-Right & Left & Center & Default \\ \addlinespace
+Right & Left & Center & Default \\
-Right & Left & Center & Default \\ \addlinespace
+Right & Left & Center & Default \\
-12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\ \addlinespace
-123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\ \addlinespace
-1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \addlinespace
+12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\
+123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\
+1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
@@ -56,19 +56,15 @@ Multiline table with caption:
   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.35}}@{}}
 \caption{Here's the caption. It may span multiple lines.}\tabularnewline
-Centered Header & Left Aligned & Right Aligned & Default
-aligned \\ \addlinespace
+Centered Header & Left Aligned & Right Aligned & Default aligned \\
-Centered Header & Left Aligned & Right Aligned & Default
-aligned \\ \addlinespace
+Centered Header & Left Aligned & Right Aligned & Default aligned \\
-First & row & 12.0 & Example of a row that spans multiple
-lines. \\ \addlinespace
-Second & row & 5.0 & Here's another one. Note the blank line between
-rows. \\ \addlinespace
+First & row & 12.0 & Example of a row that spans multiple lines. \\
+Second & row & 5.0 & Here's another one. Note the blank line between rows. \\
@@ -80,14 +76,11 @@ Multiline table without caption:
   >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.16}}
   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.35}}@{}}
-Centered Header & Left Aligned & Right Aligned & Default
-aligned \\ \addlinespace
+Centered Header & Left Aligned & Right Aligned & Default aligned \\
-First & row & 12.0 & Example of a row that spans multiple
-lines. \\ \addlinespace
-Second & row & 5.0 & Here's another one. Note the blank line between
-rows. \\ \addlinespace
+First & row & 12.0 & Example of a row that spans multiple lines. \\
+Second & row & 5.0 & Here's another one. Note the blank line between rows. \\
@@ -96,9 +89,9 @@ Table without column headers:
-12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\ \addlinespace
-123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\ \addlinespace
-1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \addlinespace
+12 & 12 & 12 & 12 \\
+123 & 123 & 123 & 123 \\
+1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
@@ -111,9 +104,7 @@ Multiline table without column headers:
   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.35}}@{}}
-First & row & 12.0 & Example of a row that spans multiple
-lines. \\ \addlinespace
-Second & row & 5.0 & Here's another one. Note the blank line between
-rows. \\ \addlinespace
+First & row & 12.0 & Example of a row that spans multiple lines. \\
+Second & row & 5.0 & Here's another one. Note the blank line between rows. \\
diff --git a/test/tables/nordics.latex b/test/tables/nordics.latex
index d1a0b4aed..1b5929bad 100644
--- a/test/tables/nordics.latex
+++ b/test/tables/nordics.latex
@@ -6,21 +6,19 @@
 \caption{States belonging to the \emph{Nordics.}}\tabularnewline
 Name & Capital & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Population}\hbox{\strut (in 2018)}} &
-\vtop{\hbox{\strut Area}\hbox{\strut (in
-km\textsuperscript{2})}} \\ \addlinespace
+\vtop{\hbox{\strut Area}\hbox{\strut (in km\textsuperscript{2})}} \\
 Name & Capital & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Population}\hbox{\strut (in 2018)}} &
-\vtop{\hbox{\strut Area}\hbox{\strut (in
-km\textsuperscript{2})}} \\ \addlinespace
+\vtop{\hbox{\strut Area}\hbox{\strut (in km\textsuperscript{2})}} \\
-Denmark & Copenhagen & 5,809,502 & 43,094 \\ \addlinespace
-Finland & Helsinki & 5,537,364 & 338,145 \\ \addlinespace
-Iceland & Reykjavik & 343,518 & 103,000 \\ \addlinespace
-Norway & Oslo & 5,372,191 & 323,802 \\ \addlinespace
-Sweden & Stockholm & 10,313,447 & 450,295 \\ \addlinespace
-Total & & 27,376,022 & 1,258,336 \\ \addlinespace
+Denmark & Copenhagen & 5,809,502 & 43,094 \\
+Finland & Helsinki & 5,537,364 & 338,145 \\
+Iceland & Reykjavik & 343,518 & 103,000 \\
+Norway & Oslo & 5,372,191 & 323,802 \\
+Sweden & Stockholm & 10,313,447 & 450,295 \\
+Total & & 27,376,022 & 1,258,336 \\
diff --git a/test/tables/planets.latex b/test/tables/planets.latex
index 9457b6821..8238c43f3 100644
--- a/test/tables/planets.latex
+++ b/test/tables/planets.latex
@@ -3,34 +3,28 @@
 \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & Name & Mass (10\^{}24kg) & Diameter (km) & Density
 (kg/m\^{}3) & Gravity (m/s\^{}2) & Length of day (hours) & Distance from Sun
-(10\^{}6km) & Mean temperature (C) & Number of moons & Notes \\ \addlinespace
+(10\^{}6km) & Mean temperature (C) & Number of moons & Notes \\
 \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & Name & Mass (10\^{}24kg) & Diameter (km) & Density
 (kg/m\^{}3) & Gravity (m/s\^{}2) & Length of day (hours) & Distance from Sun
-(10\^{}6km) & Mean temperature (C) & Number of moons & Notes \\ \addlinespace
+(10\^{}6km) & Mean temperature (C) & Number of moons & Notes \\
 \multicolumn{2}{l}{\multirow{4}{*}{Terrestrial planets}} & Mercury & 0.330 &
-4,879 & 5427 & 3.7 & 4222.6 & 57.9 & 167 & 0 & Closest to the
-Sun \\ \addlinespace
-& & Venus & 4.87 & 12,104 & 5243 & 8.9 & 2802.0 & 108.2 & 464 & 0
-& \\ \addlinespace
-& & Earth & 5.97 & 12,756 & 5514 & 9.8 & 24.0 & 149.6 & 15 & 1 & Our
-world \\ \addlinespace
+4,879 & 5427 & 3.7 & 4222.6 & 57.9 & 167 & 0 & Closest to the Sun \\
+& & Venus & 4.87 & 12,104 & 5243 & 8.9 & 2802.0 & 108.2 & 464 & 0 & \\
+& & Earth & 5.97 & 12,756 & 5514 & 9.8 & 24.0 & 149.6 & 15 & 1 & Our world \\
 & & Mars & 0.642 & 6,792 & 3933 & 3.7 & 24.7 & 227.9 & -65 & 2 & The red
-planet \\ \addlinespace
+planet \\
 \multirow{4}{*}{Jovian planets} & \multirow{2}{*}{Gas giants} & Jupiter & 1898
-& 142,984 & 1326 & 23.1 & 9.9 & 778.6 & -110 & 67 & The largest
-planet \\ \addlinespace
-& & Saturn & 568 & 120,536 & 687 & 9.0 & 10.7 & 1433.5 & -140 & 62
-& \\ \addlinespace
+& 142,984 & 1326 & 23.1 & 9.9 & 778.6 & -110 & 67 & The largest planet \\
+& & Saturn & 568 & 120,536 & 687 & 9.0 & 10.7 & 1433.5 & -140 & 62 & \\
 & \multirow{2}{*}{Ice giants} & Uranus & 86.8 & 51,118 & 1271 & 8.7 & 17.2 &
-2872.5 & -195 & 27 & \\ \addlinespace
-& & Neptune & 102 & 49,528 & 1638 & 11.0 & 16.1 & 4495.1 & -200 & 14
-& \\ \addlinespace
+2872.5 & -195 & 27 & \\
+& & Neptune & 102 & 49,528 & 1638 & 11.0 & 16.1 & 4495.1 & -200 & 14 & \\
 \multicolumn{2}{l}{Dwarf planets} & Pluto & 0.0146 & 2,370 & 2095 & 0.7 &
-153.3 & 5906.4 & -225 & 5 & Declassified as a planet in 2006. \\ \addlinespace
+153.3 & 5906.4 & -225 & 5 & Declassified as a planet in 2006. \\
diff --git a/test/tables/students.latex b/test/tables/students.latex
index 680a539d3..87efb0851 100644
--- a/test/tables/students.latex
+++ b/test/tables/students.latex
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 2\tabcolsep) * \real{0.50}}@{}}
 \caption{List of Students}\tabularnewline
-Student ID & Name \\ \addlinespace
+Student ID & Name \\
-Student ID & Name \\ \addlinespace
+Student ID & Name \\
-\multicolumn{2}{l}{Computer Science} \\ \addlinespace
-3741255 & Jones, Martha \\ \addlinespace
-4077830 & Pierce, Benjamin \\ \addlinespace
-5151701 & Kirk, James \\ \addlinespace
-\multicolumn{2}{l}{Russian Literature} \\ \addlinespace
-3971244 & Nim, Victor \\ \addlinespace
-\multicolumn{2}{l}{Astrophysics} \\ \addlinespace
-4100332 & Petrov, Alexandra \\ \addlinespace
-4100332 & Toyota, Hiroko \\ \addlinespace
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{Computer Science} \\
+3741255 & Jones, Martha \\
+4077830 & Pierce, Benjamin \\
+5151701 & Kirk, James \\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{Russian Literature} \\
+3971244 & Nim, Victor \\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{Astrophysics} \\
+4100332 & Petrov, Alexandra \\
+4100332 & Toyota, Hiroko \\